Page 13 of Changing Everything

  His smile widened, and he stood and moved behind me to push me toward the water. “Guess I’ll have to wait until we wake up.”

  A needy sound got caught in my throat, and he laughed softly.

  When we finished cleaning, he wrapped me in a large towel before drying off his body and walking back into the bedroom. Not bothering with clothes, I crawled onto his bed and lay facedown, watching as he put on a pair of boxer briefs.

  Grabbing a shirt out of the middle drawer, he walked over to me and pulled the towel away, ignoring when I whined and tried to hold on to it.

  The whining stopped as soon as his lips touched the back of my right ankle.

  With soft, openmouthed kisses and gentle hands, Eli made a line up my right leg as he came to kneel above me on the bed. I was squirming underneath him when he reached the back of my thigh, and even rose up on my knees in silent plea despite how I’d just asked him not to touch me again in the shower, but he continued up.

  I felt him spread my bottom, and gasped. “Don’t you dare, Eli Jenkins!”

  He laughed and bit playfully on my butt before continuing to the small of my back and up my spine. By the time he reached the back of my neck, my entire body was covered in goose bumps, and I’d lost count of how many times I’d shivered.

  “Put this on, Paisley,” he said softly, and I blinked my eyes back open.

  I pouted as I sat up on my knees; I hadn’t been ready for that to end. Taking the shirt from his hand, I slid it over my head and watched him prop up the pillows on the bed. When he sat up against them, I looked at the spot by his side before moving onto his lap.

  His blue eyes were playful, but held a hint of need. “So you liked sleeping like this, then?”

  I bit down on my bottom lip when I felt him harden underneath me, and moved my hips against him.

  I was right. Waxing was so worth it. It felt amazing.


  “I want this, I want you. I don’t want to wait until Sunday to be yours.”

  He smiled and sent me a puzzled look. “You are mine.”

  “I want to be completely yours, Eli.”

  Instead of immediately coming back with something about how these two weeks were about me, and once they were over we would . . . Eli sat there staring at me.

  My eyes fluttered shut when I rocked against him again, and I had to bite back a moan elicited from the friction of the cotton on his briefs against me.

  “God, you are the most amazing woman I’ve ever met, Paisley.”

  The truth in his confession stopped me from moving again, and I opened my eyes to find him staring at me in awe.

  “You do things like this, and it is so hot. You’re not afraid to tell me what you want, and you have no idea how much of a turn-on that is. The sounds and faces you make drive me crazy. And then you do something like ask for direction when we were in the shower . . . and the innocence in your question when you’re doing something that mind-blowing just floors me.

  “You’re trusting me to do things and asking for things that make me want to do them for you over and over again. I love knowing I’m the one who’s pushed you to try them. I love knowing you’re experiencing all this with me. And throughout this sexy side of Paisley I’m meeting for the first time, I love that you’re still my best friend. I love that you still give me shit. And my favorite thing in the world is when you look at me when I’m holding you, and I just know you’re in love with me.”

  My lips tilted up in a smile, and I brushed my fingers along his jaw. “Eli . . .”

  “I have this sweet, snarky, sexy girl, and I don’t know what the hell I did to deserve her after how I treated her all those years.” He pressed his lips softly to mine once before meeting my gaze again. “I want you, Paisley, so damn bad. But I wanted to give you these two weeks for a reason. I’m experiencing things for the first time just as you are, and I’m loving learning how your body responds to me first. It’s just a few days, Pay, then I swear you won’t be able to keep me away from you.”

  I laughed and my brow pinched together. “First time?” I had never planned on asking Eli about his past relationships, but his statement threw me off. “What are you experiencing for the first time?”

  “Well, I never held anybody when I slept, as you already knew; that was always reserved for you. But having you sleep on top of me is definitely a first.”

  “Eli.” I pushed on his chest to sit back to eye him suspiciously. “I’ve come over when girls were in your bed from the night before.”

  “If they didn’t leave, they slept in the bed. But I never once held any of them. It seemed wrong—even then it was something I knew I only did with you.” He pulled me back onto his chest. “Shower? Never been in a shower with anyone, unless I was a baby and don’t remember.”

  “Really?” I was now starting to cheesy smile like a nerd, and I wouldn’t have been able to stop it even if I tried.

  He nodded and tilted my head back with his fingers to nip at my lips. “I’ve never tasted anyone before you just a few hours ago.”

  “That can’t be true.”

  “It is. And this . . .” He trailed his fingers under the cheeks of my butt before sliding them up, teasing my tender hole. “Only you.”

  I gasped and my breathing deepened. “Then why would you . . . I don’t understand. But you’re good at these things.”

  “Porn,” he answered my unfinished questions, unashamed. “Never wanted to try it on anyone until you. And the way you respond to it, Paisley? It takes everything in me not to make you mine right then.”

  I knew my face was red with heat, but I just sat there staring at him in shock. “All those are firsts?”

  “Yeah, babe. So let’s finish this last week of experiencing more firsts with you, and then I’m yours.”

  “Deal.” I sat up to kiss him soundly. My face scrunched up in worry and embarrassment, and I quietly asked, “Will you spank me?”

