As they walked deeper into the interior, Ian soon learned the source of all the noise they’d heard when they’d knocked on the door. To his amazement and delight, the parlor they were led into was filled with feathers.

  There were brilliantly colored parrots and parakeets and cockatoos and lovebirds, all resting on perches or in cages surrounding a pleasantly plump woman with curly blue-white hair, brilliant cobalt eyes, half-moon glasses, and a playful smile on her creamy white face. In front of her was a table with a large tray piled with seven tea settings and several plates full of delicious-looking biscuits. “Good morning to you,” she said as they all filed in.

  Behind her a large gray parrot with red tail feathers mimicked, “Good morning! Good morning!” Ian shuffled as close as he dared to one beautiful white cockatoo with a brilliant yellow comb on top of its head. He barely resisted the urge to reach out and stroke it while Perry offered a low bow to the lady and said, “Good morning, my lady. Your nephew the Earl of Kent sends his regards.”

  Lady Arbuthnot chuckled softly. “I’ll bet he does,” she quipped. Ian forgot the cockatoo and focused on the earl’s aunt. He liked her immediately.

  Perry stood straight again and he must have noticed the seven settings on the table, because he said, “Oh, my, I’m so sorry to intrude! You obviously have company coming and we’ve barged in unannounced.”

  Lady Arbuthnot tilted her head back and laughed heartily. “Oh, my dear young man,” she said as she gave him a wave, “the company I’ve been expecting is you. Now, won’t you please have a seat?”

  Ian observed six chairs set neatly around the table. He caught Thatcher and Perry exchanging a curious look, but Theo had moved forward to take a seat and was offering Lady Arbuthnot her hand. “It’s lovely to meet you,” she was saying.

  Ian gave Carl a nudge, and the boys took Theo’s cue and quickly sat at the table. Thatcher sat down next, and Perry took the last of the seats.

  Thatcher then cleared his throat, obviously unsettled by the lady’s announcement that they’d been expected, and said, “Yes, well the reason we’ve come, my lady—”

  “I know why you’ve come,” she interrupted, and looked intently around at the children, who all squirmed slightly under her gaze. “One of you is an oracle,” she said lightly, “and has the gift of sight.”

  Theo’s hand squeezed Ian’s under the table while his mouth dropped open in surprise. “Er … yes,” said Thatcher. “Are you sure the earl hasn’t called ahead to explain our visit?”

  Lady Arbuthnot rolled her eyes but the smile never left her face. “I have not heard from my nephew in over a month, and that wicked boy knows that the next time he rings me, he shall have no excuses left not to visit with his dear auntie, but that’s another matter. You’re curious as to how I knew you were coming and how I knew of your mission?”

  Ian and the others nodded.

  The lady smiled wisely while she reached for the teapot and poured them each a cup. Ian noticed that when Theo’s cup had been filled, Lady Arbuthnot looked her square in the eyes and gave a little wink. “I know of these things because, of course, I also have the gift of sight.”

  No one spoke. What was there to say, really? Congratulations?

  That was all that came to Ian’s mind, and he struggled with the idea that the lady seemed a bit off her own nutty.

  “I assure you, I’m perfectly sane,” she said, and looked pointedly at him as if she’d just read his thoughts. Ian felt an immediate heat shoot to the top of his head, and dropped his eyes to the table. “Now, drink your tea,” Lady Arbuthnot said pleasantly. “And I shall give a look into each of your futures.”

  Not wanting to appear any more troublesome, Ian immediately picked up his teacup and took a sip. As far as tea went, he thought the brew was exceptional, with a light orange scent and a slightly sweet flavor without that bitter after taste. While he and the others sipped their tea, Lady Arbuthnot passed around one of the plates of biscuits and Carl took a handful before Perry cleared his throat and gave him a pointed look.

  Lady Arbuthnot laughed again, the sound infectious in its merriment. “Oh, let him have his treats,” she admonished. “The boy’s been half starved until recently, poor lad. Here,” she added, handing him the entire plate. “You have these, and if you want more, simply speak up, all right?”

  Carl gave her a delighted smile and set the plate down in front of him while he shoveled several cookies into his mouth. “Fank ew, my wady,” he mumbled through a mouthful of sweets.

  “And you,” she said, pointing to Ian, “you I shall read first, as I believe you’re the one that trouble is most attracted to, no?”

