Page 7 of Storm Prey

  She could feel him focused on her window, still coming, saw him lift his hand, in a peculiar way, and of the thousand things that might have occurred to her, only one rang true: she was a cop's wife and she thought, Gun.

  She flicked the car left, into his lane, and at the same instant she hit the brakes on the Audi, hard, and the bike flicked left and surged past her, the rider, snapping his head around, dropped whatever it was, tried to grab it with his clutch hand, lost it, and she still thought, Gun, and she yanked the wheel left and fell in behind him, and with a surge of road rage, floored the accelerator again.

  She hadn't had time to process it, but instinct told her that this was one of the guys from the robbery, one of the guys who killed Don, and now they were after her: and she was not the turn-the-other-cheek sort.

  Though the Audi was fast, it was no match for the bike. The rider glanced back, saw her coming and took off, the front wheel lifting off the ground. She got the impression of a small man. The people from the hospital were supposed to be fairly big ... but there was no doubt about what he'd tried to do, not in her mind.

  She stayed with him for a few hundred yards, but he sliced up the white line between two cars and was pulling away when the Cretin Avenue exit came up.

  She swerved onto it, up to the top, turned right, stopped beside the golf course, unsnapped her seat belt and turned to watch traffic, as she pulled out her cell phone and punched in 911.

  "Is this an emergency?"

  "My name is Weather Karkinnen, and I'm a surgeon. A man just tried to kill me. He's on I-94 going east toward Snelling on a motorcycle. He's going really fast ..."

  LUCAS SHOWED up fifteen minutes later.

  Weather had driven around the golf course to the clubhouse. She parked, went inside, told the restaurant manager that she was waiting for police. The first cops arrived two minutes later; in the interval, she'd called Lucas.

  "I'm pretty sure," she told him on the phone. "Whatever it was, the gun, if it was a gun, he dropped it, and then he took off."

  "You know where he dropped it?" Lucas asked.

  "Just after 280. Right there ... maybe three or four hundred yards east," she said.

  "Okay. Any chance he saw where you went? That you're at the club?"

  "No. I called nine-one-one, and then came right here to wait for the police," she said.

  "Stay there, stay inside. I'm coming."

  WHEN THE FIRST St. Paul cops showed up, they were skeptical. When she explained that she might have seen the face of one of the robbers who took down the hospital, they became interested. When she mentioned that Lucas was her husband, and that she had some familiarity with assholes, and this particular asshole may have dropped a gun on the highway, they got busy.

  Lucas arrived in the truck, shouldered past the cops and asked, "You okay?"

  "I'm fine." She was fine, but she could see that he was not. He was white-faced with anger.

  He turned to one of the cops and said, "Did you get somebody to look for a weapon?"

  The cop nodded. "We're rolling on it. We've got a highway patrol guy to block off 94, and two of our cars down there with him. It's gonna be a mess, though. Rush hour."

  Back to Weather: "The guy you saw yesterday. He's got to be the robber. What kind of a bike was it? Anything you recognize?"

  "It wasn't a Harley, that's all I know," she said. "The guy's legs were behind him, so he was leaning over the handlebars. When he took off, the front wheel came right off the ground. He was wearing a black helmet. But he was kind of a small guy, I think. That's the impression I got."

  "Crotch rocket," one of the cops said. "The highway patrol guy had a stop just east of downtown, and when Miz Davenport called, they passed the word to him and he was looking for the bike. Nothing came through, so the guy got off somewhere."

  "Not many bikes at this time of year," the other cop said. "Too much snow and ice."

  "Clear right now," Lucas said.

  "On I-94 it is, but you wouldn't want to cut any corners on the back streets," the cop said.

  Lucas nodded: the cop was right. "Had any reports of stolen bikes?"

  "We'll check."

  LUCAS TURNED BACK to Weather. "We've got to lose you until we find the guy. We could put you in the University Radisson...."

  Weather shook her head. "Nope, nope. I need my sleep, and I need to be at home, with the kids, and I need to get to the hospital at the right time every day. And maybe in the middle of the night."

  "How're the twins?"