  His face fell and eyes widened. “What the hell . . . okay, I told you where I got my ideas, I want to know where your ideas have come from.”

  I shrugged and tried to sound as unashamed as he had, but the embarrassment was still there in my tone. “Years of reading smut and dreaming about you.”

  A deep rumble came from his chest, and suddenly I was on my back and he was trying to pull the shirt off my body. A giggle burst from my lips from the quick change of positions and the way he was getting aggravated at the shirt.

  “We’re not going to sleep tonight.”

  I moaned when his teeth raked across my nipple, and gripped his hair in my hands. “Sounds perfect.”

  Chapter Twelve

  October 4, 2013


  ELI SMILED WIDELY at me when I walked into O’Malley’s that next Friday. “Come here, beautiful.”

  I smiled against his kiss and felt myself relax in his calming embrace. I loved this man. I loved the way he made me feel. I loved how he—

  “Your nine o’clock is from a long time ago, and she’s been hinting hard for the last thirty minutes. Mind helping me out tonight?”

  What? No, he wasn’t about to do this to me again, this wasn’t happening. My body locked up as hundreds of nights that had begun just like this one flooded my mind.

  No, no, no, no, no! This isn’t happening!

  Eli sat back down on the bar stool and pulled me between his legs. His lips brushed against my neck as he whispered in my ear, “Christ, I thought you would never show up.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I gritted through clenched teeth, and pushed against the arms holding me close.

  I felt his body tense and his lips pause against my neck for a few seconds before his eyes were directly in front of my own, but his hold never loosened. “What’s wrong?”

  “I have been your wingman for twelve years, Eli
Jenkins. You’re not about to keep treating me like one.”

  His eyes widened in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

  “This, what you’re doing right now? It’s what you’ve always done. Use me as a shield from the exes and the crazies so you don’t have to deal with them, and then push me back as soon as they’re gone.

  “Pay,” Eli spoke up, the confusion in his eyes turning to amusement, but I kept talking over him.

  “The words, the kisses against my neck, the way you’re holding me . . . all of it. I’m not doing—”

  My rant was cut off when Eli tipped me back against the bar and pressed his mouth firmly to mine. His large hands squeezed my waist then dropped down toward my hips when his tongue slowly slid against mine; and by the time he was nipping my bottom lip, I had forgotten we were still in the bar.

  “Now if you’ll let me speak,” he murmured against my lips, then pressed another gentle kiss to them. “I’m sorry, all of that came out wrong in the beginning, that was my bad. I wanted your help in letting her know that I’m taken, not in just getting rid of her because I didn’t want to have to deal with her again. But you’re right, I shouldn’t have said or done that.” Eli sat back on the bar stool and pulled me close. His tone was low and serious, and his eyes were staring intently into mine. “You already know how sorry I am for everything I ever did to you and how I treated you before. I could apologize for that for the rest of my life, but it wouldn’t help us move on from it. But I am sorry for tonight, I didn’t mean to make you feel like a wingman again. Soon everyone will know that I belong to you. Soon we won’t have to deal with these girls anymore, and I’m sorry that you have to now.”

  A shaky breath left me when he leaned forward and pressed his lips to the corner of my mouth, and my body slowly started relaxing again. “I may have overreacted . . . kinda,” I mumbled lamely, earning a low laugh from him.

  “Start over?” Eli offered.

  My mouth curved into a smile, and I nodded against him. “Please.”

  In a move that had my head spinning, Eli turned to the side and pushed me a few feet away, only to pull me back so I slammed into his chest. “God, Pay, I’ve missed you,” he growled against my mouth, and kissed me through my laughs.

  “You’re ridiculous,” I murmured, and kissed him lightly once more. “But thank you.”

  With a wink, he got settled in his seat again and pulled me close. “So how was your day?” he asked, and reached for his Guinness.

  “It was long, I was just ready to get here.”

  “A particular guy couldn’t have something to do with that . . . could he?”

  I raised an eyebrow and shrugged. “I don’t know, is he a giant?”

  Eli grinned. “A beast.”

  “Look kinda like Lurch?”

  “Only after a night where his girlfriend wore him out.”

  Blood rushed to my cheeks and I looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to us.

  “Speaking of,” he murmured into my ear. “Are you trying to kill me with that outfit, Paisley? I’m not going to make it through the night if I have to look at you in this.”

  I frowned and looked down. I had a reason for wearing this; I just didn’t think he’d like the actual outfit. I was in a loose black cotton skirt, and a dark gray shirt that hung off both shoulders but was extremely form-fitting around my waist and hips. Granted, the skirt was ungodly short, but, then again, so was I. This outfit was not sexy; I’d wear it hanging out with Kristen in a café.

  “Uh . . .”

  “Do you know how hard it is not to touch you when there’s nothing stopping me?” Eli asked, and my breath came out in a rush. “Do you know how badly I want to take you into my truck right now to show you what I think of you wearing it?” He pulled me forward another inch and I tried to keep my expression neutral when I felt his erection on my stomach. “Do you realize I’m thinking of all the ways to make you moan when I get you back to my apartment tonight? And all the ways you’re going to beg me not to stop once Sunday is here?”

