Of course, on the other hand, the possessiveness made her feel cherished and beloved, but she rather thought that was her vagina talking. She’d recently learned that sexual activity had caused her vagina to revert from its pure feminist roots to something primal that didn’t care about anything but getting some more sex from the right man. Perhaps when Henry was gone, she could find her vagina a proper organic, earth-friendly vibrator that ran on rechargeable batteries. Maybe then it would stop screaming at her to pounce on Henry.

  “Earth to Nell.” Henry had turned and stared down at her.

  “Sorry, did you say something?”

  Stef chuckled. “We just worked a few things out while you were thinking. You’ll find she can drift away at the oddest times.”

  “She’s a writer. She’s creative. It’s only to be expected.” Henry’s voice had gone a little gruff while he defended her. And her vagina was talking again. Yep, it didn’t seem to want to shut up while he was around, and it really didn’t like the idea of an organic vibrator. It wanted the real thing.

  Stef crossed his arms over his chest. “Well, all right then. Nell, you take care. Henry, if there’s anything I can do, I’ll help out.”

  Henry didn’t miss a beat. “You can figure out a way to lock the door on your way out.”

  He couldn’t be thinking that way. Nell looked up at him. “Henry, this is a public space. It’s meant for everyone.”

  But Stef just smiled. He walked over to the small closet where the towels were kept and reached toward the back. He produced a sign. Closed for repairs. Someone had drawn two naked people climbing into a hot tub and then placed a large X across them. “You’re not the first, Flanders. You won’t be the last. I’ll hang it on my way out. You’ve got an hour before they’ll be in here setting up for the Hot Tub Fun Spa party. You really want to be out of here by then. I hear they’re waxing some of the men in an effort to keep the Squatchers off them.”

  The door closed behind Stef.

  “Dare I ask?” Henry pulled his shirt over his head, and Nell couldn’t help but watch. She was mad at him, but gosh, he was so very pretty. She knew she shouldn’t think like that. He was a human being, and he deserved more than to be seen as a sexual object.

  She forced her eyes away and concentrated on the question at hand. “The wax thing or the Squatchers?”

  She heard the rustle of clothing being folded away. “I get the wax thing. Hairy guys, lots of pain. Yeah, the Talbot guy is right. I should avoid that at all costs. What the hell is a Squatcher?”

  “It’s a sort of cryptozoologist.”

  “So a scientist of some type?” She heard the smallest splash as Henry slid into the hot tub.

  “Yes. They study Sasquatch, or as the creature is known in other circles, Bigfoot.” She felt comfortable enough to look at him again. She shouldn’t have. It wasn’t just his hunky body that got her heart racing. His face was so handsome, all square-jawed and warm brown eyes.

  Those eyes widened slightly. “Bigfoot? Seriously?”

  “Henry, are you being judgmental?”

  An innocent look crossed his face. “Not at all, sweetheart. Bigfoot is probably very serious around here. Now why don’t you come over to my side of the tub and give me a kiss?”

  She wasn’t ready to just melt in his arms. “Henry, you can’t treat my friends like you just treated Stefan.”

  All innocence was gone, and his jaw formed a hard line. “He was naked in the tub with you, Nell.”

  “It’s a nudist resort. They don’t allow clothes in the hot tub. What did you expect, Henry? That he would hop in wearing a turtleneck and jeans?”

  He didn’t seem willing to give on this subject. “I would expect he would respect a few boundaries. You’re lucky I didn’t start a fight.”

  She couldn’t help the way her eyes rolled. “See. That’s why this can’t work. Violence isn’t the answer.”

  “It can be, but I’ll give you that this time it wasn’t. The minute he stepped out of the tub, I had all the answers I needed. I have to admit, the naked thing can be very useful at times.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t understand.”

  Henry leaned forward, his hands finding her knees under the water. “He wasn’t hard. He doesn’t want you that way. He really is just looking out for you. And he’s a lifestyle guy. Serious from the looks of it. If he says he’ll take care of you, he means it.”