  "Sara's heart is a problem," Weather said. "They're working on it now, but the stuff they need to give her causes problems for Ellen. So--maybe we'll be good tomorrow."


  She shrugged. "Not terribly--but it could get bad if this goes on for a few days. We knew it might, but hoped it wouldn't. That's why I need to be at home."

  Lucas said, "What would you think about a house guest?"

  She shook her head. "Lucas, I don't want Shrake or Jenkins bumbling around the house. I mean, those guys could fall on the piano and break it."

  "I called Virgil. He said he would be here in an hour."

  She nodded. "Virgil would be okay. Besides, it sounds like it's settled."

  "Yes, it is," he said.

  She recognized the tone. They both had tempers, and they had learned to recognize when the other was putting his/her foot down, when things had moved beyond negotiation. She nodded: Virgil it was.

  LUCAS CALLED the cops' supervisor, an old friend named Larouse, who said he'd call with any news. "You want a car outside your house?"

  "You don't have to park it, but if you'd cruise it pretty steadily, that'd be good."

  "We'll check every movin' dog," Larouse said. Then, "Hang on a minute." There was a moment of silence, then Larouse was back. "We've got a gun. A Taurus revolver. Listen to this: it's loaded with three .410 shells and two Colt .45s. Got run over about two hundred times, but the shells are still inside. Maybe we'll get something off them."

  They talked for a couple of more minutes, then Lucas signed off: "Get back to me, man."

  Weather had been listening and she asked, "Good news?" "Well, you weren't hallucinating--they found the gun."

  "I knew it."

  "It's all beat up. Got run over a lot. They're running it back to the lab. They'll check the shells for prints and then ship them over to us and see if we can pull any DNA."

  "Doesn't sound too hopeful."

  "Hey: if there're prints on the shells, Lodmell will pull them up. And I believe the guy'll be on record. You don't send somebody out with a man-killer and a crotch rocket if he's a virgin."

  "A man-killer?"

  He looked at her: "You got lucky."

  "Not just lucky," she said. The two cops had gone off a way, and she told him about flicking the Audi into the biker's lane, causing him to fumble the gun, and about going after him with the car.

  "Crazy woman," he said, and wrapped an arm around her head, in a headlock, and gave her a noogie.

  But he was scared.

  THE NOOGIE made her laugh, at least a bit, and then Lucas went off to talk to the cops again, leaving her, and suddenly, for the first time in years, she flashed back to a winter day with a motorcycle crazy named Dick LaChaise, at Hennepin General Hospital in Minneapolis.

  LaChaise and two killer friends had come to town looking for Lucas, because Lucas had led a major crimes squad that had killed LaChaise's wife and sister during a bank robbery. LaChaise had taken Weather hostage at the hospital. Lucas had come to negotiate in person, to talk LaChaise out of killing her.

  At least, that's what Weather had thought, and LaChaise, too.

  But as soon as LaChaise moved the muzzle of his pistol an inch from Weather's skull, a concealed sniper had shot him in the head. Weather went down, covered with blood, brains, and fragments of skull.

  She hadn't been able to stay with Lucas after that; it had taken years to get back. But they had gotten back, and now here was a
nother motorcycle hoodlum coming for her on the highway, and suddenly she was there again, in the hallway, and LaChaise's head was exploding behind her ...

  "No." She shook it off.

  She might flash back again, she thought, but she wasn't having it, this time. She'd worked all through it. LaChaise was dead, and this had nothing to do with Dick LaChaise or Lucas Davenport.

  Lucas touched her on the shoulder. "You okay?"

  "Yeah. Yeah."

  "You look like you've seen a ghost."

  "I suddenly got scared," she said. "Before, I was too busy to be scared."

  CAPPY SWORE and tried to grab the gun, fumbled it, then heard the scream of an angry engine, looked back, and realized that the bitch was coming after him. He hit the accelerator, felt the rush as the front wheel lifted free, cut down a center line and was gone. He watched her lights and saw her swerve left, and she was gone up the off-ramp. He took the next one, quick right at the top, then a left, down through the dark streets, careful about the leftover snow, and the black ice at intersections. Three blocks from Central High School, four minutes after he made the attempt on Weather, he stuck the bike between a couple of parked cars, walked a crooked route down to Central, watching his trail, to where Joe Mack was waiting in his van.

