Page 17 of Blood Rites

  "As you say, my Luna, so it shall be done," Vasile answered formally, a vow to his mate to care for their son.

  "She's missing? Missing, as in gone?" Sally asked for the third time.

  "Yes Sally," Vasile answered for the third time, just as patiently as the first time.

  "Crap, crap, crap," Sally snapped as she walked over to where Jen lay. She shook her friend none too gently. "Jen, wake your drunk butt up." When Jen didn't stir Sally headed towards the bathroom. "Desperate measures," Sally mumbled.

  "This is going to get ugly," Decebel said, looking at Vasile, not attempting to hide the smirk on his face.

  Sally came back into the room carrying a cup of water. She stood over Jen and shook her one more time. "Last chance, Jen. Wake up!" Still she didn't stir. Sally tossed the water right on Jen's face. Jen came to, sputtering and wiping the water from her eyes, trying to figure out where she was. Her eyes landed on Sally and the cup she held in her hand. The feral look that came over Jen's face was all the encouragement Sally needed to jump back just as Jen lunged for her. Decebel moved in a blur of speed, wrapping an arm around Jen's waist to pull her back.

  "I'm weighing the pros and cons of beating the crap out of your skinny ass," Jen told Sally, her face still dripping with the water from Sally's cup.

  "I'm sorry, Jen but it's important. Jacque's gone," Sally told her, eyes pleading with her friend to hear her.

  Jen pulled out of Decebel's arms as she asked, "What do you mean she's gone?" She looked around the room until she found Fane. She noticed his lips tightened and his eyes were glowing a deep blue, which, had he not looked like he wanted to rip someone's head off, would have been beautiful.

  "She was not in the ICU this morning," Vasile explained. "I have Sorin, Skender and Boain searching the hospital and questioning the staff. Dillon is on his way and is going to have his wolves help with the search."

  "Wait a sec," Jen said, shaking her head. "So you don't think Dillon has anything to do with this?"

  It was Vasile who answered. "I won't know for sure until I can ask him face to face, but when I spoke with him on the phone he sounded genuinely caught off guard."

  Just as Vasile finished talking, the door to the room opened and Dillon walked in and just behind him were Lilly and Alina.

  "What is with werewolves and their lack of ability to knock?" Jen asked. "I mean, seriously, does it have something to do with the energy it takes to lift your hand and bang it against the door? Or is there a general rule that all werewolves are exempt from the common courtesy?"

  The whole room stopped and stared at Jen. She looked around and shrugged. "Well, I'm just saying."

  Dillon ignored Jen's outburst and turned to Vasile. "I did not have anything to do with this. I am not so low as to take my daughter away from her mother under the cover of darkness like some thief."

  Vasile didn't say anything right away, but seemed to be weighing the truth in his words. Finally he nodded. "I believe you." Then he turned to Lilly. "Lilly, how are you?"

  "Well, if you want the truth, I'm straddling the fence. One side being-what the hell and the other side- are you freaking serious. I just don't understand why we can't keep her safe. What are we doing wrong?" Lilly asked, on the verge of tears.

  Fane walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. "Îmi pare aşa de rău (I'm so sorry)," he whispered. "I should have demanded to stay with her."

  "Fane, it's not your fault. You may be a prince in your world but in mine you're just a teenage boy. Here they don't give special treatment to teenage boys no matter how good looking."

  "Regardless, I could have forced Dr. Steele, but I was trying not to disrespect her in her territory. I won't make that mistake again," Fane promised.

  Lilly looked at Vasile. "So what do we do now?"

  "We need to narrow down the possibilities," Vasile told her. "First, Dillon, did you get a hold of your Beta?"

  "No, I've left him several messages but he's not answering nor has he called me back."

  "Has he been acting strange lately?" Decebel asked him.

  "Not really. I mean, I kind of thought he seemed a little off but I just brushed it off. Logan is my most faithful wolf. I can't imagine him betraying me."

