Jacob took Gallus home after they’d met with Brojan and Kenji. Once they were inside the shop, the taller man turned and offered his hand to Jacob.

  “I owe you an apology for how I’ve treated you.”

  Jacob shook his head. “No, you were right to be upset.”

  “It was out of your control. I couldn’t have done any better than you did.” He paused to take off his armor. When he looked at Jacob again, his eyes were glistening. “Thank you for getting Aloren back.”

  “No problem.” Jacob smiled. It felt good to be on the black man’s good side again.

  They exchanged goodbyes, then Jacob returned to Taga and he and Matt went with Aloren to her tower to get her things. She’d decided to take Akeno up on the offer to live with the Makalos. He’d extended this offer while they’d been on the trail to get the Key of Kilenya, and she was excited for the new adventure.

  After dropping Aloren off at the tree, Jacob and Matt Keyed home. Brojan decided Jacob could keep the Key, since Aloren had been rescued, but he made the brothers swear up and down not to do anything stupid and to talk to him before going anywhere.

  Jacob was just fine with that.