Page 7 of Stay with Me

  “Is that for me?” she asked sweetly as she gave his cock a gentle pat.

  He grabbed her hand and cupped it over his erection until she could feel the length of him in her palm.

  “Oh, it’s for you all right,” he said with a grunt.

  She leaned down and grazed her teeth across the material of his shorts. He cursed and flinched, his legs trembling beneath her.

  Repositioning her hands, she put them palms down across the tops of his thighs. His skin was warm and hair-roughened beneath her touch. She slid her palms upward, underneath the legs of his shorts, inward until she boldly cupped his hardness.

  Her fingers flexed and skimmed down to the base and below to his sac. She fondled and rolled it in her hand until he arched his hips, straining for more.

  “Take them off, Catherine,” he rasped.

  She smiled and removed her hands. She tugged at the waistband of his shorts, pulling them down around his hips as he bowed upward so she could remove them.

  When she had them around his knees, he growled with impatience, reached down and yanked them off before throwing them across the room.

  “Come here,” he ordered as he reached for her.

  She went willingly, pressing her body to his. She sighed in complete and utter pleasure as his body cradled hers. They fit so perfectly, blended together, her soft curves to his harder planes.

  She twined her arms around him and just laid her head on his chest for a long moment. He kissed the top of her head and ran his hands lovingly up and down her back, petting, caressing, feathering light touches across her skin.

  “I’ve missed you so much, baby.”

  She turned her face into his chest and kissed his skin.

  “I want you to ride me,” he said as he lifted her upward. “Just like you did Rhys. You looked so damn sexy. I’ve never wanted to be him so bad in my life.”

  She barely had time to grasp his cock and position him before he lowered her down. He held her for a moment to give her time to adjust and then pulled her until she sheathed him completely.

  Her hands flew out to brace against his chest as she twitched around his cock. She felt impossibly stretched, deliciously so. She was slick around him, and she slid up and down with ease.

  There was comfort in their familiarity, that after so long, they could come back together, remembering every touch of the past. Her chest tightened, her heart seizing with love.

  “I love you,” she whispered, echoing what filled her.

  “Oh baby, I love you,” he returned.

  He reached up, cupped her face and pulled her down to meet his kiss. He rolled his hips upward, thrusting into her even as his tongue thrust between her lips.

  She met his tongue with her own, tasting him, absorbing his strength, his scent.

  “I’ll never let you go,” he whispered. “You have to know that.”

  A fist clutched at her throat. Her nose stung, and she fought the swell of emotion. She wanted to believe him. She wanted to reach out and hold his words close to her heart. More than anything she wanted to be with him and Rhys. Always.

  “I don’t want to go,” she said in a broken voice. “I never wanted to go anywhere. But I couldn’t stay, Logan.”

  He kissed her again, swallowing her distress. His arms encircled her, his hands splaying out over her back, cupping her tenderly. They slid down to her ass, and he lifted then lowered her, aiding his thrusts.

  “Ride me, baby. Sit up and take your man. Take him hard.”

  She rose, feeling like a goddess, power flowing through her when she saw the feral light in his eyes. He wanted her desperately. No matter the past, right here and right now, he only saw her. Only wanted her. He was hers to command, his body her playground.

  Her hands trailed up the midline of his chest, then parted as her fingers circled his nipples. She played in the fine hairs on his upper chest, then chased them down his firm belly to his navel.

  The muscles in his abdomen clenched and rippled as she picked up her pace. She squeezed her knees against his sides, threw back her head and raised her hands to her breasts.

  He trembled and shook as she rose and fell above him. She cupped her breasts in her palms and pinched the nipples between her fingers, elongating them into taut peaks.

  His fingers dug into her hips as she continued to tease him. “I’m close, baby. So close,” he groaned. “Come with me. I want you with me.”

  She paused for the merest of moments. Leaning down, she swept her lips across his in a tender kiss. “I’ve never wanted to be without you, Logan.”

  Clutching him to her, she undulated her hips, closing her eyes as her orgasm blew like wind, the most gentle of breezes, through her groin.

  Warm, sweet, and spreading like honey, pleasure…love. She shook, and he held her. His cry sounded in her ears as he flooded into her.

  Suddenly she was swept into the grip of yet another orgasm, sharper this time, the first merely a prelude.

  “Logan!” she gasped.

