Page 13 of Je Suis À Toi

  Q smiled as he guided me toward the shallows. “Get in.”

  Not giving me a choice, he pushed.

  I stepped off the edge and held my breath as the warm water lapped over my head. Pushing off from the bottom, I broke the surface and wiped away droplets to watch Q undress.

  Not that Q undressed.

  He tore like a beast shedding its winter coat.

  He was as violent with his own clothes as he was with mine. Ripping his shirt, not caring about buttons, and tearing at his fly to kick away expensive shoes and tailored suits. The minute he was naked, he stood over me proud and glorious.

  Taking his cock in his hand, he stroked the steel-hard length. “Take a good look, Tess. Because soon this will be so far inside you, you’ll be screaming for mercy.”

  Water cascaded off my arm as I reached for him. “Can I touch you?”

  “Tu peux me sucer si tu le souhaites.” You can suck if you wish.

  I licked my lips. “I do wish.” Shivering, I couldn’t look away from him. I stared at both my husband and the monster I would never be able to tame. To think Q would try to shackle this part of himself and win? It was inconceivable. He was wild at heart. It would break him to be normal.

  “You have to come closer, maître.” My eyes dropped to his lips. They were wet from his tongue, making my mouth water at the thought of kissing him again.

  Never looking away, Q bent his knees until he crashed on the edge of the pool. His fingers grew white as he fisted his cock. “I’ll only ever accept instruction from you, my sweet wife.” His free hand dropped to my nipple, tugging it hard. “You have me on my knees. What do you intend to do with me?”

  My breathing turned shallow as I pressed my body against the side of the pool. My mouth was so close to his erection—a willing vessel ready to taste.

  But I paused.

  Fluttering my eyelashes, I whispered, “My intention, dear master, is to suck your cock until you snap. I want to taste the whiskey you’ve been drinking, I want to bite you so you rage, and then, when you’ve had enough of my mouth, I want you to fuck me like you were born to do.”

  His jaw clenched; his five o’ clock shadow darker in this gloomy water world. Letting go of his cock, he grabbed my head, bringing me toward him. “When you talk like that, how am I supposed to say no?” His teeth flashed as his touch turned brutal, inserting his hot erection past my lips. “Suck me like a good little esclave.”

  My tongue swiped around his crown. We groaned in unison.

  Once upon a time, I’d taken it upon myself to break Q. Believing, that until he gave in to me and trusted my love for him, he’d never be free. This reminded me so much of that. He wanted something more from me. Something I was achingly ready to give. But he was afraid.

  And Q afraid was not a good thing. He would be volatile, mercurial, and impossible to predict.

  Slackening my jaw, I inserted his length past my gag reflex.

  Q half-grunted, half-growled as I cupped his balls and squeezed. His body swayed forward, teetering on the edge of the pool while I stood waist deep in warm water and sucked him.

  I knew how he liked it. I knew what turned him on.

  I hummed low in my throat.

  The vibration of my voice rippled over his erection, activating the muscles in his lower belly. Q breathed hard, sending his sparrow tattoo fluttering like crazy.

  He groaned as he fisted himself, working deeper into my mouth. “Fuck, I want to climb inside you.”

  I pulled away for a second. “Get into the pool and do it. Please, God, do it.”

  “So fucking demanding tonight.” He throttled his length. “I don’t remember agreeing to obey you.”

  “You obey me because I am your wife.”

  His face arranged into a roguish smile. “And my wife needs to remember her place.”

  Pointing at his glistening cock, a small droplet of pre-cum hovered on the tip. “You haven’t finished with your first task.” His balls sat high and tight, straining with the urge to come.

  Reaching for my hair again, he jerked my face onto his erection. “Use your pretty mouth for more important things, esclave.” With powerful hands, he gripped my nape, locking me into the perfect position to be used.

  I shivered.

  Our eyes burned holes in each other, but we didn’t say a word.

  I inched higher, opening my mouth and latching my fingers around him.

