Page 7 of The Weekend

  “If nothing can be found, the husband points this out, and says,

  'According to God's Word, I shouldn't have been bothered. I'm sorry, please forgive me for thinking you were pleasing yourself and not God.' She would then say, 'I forgive you,' and nothing else. She may be tempted, but she says nothing."

  That's God's way? I'm all for that, Kenny mused.

  "Likewise, wives help their husbands to please God. As we read

  in Ephesian 6:1, when a sinner corrects another sinner, he does so gently.

  “A similar conversation could take place, except, 'let's see what God's Word says.' belongs to the husband as the leader. In humility, she gently helps him see that he chose to please men and not God.

  Kenny whispered to Anne: "I just want to please God." Anne said nothing. Anne thought, it would please God if Jesus ruled our home.

  Rod said to Carolle: “Mike's winding down. Oh no, he just introduced Rose.”

  Rose said with joy and great enthusiasm, smiling: “Didn't Mike do good?” They all applauded an ovation to Mike. The clapping became extended by the Angel table, since they really liked Mike, and they wanted the Asst. Head Rosita and his wife to know that they couldn't wait for Mike's return as table leader.

  “He worried about his presentation. You know -- how would you know? I think he did a wonderful job. You must have also.” More clapping.

  “LET ME say I agree with everything Mike said. In our

  marriage, it didn't start out that way. Oh, we did all the things the world would expect of a married couple, but when we put Christ and what the Bible says in our marriage, everything changed for the good. Truly the Bible is The Manufacturer's Handbook.

  “God formed us. God inspired the writing of the Bible, so God would have included instructions for men and women in marriage. Wouldn't He? He would say how to do it, so God would receive the glory."


  KB nodded his head in agreement. He thought, I should put Christ in our marriage. I love Anne, and maybe she understands better than I do. I should discuss it with her . . . maybe . . . .

  Rose continued, "I remember reading that wives are to submit to their husbands. Submission usually doesn't happen in non- Christian marriages. The selfishness comes out and it hurts them

  and their marriages. Some Christians haven't heard forgiveness or they do not know the importance of it, but submission and forgiveness is God's standard.

  “Then I read further about the husband being the head of the wife. I didn't like that, but God said it . . . so, if I wanted to please God, I had to submit to Mike.

  “Further down I read that husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the church. That sounded good. Knowing it was a matter for both of us; I took my questions to Mike. We studied the Bible together."

  You went to the Bible? Kenny asked himself.

  "Mike said that God was talking about His order in marriage. Mike told me when we went canoeing, the one in the back of the canoe, steers.

  “I remember one time we had gone to the mountains, it was so clear, and the trees reflected their images off the lake. The beauty curled my toes. Well, I found myself alone in a canoe, out in the middle of this gorgeous lake, having being pushed off the dock by the dock master. I wanted to go exploring, but I didn't go anywhere. I just went around in circles.

  Then, I remembered what Mike had said about, 'The person in the back steers.' I better get in the back, and start steering. I went to the back of the canoe, and started steering. Steering a canoe, involves stroking a 'J' in the water with the paddle. It worked.

  “The canoe would go straight – actually it went wherever I wanted to go. I had a beautiful time. The experience taught me about submitting to Mike. As he said, 'The one in the back steers.'”

  "I hope you will all put Christ in your marriage. Thank you."

  I will, thought Kenny. I want to please God.

  Mike and Rose nodded to each other almost asking if each had something else to say. Then Mike said, "I can't wait to see your drawings."

  A 2' x 3' piece of butcher block paper was given to each table. The new table leader, Al, accepted the piece of butcher block paper

  for the Angel Table. Mike and Rose left the Rollo Room as did the other couples who had spoken.

  MARYANN WAS the first to speak: “I had the drawing all set, but now I don't know. What Rose said really spoke to me.”

  KB wanted to know more: “How did Rose's talk speak to you?” Rod also wanted to know: “Me too. How did Rose's talk make

  that much difference? She was in the middle of a lake. In a canoe or something.”

  Maryann replied: “Edward steers, but maybe he is suppose to. Maybe our picture should have a canoe in it?”

  “What do you think about a canoe?” The Asst. Head Rosita, Al, asked. He had introduced himself as Al and his wife as Jan.

  Anne assaulted the idea: "Revolving our picture around a canoe says we got more out of Rose's talk than Mike's. Rose was nice, but Mike really spelled out why we should put Christ in our marriage. Christ makes the difference, not Rose."

  Maryann spoke again: “Well Rose's talk really hit home. I use to resent Edward for always taking the reins Rose's talk made me

  realize that Edward's taking the reins must be done. Maybe I

  should forgive him?"

  Al interjected: "Maybe we should forgive each other?” Anne was the first to grab KB's hand and then Maryann.

  Maryann was next, grabbing Edward's and Anne's hand.

  Reluctantly, Rod took Carolle's hand and then, Al's. Jan grabbed Al's. KB grabbed Jan's and Carolle grabbed Edward's. All prayed: "Forgive, and simultaneously all named their spouses."

