The door opened and a young nurse came in to give Dave a shot. Seemingly glad of the interruption, Dave perked up. "If you don't stop giving me so many shots, you will have me looking like a pin cushion," he joked. Then nodding his head toward Jennie, he said, "Meet my wife, Miss ... excuse me, I forgot your name."

  "Wilson, "

  "Miss Wilson meet Mrs. Maddox."

  "Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Maddox." Then with a surprised look she questioned, "Your wife, did you say?"

  Dave dropped his eyes. "Yes," he answered meekly.

  "Well, what do you know? I thought I read in the paper.

  .. " Dave gave her a hard look so she left her sentence unfinished and walking over to the bed, she said, “Here, Mr. Maddox, let me give you this shot. How are you feeling today?"

  "Fair," Dave answered. "My leg is causing me lots of pain. I've had this old leg broken before."

  "The same leg?"

  "Yes, the same leg."

  My, Mr. Maddox, you had better be careful when you get over this. You wouldn't want to be a cripple for life." Turning to go, she added, "Try to get some rest." Smiling at Jennie she said, "Nice meeting you, Mrs. Maddox. Keep this young man in bed and make him behave himself."

  "I'll do my best." Jennie returned her smile. Winking at Dave, she added, "He can be stubborn sometimes."

  After the door closed behind the nurse, Jennie asked, "You're trying to keep something from me, aren't you, Dave? Was the man killed that was with you?"

  Dave looked her in the eye but the color drained from his face as he answered, "Jennie, you will hate me when I tell you what I'm going to, but you will find it out anyway because it was in the newspaper. I wasn't with a man; I was with a woman."

  Jennie gasped, "Oh no, Dave, you haven't gone that far, have you?"

  "Yes, Jennie, I've stooped about as low as a human can stoop, I guess. We were both drunk. I picked her up at the bar." He winced at the shocked look on Jennie's face. "I'm sorry I've disgraced you, Jennie, and crushed you beyond measure. You can start divorce proceedings immediately."

  "Oh no, Dave, not that. The Bible teaches 'Until death do us part.' "

  "But after the way I've treated you, Jennie, God does not expect you to, put up with me any longer."

  "You can still make amends, Dave, and save our home."

  "Impossible, with all the scandal."

  "Scandals have been lived down before and with God's help and grace, we can do it again. If you will humble yourself before God, confessing everything and forsaking all your sins; there's forgiveness with Him. The Bible declares 'He that covereth his sins shall not prosper; but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.' Dave, throw yourself on the mercy of God and confess everything to, Him in true repentance."

  "It's not easy to, get back to, God, Jennie, after the way I've lived. I have been trying to, pray but it's as if the heavens were brass."

  Jennie reached in her purse and took out a small Testament. "Here, let me read you something from Matthew 12:43-45. 'When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first.'

  "That's why it's so, hard for you to, pray, Dave. You have willingly disobeyed Cod and walked against light. God really transformed your life at one time, but you have spurned His love and trampled His blood under your feet, so, to, speak, and it seems that seven other spirits more wicked than the first are grappling at your soul.”

  Dave yawned. The sedative was beginning to, take effect and made him feel drowsy. Jennie prayed silently that God would keep him awake and give him an alert mind as she faithfully tried to show him how serious it is to trifle with God.

  "God is merciful," she continued, "but you will have to show Him you mean business, Dave." Her voice was compassionate. "I want to try to help you locate yourself. Do you remember the Sunday morning Brother Smith preached on sanctification, a second definite work of grace, under the powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit.

  "Yes, Jennie," he humbly acknowledged, "I remember it as if it were yesterday."

  "Didn't God talk to your heart that morning, Dave? I know you had professed to be sanctified before then, but I have seen other people under conviction and from all appearances, God was dealing with you."