  Nell gasped and pulled away. “You were looking at the size of his penis to decide if he was interested in me?”

  Henry pulled her back. “No, I was looking at the state of his erection. You see, I’ve been hard since the moment someone told me you were in the hot tub. A man who wants you is going to have a hard-on whenever he thinks about how soft your breasts are or how good it feels to slide inside your pussy or how much he wants to fuck your mouth.”

  Her vagina was definitely threatening to take over. His hands moved up her thighs. “Henry, anyone could walk in. Shouldn’t we talk about what you found out? Is it safe for me to go home?”

  She had to start cleaning up. She needed to find a job. She had to sell her computer. Surely someone would pay a few hundred bucks for it. She would miss her computer. She had a whole community of friends on the Internet, and she would have to go without them.

  “Hey.” Henry pulled her close. “Don’t disappear on me. No. It’s not safe to go home, but I have a list of suspects I want to check out. So I don’t want you to worry.” His fingers came up and brushed away tears she didn’t know she’d shed. “Don’t cry, baby. I’ll take care of everything.”

  He would try. She had no doubt he would find the culprit and try to make things safe for her before he left, but then she would be alone again. Her mother would still be dying. She would still have to move, and she would do it without any support this time.

  And that wasn’t Henry’s problem.

  “You’re killing me, Nell.” His arms wrapped around her, and just for a minute, she felt safe. She let her head find his shoulder. “Tell me what to do. I don’t know how to help.”

  He didn’t sound like a man who just wanted to get his happy fun time in and leave. He had a job to do, but maybe they could keep in touch. She cuddled close. “Just take my mind off things for a while.”

  It was really all she could ask.

  “I can do that.” Henry’s lips touched her forehead. “I want to play, Nell. Will you play with me?”

  Submit. He wanted her to submit to him. She hated the word, but her vagina was once again loudly stating its opinion. It wanted to submit and, when she really thought about it, it was just another choice to make. Henry hadn’t done anything to her that hadn’t been pleasurable, so why not “play” with him?

  “Yes. I want to play.”

  He pulled lightly on her hair, forcing her to look up at him. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

  She couldn’t help but smile. She could feel what she was doing to him. His cock was hard and poking at her belly. She let her legs drift around his muscled hips. She would really like to watch him work out. “I’m trying very hard not to turn you into a sexual object, Henry, but you make it hard for me.”

  A low chuckle rumbled from his chest. She loved that she could make him laugh. She rather thought he didn’t laugh often. “Don’t try too hard. I want to be your sexual object. Don’t turn this into an intellectual thing. This has nothing to do with your brain. This is chemistry, baby. This doesn’t come along very often.”

  “Doesn’t it?” She was curious. She had almost no experience. “It’s not this way with your other lovers?”

  He shook his head as he rubbed their noses together. “I’ll be honest with you. I would have told you this differently before I met you, but now I am pretty sure I’ve never had a lover before. I had women. Plenty of women, but they weren’t meaningful. You’re meaningful, Nell. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, I have to leave, but I don’t think I’ll ever forget you.”

sp; It was all she could ask for at the moment. He had to get back to his job, and she had to take care of her mother. One day she would look him up. If he wasn’t in a relationship, maybe they could try again. But she had today and a couple of tomorrows.

  “I won’t forget you either.”

  A look of sadness crossed his face. “You will and that’s all right. The most I want is to be a distant memory. I want you to be happy, Nell. I don’t think I ever wanted anything as much as I want that.”

  He seemed to be struggling with something. She wanted to ask, but this wasn’t something she could push for. He had to be ready to talk to her. Maybe Henry needed to forget his troubles, too. They could give each other that much. She brushed her lips to his. “Did you bring the condoms?”

  She wanted to feel him moving inside her. For those brief moments, there was no aloneness, no singularity. They were together without question when he was making love to her.

  He calmed a bit and a hard look came into his eyes. She was starting to associate that look with sex and pleasure. “I brought them, but I won’t use them until I’m ready.”