  Ian regarded her nervously, feeling embarrassed to be singled out. He didn’t know what to say, so he simply shrugged.

  “Drink the rest of your tea, young man,” she commanded. “And hand me the cup when you’re through.”

  Ian had no choice but to down the rest of his tea quickly. Lady Arbuthnot nodded with approval and took the cup from him. She gazed into it before she closed her eyes, and a moment passed before she spoke. “Yes,” she said. “It’s as I thought.”

  Ian didn’t like the deep frown that replaced the happy expression she’d worn since they’d entered the parlor. “You’re the one they’re after, Ian,” the lady said smoothly, and Ian jumped a little, because they hadn’t formally introduced themselves to her yet.

  “Who’s after me, exactly?” Ian asked, and noticed that his voice quivered slightly.

  Lady Arbuthnot opened her eyes and looked at him intently “A great evil has your scent, Ian. Be very careful where you tread. But wonderful travels are ahead of you, along with great peril. You hold the destiny of everyone you’ve brought along here today in the palm of your hand. You alone hold the key. It is a difficult burden for one so young to carry,” she said with a sigh. “But it is your destiny to be of great importance in this world.”

  Ian gulped as all eyes around the table looked at him. He’d felt the hair rise on the back of his neck while Lady Arbuthnot had spoken, and he knew that her words were indeed true. He couldn’t fathom how he knew that, though. And how would he become so important, and what great peril lay ahead for him? He wanted to ask her but he didn’t have the chance, because abruptly, Lady Arbuthnot set his cup down and looked around the table at the group. “Who’s next?” she asked happily. Everyone hurried to put their teacups on their saucers. No one wanted to go next. “Oh, come on, then,” she said with a chuckle. “You’re up.” And she pointed to Thatcher.

  “But I’m not finished,” Thatcher said lamely as he lifted his cup and took the tiniest of sips.

  “No excuses,” Lady Arbuthnot said with a merry laugh. “Now, drink up.” Thatcher was compelled to finish his tea quickly and hand her his cup. Ian felt himself tense as the earl’s aunt looked into the bottom of the fine porcelain and again closed her eyes. He wondered if everything the lady predicted for her guests held such dire consequences. “I see a rooftop,” she began, and Ian felt a tingle of disappointment. “It’s made of thatch, and I am told this points to you.”

  “My name is Thatcher,” the schoolmaster said with a slight gasp.

  Lady Arbuthnot’s eyes flashed open. “Yes, of course!” she said, and clapped her hands happily. “And who is this Elizabeth?” Ian saw Thatcher blush crimson as his brother let out a bark of laughter.

  Thatcher cleared his throat and pulled at his collar. “She is a young lady I am an acquaintance of,” he said meekly.

  Lady Arbuthnot nodded wisely. “There is a choice before her, young man. And I know she will choose you, but events far out of your control will pull the two of you apart afterward. My advice is to save her this heartache and go forward alone.”

  Thatcher looked shocked. “What events?” he asked.

  Lady Arbuthnot shook her head sadly but did not elaborate. “You will be asked to join a quest which centers around this young man,” she said, again pointing to Ian, who felt his own cheeks
flush with heat, and he began to wonder with irritation why the lady was picking on him of all people. “This request is not one you can ignore,” she continued. “Although the way before you is fraught with dangers you can’t even imagine, you must proceed through the fog.”

  Thatcher’s expression turned puzzled as he glanced from Ian—who simply shrugged—back to the lady. “I’m afraid I don’t quite understand,” he said to her. “What sort of quest?”

  Ian nodded. He wanted to know more about this quest too, but Lady Arbuthnot had already set down Thatcher’s cup and was looking expectantly at Perry. “You’re next!” she sang.

  Perry handed her his cup and Ian noticed that his hand shook slightly. Lady Arbuthnot gazed into the bottom of the cup and again closed her eyes. “Ah, yes,” she said. “P is for … Percy … no … no, it’s more like … Perry, and G is for … Goodwill?”

  Perry gasped. “Goodwin,” he corrected. “Perry Goodwyn.”

  Lady Arbuthnot opened one eye. “That was good, wasn’t it?” she asked with a knowing smile.

  “Very good,” he admitted, clearly impressed. Ian saw that his schoolmaster had gone rather pale.

  “Yes, now, you,” she said, opening both eyes and pointing to Perry, “are brother to him?” And she pointed to Thatcher.

