Page 20 of Leopard's Blood

"I've had the cook preparing a special dinner. The table's set. I'm going up to take a shower. You and the others can disappear for the night."

  Evan stood. "It's going to be okay."

  He replayed Evan's assurances over and over in his head as he showered in the guest bathroom and dressed in the guest room for dinner. He'd told Sonia to wear the red dress. He wanted to see it on her. It wasn't the kind of dress a woman could wear with underwear. It fit like a glove. The front was simply two strips of material veeing up from the narrow waistband. It left the sides and back bare. The skirt fit like a glove with one long slit up to the top of her thigh. He couldn't wait to see it on her, although he wasn't certain he'd want anyone else to see her in it.

  She hadn't even protested when he'd told her to wear it. She'd disappeared into the master bathroom and locked him out. He supposed he deserved it. He'd locked her out of her bedroom. He straightened his tie and went to the master bedroom door. Knocked. Like a gentleman. He supposed once in a while he could put on the charm for her. She deserved a gentleman, even though that wasn't him.

  She opened the door. Her scent enveloped him. Orange citrus and vanilla. It was a heady combination, but it was the dress on her that drove out every sane thought he had. The thin material clung to her body like a second skin. The darker shadow of her nipples barely showed beneath the spun crimson threads. The swell of her breasts pushed at the stretchy fabric so that it showcased her figure. Every movement sent those soft mounds swaying temptingly.

  She tilted her head at him, smiled and when he spun his finger she turned slowly. His breath caught in his throat. The back was bare to the indentations just above her shapely butt. He loved her ass. The red stretchy fabric showcased that favorite part of her to its advantage. The material was just thin enough that he felt he could catch a glimpse of her skin beneath it, just the hint was there, that seam between her cheeks, the twin dents he loved to lick.

  "You look beautiful."

  "It's almost sheer," she said, her voice shy. "I planned to have it lined, but I didn't have anywhere to wear it so I never spent the money."

  He took her hand and pulled her from the room. She'd left her hair down, which she rarely did, and clouds of it surrounded her face and fell down her back in thick, dark waves. The dress sparkled under the lights. He had the mad desire to lean down and put his mouth right over her breast, to suckle right through the material. Before the night was over, he would do just that. He wanted to see one side wet and dark, a forbidden pleasure, maybe while she sat across from him at dinner.

  He led her into the dining room to the small intimate table that had been set up for them. "You don't need a slip under the dress. Not here. Not with me." He bent to brush her mouth with his as he pulled out her chair. He stepped closer, preventing her from sliding into it. "You look provocative, Sonia. Sexy as hell."

  She smiled at him and lifted both hands to her hair, pushing it over her shoulders. The action lifted her breasts. "I was going for sexy."

  "You more than succeeded." He stopped trying to resist and fastened his mouth around her left breast, both hands on her hips as he suckled strongly. He drew material and nipple into his mouth, soaking the fabric, teased with his teeth and tongue until she was squirming and giving him that little mew she sometimes did--the one that made his cock as hard as a rock. She didn't try to pull away or tell him the dress was expensive. She cradled his head, one hand in his hair, fingers stroking little caresses through his scalp.

  He lifted his head and surveyed his handiwork. "That should do." He drew his finger down from her shoulder, over the curve of her breast to her nipple. "Mmm. Not quite."

  She raised an eyebrow and looked down at the wet spot that made the fabric totally sheer. "Not quite?"

  "Hold still. I have one more thing to do before we eat." He turned her slightly and put his mouth on the side of her breast. It was open from her waist to under her arm. He took his time, decorating the strip of bare skin with his mark, a string of strawberries that danced up her side right over the swell of her breast.

  When he lifted his head a second time, she smiled at him. "Are you happy now?"

  "I was happy the moment I laid eyes on you. I'm satisfied for the moment." He stepped aside to allow her to sit.

