Page 22 of Blood Rites

  "Don't spend this time separate from him. Reach out through your bond. You have to know it's killing him for you not to let him in and I can tell it's killing you."

  Cynthia's head jerked towards the door a second before it opened. Jacque couldn't help the whimper that emitted, but steeled herself before she would let her fear over take her. She decided then and there this asshole would not break her. She wouldn't let him take Fane from her.

  "You're awake, finally." Logan glared at her, the contempt obvious on his face.

  "Yes, well I'm sorry to keep you waiting but it takes a little out of a girl when she's assaulted. You will have to forgive my lack of consideration towards your feelings," she growled out, knowing she shouldn't provoke him but unable to stop himself.

  Cynthia placed a hand on her leg, a silent warning.

  "Yes, well like I said, you pushed me Jacque. Now you know. If you push, I will push back, and I will always win."

  Jacque didn't respond, she simply glared at him, meeting his stare without flinching.

  Logan chuckled. "I see you really are an Alpha, good to know. I would hate for you to be so easily broken. Where would be the fun in that?"

  "Logan, I told you earlier that if you want her as a mate then you are not going about it the right way," Cynthia tried reasoning with him.

  "I will feel better once my mate no longer bears the marks of another. I will have you give Jacque some of that sedative, Cynthia. That way she won't be in too much pain when I have them burned from her body."

  Cynthia gasped. "You're not going to touch her, Logan. I will die before you lay another hand on her."

  "Oh, don't worry, Cynthia. That can be arranged. But first I thought you would want to see this through, since you helped me and all. Doesn't it feel good to know that the wolf who killed your Alpha will never have his mate? I thought you would be happy," Logan taunted.

  "I can't wait to watch Fane rip your limbs off one at a time. I will revel in your screams and then bathe in your blood." The look Jacque gave him was feral and even she was surprised at the bloodthirsty sound of her voice.

  "You are a feisty one, I like that. I'll bring your dinner in in a moment and then you should get some rest, love. Tomorrow looks to be a rather trying day for you." Logan chuckled as he turned to leave.

  Jacque watched as he shut the door behind him. She doubled over as pain uncoiled in her body.

  "Jacque, is the pain getting worse?" Cynthia asked gently.

  "Yes, it just hurts. Will you talk to me, distract me please."

  Cynthia thought for a moment, trying to figure out what to talk about, then she remembered about Jennifer and her blood.

  "I found out what was different with your friend's blood."

  Jacque looked up, genuine interest on her face. "Really? What is it? Is she okay?"

  "She has werewolf blood."

  "Shut up," Jacque responded bluntly.

  "Um, okay," Cynthia said, confused.

  "Oh, no, I don't mean really shut up. It's more like an 'oh crap' statement," Jacque quickly explained.

  "Oh, well then, let me explain. Jennifer has werewolf blood, although just a little bit. There is this thing called the one drop rule. It was actually used to describe the amount of mixed blood a person had back in the civil war days when there was beginning to be interracial relationships and people were beginning to see mixed children between African Americans and Caucasians."

  Cynthia spent the next couple hours explaining to Jacque all about the one drop rule, and how it applied to Jen. Jacque couldn't believe what she was hearing and undoubtedly had been able to successfully keep her mind off of her pain. So maybe it was possible that Decebel was her mate?

  "Decebel has been acting so protective of Jen. Is it possible he is her mate even though they haven't heard each other's thoughts and she doesn't have his marks?" Jacque asked.

  "I guess it's possible that since Jennifer's blood is rather diluted. I guess it could require something more for the mating signs to reveal themselves."

  "What do you mean something more?"

  "Perhaps a major physical or emotional reaction is required to trigger the mating response," Cynthia explained.

  "Huh, that sounds like what I learned in psychology about how people with dormant genes of mental illness sometimes have to have some sort of major life event to bring the gene to the forefront."

  "That's a good point, Jacque. It's quite possible it's similar to that."

