Page 28 of Night Pleasures

  Why would he do that when Kyrian had asked him to watch over her?

  Because Tabitha is far more likely to get into trouble walking the streets than you are going to Cliff's.

  Oh yeah. That explained it. The only danger at Cliff's would be him boring her to death.


  It didn't take her long to get there.

  Amanda walked up to Cliff's first-floor apartment, then knocked on the door and waited for him to answer.

  He opened the door. He was wearing a pair of Levi's and a yellow button-down shirt. "What?" he asked, looking over her shoulder. "No friend driving you this time?"

  She glared at the jealousy she heard in his voice. How dare he! "What's that supposed to mean?"

  He shrugged and opened the door wider. "Nothing. I'm just upset tonight. Thanks for coming on such short notice."

  Again she heard that voice in her head telling her to leave. Like a fool, she ignored it and stepped inside.

  He shut and locked the door behind her.

  "Well, well," a familiar voice said from the kitchen. "What have we here?"

  Amanda froze as Desiderius stepped out of the shadows.


  "You!" Amanda screamed and started for the door.

  Cliff caught her. "Not so fast."

  "How could you?" she asked Cliff. Then she turned to glare at Desiderius. "I don't understand why you're here. How?"

  Desiderius sighed. "Please don't make this any more cliche than it has to be. It's bad enough that I had to stoop to such a primitive ploy to trap Kyrian. Now you expect me to dump my entire plan on you so you can escape and kill me?" He shook his head. "You know, I watch bad movies, too."

  Suddenly, she felt Desiderius in her thoughts. Felt him goading and prying into her memories. Her head ached and swam as bizarre images played through her mind. Images of Desiderius embracing and caressing her. Of his breath on her neck.

  Worse, Amanda felt the barriers of her mind collapsing under the pressure of his fierce mental onslaught.

  "She is as you promised, Cliff." His voice came at such a faint distance. Like a vague whisper on the wind. "Her powers are pure, virtually untouched."

  "I know. It's what drew me to her the first time I met her." Cliff smiled. "And with the information we gathered on how Kyrian fights from that night in the alley, we should have no trouble defeating him."

  Desiderius paused as he looked upon the lesser beast. He considered humans to be the lowest of low. They were, after all, only food for the gods.

  The only thing below them were mongrels such as Cliff. Half Apollite, half human, the sniveling coward had served his uses.

  All in all, he should be grateful that Cliff's Apollite father had died before he could impart the real truth of the boy's heritage to him.

  As for Cliff's human mother ...

  Well, she had been a tasty morsel.

  Desiderius had always known having a mongrel for a pet would one day pay off. All the years of having to rear the vile creature didn't seem so repulsive now.

  And when Cliff had found this little sorceress in his own office, Desiderius had bided his time waiting for Cliff to expose and develop her psychic powers before Desiderius took her soul and her powers along with it.

  But she had been resistant.

  Who could have guessed the outcome of all this? After Cliff had panicked and broken up with Amanda over her sister's behavior, Desiderius had known he would have to act quickly to claim the sorceress before she escaped their clutches.

  As soon as Cliff told him how close the twins were and how often Cliff had been inside Tabitha's home, Desiderius's plan had formed.

  When he had handcuffed Amanda to the Dark-Hunter, he had pretended to confuse her with her sister, hoping Amanda would panic and use her powers to kill the Dark-Hunter to protect Tabitha. He'd never dreamed she would reach into her powers to protect the Dark-Hunter.

  Not that it mattered.

  Now with the channel open, she was ripe for the plucking.

  "You will bring me over now?" Cliff asked. "Make me immortal, too?"


  Amanda barely registered the sight of Desiderius walking over to Cliff and taking him into his arms. She saw his fangs flash an instant before Desiderius sank them into Cliff's willing neck.

  Her head swimming even more, she felt herself floating toward the floor. Too late, she realized her thoughts were no longer her own.


  Kyrian paused in the heart of the French Quarter looking around as his long black leather coat billowed around his legs. Tourists lined Bourbon Street, walking around, oblivious to the danger. Some of them paused as they caught sight of him dressed in black, wearing his sunglasses because the garish lights hurt his eyes.

