Chapter 5. Such a Sweet Pea

  Finally, it was Monday morning. Jacob jogged into math class, heading straight to the teacher’s desk.

  Without looking up, Mr. Coolidge handed him the journal. “Don’t let me see you reading it during class again.”

  Jacob ruffled through the pages, looking for anything out of place. Satisfied, he sat, opening to where he’d last read. He wanted to take advantage of the few minutes before class started.

  Only bad news—more and more bad news. Almost the entire Makalo civilization has been wiped out. Only some remain—those who were with me on the journey to rescue Arien, and a small group of Makalos who were set aside to perform special tasks. Kelson’s wife is dead, as is the queen, Ara Liese. The Lorkon laid siege on Maivoryl, and have killed hundreds of the people there. I am the ruler of this kingdom, and yet I have no control. Kenji and Brojan assist to the best of their ability, but I am lost without my right-hand man, Kelson, or King Roylance. How am I to lead a kingdom when I’ve only lived here for a few years? Even Aldo, who was King Roylance’s advisor, is distracted, studying documents, trying to figure out where the other Key is, or where the Lorkon originated. He hasn’t found anything, though, and meanwhile, I am without assistance. The people look to me for guidance, but I have none to give.

  Arien’s faith is unwavering. She trusts me completely. I’m afraid to let her down, to hurt her because of my inability to cleanse her kingdom from the filth which has infested the land. We watch helplessly as our people are slaughtered. The Lorkon don’t take many prisoners, and we fear for those they do hold as hostages. But what do the Lorkon want? We still don’t know.

  Jacob read several paragraphs where Dmitri listed the numbers of deaths in each of the two main races—humans and Makalos. The tardy bell rang and he put the book away, mulling over Dmitri’s situation. It was so depressing! Jacob had no idea what he’d do if he were in Dmitri’s place, and he was glad he wasn’t.