  "You're right, Jennie. Throughout the message, God talked to me, revealing the depravity of my carnal heart. True, I had professed to be sanctified, but God showed me that morning that I had come short of the blessing and that I needed my heart cleansed from its impurities through the power of the Blood. The Spirit urged me strongly to go to the altar and seek His fullness, but I resisted His wooings. I reasoned with my own heart that everybody thought I was sanctified and it would be humiliating to confess my need before this congregation of people. So, I failed to move out, thinking I would seek God at home for my need. But you see how it all turned out. Instead of going forward with God, I began to lose ground."

  "Dave, when God speaks, that's the time to move. He, no doubt, saw you needed to humble yourself before everybody and confess your wrong in professing what you did not have. This could have been the very thing that would have brought victory. But no use grieving over what should have been done back there. Let's start from that point. You have confessed, Dave, that it was after this that you began to lose ground. You were on a spiritual decline. Right?"

  "Right, Jennie. Things went from bad to worse after that. "

  "I think if you would start right there, when you came up against the light of holiness and rejected that light, and ask God's forgiveness and truly repent of all your sins, I believe He would hear your prayers and forgive your transgressions. God is far more merciful than you and I can realize, Dave."

  Dave wiped his eyes with the corner of the sheet. The faithful Holy Spirit had used Jennie's words of wisdom to help him to see just where he had lost out with God, but that a door of mercy was still open unto him if he would come to God in true repentance.

  "Pray for me, Jennie," he cried brokenly. "I'm sick and tired of the life I'm living."

  Once again, the door was opened and an aide came in to check his temperature.

  "Why what's wrong, Mr. Maddox? Is something hurting you?"

  "Yes, my heart--or maybe I should say my conscience. I am sick, sick, sick of myself and sin. My dear Christian wife is going to pray that God will be merciful unto my poor sin-sick soul as soon as you are through here."

  "Oh, excuse me, Sir," she said nervously as she popped the thermometer in his mouth and began checking his pulse rate.

  Jennie sat silently praying that God would intervene and help them to have no more interruptions. As the door closed behind the aide, Jennie said, "Let's pray, Dave. Confess everything. Don't spare yourself. It's the only way to victory.

  Dave did as he was instructed and as the Spirit prompted. Jennie could hardly comprehend the depths of sin to which Dave had gone. At times, she thought she could not stand to hear another confession, but somehow, God reached underneath her with His everlasting arms of mercy and held her up, keeping the burden of prayer on her until Dave paid the price, repented of every sin and believed God for forgiveness. Then God, so rich in love and mercy, blotted out every stain, and cast his sins in the sea of forgetfulness to be remembered against him no more, making him a new creature in Christ Jesus, redeemed by the precious blood.

  "Praise the Lord forever," Jennie held her hands over her mouth to keep from getting too iced. "Glory be to God! Thank you, dear Jesus!" she exclaimed as she felt the witness of the spirit to Dave's regeneration.

  Dave wept aloud as Jennie fell into his arms.

  "Oh, I've missed you so, Jennie."

  "And I've mis
sed you terribly, Dave."

  "What would have happened to me, Jennie, if you hadn't been faithful? I can't bear to think of it, but I would be burning in hell right now."

  What a time of rejoicing they had together as the angels bent low to witness the memorable scene. Jennie felt as near to heaven as she ever hoped to while living on earth.

  "Dave, whatever you do, walk in the light, and let God sanctify you wholly," she admonished him. "We are no match for the devil, and if you don't let God rid you of the sin principle in your heart, it will drag you down again."

  "But I feel so pure, so clean and peaceful. Such a burden has lifted off my heart that I can't see how I can ever be trapped again."

  "You underestimate the power of the devil, my dear. Keep your heart open and God will lead you."

  The next few weeks were busy ones for Jennie. When she was not in Dave's room, she was visiting the patients, praying with them and trying to lead them to Christ. She did not forget Mrs. Bostick's promise to attend church and made arrangements with her pastor's wife to furnish her transportation.

  "Dear Jesus," she prayed concerning her, "Grant that this will be a brand plucked from the burning."

  Walking down the hall one day, she met Dr. Leary, the heart specialist.

  "Why if it isn't Miss Taylor--uh-Mrs .... "

  "Maddox," she told him.

  "Mrs. Maddox, I'm so delighted to see you again. I have been wondering about you, especially of late."