  "We've been trying to get in touch with Dr. Steele but she isn't answering her phone either, and none of the doctors or nurses know where she is." Vasile's voice betrayed the frustration that he was trying desperately to keep in check.

  "Okay, so what I hear you all saying is that we really don't know jack crap and have no place to start. Am I getting it right?" Jen asked.

  "Jennifer." Decebel gave a warning growl.

  "Do not growl at me, fur ball," she snarled at him. "I just want to make sure we are all on the same page." She turned and looked at Fane and asked, "Have you not been able to speak to her through your freaky mind voodoo?"

  "No, my father and I think Dr. Steele sedated her because of the pain. If I could just get through to her..." Fane didn't finish as emotion washed over him. He closed his eyes, bowing his head and shut the world out as he pictured his mate's face in his mind. "Jacquelyn, can you hear me my love?" He waited, but still there was no response. For the second time since he met her she was beyond his reach, beyond his protection. The hole that was left in her place threatened to drag him into the darkness. He vowed then and there that whoever had taken her would die by his jaws.

  Chapter 26

  Logan rubbed his eyes as he tried to push away the sleep that threatened to take over. He looked at the clock and saw that they had been only been driving for 2 hours. His phone had started ringing about an hour after they left the hospital and continued to ring on and off for an hour. He knew who it was without checking the caller I.D. By now, Dillon and Vasile, along with the others, were probably trying to piece together the events of the night that lead to the disappearance of Fane's mate. They might be a little confused by Dr. Steele's absence and he wondered how long it would be before Vasile decided to question her pack.

  "We need to stop soon so I can check Jacque's IV. she probably needs another dose of sedative," Cynthia told him.

  Just then, Jacque began to stir, letting out a painful sounding moan. Logan pulled the SUV over immediately, he couldn't risk Jacque reaching out to Fane. He had heard from Dillon that she and Fane were able to share their thoughts and although that might have deterred another wolf, Logan knew if he completed the Blood Rites with Jacque that bond with Fane would be broken. Or at least that's what he believed.

  He watched as Dr. Steele got out of the vehicle and opened the back door where Jacque lay. While she administered more of the sedative, Logan was weighing his options on whether they should continue traveling by car, or if he should charter a small plane once they got to Dallas. He had his pilot's license and as long as he could find a plane to rent he would be able to get them to Colorado much faster.

  Cynthia checked Jacque's pulse and respirations, making sure everything was within normal limits. Once she was satisfied that Jacque was settled and the sedative was working, she shut the door and climbed back into the passenger seat.

  "So, do you have a plan for between here and Denver?" she asked Logan.

  "As a matter of fact I've just decided that it would be better for us to fly rather than drive all the way to Colorado."

  "Fly?" Cynthia asked.

  "Yeah, I have my pilot's license, so once we get to Dallas we are nearly there already, just another hour and a half. I'll just rent a plane and we will fly the rest of the way. Is there any open land where your cabin is where I could land a small plane?" he asked her.

  "There actually is an open field near the cabin."

  "Excellent." Logan once again felt like things were working in his favor. He couldn't help but think that maybe this was fate because of how well things were going for him.

  Cynthia sat back in her seat and closed her eyes, not wanting to encourage Logan to engage her in conversation. She was here for Jacque and that was
all. Once Jacque was well she was getting the heck out of dodge.

  "Vasile I'm ready to get out of this joint," Jen told him as she sat on her bed. "I mean, seriously, my skin is just really pink, no more blisters. I've already called my parents and told them that they are releasing me and Jacque, so now I just need you to work your werewolf mojo and get me released."

  Decebel coughed, attempting to cover a laugh. Jen glared at him. "What are you laughing at, exactly?"

  "I just don't understand where you learned to talk like that," Decebel told her honestly.

  "It's a gift. Now quit laughing at me."

  "As you say, Jennifer, so shall it be," Decebel told her, his eyes never wavering from hers.

  Jen's breath caught as she noticed his gold eyes begin to glow. She turned away abruptly, needing to put distance between her and the wolf who was constantly ruffling her feathers.

