“It was Callie. Stef gave me the handcuffs and told us how to set it up.”

  “Excellent. He gets to live.” Henry could be so very possessive. She shouldn’t find pleasure in that, but she was honest with herself. It was the only way to live. The thought of another woman touching him made her very sad. Maybe she was a little possessive, too. She had friends who were into the open-love lifestyle, but it would never be for her.

  She wouldn’t love anyone after Henry.

  She shivered as he drew his fingers over her chest. Her nipples peaked as though begging for his attention. “He gave me a bag of sexy stuff. I don’t know what some of it is.”

  Henry sighed contentedly as he traced his fingers over her belly. He was leaving a trail of goose bumps everywhere he touched. He drew his fingers lower, and she could feel her pussy start to come to life at the mere thought of him coming close. Just a few more inches and the pads of his fingers would brush her clit and light her up. Just another second…

  “I should see what he brought for us.” He pulled his hand away, turning and picking up the leather bag Stef had given her.

  “That was mean.” She was out of breath and she hadn’t moved.

  The sweetest smile curled his lips up as he set the bag on the bed. “It’s not mean. It’s just a little tease. I promise I’ll touch eventually, but it will be on my schedule. Not yours. I want you panting for it, Nell.”

  This was something she didn’t quite understand. “Why?”

  He looked down at her, tenderness plain on his face. “Because it makes me feel good knowing that someone as beautiful as you will let me have my way. When I think about getting to play with you, it gets me so hard. God, Nell, all the things we could do, the things I want to show you.”

  He stopped as though he realized he’d been talking like they had a future.

  “What kind of nasty toys did Stef send?” Nell asked, wanting so desperately to keep the smile on his face.

  He turned back to the bag, unzipping it. There was that smile. “I like the way Stef thinks.”

  He pulled out a tiny tube and uncapped it.

  “Should I ask what that is?” Nell asked.

  “It’s oil used to stimulate the clitoris. Don’t worry, baby. I’m sure it’s all organic and earth friendly. It’s cinnamon and almond oil and some rosemary essence. It’s going to plump this pretty jewel right up, and it’ll taste nice when I suck on it.”

  “I don’t know that I need any stimulation, Henry.” She could barely breathe as it was.

  “That’s ten and you’ll take what I give you. Nell, are you telling me no?” He paused, the cap in his hand.

  He was infuriating, and she would very likely never tell him no. Somehow, being bound and trussed up, she’d never felt more free than she did when he was in charge. When Henry closed the door, it was like all the problems of the world drifted away, and she didn’t have to worry about anything but finding pleasure with him.

  God, she would miss him every second of the day for the rest of her life.

  “I’m not telling you no and I’m looking forward to my spanking, Henry.”

  “Good. So am I.” He dribbled the oil on her clit. It was cool and made her hips shimmy. Henry’s thumb closed over the spot he’d just lubed up. “Such a pretty pearl. Soon it will be all softened up and ripe for the tasting.”

  Sparks of pleasure shot across her skin as he pressed down and made long, luxurious circles.

  And then stopped, proving he had a little sadist in there.

  “Let’s see what else Stef left us. Nice.” He pulled out what looked like a plug made for an elephant.

  “I don’t think that’s going to work, Henry.” What the hell had Stef been thinking?

  “It’s smaller than me, baby. It’s going to work fine. It just needs some lube.” He winked at her and walked toward the bathroom.

  He was going to shove that enormous plug up her backside. There was only one reason to do it. He was going to make love to her ass. He was going to claim her.

  And she was going to let him.

  He was back quickly, his shirt gone and that big old plug in his hand, glistening with lubricant. She couldn’t help looking at his chest. He was all hers. Everyone else could look at him and see the professor, but she saw the lover he was, the man he could be.

  “I like you in a spreader, Nell, but if it gets uncomfortable, I want you to tell me,” he said as he kneeled on the bed in between her legs.

  “I am so uncomfortable, Henry, but it has nothing to do with the spreader.” It had everything to do with the fact that he wasn’t inside her.

