Page 20 of Apollyon

Page 20


  It seemed too late to apologize now, and knowing Lea, it wouldn’t change anything, not that I expected it would.

  Lea watched me now, head tilted to the side as if she knew where my thoughts had gone. She smiled tightly. “You let up on the air element while we were fighting. ”

  My mouth dropped opened, but she rushed on.

  “I wouldn’t have broken your hold if you hadn’t let up. I felt it lessen—the pressure—and I didn’t realize right away that you did it, but I figured it out,” she said, as if she wanted to prove that she’d been smart enough to see through it. “What I don’t get is why you did it. You could’ve pushed me straight through the ground. Gods know you never had a problem coming after me before. What’s so different now?”

  Unfolding my arms, I gripped the edge of the desk. I had no idea what to say. Lea was right. I had let up on the air element, and that wasn’t the only thing she called me out on. A few months ago, if I’d had control over the element then, I would’ve tossed her around the forest for the fun of it, maybe even thrown another apple at her face. Anything was possible.

  I tugged on my hair, pulling the thick braid over one shoulder. Lea waited for my explanation and I felt my cheeks redden.

  Her amethyst eyes narrowed.

  Blowing out a low breath, I rolled my eyes and tossed my hair back over my shoulder. “Okay. You got me. I did let up, and I did it because I remember how much it sucked to be held down like that and be helpless. I hated it when Seth did it to me. ”

  She paled under her ever-present tan. “He… he did that to you?”

  “In training,” I said, dismissing where her mind was obviously going with that. “Anyway, I just couldn’t do that to someone else, even if that person is a stuck-up, tan-as-leather hooch. ”

  Lea watched me a moment, then cracked a smile. “And that’s coming from Alex, Covenant dropout extraordinaire and psycho Apollyon. ”

  My lips twitched. “Ow. Burn. ”

  Turning her head, she hid her grin but quickly sobered as she faced me. “You’ve changed so much, Alex. ”

  Part of me wanted to deny it, but it was true. As I stared back at the copper-haired girl, I realized we’d both irrevocably changed. There was no going back to the girls we’d been over the past summer.

  Lea sighed and her nose wrinkled. “So… this is awkward. ”

  I laughed. “Yeah, it is. I feel like I need to insult you some more. ”

  She leaned back in an arrogant sprawl as she raised her hands. “Do your best. ”

  “It’s too easy,” I said, letting go of the desk, feeling the blood rush back into my fingertips. “I’ll just wait for you to do something to tick me off. I’m sure it won’t take long. ”

  “Probably not,” she replied. “I’m surprised you’re not all up Olivia’s butt. ”

  I arched a brow. “Trying to tick me off so soon? I’m surprised. ”

  Lea shrugged and then there was a pause. “Olivia told me that you saw Caleb twice. Was that… was that true?”

  I nodded. “I saw him when I went to the Underworld, and he visited me right before I escaped. ”

  Her thick lashes swept down. “Was he okay?”

  And then it hit me. It wasn’t concern for Caleb or anything, but the reason she was asking had to do with her half-sister. “Yeah, he was more than okay. He was happier than he was before he passed. ” A lump formed in my throat and I focused on the empty bookshelves. “He said my mom was there, too, so I’m sure your parents and Dawn are there… and they’re okay. ”

  She drew in a choked breath, and like me, she suddenly became focused on the frayed edges of the couch arm. All half-bloods had been trained to show no pain, and gods forbid we cried. The whole show-no-weakness mantra was hard to leave behind.

  I dropped down on the cushion beside Lea and picked up the book she’d been reading. Turning the book over, my brows flew up as I got an eyeful of the hottie on the cover. “Wait. Is this book about aliens?”

  She snatched it back from me. “Yes. ”


  “But they’re hot aliens. ” She tapped on the guy’s face with one thin finger. “And he can be my ET any day. ”

  I laughed outright, and it did feel a little odd to be laughing with Lea of all people, but she smiled a little. Lea and I would never be BFF’s, but I wondered if, one day, we’d actually consider each other friends.

  A sharp slice of pain shot from behind my eyes and across my temples. Wincing, I stood and took a deep breath. “Do we have any Tylenol around?” Another shot of pain, like fire streaking through the vessels in my brain, caused nausea to rise in my throat. “Or a sledge hammer? Something?”

  “I’m sure there’s something—hey—hey—are you okay?” Lea’s voice suddenly sounded so, so far away, but her hand was on my arm.

  “Yeah, I’m… okay. ” I took a step and felt a tremble in my legs. Muscles twitched, gave way.

  An explosion flashed white in the dimly lit room, blinding me temporarily. I thought I screamed a warning. I thought I turned to move in front of Lea, but when the intense white light receded, I wasn’t in the little room anymore.

  The circular chamber was made of sandstone and lined with marble pillars. Strange glyphs covered the walls, runes that matched the ones gliding over my skin. There was nothing in the room—no couch or bookshelves or Lea—but I wasn’t alone.