  "That's nice of you to think of me, Dr. Leary." She remembered how kind he had always been to her when others were often rude.

  "Since I married, I no longer work, but Dave was in a car wreck and as he recuperates, I have been doing a little work for the Lord. Some of the patients appreciate Bible reading and prayer."

  "That's your life, isn't it, Mrs. Maddox?"

  "I love to work for God, Doctor. He's been so good to Dave and me."

  "Dave Maddox? Oh yes, he was one of my patients a few years back. I have never forgotten him. The thing I remembered about him was his radiant smile and his testimony about having a heart change. But," he stopped as if something had suddenly dawned upon him. "I don't understand." He hesitated as if embarrassed, then continued, "The paper said he was-was .... "

  "Under the influence of intoxicating liquor," Jennie finished for him knowing there was no use trying to avoid the truth.

  "Also, his companion was-uh-she wasn't. ... "

  "No, it wasn't me, Doctor, and I can assure you this has been very grievous to me. You see - Dave failed God and went back into deep sin, but thanks to God's faithfulness, he has been forgiven and restored to God's fold since he has been in the hospital."

  "You mean he has rededicated his life? What a shame, though, that all of his works will be lost."

  "I see you don't understand, Doctor. Not only would his works have been lost, but his soul would have been lost as well. After he went back into sin and took up his old habits, he was no longer a Christian. Had he died in that condition, he would have gone to hell."

  "How could this have been possible, Mrs. Maddox, after he had once been saved? Does the Bible verify your statement?"

  "Do you have a few minutes to spare, Dr. Leary? I would be glad to discuss this issue with you. We can walk down to the lounge at the end of the hall."

  "Sure, I can spare a few minutes. I would like to hear what you have to say on the subject."

  They walked together down the hall and found a seat in the corner of the lounge. Jennie resumed the conversation. "If we read and study the Bible carefully, Doctor, we find many Scriptures that will verify what I have said, such as Matthew 10:22; 'But he that endureth to the end shall be saved.' John 15:1-6 tells of unfruitful branches cut off and burned and Hebrews 6:4, 6 speaks of 'falling away.' " Taking her Testament from her purse, she opened it to II Peter 2:20-22 and read, " 'For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, the dog is turned to his own vomit again, and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.'

  "So you see, Doctor," she said in way of explanation, "If one could go to heaven in a backslidden condition, why does the Bible say the latter end is worse with them than the beginning, meaning the backslidden state is worse than before one was saved? You will agree with me that it is impossible for one to get to heaven, after reaching the age of accountability, unless they have been born again?"

  "Yes, I agree with that."

  "Then why does the Bible say that it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, meaning it was better that one had never been saved, than after they had known the way to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them? This is speaking of one who had been saved but had turned back on God, or backslidden."

  "I confess I am confused, Mrs. Maddox, but according to what you have read from the Bible, one is in a worse state when they are backslidden than they were before they were saved."

  "You're right, Doctor. Now, do you think that God would say a backslider is in a worse condition than a sinner, if He would permit a backslider to go to heaven, and yet ascribe a poor lost sinner to hell?"

  "I must admit it does not sound reasonable."

  "It isn't reasonable, Doctor. What you believe is an error and a contradiction to God's Word."

  "I guess I really do not know much about the Bible, Mrs. Maddox. I have, more or less, depended on what I have been taught all my life. But tell me, how can you be sure that your husband won't backslide again?"

  "I have no guarantee that he won't, but if he will let God eradicate the old sin principle, which is carnality, from his heart, now that he is reclaimed, or in other words, let God sanctify him, there's a much better chance that he will never go back on God again."

  Jennie noticed the people in the lounge staring at her and Dr. Leary, but the doctor did not seem to be bothered about it. He was engrossed in what she had to say.

  "I wish I had time to talk to you further on this subject," Dr. Leary told her as he looked at his watch. "I'm interested to know more about this experience of sanctification."

  Jennie did not want to lose this wonderful opportunity of discussing the work of sanctification with Dr. Leary, so she invited him to come to Dave's room at his convenience.