  "I will see what I can do about getting you released, Jen, if you think you are ready," Vasile told her.

  "I'm sure. We've got plans to make. We can't be just sitting up here twiddling our-"

  "JEN!" Sally abruptly cut her off.

  "What? Twiddling our thumbs. Thumbs, Sally. Where is your mind?"Jen asked her with a wicked twinkle in her eyes. Much to Jen's delight, Sally's face turned bright red.

  "You might not want to mess with me, Jen. I've got the goods on you. So go on and rub me the wrong way, I dare you, and we all get to be serenaded by a highly inebriated Jennifer Adams," Sally threatened.

  "What are you talking about, Sally?" Jen asked and there was actually worry etched across her face.

  "Sally, maybe this isn't the best time," Decebel started but was quickly cut off by Jen.

  "This doesn't concern you, Cujo," she snapped.

  Decebel growled.

  "Actually, it kind of does concern him since he was the object of your affection during your little performance."

  Jen's face was beginning to turn a shade of red that Sally swore she'd never seen on her best friend, ever. She decided maybe Decebel was right and that she needed to save this ammunition for another time. "Jen, let's just call a truce, okay?"

  "Fine, I'll let it go. For now," Jen relented.

  Sally let out a deep breath, thankful to dodge that bullet.

  Several hours later, they were all walking into Lilly Pierce's house, each looking thoroughly defeated.

  "I can't believe how long it takes to get discharged from the hospital. I was beginning to think that at any moment they were going to tell each of you that you had to cough up a kidney before they would let me leave. I mean, seriously," Jen complained.

  Everyone automatically made their way to the living room, all taking seats wherever they landed. Lilly looked at Vasile. "What now? I just feel like we should be doing something."

  Vasile acknowledged Lilly's comment with a nod and then turned to the Denver pack Alpha. "Dillon, at this point is it safe to say that there is a possibility that your Beta is involved?"

  "As much as I don't want that to be the case, the fact that he disappeared at the same time as Jacque and won't answer my calls is not boding well for his innocence," Dillon admitted.

  "What about Dr. Steele?" Fane's voice was no longer his own as his wolf pushed for dominance.

  "I think it's time to pay the Coldspring pack a visit and see if they know anything." Vasile looked at Fane, understanding filled his eyes. "Dillon, Decebel, and Fane will go with me to meet with them. I'll call the Alpha and arrange it. Skender, Boain and Sorin, you will stay here."

  Fane watched his father step out of the room to make the call to the Coldspring Alpha. For what felt like the thousandth time he reached out to Jacquelyn and still there was nothing. He felt like his skin was too tight, and that at any moment his wolf was going to take over. He knew he could keep his wolf under control if he could just do something, take some sort of action to find their mate. This sitting and waiting the wolf didn't understand. He wanted to hunt the one who would dare to take what belonged to them. Vasile came back into the room, bringing Fane back to the present.

  "We will meet them in twenty minutes at their pack head quarters," Vasile announced.

  Alina met Vasile at the door as the wolves began to file out. "Please be careful."

  "I will, Mina. I will also do whatever I need to get any information that will help us find Jacque."

  "I would expect nothing less, Alpha." She leaned into his embrace and found comfort in his strength.

  Jen and Sally stood at the door, watching as the men piled into Vasile's SUV. Jen was startled when Decebel appeared at her side, she didn't realize he hadn't left the house yet. As he passed her he paused briefly and leaned close to her ear, "We have much to discuss about your little escapade, Jennifer."

  Jen's jaw dropped open but she quickly caught herself and shouted after him, "A lady never kisses and tells, Decebel."

  That earned her a glare from him and a high five from Sally. "Nice one, Jen."

  "I know, right?" Jen winked at Decebel as he continued to glare at her while getting into the vehicle.

  "Sally, please tell me I didn't say the things I'm beginning to remember saying to him when I was tipsy."

  "Okay, you didn't say those things," Sally obliged.

  "I said them and I walked out of the bathroom naked in front of him, didn't I?" Jen's face was full of the mortification that she knew would be even worse when she had to face Decebel again.