  “What the hell?” I demanded.

  Standing before me was a god, one who looked like he wasn’t much older than me. The winged cap he wore hid most of his hair, but light brown wisps poked out from underneath. He wore a white chlamys cloak.

  The god gave a little smile. “Don’t kill the messenger. ”

  And then he blinked out.

  “What the fu—”

  Then I saw him. He leaned against one of the pillars, his back to me. The familiar black garb, the wave of blond hair—now slightly longer… Recognition sent a terrible, icy Shockwave of disbelief through me.

  “Seth?” I whispered.

  A heartbeat passed and he turned his head to the side. “I am not very happy with you, Alex. ”

  Horror rose quickly and I took an involuntarily step back. Before, I never would’ve feared him—would’ve laughed at the thought. But now I was terrified—not of him, but what he could do.

  Seth turned to me and his face was as I remembered—strong jaw and expressive lips, eyes like liquid amber and a beauty that was too perfect. It always reminded me of sculptures done in the images of the gods.

  He arched a mocking brow. “What? Are you struck speechless? That would be a first. ”

  “How?” I croaked, heart racing painfully.

  “We’re still connected, and I’ve been waiting for the right moment to… how should I say this? ‘Make a long-distance call via our bond’?” He smiled that smug half-grin. “Shield or not, I can still reach you… with a little help from friends in high places. ”

  The god… “Hermes?”

  Seth nodded. “He’s always been a fav of mine. Bringing you to me will surely piss off some of the other gods, which was all it took to convince Hermes to do it. And before you jump to the wrong conclusion, Hermes is not the god responsible for me. ”

  The fact that Seth had gotten Hermes to swoop in ticked me off, but it didn’t make sense. How had Hermes found me? Confusion swamped me, but there was something that tasted like blood behind it. “I don’t understand. Where am I?”

  “You’re where I want you to be. ” He took a calculated step forward.

  I inched backward. “That’s not much of an answer. ”

  Seth cocked his head to the side, eyes narrowing as he kept coming forward. “Do you think you deserve an answer?”

  Now I knew what tasted like metal in the back of my throat. Anger. “Am I dreaming, Seth?”

  He laughed; while we’d been connected, he had laughed a lot, but now I realized there was a difference between real
Seth and the ghost version of him. His presence was potent; his voice held a husky, musical quality to it with the slightest accent. And his laugh… his laugh was deep and smug.

  “You’re not dreaming, Alex. Like I said, I used our connection, and Hermes helped. This…” He spread his arms out, and the golden skin was covered in moving symbols. “This is in here. ” He tapped a finger off his skull. “It’s like Skyping. ”

  My hand itched to knock that smile off his face. “So this isn’t real?”

  “Oh, it’s real to a certain extent. ”

  I found that I’d kept backing up and now my back was against the warm sandstone wall. “This can’t be real. ”

  Seth stopped in front of me and leaned in, coming so close that I turned my head, my fingers curling helplessly at my sides. His breath danced over my cheek. “If you’re worried that I can transfer your power in this state, I can’t. Neither can I really get anything out of our bond. Your shields—” he rolled his eyes “—are still intact. I probably shouldn’t have taught you how to do that, but anyway, you’re not really here. Hermes rode our connection to your subconscious and pulled you into mine. ”

  Gods, that sounded so entirely messed up.

  “I missed you. So relax. ”

  Relax? I was supposed to relax when I was here, wherever here was, with crazy-pants Seth? My head jerked toward him. Our faces were mere inches apart. “You missed me?”

  “I miss the Alex who lived to make me happy. ” He laughed at what I was sure was a I’m going to murder you look that crossed my face. “Okay. I wanted to see if this would work and it did. ”

  “So if I touch you, then nothing will happen?”

  “Correct. ” His amber eyes flared. “Wait. You want to touch me? I like where this is going. ”

  I smiled, and then a second later I planted my fist in his stomach with everything I had in me. Doubling over, Seth grunted and let out a low curse. Moving forward, I brought my knee up, slamming into the same spot my fist had connected with seconds before.

  “Dammit, Alex, I can feel that. ” Seth straightened, rubbing his stomach.

  Sweet satisfaction tasted like sugar on my tongue. “Good! Because there’s more where that came from, you psychotic douchebag!” I swung again.

  Seth reacted quickly, capturing my hand in his. He pushed back, snatching my other wrist, which was heading for his face. Less than a second later, he had both my wrists pinned above my head.

  Smiling like I hadn’t just kicked the air out of his stomach, which totally ticked me off, he pressed in. “How many times have I told you, Alex? Hitting isn’t nice. ”

  I pushed off the wall, but all that succeeded in doing was bringing our bodies flush. Anger deepened the hue of his eyes, as did something else—interest and lust. And even though that made my skin crawl, I realized something important. The cord wasn’t snapping alive like it usually did when I was around him, especially when he was practically on top of me. It rested dormant in the pit of my stomach.