Page 37 of Unchained

Page 37


  “What the fuck you looking at?” he yelled at a group of enthralled Nephilim. “Lily, what are you thinking?” he asked, and this time his voice was, thankfully, much lower. “Damn it, Lily, slow down. ”

  She came to a complete stop. “Is this better?”

  He towered over her. “I’m supposed to bring you to Adrian, you little idiot. I would like to know exactly what happened before then. ”

  “Yeah, he said he wanted to talk earlier,” she responded blandly. She pushed the button for the elevator. “Are you going to tell me where we need to go?”

  “The rooftop,” he answered. “Lily, I don’t think you understand how serious this is. ”

  She was starting to get the hint. Really, she was. She was just so freaking annoyed that she couldn’t muster up the concern. She waited with a sullen expression on her face.

  “On top of everything else, Gabe returned this morning with his brother,” he explained, darkness settling over his face as he pushed the button to close the elevator. “Two more Nephilim children were taken. ”

  She rubbed her hands across her thighs. “Shit. ”

  “Exactly. So you can understand why the circle is a bit pissed right now. ” He pushed the emergency stop button.

  “Luke?” She turned to him, exasperated.

  “Now you are going to tell me what you did to piss off Nate, and I mean besides the fact you attacked Micah over that Fallen. ”

  “His name is Julian. He has a name. He doesn’t answer to ‘that Fallen’ or whatever. It’s Julian. ”

  Luke stared at her. “Do you even hear yourself?” He didn’t wait for an answer, which was good because it was going to be a whopper of a smart-ass response. “He has a name? Well fucking la-di-da! That doesn’t change that he’s the enemy last time I checked. ”

  Her irritation grew. “Luke, I know. I know you’re concerned, but don’t ask me anything about him. You won’t like the answers…and it’s really none of your business. ”

  “Shit! Are you kidding me, Lily?” He placed his hands on her shoulders. “You are talking to me—Luke. I’m not the enemy here. ”

  Pressing her lips together, she shifted from one foot to the other. A flash of guilt went through her. She didn’t need to be such a jerk to Luke. He hadn’t done anything. “I’m sorry. I know. ” She ran a hand over her head, smoothing down the fine strands of hair that escaped the bun. “Don’t ask me about him. Okay? I understand you won’t see him like I do, and I’m not ready to try to convince you any different. ”

  Luke moistened his lips. “Okay. Forget…Julian, for now. ” His pale eyes flashed. “What happened between you and Nate? I’ve never seen him so angry. He about took off my head this morning when I stopped by the office. ”

  “Sorry about that,” she murmured. “He’s a little pissed off at me. ”

  “A little?” he asked with a harsh laugh. “After chewing me a new asshole for letting you run off, he then launched into a tirade about how we need to lock you up. ”

  “Lock me up?” She bit down on the string of curses that weren’t going to make anything better. “Nate needs to lock up Micah! He was admittedly following me. I caught him snooping around Nate’s office. No one seems to care about that. ”

  “Oh, Lily,” he groaned. “He was following you to keep you safe and because he thinks you’re the traitor. ”

  “Likely excuse,” she grumbled. “What about the office?”

  “Who knows? Come on. Adrian is waiting on us. ” He pressed the emergency button but didn’t say anything more. Not as the elevator started or as it went up a couple of floors. His silence didn’t soothe her like she thought it would. It made her more worried.

  “Luke?” she asked finally.

  He studied her, his eyes dark and troubled as he folded his arms across his black shirt. He looked like someone who was leading a condemned man on his last walk.

  She swallowed. “What’s going on?”

  “What do you think, Lily?”

  She didn’t know what to say to that, and there wasn’t any time left to respond. The elevator came to a stop. Luke stepped forward, adjusting the fallen strap of her tank. Then he smoothed back her hair. His brotherly preparations really made her feel like she was taking her last walk.

  As the elevator door opened, she tried to convince herself she would be able to clear things up. Hopefully she could come up with a couple of good reasons that explained her recent behavior, because right now she had none that she knew any of them would care about. At least none any of them would appreciate.

  The bright summer sun beat down on her, and she shielded her eyes from the glare. Why had they picked the rooftop in the hot August sun? Did they plan on tossing her off the roof?

  Her stomach fluttered nervously as she spotted Adrian. When he turned to face her, she couldn’t gauge what he was thinking by his expression. He was as impassive as ever. Being almost as old as Nathaniel, Adrian was a mystery to her. All she really knew of him was that he was someone you didn’t want to mess with. Then again, every Nephilim knew that.

  Tall, with hair reaching his shoulders, Adrian reminded Lily of a warlord, one of those on the front of a trashy romance novel about to raid a village and whisk away the virgin princess. He was decked out in leather pants and a black, long-sleeved shirt. You’d think he’d be sweating bullets like Lily already was, but Adrian never seemed warm enough. Whatever cold and bleak country he had originated from had left him with piss in his blood forever.