  He fused his mouth to hers, gasping for breath even as he took hers. He devoured her, ravenous, hungry. His teeth grazed her lips, nipped then sucked avidly.

  His hands gripped her buttocks, pressing her against him as he bucked underneath her. Finally he slowed, his thrusts more gentle, long and easy.

  She came to rest on top of him, her body limp and satisfied, draped across him like a rag. His hands caressed her, moving over her curves with tenderness that made her ache.

  “Can you reach the covers?” he asked faintly. “Because I’m not sure I can move.”

  She chuckled softly and reached blindly down, groping for the sheets. She made a halfhearted kick then pulled them over her body to cover them both.

  “Another nap sounds pretty damn good,” he murmured in her ear.

  “Want me to move?” she asked in a sleepy voice, though she had no desire to go anywhere.

  “Don’t move a muscle. You feel good.”

  “Love you,” she whispered.

  “I love you too, baby.”

  He squeezed her close to him, and for the first time in a long time, she felt like things would actually be all right.

  Chapter Ten

  Logan got up the next morning, the pale light of dawn filtering through the drapes. Rhys was sprawled on the couch across the suite, and Logan winced at how uncomfortable he looked.

  He pulled on a pair of shorts then walked over to Rhys and shook him awake.

  “You look like hell, man,” Logan said in amusement.

  “Gee thanks,” Rhys said around a yawn.

  “Look, I wanted to say thanks for yesterday.”

  Rhys sat up and wiped the sleep from his eyes. “Not a problem.”

  “I’d like to return the favor this morning. I need to make phone calls so we can kick-start this vacation. I know we were supposed to all have breakfast together, but why don’t I leave you with Catherine, and I’ll catch up to you later on the beach.”

  Rhys nodded and looked over at the bed. Longing flickered in his eyes.

  “I’ll hop in the shower and be out of here in ten minutes,” Logan promised.

  Rhys hauled himself up and headed for the bed. He crawled up next to Catherine and pulled her into his arms.

  She muttered a sleepy “Rhys”, and Logan smiled. He felt lighter today. He felt hope. The mind-numbing panic was, for the moment, gone.

  He and Rhys were getting another chance, and he was determined they wouldn’t fuck it up.


  Catherine woke to Rhys’ lips pressing tender kisses over her shoulder.

  “Morning, sleeping beauty,” he murmured.

  She turned over and cuddled into his chest. “Where were you?” she asked.

  “I was here. I slept on the couch. Miss me?”

  She put her hand to his chest, content to touch him. “Very much. Where’s Logan?”

  “He’s making phone calls.”

  She stiffened, and Rhys cupped her chin, forcing he
r gaze upward. “It’s not what you think, Cat. When we flew down here, we weren’t sure if we’d find you or if you were even here. We left abruptly, and no one knows where the hell we are. He needs to smooth some things with the company and make it so we can spend the rest of our vacation here with you.”

  Shame crowded her mind. “I’m sorry. I know I’m oversensitive. I don’t expect you to drop everything.”

  “No, but you should be able to expect our attention. Our love and our regard. From now on, you’ll have those things. I swear it.”

  She smiled and reached up to kiss him. “So is it just you and me for breakfast?”

  “Hmm, well I know what I want,” he murmured.

  She gasped as he began to make his way down her body with those sinful lips. When he reached her belly, she felt a flutter, a warm sensation as he kissed where his child was cradled.

  She should tell them now. No, the announcement hadn’t gone the way she’d planned, but that was the way the cookie crumbled sometimes. But then again, if she told them now, it would change the entire dynamic of their vacation.

  Ten more days wouldn’t matter, and then she could give them the two EPT sticks she’d wrapped for their anniversary present as soon as they returned home.

  She smiled as she imagined their reactions. And then they could spend the evening making love as they dreamed about the future.

  Rhys rolled over her and situated himself between her legs as he pressed a kiss to her navel. Then he worked lower, spreading her thighs as he moved down.

  She held her breath as his finger gently delved between her folds, parting the delicate skin. His warm breath blew over the highly sensitized flesh, and then his tongue rasped over her clitoris.


  He chuckled and continued to nuzzle her. Each brush of his tongue sent a shockwave through her belly. Her pussy clenched and she strained upward, wanting more.

  “I’m going to make you come,” he growled. “All over my mouth. I want to taste it.”