  He groaned, a sexy sound, as he set the plug on her belly and shoved both hands under her ass. He forced her hips up. “Fuck, I like having this much access. It’s so hot.” He pulled her cheeks apart. “I can see your pussy and your asshole. They’re both right here, waiting for me. Waiting for my cock.”

  She would give him everything, so he was right. She was waiting for him. She just might wait for him forever.

  He picked up the plug and pressed it to her asshole. The pressure made her wince, but there was no pain, just a jangled feeling that caused her to whimper.

  “Yeah, baby, I love that.” He really was a pervert. She loved that about him. All the perfectly polite males she’d known paled in the face of his open honesty. He told her what he needed, and that made her feel so powerful. She didn’t have to ask. He gave it to her. It was a gift. It made it all right to ask for what she needed.

  “Henry, please. I need a kiss.” She couldn’t go another minute without his lips on hers.

  He pulled the plug away and suddenly he loomed over her. “Baby, I love to kiss you.”

  He leaned over and pressed his lips to hers, the pressure so sweet she almost lost it. She wanted to wrap her arms around him but there was the problem of the cuffs. His tongue surged in, mating with her own, forcing her mouth open wide. His chest pressed to hers, and she gave over. He rubbed against her as he licked at her lips, filling her with desperate desire.

  He pulled back, rubbing his nose against hers. “Now behave.”

  Her skin felt cold when he left her, getting back to his knees and winking down at her. She immediately felt the press of the plug against her asshole. He rimmed her, rolling the plug against the rosette of her ass over and over and over again.

  He moved the plug in, foraging in shallow little presses. Every push gained ground, opening her up until he shoved the plug home, gaining every inch she had.

  “Beautiful.” He was looking at her asshole.

  “I’m glad you think so.” She was panting, her breath sawing in and out of her chest.

  “I definitely think so. Do you want me to show you how beautiful you are?” His palms were on her knees.

  This was the only time she felt beautiful. “Yes, Henry.”

  “Damn, I love it when you say, ‘Yes, Henry.’” He leaned over and ran his nose along her pussy. He teased her, lighting her up and making her heart pound. He breathed her in. She knew she should feel self-conscious, but she loved how much he liked her smell, her taste. He made her feel special, like she was a sumptuous dessert he liked to try over and over again.

  “Yes, Henry.” She would tell him that every minute of the day. “Yes, Henry.”

  He lifted up and reached over into the bag, his hands coming up with the nipple clamps. “Let’s see how you feel after I’ve put these beauties on you. What do you say?”

  He was torturing her. He’d been so close, his nose right in her pussy, and now he left her high but definitely not dry. She was sopping wet and dying, but there was only one answer to that question. “Yes, Henry.”

  “Yes, Nell. I wish I could always be this man.” He palmed her breasts, his hands covering her. “I want to be so right for you.”

  He was, but she couldn’t prove it with anything but her heart. “You are right. Even if it’s only for tonight. You’re the right man.”

  He was the only man.
  He reached out and pinched her right nipple between his thumb and forefinger, twisting lightly. Her nipples were tight and ready. In an instant, he clamped her nipple, the screw holding her firmly and making her breathe out as it lit her up.

  “So pretty. You’re my little plaything.” He twisted her left nipple and set the clamp on her. The jewels dangled from her nipples, pretty diamonds that marked her as Henry’s lover. The clamps bit into her flesh, but it wasn’t a real pain. It was an ache, a longing.

  He leaned over, his tongue coming out, and licked at the exposed part of her nipples. Sweet heat flared through her. She’d been clamped and plugged and claimed. “My Nell.”

  He looked at her for the longest time, his eyes taking in every inch of her, raking across her body. He hopped off the bed and reached for the bag again. “I’ll be right back, baby. I need to clean up and get a couple of things ready. Stay there like a very good girl.”

  She nearly rolled her eyes, but then caught sight of the crop in his hand and decided to play along. “Yes, Henry.”

  “Excellent. Good girls get treats.” He pulled out a small egg-shaped device and twisted it so it started vibrating. “I’m not strapping it on, so you’ll have to be very still if you want to keep it. Be good, baby.”

