In 2010, Confessions of a Prayer Slacker released and launched a whole new world for me. My first book, my first book launch party, my first book signing, speaking invitations near and far . . . all about a quirky little book God laid on my heart. I was overwhelmed by the response, to be honest. When I think about the seeds the Lord planted in my heart about this unusual perspective on prayer and the way it’s been received, I have to laugh—not in ridicule, but sheer amazement at what He’s done through it.
We’ve had feedback from all over the country from folks who tell me their prayer lives have been completely changed after they’ve read my book. I can’t even begin to describe how humbled I’ve been by those messages. Small groups have used it as a study to rethink what prayer is all about and how to make it a daily habit. Last year, I had the privilege of leading a study based on it for some women in my church. What an honor it was to listen as those amazing women shared from their hearts about the power of prayer in their lives.
Two years later, the rights to this book have come home to me, and with them, a whole new chapter begins as our own OBT Bookz makes Confessions of a Prayer Slacker available as an e-book for the first time. I’m old style, still preferring to hold a traditional book in my hands as I read it, flipping pages and underlining here and there. But after my kids gave me a Kindle for Christmas, I realized the convenience and simplicity that e-books offer, along with the unlimited opportunities to make my books available all over the world with the click of a button. So I’m more than happy to step into the twenty-first century and see what God can do with my little book on prayer.
One last thought before you turn the page. I believe with all my heart that God has a wonderful sense of humor. I also believe He loves the sound of our heartfelt laughter. Keep that in mind as you read my book. My approach to the subject of prayer isn’t high-brow or deeply theological. It’s down to earth and practical. If laughter is considered good medicine and you’re looking for some inspiration served up with a side of whimsy, then I promise this book is for you.
May God bless you on your prayer journey!
April 2012
To Ken
Have I told you today
how much I love you?
How long will you stay in bed, you slacker?
When will you get up from your sleep?