Page 35 of The Deal

  A laugh flies out. “Seriously? You’re going straight to second base when we haven’t even officially gotten back together?”

  His lips latch onto my neck, and his tongue darts out for a teasing lick. “As far as I’m concerned, we were never broken up.” Then he nibbles on my earlobe, eliciting a flurry of shivers. “So the way I see it, we could hug and kiss and cry, which will take about, what, twenty minutes? And then twenty more minutes where I forgive you and you vow your undying love to me. Maybe ten minutes of you giving me head to make up for all the time we’ve lost—”

  I punch him in the arm.

  “But what’s the point of wasting more time when we can get right to the good part?”

  My lips quiver in amusement. “And what exactly is the good part?”

  Before I can blink, I’m on my back with the deliciously heavy weight of Garrett’s body on top of me. He flashes his trademark grin, that sexy crooked smile that never fails to make my heart pound, and then his mouth covers mine in a hungry kiss.

  “This—” He sucks on my lower lip and rotates his hips seductively “—is the good part.”

  I wrap my arms around him and hold him tight against me, and it’s so familiar, so wonderfully perfect, that the love in my heart overflows and stings my eyes. “I love you, Garrett,” I choke out.

  His husky voice tickles my lips. “I love you, Hannah.”

  Then he kisses me, and everything in my world is right again.




  “Why is your ex-crush in my living room?” Garrett drops the whispered accusation in my ear as he comes up beside me.

  My gaze shifts to Justin, who is on the couch playing a complicated-looking shooting video game with Tucker. Then I turn back to Garrett, who looks more amused than pissed. “Because he’s my friend, and I invited him. Deal with it.”

  “You don’t think it’s kind of a dick move to invite him? I mean, the football team did shit all this season, and now he has to come celebrate with the hockey crowd for making it to the semi-finals? And he has to be around the perfect specimen of manhood who stole you away?” Garrett’s gray eyes twinkle. “You’re a terrible person.”

  “Oh, shut it. He’s happy that you guys are going to the Frozen Four.” I bring my lips close to his ear. “And don’t tell anyone this or I’ll kill you, but he’s been hooking up with Stella this past month.”

  “For real?” Garrett’s jaw drops as he glances across the room, where Stella, Dex and Allie are in the middle of an animated conversation with Logan and Simms. It’s still kind of bizarre seeing my friends interacting with Garrett’s friends, but we’ve all hung out dozens of times over the past three months, so I’m starting to get used to it.

  From his spot next to Dex, Logan senses me watching them and lifts his head, and…well, that’s something I haven’t gotten used to. The look he gives me burns with unmistakable longing, and it’s not the first time he’s looked at me like that. When I brought it up to Garrett—just once, in the most awkward conversation ever—he simply sighed and said, “He’ll get over it.” No anger on Garrett’s part, no resentment, just that one measly sentence, which hasn’t done much to soothe my worries.

  I don’t like the idea that Garrett’s best friend might have feelings for me, but Logan hasn’t tried to make a move on me, and he sure as hell hasn’t talked to me about it, so that’s a relief, I guess. But I really do hope he gets over whatever he’s feeling, because as much as I like the guy, I’m totally and unequivocally in love with his best friend, and that’s never going to change.

  This semester has been a busy one for us. I’m yet again rehearsing, this time for the spring showcase, and this time it is a duet—with Dexter, and the two of us are having a blast working together. Garrett and the team have been killing it in the post season. The championship is next week, and the venue for it just happens to be the Wells Fargo Center, home of the Philadelphia Flyers, which means that, yep, I’m going to be watching the final game live, and staying at Aunt Nicole’s for the three days the team is in Philly.

  There’s no doubt in my mind that the team will crush it. Garrett and the guys have worked hard this season, and if they don’t win this final game, I’ll eat my hat. Either that, or give my man lots and lots of consolation sex. Such a chore.

  “Look what the cat dragged in,” Garrett says suddenly, and I turn around to see Birdie and Natalie appear in the doorway where Garrett and I are lurking.