  Sonia slid into the chair's seat, and he lit the candles, wanting the light to play over her. The ice had done wonders. He'd kept her in bed all night, and all the next day, icing her cheek, spoiling her, letting her rest. They'd lain in bed together, talking about the things he loved to listen to, things she was excited about, like her painting--not the men who wanted her dead. Her dark eyes were bright with happiness and he was glad he'd gone to the trouble of seeing to every detail, because he wanted to keep that look in her eyes. The food had been prepared and plated in the kitchen and he retrieved their entrees.

  "Do you want wine? My leopard isn't as thrilled when I drink."

  She shook her head. "Sparkling water is fine."

  Seated, he looked across at her. He'd never seen a woman so beautiful. More, one that suited him perfectly. She seemed to be made just for him. She loved everything he did in the bedroom. Everything he tried. She never protested. If she hesitated, he was careful to slow down and be as gentle as he could until she was less apprehensive. He found he loved sitting across from her, looking at her gorgeous body, knowing whatever he asked for, she would give him. Knowing he would do the same for her.

  "Tell me about your mother," he invited. He knew she loved her mother. It was in the softness of her face, her voice, whenever she spoke of her.

  Instantly he got that smile. The way she smiled sent a slow molasses heat moving through his veins, setting him on fire, inch by inch.

  "She laughed all the time with me. She loved frozen yogurt. Not just loved it, that's too mild. She was obsessed with it. Sometimes she only wanted frozen yogurt for dinner and nothing else. We'd giggle like a couple of schoolgirls when we'd go into the ice cream parlor to order it. The clerks knew her, and she knew everything about them. She asked after their parents, siblings, children and spouses. She always knew them by name."

  He watched as she put a fork with a small bite of chicken on it into her mouth and closed her lips around it. His cock jerked. He eased his legs wider. Who knew that just sitting across from her, knowing she wasn't wearing underwear, would have him aching? Another minute and he'd have to ease down his zipper to give himself a little respite.

  He barely comprehended what she said, he was too busy watching her every move. The flutter of her lashes. The close of her red lips around her fork, the way she parted them just before she took a drink of sparkling water. He kept the talk light, making her laugh, watching the way her lips curved. Her laughter was like music he'd never heard before, but needed to hear for the rest of his life.

  They talked about Molly and Bastien. They talked about their leopards and how the cats enhanced their lives. He wanted to give her time to know him better before he brought up the Russians and how Nikita Bogomolov had come to be in his home. Maybe a lifetime of getting to know him would be enough time.

  He sat across from her feeling genuinely happy, something he couldn't remember feeling since his mother died. He liked his life and he was good at it, but happiness was family to him. Joy was having a woman of his own. Having Sonia. He knew she was the one. He'd known it the moment he'd kissed her. Almost before that, when he'd still been in his leopard and she'd turned her head and looked at him with her dark eyes, so vulnerable.

  He waited until the meal was almost finished before putting a small rectangular case on the table and pushing it across to her.

  Her gaze jumped to his. The box was a jeweler's box, but too big to be a ring or earrings. "What's this?"

  "Something I've been wanting to try with you for a while."

  She licked her lips, her gaze jumping from his face to the box. He read anticipation in her eyes. She knew him now. She knew the way his mind worked. He was very sexual, and the sexual tension in the ro
om had spiraled almost out of control despite the light conversation. She opened the case slowly, her gaze widening as she took in the jewelry. There was a small golden egg gleaming at her. She glanced up at him. "This is for . . ."

  He nodded. "It goes up inside you, fits right over that sweet little spot you love for me to scratch for you. I thought tonight we could try this out."

  "Now? At dinner?"

  "Yes." He watched her for any signs of discomfort. She looked intrigued, not upset. He liked to play, but only if the things he chose to do brought her pleasure. She liked to play too, and her eyes had darkened with desire.

  She licked her lips again and he groaned, his hand dropping to his swollen cock. "You can't do that, baby, or my cock goes crazy hard."

  She smirked a little. "Are you having problems with control, Joshua? There are things that help that, you know. Maybe a cock ring?" Her face flushed a dark rose, and her eyes went hot.

  He knew his face was carved with carnal lines of pure sin. "You don't have the first idea what a cock ring is, do you?"

