Page 34 of Take Me With You


  ‘This is a surprise.’

  Kioshi held up his hands. ‘I’m grateful for your help but, just who are you?’

  The woman lowered her hood, revealing herself to be in her early forties but still radiated youth and energy. She held a kind, motherly smile that somehow reminded Kioshi of his mother. ‘My name is Otori Sayuri.

  Kioshi scrutinised Sayuri carefully. She was wearing a costume that would have turned the head of everyone who had passed her if not for the fact that their minds weren’t there own; a mix of robe and body armour much like Yamato’s costume only more elegant. Clearly Sayuri didn’t fit in with the rest of the world. ‘Why did you help me? You’re not like the rest of the Deprived. Did you fight Akira in the past?’

  ‘No.’ Sayuri looked away. ‘I come from a different time. A time after that man Akira is no longer in power and Japan has been restored to its natural order.’

  ‘The future?’ Kioshi raised an eyebrow.

  ‘In a manner of speaking, yes. I came here with my daughter to give her a better life because where I am from no-where is safe – something you will discover in time.’

  ‘If this future is so inevitable then what is the point in telling me? Why do I matter?’ Kioshi folded his arms, still sceptical, but winced as his body ached.

  ‘It doesn’t matter. The reason I’m here is that I felt your energy and and so came to your aid. You see, I am also a user of the Xero Xone.’

  This caught Kioshi’s attention. ‘You are?’

  Sayuri nodded. ‘I’ve never known anyone with this ability but its feel and energy is distinct and unmistakable. I just had to see who was using it. When I saw that you were trouble, I stepped in. You could use some work.’

  ‘I only started using it today.’ Kioshi admitted.

  ‘Which is why I never felt it before. This world, it’s during the time that Akira is still in power isn’t it?’

  Kioshi nodded.

  ‘I see, so not even here is safe.’

  ‘The reason why that man attacked me was because I plan on stopping Akira.’

  Sayuri who had momentarily drifted off as she thought, quickly returned to Kioshi. ‘You?’


  ‘So it’s you. You’re the one who beat Akira! Right, if you’re going to stop him then I’ll lend you my hand. I’ve been trying to track him down, he has my daughter. She’s a Key.’

  ‘Let’s go inside and we can talk this through with my father.’ Kioshi lead the way back to his home where he held the door open.

  Sayuri bowed was about to enter but stopped. ‘What is your name?’

  ‘I’m Tamashii Kioshi.’ Kioshi disappeared inside, leaving Sayuri at the door. ‘Tamashii Kioshi?’

  Sayuri was suddenly worried.




Ash Masters's Novels