  Both women were quiet after the long conversation, both thinking of the possibilities. Jacque finally laid down, grabbing a pillow off the chair. She turned onto her side facing away from Cynthia, needing some time to think. She felt Cynthia lay a blanket over her and said a silent thank you that the woman seemed to understand that Jacque needed to be left alone for the moment. That alone time didn't last long. She felt a hard push in her mind and could have done nothing to keep him out.

  "Jacquelyn, don’t shut me out. Please don't ever force me to push into your mind like that again." Jacque could hear the desperation in his voice.

  "I'm sorry I blocked you, Fane, but I don't know how to face you right now." Jacque bit her lip to keep from crying. She wouldn't break down before she had told him everything, he had a right to know.

  "Tell me, Luna. Tell me whatever you need to, but first hear this: I will always love you, always need and want you. Don't you dare ever doubt that, are we clear?"

  Damn that wolf, she thought as tears escaped her eyes. "Crystal."

  "Good, now tell me."

  Jacque decided she just needed to rip it off like a band aid and maybe it wouldn't hurt as bad. "He forced me to take his blood and then he bit me. I tried to fight him, Fane, I tried, but he was too strong. He clawed my back because he saw your marks." Before Jacque could stop herself she was pouring everything out. "He told me that tomorrow he is going to burn your marks from my back. I was afraid you wouldn't want me anymore because he bit me."

  Jacque could feel Fane's rage emanating through their bond and she tried to reassure herself it wasn't directed at her.

  "There is nothing that could keep me from wanting you. Nothing you could do or not do would stop me from being with you. You are mine, Jacquelyn. Mine no matter what." Jacque felt the tears run down her cheeks. She felt Fane's lips on her own as he sent her the thought of him kissing her, holding her.

  "I miss you, wolf-man," she whispered.

  "I'm coming for you. We know where you are."

  "What! Where? Where am I? When will you be here?" Jacque couldn't believe what she was hearing. He'd found her. She knew he would, never doubted he would, but to hear it brought a relief she had never known.

  "You are in Missouri in the Ozark mountains. We don't know your exact location but we arrived in Springfield a couple of hours ago and are on our way to Ozark now. If I have to search every cabin in the Ozarks I will find you."

  "I know you will. I'll be waiting."

  "Don't provoke him, Jacquelyn. You survive, do you understand? That's your job, to survive." Jacque could feel the intensity behind his words and knew what Fane was asking of her. To do whatever it took to stay alive. No matter what Logan wanted, Fane just wanted me alive.

  "You just worry about getting here, let me worry about me. I need you, Fane. Be with me now, talk to me, and tell me how my mom is, and Jen and Sally."

  Fane told her everything she wanted to know. He told her about how strong her mom was and how Jen was driving Decebel crazy. He told her how Sally had actually stood up to him about going with him to see Dillon's wolves. When he ran out of things to tell her about her friends he began to tell her about the history of the Grey wolves.

  "Where did they come from?" she asked him.

  "The legend is we were created by the goddess who lives in the moon. She is the great Luna. The wolves in Romania were growing extinct due to hunters killing for their pelts. In order to help save the species she combined the human spirit with the wolf spirit, creating the werewo
lf. She gave the human the power and strength of the wolf and the wolf the intelligence of the human. Since then the wolves have thrived."

  Jacque thought about the legend and wondered if it were true. She figured anything was possible since werewolves even existed. That thought ignited another. "Fane, are there other things besides werewolves?"

  "Do you really want to know the answer to that, Luna?"

  "At this point, wolf-man. the things that go bump in the night are the least of my worries." Jacque couldn't help but think that it was her own species that she needed to fear.

  "Then yes, my love, there are other things besides werewolves. But I think right now you need to get some sleep. I will be there soon."

  "Stay with me." Jacque yawned then flinched when she felt pain ripple through her body.

  "Always, Luna. You are still hurting." It wasn't a question.

  "Just hurry, wolf-man."