  He could be so bossy. “Henry, I’m ready right now. You’re ready right now. Let’s go.”

  He shook his head. “Are you trying to take charge of this? You know what happens when you do that. Turn around, Nell. Put that ass in the air.”

  Yeah, she’d been kind of going for that. Henry had liked spanking her and she had to admit, she’d liked it, too. He seemed to get even hotter when she was just a little bit bratty. Nell turned, her body relaxing for the first time since he’d walked out the door this morning. She stood up on the seat of the hot tub and leaned over, shivering as she placed her ass in the air.

  He moved behind her. “This is a count of twenty, Nell. Who’s in charge of sex?”

  “You are, Henry.”

  “Damn right, I am. I’m not going to let you forget it.”

  Nell nearly screamed as his hand met her backside. The heat of the water had softened her skin, making the smack so much more intense. Pain flared, racing across her skin as Henry began spanking her over and over again. Tears squeezed from her eyes, but just as she was about to call a halt to it, heat spread, engulfing her. Her pussy was so wet as he smacked away. The tears that came out felt purifying as though all the troubles of her world were slipping away as they fell from her eyes. Over and over again he slapped her ass, making her muscles weak. She lost count, trusting him to keep it. She would be sore tomorrow because he wasn’t holding back. She would feel this moment every time she sat down, and she would remember the way it felt and how it sounded. She would remember the startling sting and how it turned into something so much sweeter when she was patient.

  “God, baby, your ass is pink.” Henry groaned a little as he spoke. “It’s gorgeous. Stay like this. Don’t move.”

  She didn’t even want to. That was all? She’d been in a happy place. She wasn’t sure she wanted to come out of it just yet. But then Henry’s mouth was on her skin, kissing the very place he’d just smacked. He kissed her all over, from the small of her back, grazing kisses along her cheeks to where they rounded down to her thighs. It was a sweet torture because what she wanted to do was to tilt her hips up and spread her legs wide so he could slip between them and play with her pussy. But he’d told her not to move, and she was trying to be a very good girl.

  “Stay that way. I have something else I need to do.”

  He left her there. She could hear him get out of the hot tub, water dripping from his body as he made his way across the tile. There was the sound of a zipper coming undone and then a rustling as his hands moved probably into the bag he’d brought with him. She closed her eyes and imagined him as he walked back to the tub with the condoms in hand. He was so masculine. His clothes hid it well, but he was covered in lean muscle. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on Henry Flanders. He was her own personal Superman. Clark Kent by day, unassuming and, to the people who didn’t look closely, a bit bland. But when the clothes came off, oh, he was a god of a man. And any minute now, she would hear the condom wrapper open and he would move behind her. His big cock would be just on the edge of her pussy. She would shiver because he seemed so big, too big, but then he would ease his way in and they would be together.

  She felt Henry move behind her. Her whole body went taut with anticipation.

  “Nell, honey, I’m going to need you to relax.” Henry’s hands moved along her curves.

  She couldn’t relax until he was deep inside her. She took a long breath, trying to calm herself. She waited for the sound, but what she heard was more of a popping sound. Then his hands were back on her cheeks, spreading her wide.

  “This is going to be cold. But I’ll warm you up fast,” Henry said.

  Something wet and cold slid between her cheeks. Nell gasped, the feeling foreign. “Henry, what’s going on? Oh my god. Are you doing what I think you’re doing?”

  “Well, sweetheart, if you think I’m about to shove a plug up your ass, then you’re the big winner.” There was a low, sexy laugh that came from Henry’s chest. But Nell wasn’t laughing because now she could feel something pressing against her anus. “It’s just a plug. It’s nothing to worry about.”

  Nell wasn’t so sure about that. After all, Henry wasn’t the one about to have something shoved up his ass. She’d been a virgin the day before. She wasn’t sure she was ready for this. Nell tried to look back. “Henry, we should talk about this.”