  He could hear the cacophony of jazz, rock, and laughter mixing in the cool winter winds.

  Numbing his mind to the distractions, he reached out with both his powers and his technology and still he had no sign of Desiderius.

  "Dammit," he snarled.

  He rubbed his aching shoulder where Tabitha had attacked him.

  As he massaged the pain, the image of Amanda replaced her sister's. He saw her laughing face the way she'd been last night draped over him as she made the tenderest of love to him. No one had ever touched him so deeply.

  "Because I love you."

  Those words seared his heart. More so because he had heard her feelings in her voice. She meant them in a way no woman had ever meant them before.

  She loved him.

  And he loved her. Loved her so much that inside he wanted to die knowing he couldn't have her. The Fates were cruel bitches. He'd learned that centuries ago. And yet on this cold night, that one basic fact burned inside him.

  Come to me, Amanda, I need you.

  He flinched at the thought.

  "Don't think about it," he whispered, knowing it was futile.

  If he could have one single wish ...

  He forced the thought away. He had a mission to accomplish. He must stop Desiderius.

  His phone rang. He pulled his cell phone off his belt and answered it.

  It was Talon. "Ash wanted me to tell you something weird is going down. The Daimons are attacking in droves tonight. I've nailed ten so far and he's on the tail of four more. He wants you on your toes."

  "Tell Gramps not to worry. Everything is quiet in the Quarter."

  "All right, just don't get jacked out there."

  "Don't worry. I can handle myself."

  "By the way," Talon said. "Eric is with Tabitha. He said she's loose in the Quarter, hunting Desiderius, too."

  "You've got to be kidding me."

  "I wish. Ash was tailing her in the Garden District, but had to let her go when he spotted a group of Daimons after tourists."

  Kyrian hung up at the same time his tracker hummed. It signaled that there were Daimons nearby. Grabbing his tracker from his coat pocket, he trailed their neural activity to a side alley a block away.

  He entered the darkened area to find six Daimons attacking four humans.

  "Hey!" Kyrian called, distracting them from their victims. He smoothed back the edge of his coat and pulled out his retractable sword. Pressing the stone on the hilt, he extended it out to its full five-foot length.

  "Tell me," Kyrian said to the Daimons as he twirled it around himself, "have you ever seen a pissed-off ancient Greek general?"

  The Daimons passed a wary look among themselves.

  Kyrian fell into his crouch with his sword held in both hands as he sized them up. "It's not a pretty sight. Really."

  "Get him!" the leader called and at once they rushed him.

  Kyrian caught the first one with a parry that caused him to explode into powder. He twisted around like a graceful cat and caught a second one with an upper cut to the middle. The Daimon gasped and vaporized.

  Before Kyrian could rebound from that attack, one of the Daimons caught his sore arm and clawed the sword from his grasp. K
yrian twisted and caught him with the toe of his boot. He too evaporated.

  Another one caught him about the waist and rammed him back against the wall.

  The other two closed in.

  He kicked at the one on his waist at the same time the two approaching him vaporized.

  He saw Tabitha standing on unsteady legs. "Eat steel, you vampire dogs," she said as she tossed a throwing star at Kyrian.

  Stunned by the fact she had tossed it to him as protection and not to harm him, he caught it in his hand and used it to kill the last Daimon.

  By the time he reached Tabitha, she was kneeling on the ground. Her neck was bleeding steadily, her face pale. Kyrian tore part of his shirt to make a compress, then dialed for an ambulance.

  "Eric?" she asked, her voice strained as she tried to see into the darkness where the other victims lay. "Is he dead?"

  "I'm right here, baby."

  Eric staggered over to where they were. He fell down beside Tabitha and gathered her into his arms.

  "She's not going to die," Kyrian assured him.

  Eric nodded. "I tried to tell her not to come out tonight. That it was going to be bad. She doesn't listen."

  "It runs in the family."