  Their faces are flushed and their expressions are secretive, leaving no doubt as to why they’re late for the party. I give Nat a hug of greeting, then smile at Birdie, who responds to Garrett’s taunt with a defensive look.

  “Hey, I already told you I’m against this party. It’s bad luck to celebrate before you’ve even won.”

  “Naah, we’ve got this in the bag, man.” Garrett grins and leans in to smack a kiss on my cheek. “Besides, I’ve already won the most important prize of all.”

  I’m pretty sure my cheeks turn into a pair of tomatoes.

  Natalie groans good-naturedly, but Birdie, to my surprise, just nods in approval.

  “See,” Garrett informs us as he slings an arm around my shoulder, “I’m allowed to say stuff like that to Birdie because I know he won’t make fun of me.”

  “Well, he should,” I grumble, “because that line was cheesy as hell.”

  “Oh, shut it,” he mimics. “You like it when I’m romantic.”

  Yep. I really do.

  Birdie and Nat wander off to say hi to everyone, but Garrett and I stay in our little corner. He tugs me toward him and kisses me, and even though I’m anti-PDA, it’s impossible to think about social etiquette when Garrett Graham is kissing me.

  His lips are warm and firm, his tongue hot and wet as he slides it into my mouth for a fleeting taste. I part my lips eagerly, wanting more, but he chuckles and tweaks a strand of my hair.

  “Stop being inappropriate, Hannah. We’re in public.”

  “Ha. Like I can’t see your boner.”

  His gaze drops to his crotch, and he sighs when he notices the bulge straining against his jeans. “For fuck’s sake, Wellsy, you get me hard without me even noticing.” He frowns. “Damn it, now I’m gonna have to leave my own party so we can go upstairs and take care of this. Thanks a lot.”

  I snort. “Dream on. There’s no way I’m doing the walk of shame afterward in front of all our friends.”

  His face collapses. “You’re ashamed of me?”

  “Don’t give me that little boy trickery.” I poke him in the chest. “It doesn’t work on me anymore.”

  “Little boy?” he echoes. A wicked smile curves his mouth as he angles his body so that he’s facing away from the room. Then he takes my hand and plants it directly over his hard-on. “Does this feel little or boyish to you?”

  Shivers fly up my spine. Oh no. Now I’m turned on.

  As my heart pounds and my body tingles, I let out an annoyed groan and grab his hand. “Fine. Let’s go upstairs.”

  “Nope. I changed my mind about that. We’re going to stay down here and enjoy the party.”

  I drop his hand like a hot potato and scowl deeply. “You’re such a vagina-tease.”

  Garrett laughs. “Yeah, but you still love me.”

  Tiny butterflies of happiness take flight in my stomach and dance around my heart. I take his hand again and lace our fingers together. “Yeah,” I murmur with a smile. “I still love you.”



  My father waits outside the arena when the team bursts out the back doors. Dean had somehow gotten his hands on an old-school boom box, and he has it propped up on his shoulder as Queen’s “We Are the Champions” blasts out of the speakers. There’s nobody around to hear the victory song but us, and the family and friends who made it out to Philly to watch us play. Applause breaks out as we stroll up like the champions we are, and several of my bonehead teammates take exaggerated bows befor
e heading over to say hello to the people who came out to see us.

  I fucking did it. I mean, it was a team effort—no, a team domination, because for the first time in years, the Frozen Four championship game was a shutout. Simms didn’t let our opponents score. Not even once. And it seems fitting that the three lamplighters on our side came from me, Tuck, and Birdie, respectively.

  I’m proud of my team. I’m proud of myself for leading us here. It’s the perfect end to the perfect season, and it gets a little more perfect when Hannah rushes over and hurls herself into my arms.

  “Oh my God! That was the best game ever!” she declares before kissing me so hard my lips feel bruised.

  I grin at her enthusiasm. “Did you like the little gun-finger I flashed you after that goal? All for you, baby.”