  Luke placed his hand on the small of her back, inching her forward. She hadn’t realized she’d stopped walking. Adrian wasn’t going to be like Luke or even Nate. There were no personal bonds between them that would save her ass or let her get away with snide, offhand comments. If he asked her a question, she was going to have to answer it.

  Whether she liked it or not.

  When she stepped closer, she realized Adrian wasn’t alone, and Luke hadn’t been entirely forthcoming with her. Across the rooftop and hidden in the shadows of the fearsome gargoyles stood Danyal and Nathaniel. As she neared Adrian, they converged on her all at once.

  At that moment, she totally recognized the seriousness of the situation. And she wanted to run, and run very fast, but she wasn’t a coward. Besides, a girl streaking across the midday sky would raise a lot of questions.

  Damn it.

  Adrian inclined his head at Luke before turning his frosty gaze upon Lily. “It has been a long time since we’ve talked. How have you been?”

  She squinted up at him. “I doubt you are really interested in how I’ve been. ”

  Somewhere behind her, she heard Nathaniel sigh, but her response brought a genuine smile to Adrian’s well-formed lips. “I see you haven’t changed a bit. Still the incorrigible little girl attached to Luke’s hip with Nate wrapped around her little finger. ”

  Nathaniel stiffened behind her. Danyal shifted uncomfortably. Adrian was painfully blunt, and he always seemed to need to be reminded Nathaniel was actually his boss and not the other way around.

  Folding her arms over her chest, she refused to be intimated by him—by any of them, for that matter. “I see you’re still an ass. ”

  “Lily. ” Nathaniel sighed exasperatedly.

  Adrian waved a dismissive hand. “Let’s get to the point, shall we? We have a traitor among us. Someone has been working with the Fallen to expose the names and locations of the vulnerable Nephilim. That person has to have access to the Book and a strong enough connection to a Fallen to be able to move among them and not be harmed. ”

  She didn’t think the traitor—who she truly believed was Micah—needed to trust the Fallen at all. As long as he was giving them something they were interested in, then he would be safe. That is what she told them, and she was met with four cynical pairs of pale blue eyes. Whatever…

  “The Fallen operate by no code,” Danyal interjected. “It doesn’t matter what is being done for them. They’r
e as likely to kill you as they are to say hello. There has to be some level of a relationship there. ”

  She glanced at Danyal. He must have been working when he was summoned to the Sanctuary since he was dressed in a suit minus the jacket. “I don’t think all the Fallen operate the same. ”

  Luke let out a long-suffering breath. “What she means is she doesn’t think a relationship with the Fallen is necessary since the information being shared is literally priceless. ”

  Danyal’s gaze flickered over to Luke. “That’s not what I’m getting at. ”

  Unconsciously, she shifted closer to Luke. Damn, she was stuck. No one was in her corner except Luke, and they were outnumbered. She turned back to Nathaniel and Adrian. “You all suspect me because of Julian. ” There; she’d said it. Now they could get on with their tribune and decide if they were going to kick her off the island or not.

  Adrian’s brows lifted, but he didn’t show any other reaction. “You attacked a fellow Nephilim to protect a Fallen. ”

  She figured at this point she needed to answer as quickly as possible, without much detail, or ask for a lawyer. Sadly, the Nephilim didn’t get lawyers in their Contracts. That was something someone needed to suggest and pronto. “Yes. ”

  “Why would you do something like that?” Adrian asked.

  She had already explained it to Nathaniel, but it didn’t appear he was going to speak up for her. His lack of communication, and the fact he wouldn’t look at her, stung. She knew she had upset him, but she hadn’t betrayed any of them.

  And Nate knew her, right? She wanted to believe he did, but the conversation with Julian days before about no one really knowing who she was seemed painfully true. “Julian had walked away from him, and he tried to stab him in the back. ”


  “So?” she repeated dumbly, as if they should see what was wrong with that without having to spell it out. “Micah intentionally provoked him. Julian left it alone, but Micah went after him. He was unarmed and not attacking Micah. ”

  “The Fallen are never unarmed,” Nathaniel said, staring off into the sky with narrowed eyes. “Whether it is their strength, their intellect, or their manipulation. They are always armed. ”

  “How far has your relationship with him progressed?” Adrian asked.

  Her entire body went rigid. She did not blink, nor did she hesitate. “We are friends. ”

  “Friends?” he repeated. “Lily, you know that’s impossible. ”

  “Obviously, it’s not. I consider him a friend, like any normal person would. ”

  Danyal stepped forward. The look on his face said he was trying to understand her, trying to figure out how she went from super-Nephilim Lily to the Lily who stood in front of him. “How can you get past what he is?”

  “He’s saved my life, multiple times, and he’s never done anything to put me in jeopardy—or any of you, either. I trust him,” she explained earnestly.