  Tabitha touched Kyrian's arm while he gave directions to 911. After he finished, she stared at him, her brow dark with disbelief. "Why did you save me?"

  "It's what Kyrian does, Tabby," Eric whispered.

  While Eric held her, Kyrian checked on the other two people on the ground. They were the same ones who had attacked him in Esmeralda's house. Unfortunately, they weren't as lucky as Eric and Tabitha.

  "Eric," he said, returning to them, "what happened?"

  Eric shrugged. "One minute we had them and the next, they turned on us."

  "Did they say anything?"

  Erik looked sick as he held Tabitha close. "'I'll swallow your soul.'"

  Kyrian stared at him for a heartbeat, then clenched his teeth at their warped sense of humor. "Daimons watch way too many B movies."

  Tabitha reached out and touched Kyrian's hand. "Thank you."

  He nodded. "I return the gratitude."

  "Man, Kyrian," Eric breathed. "You were right about them. I've never seen Daimons move like that before. I should have listened to your warning."

  Frowning, Tabitha looked between them. "You two know each other?"

  "My father used to work for Kyrian's friend Talon." Eric met Kyrian's gaze. "I've known Kyrian all my life, Tabby. Believe me, he's one of the good guys."

  Before she could say anything else, the ambulance arrived.

  Kyrian waited until they were both inside and under medical care before he called Amanda to tell her the news.

  She didn't answer her cell phone.

  He called her mother, her sister, and his house. No one answered.

  His stomach knotting with fear, he headed for his car. Maybe Amanda was still at his house waiting for him.

  Or maybe Desiderius has her ...

  He imagined her being attacked like Tabitha. Saw her bloody and dead like Tabitha's friends. The terror and pain of the thought wracked him.

  Amanda had to be all right. He couldn't live if anything happened to her.

  Like a demon possessed, he drove home as fast as his Lamborghini would go.

  His body shaking in fear for her welfare, he rushed through the garage and into the dark house, listening.

  Please, gods, anything. Just don't let her be harmed.

  He heard Amanda upstairs, humming her Grieg tune in his bedroom. Relief and gratitude rocked him so hard, he almost staggered. He had to see her to make sure she was fine and healthy. Taking a deep breath in relief, Kyrian sprinted up the stairs and opened the door.

  He froze.

  Amanda had lit the candles on his wall sconces. She wore the skimpiest, sheerest white nightgown he had ever seen in his life. Her long legs were encased in stockings and a lacy white garter belt. With her back to him, she was leaning over the bed, scenting his sheets with the rose oil she rubbed onto her skin after her bath.

  The candlelight displayed the outline of her creamy body to perfection.

  His entire body burned at the sight of her. Overwhelmed by his emotions, he went to the bed and pressed himself against her back. He held her tight in his arms, leaning his head against hers as he shook with relief.

  Amanda was alive and unharmed.

  She moaned in pleasure. The sound reverberated through him, heightening his desire even more.

  "Touch me, Kyrian," she breathed, taking his hands from her waist and leading them to her breasts. "I need to feel you tonight."

  He needed it, too. After being so terrified that she was lost to him, he needed to feel her in a way that made his mind whirl.

  Growling at the feel of her hardened, gauze-covered nipples in his palm, he dropped his head to taste the scented flesh of her neck.

  She turned in his arms, reached up and removed his sunglasses from his face, then she claimed his lips with hers.

  "Amanda," he breathed as her rose scent encircled his head, beguiling him. "What is it you do to me?"

  She answered him by tracing her tongue along his jaw, then down under his chin to his neck. A thousand chills shot through him as she slid his coat over his shoulders and dropped it to the floor.

  She untucked his shirt and ran her hands underneath it, branding his skin.

  The voice in his head wanted to push her away, but he couldn't. In truth, he never could.

  He loved this woman. There was nothing more to be said about it than that. She truly was his soul mate. He would deny it no more.

  For this one tiny moment, he would revel in the love he felt for her. Revel in the way he craved her.

  Her eyes hungry, she undid his pants and slid her hands over his swollen shaft. "I love how you feel in my hands," she whispered, stroking him. "Tell me, Kyrian, can you read my thoughts?"

