Acknowledgments for Ember Gods

  I’ve decided that writing the acknowledgement section is very difficult. I’m always so worried I’ll leave someone out! If I do, please forgive me. :-)

  I first need to thank my super-cool, amazing, awesome, and hot husband of six months for his loving support, patience, and faith. I’m such a lucky gal!

  Next, my parents, for their dedication to being the best parents ever, for helping me during the tough times, and for guiding, proofreading, and assisting me in the writing journey.

  A huge thank you to Tristi Pinkston for cheerfully slashing the bad grammar from my manuscripts, for her patience with my incessant questions and emails, for putting together my blog tours, and for being a great support and a wonderful friend.

  Thanks to Jenni James for her friendship, constant help, and for always pointing me in the right direction. And for getting a cell phone so I can text her. :-)

  A big hug to BJ Rowley for his amazing typesetting skills—he’s made the Kilenya Series into a beautiful set of books. Thank you!

  James Curwen deserves my gratitude for yet another wonderful cover, and for the time he’s put into creating illustrations for the series. (To be released in future special-edition versions of the books.)

  A huge thanks to my in-laws, James and Nancy, for making the billion-hour drive to our place and helping us catch up with yard work and appliance repairs so I could meet my deadlines. Also, for the phone calls, keeping us up-to-date on everyone in the family, and for being so very supportive.

  Thank you to Lon Pearson for his wonderful assistance with proofreading, for his patience, his enthusiasm, and his encouragement.

  A shout-out needs to go to my contest winners: Tani Lee, Tyler Ficiur, Megan Krahenbuhl, Levi Wolfley, Amanda Smith, Amber Hann, Elizabeth Sanchez, Sarah Kammer, Katlyn Binns, LaShanah Tillar, Ariella Stewart, Sarah Elizabeth Benjamin, and Elizabeth Fansler. Thank you for your help with everything!

  Ida Mae, the star of Secret Sisters and creation of Tristi Pinkston, deserves thanks for allowing me to name a character in my series after her. Also, thanks to Jon Schmidt and Steven Sharp Nelson for their amazing music. I spent most of the time while editing this book listening to them on repeat.

  Rifftrax needs to be thanked for making fun of my favorite movies, and the poorly made ones, so my husband and I would have a reason to watch them over and over again.

  Gratitude goes to my brother Josh for his amazing BBQ chicken. And to my mom for the zucchini and summer squash. I also need to thank the makers of sugar-free gum. I doubt any editing would’ve been completed without it. :-)

  Lastly, I want to thank my readers who’ve supported and encouraged me to continue the Kilenya Series, and who are embarking on this journey with me. I love you all!