  Her laughter teased his cock like fingers. Or tongue. He felt the strokes brushing over his hard flesh. "Nope, but it sounded good."

  He lowered his voice until it was pure velvet. Pure sin. "Put it in now."

  She took the egg from where it was nestled in the box with the other items. She started to rise, but he shook his head. "Right here. Pull your chair back so I can see. Just spread your legs and put it in. Get it wet first."

  It was a dare more than anything else, although he thought he might go up in flames just watching her. She looked so damned innocent. Sexy as hell, but innocent. She didn't always act that way. She didn't now. She licked up the side of the egg, her eyes on him. Then she sucked it slowly into her mouth. His cock hurt so badly he opened his zipper to let it spring free.

  Trying to be nonchalant when his hands were shaking, he took a sip of the sparkling water, never taking his eyes from her. Very slowly she pushed back with her chair until it was away from the table and he had a good view of her body. Her legs stretched out in front of her and then she began to pull up the skirt of her dress. Once she had it up all the way, she spread her legs wide. "Like this?" Her question came out breathless, as if she couldn't find air. Her nipples were hard little pebbles pushing against the fabric of the dress.

  "Just like that. Slide the egg inside."

  She licked her lips and then the egg one more time. Very slowly, she pressed it into her, her chest rising and falling rapidly, her eyes dilated with excitement. Never once did she look away, connecting him, making him part of the intimacy. His hand closed around his shaft tightly, his thumb smearing the droplets over the crown. Fire raced up his spine.

  "You like this, honey?" she asked.

  "Very much." He watched the egg disappear. "Now tidy your dress and slide your chair back to the table. "We'll see if it works."

  She did as he said and then sat demurely across from him, once more looking the innocent. He couldn't believe she'd just been sprawled out as wanton as hell right in front of him. He pressed the remote, turning the vibration to low. She jumped. Bit her lip. Smiled at him, her eyes darkening even more.

  "Oh, yeah. That's good. Really good." Her breath came in a little rush.

  He indicated her plate. She glanced at the open jewelry box. "There's more."

  "For later. Right now, you need to finish up. We have dessert."

  She pouted. "I thought you were going to be dessert."

  "You're so greedy."

  "I am. You taste good. Besides, I love to watch your face when you're coming." She picked up her fork and pushed the last of the chicken around her plate.

  He pushed the button to medium, his gaze on her face. She gasped, her eyelashes fluttered, her skin flushing more. "You look so beautiful. I love watching you."

  He took another sip of the sparkling water and pretended interest in his meal. "Tell me how you became interested in renovating old houses. I know your father was a carpenter and taught you how to work with wood, but renovating houses is much different."

  She took a breath, pushed her plate away and took the fluted glass in her hand. "I've always been interested in older homes, the various styles and designs of earlier time periods. Other girls played with dolls." She squirmed, her breath hitching.

  He waited in silence, never taking his gaze from her. Sonia touched her tongue to her lip, and he did a lazy slide with his hand. His cock felt like a steel spike. There was nothing more decadent than sitting at a table, dressed up, his woman across from him, desire devouring her, desire devouring them both.

  "I always stopped to look at the houses in the neighborhood. When we went to the library, I'd get my mother to find books on architecture. I'd look at the pictures and have her read to me about the various designs and why they were built that way." She gasped and threw her head back with a small, sexy moan.

  He thumbed the remote, turning the vibrating egg back to low. She hissed her displeasure at him. He smirked. "Tell me more."

  "I can't talk."

  "You can talk."

  "I can't breathe."

  "You can breathe."

  She took a deep breath. "I studied the really beautiful older plantations, like the Destrehan Plantation and the Oak Alley Plantation."

  He kicked the egg up to high. She gasped and gripped the table, her gaze flying to his.

  "Keep going. I'm learning about plantations."

  She shook her head. She was close. So very close. He read her easily now. He'd watched her fly apart dozens of times. He smiled and reduced the setting again, denying her. She moaned and pushed at her long hair. A few tendrils were damp. He loved that she was so close, but waiting for him.