  She shuddered and closed her eyes. She reached up to grasp the headboard, holding tight as she writhed beneath him. His hands slid underneath her ass, cupping the globes as he raised her to his mouth.

  His tongue plunged deep, warm and wet, rough and yet exquisitely tender. Her legs fell open wider, and he sucked her straining clit between his teeth.

  “Come for me, love.” He flicked his teeth over her clit, barely grazing the peak, but it sent spasms racing straight to her core.

  “I love you,” she whispered. “I need you so much, Rhys.”

  His mouth, whisper-sweet, soft and fluttering, pressed against her quivering flesh. He kissed her, just one gentle kiss.

  She shattered, there in his arms, against his mouth. A sob spilled from her lips. The ceiling blurred, and she closed her eyes as sweet bliss descended, filling her, lifting her high then floating downward like a leaf riding the wind.

  Her hands left the headboard, and she reached blindly down, wanting to touch him, to connect. He moved up her body, pulling her close then sweeping down to claim her lips.

  “I love you too, Cat, and I’m never letting you go.”

  He rolled to the side, bringing her with him. He tucked her head under his chin as she nestled into his body. It felt so good to be back in his arms.

  “Let’s shower together then go eat breakfast,” Rhys murmured close to her ear. “Logan said he’d meet us on the beach.”

  “That means I have to move,” she said on a blissful sigh. “I don’t want to move.”

  He chuckled and stroked a hand through her hair. “I’d love nothing better than to keep you naked and in bed all day, but you need to eat. I don’t want any more episodes like last night. While we’re here, Logan and I are going to take very good care of you, which means you’ll eat and sleep well.”

  She smiled and turned her face up to his. “I love you,” she repeated, because she just couldn’t say it enough.

  He leaned down to kiss the tip of her nose. “And I love you. Now let’s go get cleaned up. I’m starving.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Catherine laughed and did a twirl on the beach, her head thrown back, her blond hair streaming down her back. The power her laughter had on Logan was phenomenal. He hadn’t realized just how long she’d been so unhappy. How long he’d been unhappy.

  The last week had been nothing short of magical as he and Rhys had done everything they could to put back together their tattered relationship with their wife. She was smiling again, and lightness reflected in her eyes.

  They teased and played, and it brought back the old days with startling clarity. Catherine had been right. They had been happier then. Even with nothing. They’d had each other, and he and Rhys had damn sure had her love.

  It was humbling that his quest to make it big, to provide for Catherine, to be a success, had nearly brought him his greatest failure.

  She ran for him, Rhys chasing behind her. He grinned as she launched herself into his arms.

  Logan gathered her close and whirled her around, placing his back between her and Rhys.

  “This is a switch,” he said with a laugh. “Usually it’s you running for Rhys.”

  She shrieked when Rhys ducked around him and made a grab for her waist. Logan hoisted her over his shoulder and playfully shoved at Rhys.

  He headed for the water, his hand cupped possessively over her ass.

  “Logan, no!” she exclaimed when she figured out his intent. “Rhys, help!”

  Rhys died laughing. “Oh, now you want my help. Weren’t you running from me a minute ago? Sorry, sweetheart. You’re on your own.”

  Logan smacked her on the behind and waded into the water. She wiggled and squirmed as she tried to extricate herself from his grip. Finally she stopped fighting and started pleading.

  “I can’t believe you’d be so mean,” she said in exasperation. “I ran to you for help!”

  He allowed her body to slide down his until her lips were in line with his own, but still he held her, her toes just dipping into the surf. He waded deeper as he kissed her.

  “Yes, you did, and I helped. Do you see Rhys anywhere?”

  “Beast,” she muttered.

  He nipped at her bottom lip just before he launched himself forward like a tree toppling in the forest. They landed in the water, his arms curled protectively around her body.

  She came up with him, sputtering for air, her frown murderous even as laughter gleamed in her eyes.

  “Oh darn, now we both need a shower,” he said innocently.

  She wiped her hair from her eyes then laughed. “You are so pathetic.”

  “No, I just really, really love what you do to me in the shower.” He nearly groaned when his entire body tightened.

  “Well, you’re carrying me back, because I’m not getting all that sand caked on my wet body.”

  He reached down and plucked her out of the water. She landed with a thump against his chest, and he grinned down at her. “I think Rhys has a good idea what I’m up to. Seems he’s disappeared. Maybe he’s warming up the shower.”