  He placed the vibe right on the mound of her pussy, just touching her clit. Nell stopped breathing because it felt so, so good, but Henry was right. That playful vibrator was precariously perched. Any movement and it would roll off and she would be in trouble.

  It shifted slightly, touching the top of her clit. The purr of the vibrator hit her already-stimulated clitoris, and she couldn’t help but moan. So close. Little spasms of heat electrified her skin, and the spark threatened to become a fire. Just a bit more. She could move it just a tiny bit closer. If she could wiggle just a fraction of an inch, she would have it.

  And then it was gone, the egg rolling away. Damn it. Now she was cursing. She never cursed. Well, almost never.

  “Oh, what a bad girl. She lost her egg.” Henry stalked back into the room. He’d lost the sweatpants and his glasses. He loomed over her, all predatory alpha male, every inch of his body corded with lean muscle. His cock thrust up from a nest of neatly trimmed dark hair. He held the crop in his hand, tapping his palm with it as he looked her over. “I believe I wanted that egg to be where I left it, Nell. You disobeyed.”

  Oh, what was he going to do with that crop? He couldn’t smack her backside. “How about we negotiate? I’ll take half the blame and the egg can take the other half. I think it might be a faulty egg, Henry. Seriously, I’m planning a protest.”

  A brilliant smile crossed his face. “I love to play with you. Well, my sweet sub, the egg has already had its punishment.” He drew the crop down her body, letting the leather tip caress her skin. He pulled it down until it sat just on the top of her clitoris. “That egg was so happy right here. It had finally found a nice spot to call home. So we’ll just move on to your punishment, Nell.”

  Before she could protest that seemingly unfair circumstance, he tapped her clit with the crop. A quick slapping motion that made her scream. She could feel the plug in her ass as she clamped down. There was no real pain, just a jagged sensation that made her so deeply aware of parts of her body she’d never paid much attention to before. She was always so lost in thought that there was a beauty to the simplicity of being deeply aware of her own body.

  He tapped her clit again, another jangly rush heating her skin.

  “How wet are you, baby? Is this pussy getting soaked and ready for a cock? Or a tongue?” He slapped at her again, the sound worse than the sensation.

  “I’m so wet, Henry.” She struggled with the bonds. She wanted to touch herself, to relieve the horrible ache that was building. The oil he’d rubbed into her clit had her throbbing and ready to beg for release, but he just kept up the slow torture.

  “How about your nipples? Are they aching yet?” He flicked the crop across her breasts lightly.

  “Oh, oh.” The words came out on a puff of breath. Her nipples were tight, so tight. The jewels vibrated as he touched them with the crop.

  “I could leave you like this. I could sit down and get some work done safe and secure in the knowledge that you’re exactly where you should be.” He frowned. “Not off somewhere nearly being killed.”

  She sniffled, tears forming because they were finally at the heart of the matter. She’d danced around the subject for days. She’d known Henry for a brief time, but she’d already learned that he didn’t talk about things until he was ready to. She’d had to be patient, to get him to a place where he felt safe enough to open up. He felt in control now. “I’m sorry, Henry.”

  His jaw tightened, and he brought the crop across the fleshy part of her breasts. “I saw the tapes, Nell. The security camera watches the front gate. I watched that tape over and over again. You could have gotten away.”

  She shook her head. “No, I couldn’t.”

  “Yes, you could have, Nell.” He struck her thighs, the sound slapping, but the crop had a lot of play in it. Had it been a sturdier crop, Nell might have been screaming, but Henry seemed to know what he was doing. There was a sting and then a pleasant heat crept across her legs. “You could have run behind the security shed and called someone.”

  She could have, but there was a problem with that scenario. “I would have left Kelly alone. I couldn’t do that, Henry.”

  He slapped at her other thigh. “Yes, you could. You’re my sub. You do what I say and I say you save yourself.”