  His head fell back, as I slipped him onto my tongue. “Goddammit, Tess.”

  I opened wide and sucked Q deep, deep, deep. He threaded his fingers tighter into my hair, holding me prisoner as my tongue lapped and licked.

  He rocked into me, pressing down on my head. “Take it. Fuck.”

  My pussy clenched. I saw stars with how much I wanted him inside me. My teeth teased his velvety skin, hinting at my need to consume him.

  His cock rippled as I sucked harder.

  He shuddered as I sank back down on him, waiting for him to snap, sliding my hand once again between his legs and caressing his balls.

  He twitched as his muscular thighs quivered.

  I flexed my fingers, ignoring everything but getting Q to lose control.

  “Fuck, Tess.” Q trembled. “I’m so damn close.”

  My mouth leaked saliva, unable to do anything but accept Q’s thrusts. Curses rained in the muggy humidity as his body fought my possession and battled to release.

  His body jerked as I sucked particularly hard, determined to drive him to the brink. However, his fingers yanked my head up with danger in his gaze.

  I held eye contact as his face contorted with need. “Fuck, you’re too good, too pure, too beautiful.” His teeth shone in the darkness. “Fucking your mouth, your body…every part of you gets me so fucking hard.”

  His dirty eloquence puddled into the pool, raising goosebumps on my arms as he jerked me onto his cock. I became more than his wife and pleasure slave. I became his fantasy as he used me.

  Throwing his head back, the first taste of salty musk coated my tongue. Instantly, Q shoved me away. I fell backward, disappearing under the water for a moment.

  When I stood, he’d launched himself into the pool and shoved me against the mosaic wall. His teeth clamped onto my collarbone as he thrust his cock against my slippery lower belly. “What were you trying to do, esclave? Make me come in your mouth rather than your cunt? Do you not want me to get you pregnant?”

  I never thought I’d hear Q say such things.

  It made me freaking ecstatic.

  I panted as he turned me around, squashing me between his rock-stone body and the wall. Water sloshed everywhere as my hands scrambled at the side, concrete biting into my cheek. “No, I do.”

  Tugging away my soaking wet curls, he bit the back of my neck like a wolf. “Tell me how much you want it.”

  “I want it. I want you inside me.”


  “I want you to get me pregnant.”

  “Why?” Grabbing my jaw, he forced me to kiss him. Angling my neck so he could plunder my mouth from behind. The kiss lasted long enough to make me lightheaded and wobbly. If he weren’t holding me so tight, I would’ve floated away like a shipwreck. “Because I want your child.”

  He jolted, deepening the kiss until I almost gagged. My heart sunburst in my chest as our bodies slicked against each other with war but our mouths dedicated themselves to utmost pleasure.

  Breaking away, Q grunted, “You have no idea what that does to me.” Running his cock up and down the crack of my ass, he gripped my hip with his free hand. “Feel how hard I am for you, Tess? Feel how much I need to fuck you?”

  I nodded, pressing my forehead on the edge of the pool. “Yes.”

  Words to demand that he do exactly that hovered on my tongue. But I’d learned the hard way. I couldn’t control Q’s pace. I merely had to give in, let go, and grant total power to him.

  I never found that a hardship. More like a sensual gift only he could bestow. I fou
ght so hard to be where I was. I’d done things I wasn’t proud of and continued to fight life on everyday concerns. But when I was with Q…none of that mattered. He took every worry and consumed me.

  He was more than a master. He was a magician.

  Q removed his touch and swam off down the pool. His precise strokes sliced through the water like a blade, his sleek naked form so damn erotic in the welcoming darkness.

  I didn’t breathe as he reached the other end and effortlessly hauled himself out. Dripping wet and still hard, he stalked toward the changing room where he disappeared for a few seconds before coming out with two things hidden in his hands.

  With a sinful smile, he dove back into the water and powered toward me.

  I blinked as he swam around me, breaking the surface only once his arm locked around my waist and his hot mouth licked my spine.