  "I don't want to disturb Mr. Maddox," he said but Jennie noticed a wistful look in his eye.

  "Dave will be delighted, Doctor."

  "How about eight o'clock tonight?"

  "That's fine. I will see you then." They shook hands and went their separate ways.

  Jennie was amazed at the doctor's warm response to the truth. She hoped that she would be able, by God's help, to further enlighten him. Would he come at eight as promised? She must pray that the devil would not be allowed to hinder him.

  "How were your visitations this afternoon, Mrs. Maddox?" Dave smiled warmly and reached for her hand as she pulled her chair up close to his bedside.

  "Wonderful, Dave. You should have seen dear Mrs. Jones' face as I read the Scriptures to her. She's such a wonderful saint but too weak to hold the Bible and read it for herself. Even little Tommy was delighted to hear the Bible stories. He begged me to stay longer and read to him, but I thought my dear husband would be lonely so I tried to make my visits short; but, of course, that is not always easy. "

  "I was lonely for you, Jennie, but I won't hinder you from doing God's work. I have hindered you long enough now. I love you very much, Jennie, and think you are the best wife in the world."

  "I love you, too, Dave." She leaned over and kissed him. "Guess who else I talked to. Someone you will probably remember well."

can't imagine."

  "Dr. Leary, the heart specialist. Remember the doctor who attended you when you had the heart attack before we were married?"

  "Yes, I remember Dr. Leary. He's a fine doctor. I would like to see him again."

  "He is supposed to meet me at eight o'clock here in your room. He's interested in the work of sanctification."

  "You don't mean it? How did that come about?" Dave was puzzled.

  "Through the leadership of the Holy Spirit, Dave. Dr. Leary seems to be reaching out for something with a hungry heart. I'm praying for God to give me wisdom and help that I might know how to help him."

  At ten minutes of eight, a light knock was heard at Dave's door.

  "Come in," Jennie called.

  After greeting them warmly, Dr. Leary came right to the point. "Mrs. Maddox, I'm very interested to know more about this experience of sanctification. You see, I was converted one month ago."

  "How wonderful, Dr. Leary."

  "Yes, it is wonderful indeed, but I feel a deeper need because of terrible inner conflicts. When something goes wrong, I feel an uprising within and I get angry and say and do things I know I shouldn't. I ask forgiveness and then before I realize it, it happens again. I know God is displeased when I get all frustrated, for I feel condemnation in my heart. Then, too, it is ruining my Christian witness."

  "You are right, Doctor, God isn't pleased when you give vent to these uprisings. This is why we need to be sanctified, to keep us sweet through the trials and tests. You do not appear to be one completely in the dark concerning this second work of grace. Have you ever heard of the work of sanctification before talking to me today'?"

  "Yes, Mrs. Maddox, when I was studying for my doctorate, I had a room in the home of a couple who professed to have the experience of sanctification. I did not understand much about their doctrine, but I knew they had something more than the average professed Christian. No doubt, it was dear Mr. Paxton's prayers that have followed me these many years and caused me to find salvation, for I heard him call my name in prayer many times." Tears began to trickle down the doctor's cheeks as he recalled those bygone days. He wiped them away with his handkerchief.

  "Praise the Lord," exclaimed Jennie as she, too, wiped away tears.

  "I didn't appreciate his prayers then, but I am certainly thankful for them now. I used to question him about the experience of sanctification as I was very skeptical. He would take the Bible and patiently read from it attempting to explain it to me. I can't remember too much about it except that he spoke of a carnal nature that needed to be eradicated from one's heart, even after they were born again. It is strange how that has remained with me all these years. Had it not been for Mr. Paxton's life and testimony, I would probably have never known that I could be delivered from inbred sin. No doubt, after my conversion, I would have soon settled down to committing sin every day in word, thought, and deed, and lived like so many other nominal church members." Looking at Jennie, he added, "I still need to be further enlightened, Mrs. Maddox, and I believe you can help me. I have watched your life and you have proven to me that you have what you profess and my heart hungers after this experience."