  "Missed," Cappy said, climbing into the passenger seat. "Bitch saw me and came after me with her car. Goddamn near ran me down. I lost the fuckin' gun."

  Mack stretched his neck, looking out of the van in all directions: "You're clean? Nobody's behind you?"

  "Nah, that part went fine. Dropped the bike, walked away, nobody saw my face with the scarf and all."

  "The gun ..."

  "Gun's clean, too. Hated to lose it, though. I needed that gun. I never fired a shot. I dunno."

  Two minutes and they were back on I-94, headed east. Joe Mack said, "I'm thinking about going over to Eddie's. You know? Got some guys who'll say I've been around for a couple weeks, had the haircut all the time."

  "Yeah?" Cappy wasn't too interested. He was thinking about what had happened; the lack of respect. And he'd noticed the alcohol that Joe Mack was breathing all over him: that didn't seem right. Your pickup guy shouldn't be getting drunk.

  He said, "That bitch tried to run me down. I was coming beside her, running good, and all of a sudden, she like, jukes into my lane. I goddamn near ran up her tailpipe. I got only one hand on the handbar, and I freak and I drop the gun, but I get back on top of the bike and the next thing I know, she's about six feet behind me and coming for me. What kind of bitch is that?"

  "The thing about Eddie's is, you know, you ever been in fuckin' Green Bay?"

  "I oughta kill the bitch for free, after that," Cappy said.


  Cappy looked at him and realized that Joe was dead drunk. "Pull over," he said. "Let me drive."

  CAPPY DROVE back to his room, in an old house in St. Paul Park, and Joe said he was fine, took the keys and headed back to Cherries. Lyle was waiting in the back.

  "No go," Joe Mack said. He told Cappy's story, then shook his head. "I think we made a mistake bringing Cappy into it. If this chick talks to the cops, they'll be looking at bikers. Before, they weren't looking at bikers. If they start showing her pictures, I might turn up."

  Lyle Mack said, "I didn't think of that."

  Joe Mack said, "You know, maybe we're not smart enough to pull this off. Maybe we oughta run on down to Mexico for a couple years."

  Lyle Mack looked around at the bar: "But what'd we do with Cherries?"

  Joe Mack said, "I don't know. Once, you said, we maybe should sell it to Honey Bee. On paper. You know, to keep our names out of it. Maybe--"

  "Aw, man. We gotta do better'n that." Lyle cocked an ear to the front room, where "Long Haired Country Boy" was booming out of the jukebox. "How could we leave this?"

  A SNOW FLURRY had just crossed the Mississippi when Virgil showed up. He got out of his truck and a squad car pulled to the side of the street and two cops rolled out, and Lucas stuck his head through the front door and yelled, "He's good."

  The cops waved and moved on. Virgil, watching them go, said, "Heavy."

  Virgil was a tall man, nearly as tall as Lucas, but wiry, with shoulder-length blond hair like a surfer's. Lucas, on the other hand, was heavy through the shoulders, and dark.

  Virgil lifted a duffel bag out of the truck and came up, and Lucas stepped out on the porch. "They sent a guy after her on a Yamaha sport bike," he said. "St. Paul found it ditched off Snelling Avenue. He picked her up right at the hospital, so they must have a spotter inside. He had a handgun that fires .410 shells. The idea was to pull up beside her and put the barrel one inch from the window and blow her out the other side of the car."

  "Who's the owner of the bike?"

  "A guy ... Dick Morris. St. Paul checked him out. He says the bike was stolen from his garage while he was at work, and the St. Paul guys believe him. He's pretty straight, a business guy--he seemed pretty scared when he found out what was going on. He rides with a couple clubs, lots of people knew about his bike."

  "The shooter who came after Weather would have to be a good rider," Virgil said. "Good rider with a good bike gun, who knew what he was doing."

  Lucas said, "I think so."

  "You had some trouble with the Seed," Virgil said. "Weather was involved."

  "A long time ago," Lucas said. "And this gun came out of California."