  “You say that because you don’t understand protocol. The real time for talking is afterward.” He continued what he was doing, pressing the tip of the plug against her far-too-small asshole. He was working the plug in little circles. “Unless of course you’re in some sort of pain or you’re scared. This is a small plug, so I doubt you’re in pain. And you’re such a brave girl. You’ve faced down screaming crowds. I can’t imagine one tiny plug is going to scare my girl.”

  Manipulative bastard. He was pushing all the right buttons. She couldn’t back down from that challenge, but she could ask a simple question. “Henry, do you want to explain why you feel the need to insert a plug up my rectum?”

  The plug slipped inside, a brief foray before the circles began again. Pressure. An oddly erotic pressure seemed to be building, and it centered on her asshole. He was opening her up, teasing his way inside, making her ready for something quite larger. “All the better to fuck your ass, my dear. I do believe I told you when we started that I wanted to take you every way a man can take a woman. I don’t want to leave an inch of you untouched.”

  She couldn’t help the whimper that came out of her mouth when the plug slipped in again. Henry pressed it farther this time, sliding it in an inch or so before slowly pulling it back out. He stretched her, forcing her to accept the small piece of plastic. If he had his way, one day very, very soon, it would be his cock foraging up her rectum. He would know every inch of her body. He would have her in every way he could.

  And she wanted it. She wanted for Henry to know every inch of her. She wanted to be able to feel him everywhere.

  “Lean forward,” he commanded. “Flatten your back.”

  She stretched, going into a modified Flat Back pose. It was a little like yoga, this whole sex thing. She needed to get into the right position and then he would slide in easily. She flattened her back, giving him access to everything. And she remembered how much he liked to hear his name. “Yes, Henry.”

  “Yeah, baby.” His voice had gone all deep and guttural, a sure sign that his cock was engaged. She loved the fact that she now knew his tells. She could tell that he was getting hot when his eyes went slightly sleepy and his hands grew languid as they stroked her body. “That’s what I want. Do you know how gorgeous you are? Do you have any idea how crazy you get me?”

  She knew how crazy he got her. He had her to the point that she was pressing back against that darn plug, just waiting for it to invade and conquer. She moved her hips and felt it slide deep inside, a thrill of vic
tory overtaking her.

  “Beautiful.” He let her cheeks fall back together, but his fingers stroked lower, playing in her pussy. “I can fill up all your holes, baby. I can shove a vibrator in your pussy and my cock up your ass and you’ll be so full.”

  She could imagine. He would try to master her in every way he could. She could feel the plug stretching her, holding her open, filling her up. She felt deliciously stretched and now his fingers were playing in her pussy. Every inch of her flesh felt lit up, humming and happy. “Please, Henry.”

  She needed more than he was giving her. She needed him to make good on his promises, to fill her with his cock.

  A single finger pressed inside. “I’ll give you everything, baby. Everything, but you’re going to obey me first.”

  He would push her until he was satisfied. It was maddening, but she knew he would come through in the end. He would give her everything she needed. “All right, Henry.”

  She relaxed, giving over to him. There was such peace in the decision, such comfort. She didn’t have to be in control because Henry was. She could let go here. She could float along and just enjoy. She was always in control. She was always making decisions, but being with Henry allowed her to let it all go. At first, she’d thought he was asking for something wrong, but she’d realized what a beautiful gift this was. Submission wasn’t a compromise.

  His fingers delved deep, fucking upward inside her, making her writhe. She held herself as still as possible, letting Henry control the penetration. She could feel the pressure of the plug. It had been foreign at first, but every second that went by made her more comfortable with it. Nell could feel the press of his lips on the small of her back as his thumb made circles around her clitoris. Pleasure built, threatening to crest. But every time she got close to the edge, Henry pulled back. Over and over he brought her higher, retreating just as she thought she would drop over.

  “Not yet, baby. We’re not even close yet. We have a whole hour and I’m going to use it. I’ve been thinking about this all day. I’ve been thinking about it from the minute I came last time. This is what I do now. I’m either fucking you or I’m thinking about all the ways I’ll fuck you. You’re a witch, Nell Finn.”