  "Butt freaking naked," Sally confirmed.


  "I would say you're in deep," Sally agreed.

  As Vasile pulled out of the driveway, Jen and Sally turned, closing the door behind them and Jen pointed a finger at Sorin. "Sorin! Where have you been, my man?"

  "I've been around. You might say I've been working behind the scenes."

  "Oooh, covert ops, sweet." Sally rolled her eyes at her best friend. Jen never could stay down for long.

  Vasile pulled into the driveway of the Coldspring pack's head quarters. He had explained on the way that he would be the one to ask the questions and he wanted everyone else to remain silent. Well, his exact words were 'keep your damn muzzles shut', but who's being technical. They all exited the SUV and followed Vasile to the door. It opened before they could knock and Vasile recognized the wolf as the new Alpha he had appointed after Fane had won the challenge between him and their former Alpha.

  "Vasile, I invite you and yours to come in. Be welcome." The Coldspring Alpha's words were a formal greeting that promised Vasile's pack's safety while in their territory.

  "Jeff Stone, Alpha of the Coldspring pack, we accept your invitation and acknowledge your promise of peace, matching it with our own," Vasile responded just as formally.

  Jeff stepped aside to allow the wolves to enter, then shut the door behind them. Vasile noted the sparseness of decoration and the lack of warmth that he had grown accustomed to in his own pack headquarters. They followed as Jeff led them down a hall. No pictures adorned the walls, which where a pale gray in color. He opened a door and ushered them into a room that appeared to be a meeting place. There were two couches arranged across from one another and several wing back chairs set on either side of the couches, forming a circle.

  "Please be seated." Jeff took a seat first, willing to submit to Vasile's dominance over him. All the other wolves took various seats and Vasile was last to finally relinquish.

  "We come to you with grave news regarding my son's mate," Vasile announced to the Alpha. "I need to know if you or any members of your pack are involved."

  Jeff moved forward in his seat, straightening his back, indicating to Vasile he had his full attention.

  Vasile continued, "Jacque was taken from the hospital last night where she had been recovering from a car accident. It appears that one of Dillon's wolves, he is Jacque's father and Alpha of the Denver pack, is involved."

  "I'm sorry to hear this, but why would you think my pack would be involved?" Jeff asked.

  "Dr. Steele was the p
hysician treating Jacque."

  Jeff's eyes widened at the news and it was apparent to Vasile that he had not been aware of this information.

  "Cynthia has not been around the pack since Lucas fell. Do you think she is involved in Jacque's disappearance?"

  "I think there are members of your pack who harbor anger towards Fane for taking their Alpha and I can only imagine the hurt that Dr. Steele must be enduring at the loss of her brother. It would make sense for Logan, Dillon's wolf, to seek out help from wolves that would do anything to take from Fane what their Alpha had failed to do."

  Jeff didn't respond for several minutes, the lack of focus in his eyes making it evident he was lost in thought. Finally he spoke, but not to Vasile. His eyes settled on Fane. "I know of four wolves that are loyal to Lucas even now. I have had to force their obedience on more than one occasion."

  Fane didn't hesitate. "Call them now. I will not wait any longer to get the information I need to find my mate."

  "Give me five minutes."

  Fane nodded, acknowledging the Alpha's request. The fact that Jeff would even seek Fane's approval revealed who the dominant wolf was between the two.

  True to his word, Jeff returned five minutes later. "They are on their way. I told them it was a pack meeting. They do not know of your presence."

  "That was wise," Vasile agreed.

  Twenty minutes later the four wolves Jeff had called sat before Vasile, unable to move before the Alpha's power. Fane's growl as he stood beside his father had the wolves baring their necks in submission, although it was evident they did not want to.

  "You will answer Vasile's questions honestly, be advised he will know if you lie." Jeff growled low at the four seated before him.

  "Are any of you acquainted with a wolf named Logan?" Vasile asked.

  At first the wolves did not answer but as Vasile's power began to squeeze their throats, cutting off their air, finally one relented.