  Lucas thought about it, and then said, "It's the robbery. I doubt they even know who she is. Still, could be a Seed guy with the gun. They've got some kind of deal with the Angels, they've been coming across the river."

  The Bad Seed was a Wisconsin club, originally out of Green Bay and Milwaukee; the Angels dominated the Twin Cities.

  "All those guys are getting old, they're merging," Virgil said. "I've seen Banditos over on the West Side, riding with their colors."

  "Hmm. Don't think we need to bother Weather about it," Lucas said. And, "You got your gun?"

  Virgil smiled. "I knew you were going to ask." He patted his side. "Right here, boss. And I got a twelve-gauge in the truck. I'll get it later."

  As they went back inside, Lucas asked, "You know what she did? After she saw the gun?"


  "Tried to run his ass down," Lucas said.

  "Semper fi," Virgil said.

  INSIDE, LUCAS introduced Virgil to Marcy Sherrill, who'd stopped to talk about the attempt on Weather. "She's a deputy chief over in Minneapolis," Lucas said.

  They shook hands and Virgil said, "Yeah, we met a few years ago--the Yellow Peril thing," Virgil said. "Don't know if you remember. I was working with Jim Locke, before he retired."

  "I remember," Marcy said. "Jeez, that must have been six or eight years ago."

  Lucas said, "I don't remember--"

  "I think that was after you got kicked off the force, and before you came back," Marcy said. "Some asshole ..."

  "Louis Barney," Virgil said.

  "Yeah--Louis X. Barney ... He stole a bunch of five-gallon cans of methanol from some race-car guy's garage. He told the judge that he just thought it was alcohol. And he figures what the heck, the winos wouldn't know any different. He blended it with pineapple juice and started selling it on the street. We had four people go blind, and two people die, before we caught him."

  Virgil: "Wonder if he's out yet?"

  "He got twenty years ... but I think that was under the old two-thirds rule ... so not yet, but he's getting close."

  "Pretty stiff, for a semi-accident," Lucas said.

  "The judge didn't believe him," Marcy said. "Barney was a drunk himself, but he didn't drink any of it."

  WEATHER CAME IN, carrying a coffeepot, followed by the housekeeper with a tray full of cookies, and Weather kissed Virgil on the forehead and messed up his hair, and said, "Your nose looks fine." And to Marcy: "The last time I saw him, he had this big aluminum thing on his nose. From a fight."

  "I read about it,
" Marcy said. "The buried car thing."

  "How you doin'?" Virgil asked Weather.

  "I've been thinking about it, and thinking about it, and thinking about it," Weather said. "You know what? I can't think about it. I've got too much to think about already, with this operation. So I'm not going to pay any attention to it. I'm going to let you guys take care of me."

  "Good plan," Marcy said. "If they come again, we'll get one. Could break it for us."

  "They spotted her in the hospital. Somebody in the hospital set it up," Lucas said.

  "I think so," Marcy said. "We're putting hammerlocks on everybody. We're pushing it--we've pulled people off about everything else."

  "So there's no reason for me to jump in," Lucas said.

  She smiled at him. "Nope. No reason at all."

  As THEY were shutting down for the night, with the kids asleep and the housekeeper in her apartment, Weather already gone back to the bedroom, Virgil was jacking triple-ought shells into his twelve-gauge and he said to Lucas, "There is a good reason for you to jump in. You're the second smartest cop in Minnesota. They can always use more of that."

  "I'm always a little sensitive around Marcy," Lucas said. "She used to work for me, you know."

  Virgil snorted. He knew about their history.


  "The point remains," Virgil said. "Never hurts to have a little more IQ on the job. Fortunately, you got me."

  IN THE WINTER, Weather slept in a variety of ankle-length flannel nightgowns, and on really cold nights, she wore socks, even though it was no colder in the bedroom on really cold nights than on halfway-cold nights. When Lucas got back to the bedroom, she was wearing a man's wife-beater undershirt that clung to her body and was low-cut enough to show the rim of her nipples at the top; and white bikini underpants.

  Lucas said, "Oh, God. I'm so tired, too."