Page 46 of Take Me With You


  The time is quickly approaching. Thought Akira as he looked down from the penthouse of the Shibuya Grand Hotel onto the street where he saw three figures enter the square. Seeing the empty streets was a sight he would never get used to as the Shibuya he was once a part of was a thriving society. That had changed when in a flash on black he had been transported underground.

  At first the trapped residence had tried to scrape some semblance of a normal life but this aspiration quickly decayed and person after person became Eclipsed. Filth...

  Without Ayumi as his backup and aid, the rest of Underground Shibuya devolved into a nation of savages. Those savages wouldn’t get him, he was sure of that. Somehow I have survived all this time. The Eclipsed and their Nightmares aren’t a co-ordinated group. All they want is somewhere to call their home. They would have proved a useful asset if those people hadn’t taken the girl away from me. I felt their ki as soon as the entered the population and I could feel that the girl and her mother were powerful Keys. Much like Yamato, the girl possesses countless abilities except she was born this way! Marvellous! If I had had more time with her I would have siphoned more of her power.

  The boy Kioshi is in the group I can only assume, and some other boy. The girl’s mother is with them also. Perhaps I can use her to my advantage.

Ash Masters's Novels