  She wanted to hold him, but he likely wouldn’t allow it at this point. “Henry, I can be your sub here, but I always have to be me. I love you. I can’t tell you how much I love you, but you have to take me as I am, and I will always try to help. I could never walk away.”

  “You were ready to give yourself up. After I had already fucking saved you.”

  She still got cold thinking about the night. “But Seth was in danger, and I was the one Lyle wanted.”

  “He would have killed you.”

  “Not likely. You would have saved me again. I believe that. Henry, I know you think I’m naïve. I know you think half the things I believe in are stupid and silly, but this is who I am. I won’t allow someone like Warren Lyle the power to change the core of my soul. I won’t allow fear to do it either. If I had told you to kill him after he’d already been disarmed, I would have been reacting in a way that fear and anger shaped. I don’t want to spend my life reacting. I want to act. I want to act on all the good things I can be. I want to act on my impulse to be kind, to be positive.”

  He stopped, his head down. “And if that gets you killed?”

  “Then at least I lived the way I wanted to live.”

  His eyes came back up, deep brown orbs that held her own. “I don’t understand you, but I don’t want you to change. Not ever.”

  He tossed the crop away and climbed between her legs, placing his mouth right over her pussy. “God, I’ll never forget the way you taste.”

  He licked her clit, his tongue rubbing hard, and there was no way to hold the orgasm back. It shot through her system like a wildfire, and she screamed out his name.

  He stayed right where he was for a moment, licking and petting her as she came down from the high and then he sat up, gently releasing her legs from the spreader bar.

  “What are you doing?” Nell asked, barely able to get the words out.

  “I’m letting you out.” He grabbed the key Callie had left on the nightstand and started to release her hands.

  Nell held back tears because she wasn’t ready for it to end.

  She would never be ready for it to end.

  Chapter Twelve

  The key to the handcuffs snicked softly as Bishop released Nell’s wrists. He held her arm in his hand, checking to make sure the circulation was all right. Callie seemed to have done a very good job. There was no chafing or red marks, just Nell’s pure porcelain skin. He drew her hand to his l
ips, kissing her before moving to the next hand and releasing it, too.

  He wanted to tie her up, to wind silk rope around her breasts until they stood up at attention. Bishop would take his time, the rope his art and Nell his canvas.

  He needed more time. He needed time to do everything with her, to take her to a club, to spend hours and hours fucking her, only stopping for short naps and food he would give her from his hands.

  He looked down at her breasts where the jewels dangled from her nipples. Her nipples were a nice ruby red, engorged with blood from the clamps. He hadn’t been as kind as Callie. Nell would feel the marks of those clamps for days. Every time she moved, she would feel the little ache as her nipples touched the fabric of her shirt. He knew it made him a bastard, but he liked the thought.

  His hand trailed down to her breasts. The sadist in him was aroused at the thought of the bite of pain he was going to give her. He would never want to hurt her in any real way, but this was erotic, and he had a plan to soothe her. “This is going to hurt but only for a minute.”

  She drew her plump bottom lip into her mouth. He loved that mouth. He loved the way she sucked his cock. “I don’t care about the pain, Henry. I just don’t want this to be over yet. You promised me a whole night.”

  How could she think he was done? He wasn’t even close to being done.

  She was a terrible submissive, and he wouldn’t have her any other way. “I’m in control here, Nell. You’ll take what I give you and not question me. You’re angling for another spanking, but I think that’s what you want. I’m not done, sweetheart. I haven’t even started yet, but I can’t leave you like this for very long. I know what I’m doing. I would never tell you how to protest, so leave the bondage to me.”

  “Okay, Henry.” Tears sparkled in those clear brown eyes as she looked up at him, uncertainty plain on her face.

  If she wasn’t the perfect sub, then he wasn’t exactly überDom when it came to her. Protocol didn’t matter. Rules didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but making her happy. He climbed onto the bed next to her, and caught her lips with his. Sighing into her mouth, he pressed her body into the bed, covering her entirely. So soft, so open. It didn’t matter that she questioned him. She was worried, and he wanted to make her comfortable. No concerns were allowed in the bed tonight. Just pleasure.