"Good Lord, I say, what ho!" cried Ginger. "Fancy meeting you here. Whata bit of luck!" He glanced over his shoulder warily. "Has that blighterpipped?"


  "Popped," explained Ginger. "I mean to say, he isn't coming back or anyrot like that, is he?"

  "Mr. Carmyle? No, he has gone."

  "Sound egg!" said Ginger with satisfaction. "For a moment, when I sawyou yarning away together, I thought he might be with your party. Whaton earth is he doing over here at all, confound him? He's got all Europeto play about in, why should he come infesting New York? I say, itreally is ripping, seeing you again. It seems years... Of course, oneget's a certain amount of satisfaction writing letters, but it's not thesame. Besides, I write such rotten letters. I say, this really is ratherpriceless. Can't I get you something? A cup of coffee, I mean, or an eggor something? By jove! this really is top-hole."

  His homely, honest face glowed with pleasure, and it seemed to Sally asthough she had come out of a winter's night into a warm friendly room.Her mercurial spirits soared.

  "Oh, Ginger! If you knew what it's like seeing you!"

  "No, really? Do you mean, honestly, you're braced?"

  "I should say I am braced."

  "Well, isn't that fine! I was afraid you might have forgotten me."

  "Forgotten you!"

  With something of the effect of a revelation it suddenly struck Sallyhow far she had been from forgetting him, how large was the place he hadoccupied in her thoughts.

  "I've missed you dreadfully," she said, and felt the words inadequate asshe uttered them.

  "What ho!" said Ginger, also internally condemning the poverty of speechas a vehicle for conveying thought.

  There was a brief silence. The first exhilaration of the reunion over,Sally deep down in her heart was aware of a troubled feeling as thoughthe world were out of joint. She forced herself to ignore it, but itwould not be ignored. It grew. Dimly she was beginning to realize whatGinger meant to her, and she fought to keep herself from realizing it.Strange things were happening to her to-night, strange emotions stirringher. Ginger seemed somehow different, as if she were really seeing himfor the first time.

  "You're looking wonderfully well," she said trying to keep theconversation on a pedestrian level.

  "I am well," said Ginger. "Never felt fitter in my life. Been out in theopen all day long... simple life and all that... working like blazes.I say, business is booming. Did you see me just now, handing over Percythe Pup to what's-his-name? Five hundred dollars on that one deal. Gotthe cheque in my pocket. But what an extraordinarily rummy thing thatI should have come to this place to deliver the goods just when youhappened to be here. I couldn't believe my eyes at first. I say, Ihope the people you're with won't think I'm butting in. You'll have toexplain that we're old pals and that you started me in business and allthat sort of thing. Look here," he said lowering his voice, "I knowhow you hate being thanked, but I simply must say how terrificallydecent..."

  "Miss Nicholas."

  Lee Schoenstein was standing at the table, and by his side an expectantyouth with a small moustache and pince-nez. Sally got up, and the nextmoment Ginger was alone, gaping perplexedly after her as she vanishedand reappeared in the jogging throng on the dancing floor. It was thenearest thing Ginger had seen to a conjuring trick, and at that momenthe was ill-attuned to conjuring tricks. He brooded, fuming, at whatseemed to him the supremest exhibition of pure cheek, of monumentalnerve, and of undiluted crust that had ever come within his notice. Tocome and charge into a private conversation like that and whisk her awaywithout a word...

  "Who was that blighter?" he demanded with heat, when the music ceasedand Sally limped back.

  "That was Mr. Schoenstein."

  "And who was the other?"

  "The one I danced with? I don't know."

  "You don't know?"

  Sally perceived that the conversation had arrived at an embarrassingpoint. There was nothing for it but candour.

  "Ginger," she said, "you remember my telling you when we first met thatI used to dance in a Broadway place? This is the place. I'm workingagain."

  Complete unintelligence showed itself on Ginger's every feature.

  "I don't understand," he said--unnecessarily, for his face revealed thefact.

  "I've got my old job back."

  "But why?"

  "Well, I had to do something." She went on rapidly. Already a lightdimly resembling the light of understanding was beginning to appear inGinger's eyes. "Fillmore went smash, you know--it wasn't his fault, poordear. He had the worst kind of luck--and most of my money was tied up inhis business, so you see..."

  She broke off confused by the look in his eyes, conscious of an absurdfeeling of guilt. There was amazement in that look and a sort ofincredulous horror.

  "Do you mean to say..." Ginger gulped and started again. "Do you meanto tell me that you let me have... all that money... for thedog-business... when you were broke? Do you mean to say..."

  Sally stole a glance at his crimson face and looked away again quickly.There was an electric silence.

  "Look here," exploded Ginger with sudden violence, "you've got to marryme. You've jolly well got to marry me! I don't mean that," he addedquickly. "I mean to say I know you're going to marry whoever youplease... but won't you marry me? Sally, for God's sake have a dashat it! I've been keeping it in all this time because it seemed ratherrotten to bother you about it, but now....Oh, dammit, I wish I could putit into words. I always was rotten at talking. But... well, look here,what I mean is, I know I'm not much of a chap, but it seems to me youmust care for me a bit to do a thing like that for a fellow... and...I've loved you like the dickens ever since I met you... I do wish you'dhave a stab at it, Sally. At least I could look after you, you know,and all that... I mean to say, work like the deuce and try to give you agood time... I'm not such an ass as to think a girl like you could everreally... er... love a blighter like me, but..."

  Sally laid her hand on his.

  "Ginger, dear," she said, "I do love you. I ought to have known it allalong, but I seem to be understanding myself to-night for the firsttime." She got up and bent over him for a swift moment, whispering inhis ear, "I shall never love anyone but you, Ginger. Will you tryto remember that." She was moving away, but he caught at her arm andstopped her.


  She pulled her arm away, her face working as she fought against thetears that would not keep back.

  "I've made a fool of myself," she said. "Ginger, your cousin... Mr.Carmyle... just now he asked me to marry him, and I said I would."

  She was gone, flitting among the tables like some wild creature runningto its home: and Ginger, motionless, watched her go.
