Bitter—that was Jacob’s first thought. He rolled away from the smell, then stiffened when pain hit him. It wasn’t as strong as earlier, though, so he relaxed a fraction. He heard movement in the room, but waited a while before opening his eyes. They didn’t seem to want to cooperate. Finally, he peeked between his lids, taking time to adjust to the lighting. He was still in Kenji’s house.

  “He’s awake now,” Akeno called, then smiled at Jacob, who sat up.”How’re you feeling?”

  “A little sore,” Jacob said. “Where’s Matt?”

  Akeno motioned to one of the wooden chairs on the side of the room. Matt was asleep there, and didn’t look very comfortable. Jacob pointed this out.

  “He didn’t want to leave without you.”

  Great. “How long was I asleep this time?”

  “Only a couple of hours. It’s still nighttime, probably around ten. My mother woke you before you finished healing.”

  Ebony walked into the room. “Jacob, we’ve got to get you both home,” she said. “The sap is still working on you—it won’t finish until you’ve slept the whole night through, and a good night’s rest won’t happen here. Make sure Matt stays off his leg. You’ll have to help him get to his room. And don’t let him use his leg for a while, just in case.”

  Jacob crawled to Matt, too tired to stand. His brother’s pant leg had been cut, and a huge bandage was wrapped around his thigh. Jacob sat on the floor near Matt’s chair, facing the Makalos.

  Kenji sighed. “I suppose I don’t have to ask what happened, do I? You got restless and decided you needed to get Aloren.”

  Jacob hung his head. “I’m sorry—Matt and I thought we’d be able to get in and out quickly. There are Ember Gods guarding the city, though, and the people were much more aggressive this time.”

  “Ember Gods?” Kenji asked. “I’ve never heard of them.”

  “They’re really Fire Turners—he said to call them Ember Gods.”

  “I’m still not familiar with this race.”

  “They’re not nice people.”

  “I know I should be angrier with you,” Kenji said. “Brojan will be pretty upset when he finds out what you’ve done, and I’m sure your mother will have plenty to say when she sees you.” He rubbed his shoulder, watching Jacob closely. “We’ve had too many close calls with you, young man. You are too valuable to lose. You need to regard your own life as highly as you do that of Aloren’s, and especially your brother’s. You are old enough to recognize the difference between foolish and wise behavior.” He sat in the chair next to Jacob. “Wisdom is being able to see the consequences of your actions, and tonight’s exploit showed very little wisdom on your part.”

  Jacob avoided making eye contact with Kenji. His face flushed in shame.

  After a long silence, Kenji sighed. “Maybe this experience taught you something important.” He stood and motioned to Matt. “Wake him and get yourselves home.”

  Jacob woke Matt and Keyed them home to a frantic mother, who needed some calming down before she’d let them go to bed.