  She grins back. “Sorry to burst your bubble, but you were actually pointing at the old guy a few seats over. He totally freaked out and started shouting to everyone that you scored that goal for him, and then I heard him ask his wife if maybe you knew that he was just diagnosed with diabetes, so I didn’t have the heart to tell him who the goal was really for.”

  I break down in laughter. “Why is nothing ever simple with us?”

  “Hey,” she protests. “We’re more interesting this way.”

  I can’t argue with that.

  From the corner of my eye, I see my father lurking near the bus, but I don’t make eye contact with him. In fact, I notice that nobody is looking at him. Not me, not Hannah, not any of my teammates. A few months ago, I told the guys the truth about my dad, because the conversation I had with Hannah about life not being fair and my father still being revered had stuck with me. So after the New Year, when one of our sophomore D-men asked me if I could get him a Phil Graham autograph, I could no longer hold it in. I sat the boys down—even Coach was there—and told them everything.

  Needless to say, it was damn uncomfortable and pretty fucking intense, but when all was said and done, my teammates proved to me that I’m not just their captain, but their brother. And now, as we all head for the bus, not a single pair of eyes travels in my superstar father’s direction.

  “I’ll see you back at campus?” I say to Hannah.

  She nods. “Yep. Uncle Mark is driving me back now, so I should be there around the same time you guys get in.”

  “Call me when you’re home. Love you, babe.”

  “Love you, too.”

  I plant one last kiss on her lips, then climb onto the bus and settle in my usual seat next to Logan. As the door shuts and the driver pulls away, I don’t glance out the window to look at the tall, surly man who’s still standing in the parking lot.

  I don’t look back these days.

  I only look forward.

  Other Titles by Elle Kennedy

  If you enjoyed The Deal, then get ready for The Mistake! Book #2 in the Off-Campus series will release in spring 2015, so make sure to sign up for my newsletter to receive news and excerpts about this release.


  If you’re interested in my erotic romance and/or romantic suspense titles, check out these bestselling series:

  Out of Uniform

  Killer Instincts

  After Hours

  DreamMakers (with Vivian Arend)

  More titles also available on my website.

  Author’s Note

  I loved every second of writing this book, but just like with every project I undertake, I couldn’t have done it without the help of some pretty amazing people:

  Jane Litte, for beta reading this secret, just-for-fun project, convincing me to share it with other readers, and then holding my hand during my very first self-publishing endeavor.

  Vivian Arend, for stepping out of her comfort zone and reading a New Adult book! And for just being plain awesome.

  Kristen Callihan, for her invaluable advice and endless cheerleading for this project.

  Gwen Hayes, the sweetest, smartest and funniest editor I’ve ever worked with.

  Sharon Muha, for her eagle eyes (and for not complaining every time I send her a gazillion page manuscript and ask for a proofreading rush job).

  Sarah Hansen (Okay Creations) for the beautiful cover!

  Nina Bocci, my publicist AKA lifesaver, for loving this book as much as I do and making sure everybody heard about it!

  And to everyone who read/loved/reviewed/talked about the book—you guys rock. You rock hard.

  About the Author

  A USA Today bestselling author, Elle Kennedy grew up in the suburbs of Toronto, Ontario, and holds a BA in English from York University. From an early age, she knew she wanted to be a writer and actively began pursuing that dream when she was a teenager. She loves strong heroines and sexy alpha heroes, and just enough heat and danger to keep things interesting!

  Elle loves to hear from her readers. Visit her website or sign up for her newsletter to receive updates about upcoming books and exclusive excerpts. You can also find her on Facebook or follow her on Twitter (@ElleKennedy).


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The Deal: An Off-Campus Novel

  Copyright © 2015 by Elle Kennedy

  Kobo Edition

  Edited by Gwen Hayes

  Proofed by Sharon Muha

  Cover Art © Sarah Hansen, Okay Creations

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may reproduced, scanned or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles or reviews.



  Elle Kennedy, The Deal



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