  Before I could ask what he’d gone to claim, he wrenched my arms behind my back and secured them tightly.

  My senses zeroed in on where he touched me, trying to guess what he’d used as a restraint. I have no idea. My voice rippled around the pool room. “What are you using?”

  Spinning me to face him, his eyes captured mine. “The elastic band you aqua train with.”

  I squirmed against the tight binding. The thick rubber that acted as a resistance while performing water yoga kept me pinioned. There was no way I could get free.

  My heart leapt into my throat. I didn’t mind being bound—I loved it. But never in a pool where drowning was entirely too easy, especially in this large space where the bottom shelved steeply into a deep, threatening tide.

  “Don’t struggle. You know I’ll keep you safe.” Q’s murmur danced down my back.

  My panic receded as trust billowed fast and true.

  Q was born into darkness, but he’d never baptized me in his blackest desires. And because of that, I could implicitly say he spoke the truth. No matter what he did to me, he would never truly harm me.

  Q paused, his tattooed chest soaking. His feathered sparrows fluffing off droplets almost alive on his skin. “I told you once never to fall for me. That I didn’t want the curse of breaking your heart while I broke so many other pieces of you.” His hands landed on my breasts, cupping them reverently. “Yet you fought me, just like you said you would. You fell for me, just like you promised you would. And now, you’re willing to give me what I need even after I tricked you and lied.”

  I swayed as I fell even deeper for this complex husband of mine. Q was all my fantasies in one glorious lifetime. The fact he finally wanted to share me with his child spoke volumes about his capacity to love.

  “I’m so glad you ignored me, esclave.” His fingertips branded my nipples with pain. “So fucking happy you married me.” Pushing me backward, he smiled harshly as my spine met the pool wall. His chest strained as he sucked in a heavy breath. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  My heart hammered in my ears as he kissed me.

  His tongue laced with mine, and I sank into the sweet embrace, knowing it would be the last I received tonight. The air crackled with an impending storm. Q’s control frayed every second, his eyes drenching in determination and the salacious need to hurt.

  Breaking the kiss, he opened his hand, revealing the other item he’d retrieved.

  A tiny pair of silver scissors from the toiletries in the changing room. I stiffened but didn’t flinch. This was Q’s signature. It wouldn’t be sex with him if he didn’t draw a little of my blood.

  Gently, he placed the sharp twin blades against my breast just above my nipple. “If I get you pregnant, these won’t belong just to me anymore.” He pressed down, never breaking eye contact. My skin gave way, permitting a small puncture and blood to well. “Do you think that’s fair, esclave?”

  I moaned as he ducked his head and sucked the bright red bead. His tongue swirled around my nipple, his teeth biting with ruthless sharpness.

  Blood raced faster in my veins, either rushing toward him or running away. I could never tell when he put me in this mindset.

  “No, they’ll always be yours.”


  “Always, maître.”

  Towering over me, water decorated his face as his hand disappeared beneath the surface to my lower belly. I stopped breathing as the scissors teased my delicate flesh.

  “I cut you once here. Do you remember?”

  I nodded. “Yes. You licked me clean and then permitted me to do the same to you.”

  His eyes blackened. “And you liked it? Tasting me? Claiming me?”

  My moan was answer enough as he cut me shallow and quick.

  We both looked below the surface, fascinated by the slow curl of pink staining from me, vanishing almost instantly into the stinging salt.

  “You bleed for me so willingly, Tess.” His lips latched around my ear. “Will you scream for me, too?”

  My eyes shot wide as his body crushed me against the wall. My arms bellowed as my bound hands crashed against the tiles. Q ripped my legs from the pool bottom holding my weight as he wrapped my thighs around his hips.

  His hand fumbled between us as he angled his cock and shoved deep inside me.

  He hadn’t touched me there yet. It made the invasion all that more intense.