  Al closed with what everyone was thinking: "Jesus, we ask for Your forgiveness. We are all sinners, and accept Your saving grace. We know You died for us, and we want to start our marriage again . . . on a clean slate. Amen."

  KB said, "Amen," out-loud. Only he said “Amen,” out loud. The rest of the table nodded their heads.

  Anne noted this sight change in Kenny.

  Maryann shouted out: "I've have the drawing! A clean slate. Not much drawing required, some talking . . . we can tell the group what we just did. I thought it was great!"

  "What about it? A clean slate . . . it would acknowledge: Mike, forgiveness, grace, and what Christ did on the cross." asked Al.

  The table exploded: "Yeah. Great idea! A clean slate. That's it."

  Al looked at at the table: "Who will draw it? Who will talk about what the drawing?"

  Again, the table chimed in: "We all will."

  The table was eventually called, and everyone rose to go forward except Al and Janet. Al had told them before: "You go. It's your table."

  Jan whispered to Al: "Why does this always happen?" Al replied: "God is good. Isn't He?"

  Dinner followed.


  SATURDAY NIGHT DINNER WAS SERVED by the cooks. Some would say that the dinner fell short of gourmet. Most would praise the dinner as delicious and enjoyed the wide choice of entrees.

  Short of breakfast, but many more choices than lunch, which consisted of hamburgers and hot dogs. Dinner could best described as plain. The cooks chose entrees that were fast and simple to prepare.

  Mostly a "Yes," or "No," menu; plus the entree. The cooks offered baked fish, sliced brisket, chicken breast and stew. Accompany each entree: Anna potatoes, peas with beans, and chocolate cake with whipped cream.

  Drinks include: coffee, water with lemon, Sprite, and milk. Most of the folks sat in their table groups, but a few used this time to visit with their friends and avoid table talk for a while.

  Mike and Rose weren't so lucky. Everyone at the Angel Table chose to sit next to or across from them.

  "Fancy seeing you here," Mike said.

  "Is this seat taken?"

  Rod let everyone know: "I'm starved. I hope dinner is as good as breakfast. Has anybody seen the menu?
I know they don't have menus, but what are we having? Does anyone know?"

  Carolle spoke to Rod about why she picked this seat: "I have a question for Mike, and he sat over here."

  "I should be flattered. A question more important than food," Mike said.

  "I have a question too," shouted Anne.

  Mike looked at Anne: "What's your question?"

  "Good afternoon. They call me Jennie; I'll be serving you tonight, and she proceeded to take their order. What will you have? Let's start with the pretty lady. What will you have? We have chicken, sliced brisket, or stew, and fish."

  Mike asked Anne: "You had a question?"

  "Yes,” Anne continued, “If God made Adam, a man, first, how did everything get turned around?

  “In most marriages I know, the woman pays the bills, sets the appointments, and says what will be done next. How did that happen? Is there anything we women folk can do about it?"

  Mike answered the question being careful not to reveal the remaining talks: "It's part of the fall described in Genesis. You know that we live in a fallen world. God's in charge of all things

  . . . when we let Him.

  “Otherwise, Satan rules. God said in Genesis, that a woman's

  desire shall be over their husband, but he shall rule over you (Gen

  3:16). The fall turned everything upside down. Al, the Assistant Head Rosita, will give you some pointers for turning a marriage upright. Somebody else had a question?"

  "Yes, I did,” said Maryann. "Me, too."

  "I had a question."

  Mike wanted to establish some order: "Rose and I will answer all your questions. Let us take them one at a time. Ladies first. Maryann, what is your question?"

  "Mike, you know the Scriptures. What does the Bible say about homosexuals?"

  Mike replied: "That's not going to be answered later. The first mention of men engaging men brings Sodom and Gomorrah, Genesis 13 or 19 . . . 19 . . . to mind.

  “The mentioning of homosexual behavior doesn't become prominent again until Paul stressed this activity in his letter to the Romans. Evidence of the sin of homosexual behavior, between men and men, or women and women exists though out the Bible.

  “Paul mentions practicing this sin as uncleanness in Romans, Ephesians and Galatians. He also mentions uncleanness in his letters to the Colossians and again in his second letter to the Corinthians.

  “Paul, speaking for God, says some interesting stuff. First he makes it very clear no one practicing uncleanness will not enter Heaven. He puts homosexuality . . .”


  "Me too."


  "I ordered milk."

  "Milk, water, and Sprite will come with the meal. Most of the folks wanted coffee. Coffee, anyone?" The cook poured coffee into the cups held aloft, indicating they wanted coffee.


  Mike continued: "Paul puts the sin of homosexuality with the sins of fornication, adultery, and idolatry. Like the fellow with one arm, he can't rob banks or not pay his taxes, because he has only one arm. God is pretty clear how man should behave, whether he has one arm or two.

  “We also know that fornication and adultery doesn't please God. Thus, neither does homosexuality.”

  “Yet, Jesus death on the cross gives everyone a fresh start . . . even homosexuals.”

  "Does God let people choose homosexuality?” asked Maryann. “Yes. Does God judge men and women with a homosexual

  tendency from birth? Yes, man chooses to practice

  homosexuality the same as a man chooses adultery or fornication. I hope that answers your question. Yes?"