  Chapter 32

  Fane felt Jacquelyn slip off into a fitful sleep. He could feel the pain consuming her body and it was driving him mad. More than that was the thought of what Logan had done to his love. Fane was going to rip Logan's fangs from his mouth and then make him swallow them for piercing Jacquelyn's precious flesh. They had just arrived in Ozark, Missouri and Fane was keeping tabs on Jacquelyn's dreams. It was then that he caught glimpses of her memory of Logan, his arm pressed against her mouth, his teeth sinking into her back. Fane let out a howl in the vehicle that had everybody covering their ears.

  "Pull over!" Decebel shouted to Vasile.

  Vasile looked in his rearview mirror and saw that Fane was on the verge of phasing. He pulled over, and just as the vehicle came to a stop Fane was out the door and phasing in mid-air. Decebel was out right behind him. One minute a man, the next a huge, dark grey wolf with white paws.

  Jen's breath caught at the sight of Decebel in his wolf form. It was the first time she had ever seen him. He was magnificent. She grinned at his white paws. She had new material. The wolf had socks. That was too rich!

  She and Sally gasped as Fane turned on Decebel and snapped his huge teeth at him. Decebel dodged out of the way just in time. The two wolves circled each other, snapping and lunging but neither making contact. Then there was a third wolf and when he stepped forward and howled the other two hit the ground, heads low and baring their necks. He snarled at them both and then suddenly there were three very naked men standing on the side of the road. Sally squeaked and turned away. Jen had to pry her eyes off of the beautiful muscles that were Decebel.

  "Coast's clear," they heard Alina say. "They went into the woods."

  "Well, that was invigorating." Jen grinned.

  Sally rolled her eyes. "You would think seeing three naked men was invigorating."

  "There were three? Cuz, sista, I only saw one." Jen closed her eyes and again saw Decebel's bare back. The wolf markings across his tan skin were breathtaking.

  "Fane!" Vasile growled. "What has gotten into you? And Decebel, what the hell were you thinking engaging him while he was like that?"

  Fane snarled. "You don't know what he's done to her, what he's going to do if I don’t get to her."

  "What has he done?" Vasile asked gently.

  "I won't disgrace my mate that way. She is mine." Fane turned to Decebel. "My apologies, Beta. I know you were just protecting the females."

  "I can't imagine what you must be going through, Fane. No apology necessary," Decebel told him, averting his eyes out of respect.

  "Father, I will speak to the Springfield Alpha. I want to know where that cabin is and I want to know now."

  "Fane, we will find her," Vasile started but Fane cut him off.


  Decebel growled low and Vasile snarled. After Alina had taken the three wolves clothes, Vasile had his phone out and was waiting on Tyler, the Springfield Alpha, to answer. He picked up on the third ring.


  "Tyler, it's Vasile. We need to know where that cabin is now." Vasile continued before the other wolf could interrupt. "He's planning on removing her mating marks. Do you want to be responsible for that?"

  There was no response for several seconds. "Fine, here are the coordinates."

  "Got it, let's go." He then phoned Sorin with the coordinates and designated a place to meet a couple of miles downwind from the cabin at midnight.

  They all climbed back into the car and drove to find a motel in Ozark to make plans.

  Vasile pulled into the parking lot of the nicest hotel they could find. It wasn't the Hilton, but they weren't planning on spending a lot of time there anyways so Vasile wasn't going to be picky. He and Alina went into the lobby to check into a room. Jen could smell the anger coming off of Fane. Wait, smell anger? What the, that isn't possible. Why would she even think that? She felt a large, warm hand on her shoulder and felt warm breath by her ear. "You okay?" Decebel asked her.

  Jen turned her head slowly to look at Decebel. It was the first time she had spoken to him since the little scene on the side of the road. "Um, yeah, I'm good. Just mentally preparing for the whole black ops situation."

  "Black ops?" Decebel said questioningly.

  "She has this weird obsession with military lingo and missions. Just nod your head and move on," Sally told him dryly.

  Decebel made an 'ahh' movement with his mouth and then grinned at Jen, who blushed and quickly turned away.