  His face contorted with furious etches. “I’m tired of lying. I’m tired of fighting how much I want this. I’m tired of pretending I don’t need this from you.” His mouth claimed mine, kissing me hungrily as our bodies connected with no barriers. “I’m giving up. I’m going to do whatever it takes. I’m going to fuck you, love you, win you. And when you’re so fucking tired of me taking you, I’m going to do it all over again. You’re going to give me what I want. Aren’t you, wife?”

  His thick cock stole all coherency.

  I nodded.

  That was all I was capable of. My mouth stretched wide, focusing on the slip and slide of him. The pinch and pain as he fucked me hard. And the glorious pleasure he invoked.

  I’d never felt more alive than when we came together. Sex wasn’t just for us. It was about making something from us. Combining our souls to create another.

  It added a terrifying dimension to our sexual fight.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  Q gritted his teeth, visibly shuddering. He kissed me again. Hard. Fast. Lethal. His hands landed on the edge of the pool, blocking me in the cage of his body while his hips thrust into mine.

  I couldn’t move. My hands remained locked together, and my neck protested as his kiss turned vicious. He took and gave and took some more. Every twist of his tongue demanded I do what I promised and find a way to become pregnant for him.

  Spearing my tongue with his, we battled until we were heaving and insane. Nothing existed but our kiss and being inside each other. The stinging cuts on my breast and stomach only anchored me more to him, and my pussy fired with the need to release, building and building with a demand I couldn’t ignore.

  “Q…please…I’m going to—”

  Instantly, he stopped. Pulling out of me, he ended both the kiss and our connection.


  My eyes shot wide with frustration. “Why—why did you stop?”

  “Because I don’t want you coming without doing something.”


  “Doing what?”

  His grin was pure animal. “This.”

  Taking a deep breath, he vanished beneath the water.

  I gasped as his hands pinned my hips against the side of the pool. I teetered with imbalance, unable to hold onto anything with my wrists tied.

  What the hell is he doing?

  His reply came a second later in the form of teeth.

  The wet room ricocheted with my breathless scream as Q’s tongue replaced the silk of seawater with sensual saliva. I turned legless and inhuman as he shot his tongue inside me, fucking me just as roughly as he did before.

  His fingers replaced his tongue, three stretching me, heralding my begging orgasm.

/>   I gave into him. I didn’t have a choice.

  My head lolled as his fingers drove in and out and his mouth suckled on my clit. I didn’t know how long he could hold his breath, but my shoulders ached and the mental tally it took to stand up while all I wanted to do was melt battled with the spooling sensation in my womb.

  And then pain.

  My release switched from building to detonating as Q’s teeth sank hard and unforgiving into my clit.

  He bit me!

  My vision blurred on the dark shadow of him beneath the water between my legs. My thighs fought to come together as the most shattering orgasm ripped through me.

  His fingers worked me in time, and the softest trickle of blood once again plaited with the pool.

  The first, second, third band of my orgasm wrenched me dry, but Q didn’t stop tormenting me. He licked and bit until he wrung every shudder from me.

  Only then did he push off the bottom and join me on the surface.

  He smiled, water rushing off his dark hair and over his sinfully handsome features. “Did you enjoy your release, esclave?” His teeth flashed with the barest hint of my blood.

  My cheeks blushed and my nipples tingled, calling for the same rough treatment. For Q to say I permitted him to hurt me only because he wanted it was absolute filth. I got off on him biting me. I got off on being hurt. It killed me to think of him taking that away from me.

  Please, don’t ever change.

  “Don’t ever stop, Q.”

  He swallowed hard, staring unrepentant. “Don’t talk about that now.”

  My thoughts raced. Even though Q had evolved in our years together, he still needed the primal depth of pain and scars. What would it do to him if he prevented that desire?

  My legs trembled with the awful thought of growing apart. He said I was enough. But now he wanted more. What if that more was what broke us?

  Q didn’t give my worry time to consume me. Grabbing my nape, he yanked me forward to kiss. The faint taste of copper tainted our embrace as he once again hoisted my legs around his waist and slid deep inside me. My back connected with the wall as oxygen fled my lungs.