Page 19 of Take Me With You


  Izumi ran through dark corridor after dark corridor, ignoring her bodies need to catch its breath. She didn’t know where she was but the lack of windows made her surroundings painfully dark. It was clear to her that she was lost.

  ‘Izumi!’ Eiko called from behind.

  Izumi finally stopped, spinning round to see Eiko running up to her. Wanting to apologise, Izumi walked up to her, tears in her eyes but was greeted with a slap that knocked all sorrow out of her system.

  ‘Grow up, Izumi.’ Was all Eiko said.

  ‘E-Eiko... I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I... I...’ Before she knew it, Izumi was pinned to the wall, Eiko strangling her with a ferocity that she couldn’t understand. She thought that Eiko was her friend yet, there she was trying to kill her.

  The two fell to the ground and Izumi could feel her face reddening. Her hands continued to hold onto Eiko’s as she fought to clear them from her throat but Eiko was too strong.

  Suddenly Eiko was gone and Izumi immediately felt it; warmth under hands and a pulse passing through her body; her neck gripped tightly by her own hands.

Ash Masters's Novels