  "Come here, baby," he ordered softly and pushed the dishes to the far side of the table. Right here." He pointed to the spot in front of him.

  She swallowed hard. "I'm not certain I can walk."

  "Come here and I'll take care of you."

  She stood up gingerly, her grip on the table nearly turning her knuckles white. Very carefully she moved around the table until she standing in front of him. He enjoyed every step. The way she pressed her thighs together. The hiss of her breath. Her soft moan.

  "Pull your dress up around your hips." He started the egg again, his gaze never leaving her face. That red flush, the haze in her eyes, all of it made his cock jerk and throb. He kept a slow, controlled slide with his fist. She was nearly desperate. He felt that way just watching her.

  She began to bunch the thin, stretchy material in her fists, dragging it slowly up her thighs until it slid over her hips, her eyes on his. He could tell that her skin was so sensitive that just dragging the dress up caused ripples of heat to rush through her veins. He watched how it slid over the little Band-Aid on her leg, making certain she didn't wince as the shimmering red pulled over it. She didn't.

  She bit her bottom lip. He shook his head. "Baby, stop that. I claimed that lip, remember? You keep doing that and I won't be able to concentrate. You want my full attention, don't you?"

  Sonia nodded, allowing her full lower lip to slide from between her teeth. He groaned as the red skirt bunched around her waist and her thighs gleamed with liquid honey. He caught her around the waist with both hands and lifted her onto the table.

  She gasped and caught at him, as if she might fall. As if he would ever let that happen. "What are you doing?"

  "Having you for dessert. Spread your legs for me."

  "Joshua . . ." There was hesitation in her voice.

  He smiled at her and bent his head to the feast. Her entire body shuddered when his tongue slid along her inner thigh, collecting that honey that was all for him. She tasted like heaven. He knew he was addicted and always would be. He'd been craving her sweet spice.

  One hand guided her back so she was propped up by her elbows only, sprawled out decadently on his table, his dessert. He thumbed the remote, turning up the egg so that it vibrated right over that little spot that m
ade her unravel. At the same time, he put his mouth over her clit and sucked hard.

  She screamed as she came apart for him. The orgasm ripped through her, wild and unyielding. Her hips came off the table into his hands and he caught her, pressing her tighter to his wicked tongue, sealing his mouth over her, stroking and suckling. He used his teeth, his fingers and that wonderful golden egg, driving her higher and higher, devouring her while she fragmented, soared and floated. Fuck, he loved that. He loved it almost more than he loved what she was going to do to him.

  His cock was so hard, jerking and throbbing in time to her cries and pleas. When she caught his hair in her fist, shaking her head, so dazed with pleasure she couldn't speak, he turned off the egg and laid his head over her mound, breathing her in. She smelled like arousal. Like sex and sin. Like paradise waiting for him.

  He let her float down gently, his hand massaging her rib cage and stomach, feeling the little aftershocks that rippled through her. When her breathing settled and her fingers were back to caressing his scalp instead of trying to pull his hair out, he lifted his head.


  "Mmm." She nodded to emphasize the dreamy sound. "I wasn't certain I was going to survive that." There was a smile in her voice.

  "We're a long way from finished." Again, he watched her closely. If she had to stop for a while and rest, he might have to take care of himself, although he knew that would never satisfy him. Still, her comfort was paramount.

  "We aren't?" Her smile widened. "I hoped we weren't."

  "Glad to hear that, darlin'. You have no idea how happy that makes me." His hand fisted his cock once more. He was dripping now, he needed her so much. "Tell me how your face feels. Are you hurting at all?"

  She shook her head, her gaze riveted to his cock. He liked the way her tongue touched her lower lip in anticipation. "God, you're beautiful," she whispered. "Joshua, you really are."

  His heart clenched hard in his chest. She really did appreciate his cock. He knew that wasn't the case with all women, but Sonia matched him sexually. She was adventurous and more than willing to do anything he asked. She played. She loved playing. When her mouth was on him, she feasted and let him know she loved what she was doing.

  "Thank you, Sonia. I appreciate that you think so."