  Vasile and Alina climbed back into the car and drove around to the side of the building where the room was. They all unloaded and headed to the designated room.

  Vasile, Fane and Decebel spent an hour planning and getting the location of the cabin marked on a map. Once they had the details worked out Vasile addressed everyone.

  "The ladies are going to wait in the car in the woods where you drop us off. We're going in our wolf forms and will meet up with Sorin, Skender and Boain. Sorin is calling Dillon and telling him to bring his first four and will meet us two miles from the cabin."

  "How will you get Jacque back to us if you are in your wolf forms?" Sally asked.

  "I'm hoping that Dr. Steele will be in her human form and she can help get Jacque back. Sorin, Skender, and myself will escort them while Fane finishes off Logan." Vasile looked at Decebel. "It is to be Fane who kills him, it is his right."

  "Understood," Decebel responded.

  Lilly sat with Alina at the small table. Neither woman spoke but sat in companionable silence as they each thought about the path their children would take tonight.

  Finally at eleven thirty Vasile stood. "Let's go." That was all he said and everyone was up and out the door. They drove in silence to the location on the map that brought them closest to the cabin. The tension in the vehicle was palpable and Jen swore if you reached your hand out you would be able to feel it on your skin. After twenty minutes Vasile pulled the car off the road and down into the trees that were the edge of the forest. He pulled the vehicle in as far as he could to hide it from view. Vasile turned to look at his mate. "I will call to you as soon as we have her. You need to stay and protect them."

  "As you say, Alpha," Alina responded. "You just make sure you bring my son and his mate back."

  "As you say, my Luna." Vasile leaned across the seat and kissed her gently.

  Fane waited outside the vehicle while his father spoke with his mother. His skin was itching to phase, his wolf desperate to get out and hunt. He couldn't believe how close he was to her, he could feel her.

  "Luna, we are coming. Be ready." Fane could feel her but she didn't respond. Maybe she was still sleeping. He would let her be for a few minutes more, then he would push. He needed her to be alert once they attacked.

  Jen got out of the car as Decebel did. "Hey, Dec." He turned around to look at her. "Take care of yourself, okay?"

  Decebel's grin was slow, calculated. "It sounds like you care, Jennifer."

  "Of course I care. Jacque needs all of you to protect her, so don't go get yourself killed. It cou
ld leave her vulnerable." She glared at him.

  "That's the only reason you want me to be careful?" His voice was low, and velvet soft.

  Jen had to shake her head to clear the fog. "No, there's another reason," she whispered back. She crooked her finger at him, beckoning him forward. He leaned down so she could whisper in his ear. "You remember Matty, don't you? That handsome nurse who helped me out? Well, you still don't know if he changed my name." Jen couldn't help the wicked grin that spread across her face.

  "What do you mean if he changed your name?" Decebel growled and he could tell he wasn't going to like the answer.

  Jen's response was to start singing 'Meet Virginia' as she climbed back in the vehicle. She heard Decebel's growl and shut and locked the door just as he lunged for her. She looked at him through the glass and winked.

  "Jennifer Adams, what have you gone and done to that poor wolf now?" Sally whispered to her mischievous friend.

  "Just gave him some extra incentive to come back alive."

  Cynthia strained to hear any little noise she could but there was nothing. No footsteps, no coughing, laughing or breathing, and no heartbeat. Logan had left them alone. Well, he was dumber than he looked, she decided. She reached across and gently but firmly shook Jacque.

  "Jacque, wake up, we're getting the heck out of dodge."

  Jacque sat up groggily. "What?"

  "Logan and his mini-me aren't here. I heard a vehicle leave a little bit ago and thought one of them had stayed behind, but there is no one here. We are getting out of here now."

  "How?" Jacque asked.

  Suddenly where Cynthia Steele once sat was a medium sized grey and white wolf. The wolf slipped its foot out of the cuff and then Cynthia changed back. Now there was a very naked Cynthia sitting in front of Jacque. "Sorry about the clothes, hazard of phasing."

  "No big thing." Jacque tried to be as nonchalant as possible.