  Carolle asked Mike: "I was baptized as an infant. Do I need to be baptized again?"

  "No, you don't need to be baptized twice. Baptism doesn't do anything for you., however, it's a great witness, and it allows you to proclaim your faith in Jesus. Mike summed it, by saying, “Baptism can be considered similar to circumcision.”

  "What? Baptism is the same as circumcision. I thought only boys

  were circumcised. I'm a girl, there is a difference, you know,” Carolle lost her smile, “I've just listened to a talk that said there's more than what we see between a boy and a girl.”

  Carolle got red in the face and showed her anger as she declared, "I want to be baptized by Pastor Ernie."

  "I know you are a girl." Mike said with a sheepish grin.

  Rod interjected that he was able to tell Carolle was a girl: "Me too, I know that too, and I like it"

  Mike tried to unravel this mess: "My similarity of circumcision and Baptism had nothing to do with the actual procedure. Paul uses a similar comparison when writing to the Galatians, who thought that circumcised Christians ranked above everyone else. He told the Galatians, circumcision couldn't be a considered a badge of superiority.

  “Circumcision can be considered a outward sign of Judaism. Baptism can become to Christians what circumcision became to the Jews. Paul stressed inward grace as the most important consideration.

  "As I said before, Baptism gives you an opportunity to witness for Jesus. If you want to, by all means witness for Jesus through Baptism. Tell everyone about Jesus! You can be baptized as often as you like."

  Carolle said to Rod: "Let's do it. Okay?"

  "Sure, who am I to stand in your way to be baptized. We will check Pastor Ernie's schedule when we get home."

  Anne looked puzzled, and asked: “Mike . . . does that apply to

  Confirmation? In a previous church, where I lived in Oregon --

  I'll bet you always thought we lived here? We have been here fifteen years . . . actually, fourteen years and five and half months.

  “I can't remember not working for Our Savior. Did the church in Oregon, do right? Our Savior never confirms anybody. At least I don't know anyone. Do you?

  “The church where we came from required that I be Confirmed before I was married. I did. I joined a class, said I would follow all the rules of the church, and asked Jesus to be my Savior again.

  “The Bishop came. Hit me on the chin, and then I could be married. KB got a neat job offer the next year. I have been here ever since. Did I have to be Confirmed?"

  "Yes, if you wanted to be married in that particular church. Certain rules govern each denomination. These rules may or may not come from the Bible. Nobody at Our Savior has been confirmed because Our Savior belongs to a denominational group that believes God wrote and speaks through the Bible.

  “We still have rules, but we understand that all the rules of our group come from the Bible. The Bible doesn't mention Conformation.” Mike ended his explanation by saying to Anne: “So Anne, I am glad you married KB."

  Anne exclaimed: "Me too. I 'm glad I married KB. I love you, KB. He is so special . . . ." She kissed KB.

  THE HEAD Rosita opened the Rollo room and invited everyone to enter. He stood waiting for the stragglers.

  ROD WAITED with Carolle on the railing until the folks had

  moved away from Mike and Rose. Then Rod took Mike aside: "By-the-way, this retreat turned out to be a good conference.

  “I enjoyed your talk. I know I can be very flippant and not a person that focuses on my marriage. I just wanted you to know."


  THE HEAD ROSITA STOOD UP and said: “Before Jesus went

  to the cross and arrested on that terrible night, He washed the feet of His disciples. Since His action conveyed a powerful

  lesson of loving one another we thought . . . we would do for you what Jesus did for the disciples."

  As he finished speaking the cooks appeared caring large white bowls and towels into the area of the seventeen arched chairs facing the the two rows of twenty-four chairs. The table leaders and their wives took seats in the arched chairs along with the Assistant Rosita.

  One of the cooks stood in front of each table leader. The Head

  Rosita knelt before his Assistant seated in the center chair.

  Anne th
ought, so this is what He meant when He said to love one another. Kenny came to mind, he has been so good to me, and I haven't loved him in the same way. I love Kenny.

  We'll see what happens next. If he would only ask Jesus into his heart, and to be the head of the house.

  The Head Rosita waited until his Assistant. removed his shoes and socks, and then the Head Rosita carefully placed the right foot in the bowl and splashed water on the foot and washed the foot going between the toes and up and down the sole.

  Then, after washing the right foot, he used the towel carefully drying the right foot. He did the the same with the left foot.

  Rod said to himself softly: "Ugh."

  Edward also said softy so no one could hear, "Wow, those feet haven't been washed in two days. Mine are smelly. No doubt his are too."

  The Head Rosita finished his Assistant, but rather than stop, he moved to the right and, continued on to the table leader to his right. His Assistant left his chair, and kneeling began washing the feet of the table leader on his left. Each foot one more carefully and lovingly than before.

  Anne said to herself, this is love. The Head Rosita and the Assistant Head Rosita washing all the feet of the table leaders. Their skipping over the wives? Certainly the wives have dirty feet too, Anne questioned.

Tom Loebmann's Novels