I cuddled into him, holding tight.

  “And,” I said softly, hearing the gentle crackle of the flames behind us, “I like it. A lot.”

  “Good. Me too.” Dropping a quick kiss on my head, he nodded. “Can I see you again, newt?”

  I fought a smile but lost the battle. “Could I stop you?”

  “Highly doubtful.”

  “Then yes, you may see me again, Zane Huntington.”

  He winked. “By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask. How old are you? If I’m not being too forward. But you called the people of Blue Moon mostly immortal, which would mean—”

  “—I’m one hundred and fifty years young.”

  He whistled, long and low. “Well, okay then.”

  Feeling nervous, I wrapped my arms around myself. “I’m young for my kind, though certainly long in the tooth for a human, I’ll grant you.”

  He grinned. “Well, good thing I was always into older women. Elle was five years older than me. But you’re definitely the record, Zinnia Rose.” He winked.

  A blush stained my cheeks. “And how old are you? Fair is fair, after all.”

  Chuckling as he walked back to his son, he grinned. “Me? Oh, I’m jailbait. See you tomorrow night, Ms. Robinson.”

  I gaped. Had he just...? Judging by the twinkle in his navy eyes, he certainly had.

  And then I laughed. “See you tomorrow night, Mr. Braddock.”



  WEEL, NOTHING HAD AT all turned out the way me sisters and I had expected when the veil had lifted just a few short days ago. Of course, that wasn’t a surprise considering magick rarely catered to one’s plans.

  My beautiful niece was happy, for the moment at least, and that was what mattered. I did like that beau of hers and his young son.

  I couldn’t help wondering what Sage’s sudden arrival meant for Blue Moon Bay. My skin tingled good, which told me something was definitely afoot with that one. Sweet as she was, she was certainly hiding secrets. Whether they were secrets meant to harm us, or secrets that were only her own, I wasn’t sure yet. But I would be finding out soon enough, I imagined.

  For now though, I was content to watch the happy couples. Blue Moon Bay was growing. I could only hope the veil between our worlds stayed away for a good long spell.

  My raven cried beside me, quieting only when I petted her feathers.

  A portend of things to come? I dearly hoped not. But if so, I prayed to the Goddess we would survive it. This town could hardly afford another curse.

  Standing, I looked to the skies beyond my window. Dozens of ravens circled in the air.

  I tsked. Maybe it was time to call for another gathering.

  “Aye, mebbe so.”

  THERE WILL BE MORE Blue Moon Bay in the future. Book 2, Cupcakes, Curses, and Spirits, will follow Zinnia and Zane’s continued exploits, so keep an eye on my FB page for further updates! Want to know when the next Blue Moon Bay book releases? Make sure to sign up for my newsletter!

  And while you wait for the next Blue Moon book, if you enjoy fairy tale romances make sure to check out my Kingdom series featuring literally characters we all know and love to hate like The Queen of Hearts, Hades, and the Evil Queen to name a few. The Sea Queen, Book 1 is currently free at all vendors!

  List of Books written by Jovee Winters

  Kingdom Series

  (Dark Queens Series)

  The Sea Queen, Book 1(Featuring Hades)

  The Passionate Queen, Book 2 (Queen of Hearts)

  The Ice Queen, Book 3 (The Snow Queen)

  The Magic Queen, Book 4 (Baba Yaga)

  The Dark Queen, Book 5 (The Evil Queen)

  The Fairy Queen, Book 6 (The Blue Fairy)

  The Centaur Queen, Book 7 (Greek Mythology)

  (The Dark Kings)

  The Mad King, Book 1 (The Mad Hatter)

  The Jaded King, Book 2 (The true story of Gaston from Beauty and the Beast)

  The Blue Moon Bay Series

  Cookies, Curses, and Kisses, Book 1 (Featuring Zinnia Rose)

  Cupcakes, Curses, and Spirits, Book 2 (Featuring Zinnia and Zane)

  Short Stories

  Stilettos, Curses, and Fur (Kasa’s story in the Mated to the Shifter Boxed Set)

  Frosting, Curses, and Snowflakes (Jacqueline Frost’s story, Coming Soon!)



  Jovee Winters, Cookies, Curses, and Kisses

  (Series: Blue Moon Bay # 1)




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