  Kyrian closed his eyes as he savored her touch. When she cupped him, he shivered. "No," he breathed. "I relinquished that power when you asked me to."

  Picking her up, he set her on the edge of the bed and stood between her knees. She smiled a smile that lightened his heart as she unlaced the front of her gown and bared her breasts to him.

  His body burning, Kyrian nudged her legs farther apart so that he could look at her. Gods, how he loved looking at her. Dropping to his knees, he took her into his mouth.

  She let out a strangled cry as he tasted her completely. Kyrian closed his eyes as he ran his tongue over her. Her thighs trembled around his face as he brought her to climax.

  Her hand clutched at his hair and all the while she rocked her hips against his face.

  "Oh yes," she moaned.

  Kyrian waited until she was completely finished. Only then did he stand up.

  Her eyes were liquid and hot as she stared up at him. She rose up on the bed and finished undressing him, then she slid off the bed in front of him and offered him her back.

  Without being told, he knew what she wanted. Growling low in his throat, he drove himself inside her with one forceful thrust.

  She moaned in pleasure, rising up on her tiptoes and then dropping herself down to take him into her body all the way to his hilt.

  Kyrian's entire body shook.

  Kissing her shoulder, he slid his hand over her soft belly, then down through her nether curls so that he could touch her swollen nub. He stroked her tenderly with his hand while he kept his hips completely still. He let her take control of their pleasure.

  Amanda milked him with her body until she came again, screaming his name.

  Just as he felt their pleasure combining and his powers slipping from him, he pulled out of her. His breathing ragged, it was all he could do not to double over from the pain of his unspent lust.

  For once, Amanda didn't take pity on him. Instead, she turned around and kissed him avidly.

  "Amanda," he said, trying to get away from her.

  "Shh, Kyrian," she whispe
red against his lips. "Trust me."

  Against his instincts, he did. She laid him down on the bed, then climbed on top of him. Kyrian shook as she guided him back into her body.

  She felt so incredibly good as he felt her inside him. Felt her pleasure as his as she rode him.

  His ecstasy mounting, he let her roll him over until he was on top, cradled between her thighs. Feeling a little better, he rode her hard and fast.

  This time when he went to pull out, she wrapped herself around him and held him tight.

  Kyrian frowned as she rocked herself against him, drawing his shaft deeper into her body. She moaned as her body clutched at his.

  "Amanda, stop," he breathed raggedly. If she continued, he would be lost.

  Again he tried to pull away and again she held tight, sliding herself against him. Kyrian ground his teeth, trying to stave off his orgasm.

  It worked until he felt her climax again. The sound of her cry combined with her clutching him was more than he could take. Against his will, his body released.

  Kyrian leaned his head back and shouted from the ferocity of his pleasure. There was truly nothing better than being in Amanda's arms. Her body.

  For the first time in two thousand years, he felt at home.

  And as those tender feelings swept through him, he felt his Dark-Hunter powers recede again.


  Amanda kissed him lightly on the lips and rolled over with him. He was too weak to protest. All he could do was stare up at her.

  She left the bed and pulled on a robe.

  "Amanda?" he called.

  She returned a moment later with a glass of wine. "Everything is all right. I'm here, my love," she said.

  She held the glass of wine to his lips. Trusting her completely, he drank it.

  After a few minutes, the room began to swim. "What are you doing?" he asked as a feeling of dread consumed him.

  But he already knew.

  Like Theone all those centuries ago, she had drugged him.

  The last sight he had was of her opening the door to admit Desiderius into his bedroom.


  Kyrian came awake with his hands tied above his head. He was positioned against a dark, dank wall inside an unfamiliar house. The old-fashioned room was lit by candles that cast dancing shadows around him and he heard whispers surrounding him. By the looks of the place, he would surmise it was an older home probably not all that far from his own house down in the Garden District.

  Scanning the room, he found Amanda and Desiderius standing a few feet away from him with Desiderius's arm draped around her shoulders.