  If we even make it to Sunday, I thought to myself. I bit back a smile and pulled away enough so I could look at him. “Glad you’re enjoying it.”


  “You have no idea.”

  His eyebrows shot up and his blue eyes took on a heat I was becoming familiar with. “That’s it, we’re leaving.”

  “Hey!” Kristen called out. “Sorry we’re late.”

  I smiled mischievously at Eli when a defeated look crossed his face.

  “Why don’t I trust that face?” he asked.

  “Probably because you shouldn’t.”

  “What are we talking about?” Kristen asked as she sat down next to Eli.

  I looked over at her and grinned widely. “Ways to drive Eli crazy until he gets me alone.”

  She had an oh-really expression on her face, and Jason looked like he’d swallowed something horrible. Conversations that had to do with anything remotely related to sex, he didn’t want a part of. “Honeymooners,” they both grumbled.

  “Whenever you want to stop being adorable and pawing all over each other, let us know. The real world is ready for you to rejoin the cult of people who have normal lives.”

  “That sounds boring.” Eli wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me back since I’d been inching toward Kristen, and rested his chin on top of my head as he reached for his glass.

  “You should go two weeks without sex,” I blurted out, and Eli started choking on his beer.

  Kristen rolled her eyes. “You mean two weeks without is uncommon?” she asked dryly.

  Jason let his hand fall heavily to the bar and sighed. “I need a beer!”

  Kristen fought a smile, but her shoulders shook from her silent laughter. I heard enough from her to know they weren’t having problems in that department, but torturing Jason was too good an opportunity to pass.

  “I mean two weeks where it’s not allowed. See how hard it is.”

  Eli’s hand tightened on my waist and he pulled me back against his erection again.

  Kristen glanced behind her with a small smile on her face. “Two weeks actually sounds like heaven. A little mini-vacation from you, we should do it.”

  Jason’s head jerked and he looked at the back of her head. “Seriously? Are we having this conversation right now? And pick one, either act like we always have it, or act like we don’t.”

  “We should try it.”

  “We are not talking about this. We’re in a fucking bar, for Christ’s sake.” Jason’s neck and cheeks were bright red, and Kristen was no longer holding back her laughter.

  “I want to be in the honeymoon stage again,” she complained, and gestured toward Eli and me. “I want to be this annoying to people when we’re out in public.”

  “You should totally do the two-week challenge,” I chimed in. “Maybe even end it with a second honeymoon; it could be epic.”

  Jason glowered and pointed at Eli before pointing at me. “I blame you for this. What have you done to little innocent Paisley?”

  Eli snorted. “Innocent.”

  A look of horror crossed Jason’s face. “Don’t say that to me! In my mind she’s little innocent Paisley.”

  “Well, don’t say that like I’m twelve or something,” I huffed. “That just makes this creepy.”

  “Troll,” Eli whispered.

  “Chewbacca,” I shot back.

  “He spanks her,” Kristen whined—puppy eyes and all.

  “Wh-what?” Jason gave me a double take before he stopped looking at me altogether. “No, no.”

  “He does.” I sent him an awkward smile when he chanced a look again and shrugged, and Eli bent down to whisper, “You told her about that?”

  “We’re girls,” I explained. “It’s what we do.”

p; “I need that visual out of my head.” Jason groaned.

  “He—” Kristen began, but Jason cut her off.

  “For the love of God, stop. I don’t want to know what they do. This is Paisley.”

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t want to know about Kristen,” Eli muttered, and I elbowed him in the stomach. He must have gotten the hint to stop agreeing with Jason, because he added, “You should try it, man. Just sayin’.”

  Jason ran his hands over his face before grabbing Kristen’s hand. “Fuck you both,” he grumbled toward Eli and me, but he had a determined look on his face as he began towing his wife away from the bar.

  “Have fun!” I called after them, and Kristen turned around, an excited smile lighting up her face.

  “Shut the fuck up!” Jason groaned.

  I laughed against Eli’s chest and turned to face him.

  “That would’ve been nice to have been clued in beforehand.”

  “You choking on your beer was priceless, though.” Running my hands through his hair, I pulled his face closer to mine to kiss him softly. “I’m sure Jason will thank us later.”

  He laughed and shook his head. “I can’t believe you told Kristen.”

  “Like I said, we’re girls, it’s what we do.”

  “If you say so.” He rolled his eyes. “So back to you being a tease . . .”

  My eyes popped open. “Oh! We need to leave!”

  “What? Why?”

  Schooling my expression, I turned to look at him after waving down the bartender. With one eyebrow raised, I said quietly, “Just trust me.”

  The heat was back in his eyes as he closed out the tab and towed us out to the parking lot. With a quick, searing kiss, he got me in my car and jogged across the lot to his truck. The entire way back to his apartment I was working to build up the courage for what I wanted to do.

  It was my turn to control this.

  Eli grabbed for my bag filled with clothes for the weekend and began walking toward his door, but I stopped him.

  “Uh, no. I need that back.”

  He slowly handed it back to me with a puzzled look now on his rugged face.