  “Yes, my lady,” he said. “We’re twins, in fact.”

  Lady Arbuthnot smiled. “You shall share much the same destiny. You too will be asked along on this quest. It will be fraught with the unknown and unexpected, but you are required to go as well. You must proceed even when you think there is no hope, for you see, Perry, there is always hope.”

  Perry’s face reflected Ian’s troubled thoughts. What quest was she talking about and why did she keep bringing up all of this danger business?

  He opened his mouth to ask her, but the lady turned abruptly away from Perry and focused on Carl, who had also gone starkly pale when he realized it was his turn. “And now you, young man,” she said.

  Reluctantly, Carl passed his teacup forward, and the lady did the whole peering-into-the-cup-and-closing-her-eyes bit. Ian sat back in his chair and crossed his arms with a scowl. He was beginning to believe that maybe the lady was full of nonsense. He could hazard a guess that the next thing she mentioned would be that Carl was going on a quest filled with danger.

  She surprised him, however, when she opened her eyes and a sad expression replaced the merry one she’d been wearing. “Oh, my … you poor, poor boy,” she said softly. “You’ve been through some awful ordeals for someone so young.”

  Carl let out a small noise that sounded like a squeak.

  “Your mother, Jillian, is very sorry she had to leave you, dear. She tells me that she held on as long as she could, as she very much wanted to stay with you, but her lungs were very weak and she couldn’t battle her illness any longer in the end.”

  Carl’s lower lip began to tremble and moisture welled in his eyes as he struggled to hold on to his composure. Again, he made a squeaking noise.

  “Your mother also tells me you’ve been very brave and she was with you in that awful place by the water. You were in another orphanage before my nephew found you, am I right?” Carl nodded and dropped his eyes to the tabletop.

  The lady continued. “Well, she’s thrilled that you’ve come to live at the keep. But, she wonders if that was the right move, because she knows that now you will be asked to become a warrior as brave as any that have ever walked the earth. She says that it is your destiny to be a keeper of sorts for this young man.” The lady glanced at Ian, who squirmed under her focus again. “He will need your protection and your fierce courage and you shall not fail him, even if it means putting your own life in danger.”

  Carl sniffed loudly, cleared his throat, and looked up at Ian, and in that moment something odd passed between the boys that felt to Ian like a silent understanding that from this date forward, the two would always be the best of chums.

  “Your mother says she will be with you along this journey, and you must never doubt her love or the pride she has for what a fine young man you are,” the lady finished as she handed Carl his teacup, and the boy looked at the bottom as if he were searching for the face of his mother among the bits of tea leaves.

  “Thank you, my lady,” he said in a croaky whisper.

  Without delay, Lady Arbuthnot swiveled her attention to Theo. “Now it’s time for me to talk with this young lady in private,” she announced, and Ian blinked in surprise. He had expected Theo’s future to be told to the lot of them, just like the others. “The rest of you may take a biscuit and wait out in the foyer,” she instructed. “I will send your friend along shortly.”

  Theo gave Ian a panicked look as he got up from his chair, and Ian hesitated. “I’d like to stay, my lady,” he said.

  Lady Arbuthnot smiled patiently. “Ian,” she said, “what I have to say is for Theodosia’s ears only. She will be in the best of care with me, and you shouldn’t worry. All right?”

  Ian looked back at Theo, who gave a reluctant nod. “It’s all right,” she said. “I’ll be fine.”

  “You sure?” he asked.

  Theo nodded again, and after squeezing her shoulder, Ian walked out with the rest of the group to the foyer, where for a minute or two no one spoke or looked at each other. Finally, Carl broke the silence. “That was … odd.”

  Thatcher let out a short laugh and Ian broke into a grin as the tension in the room evaporated. “Very odd,” Thatcher agreed. “I’m afraid I don’t quite know what to make of it.”

  “It’s all rubbish,” scoffed Perry. “She could easily have gotten our names from the earl and played a parlor trick on us in there.”

  “But what about what she told Carl? She called his mother by name,” protested Ian. It was strange that, like Perry, he’d been eager to believe the old woman a fraud until she’d talked about Carl’s deceased mother. “And how she knew about your friend Elizabeth,” he added, turning to Thatcher, who again turned a brilliant shade of red at the mention of the name.

  “Lucky guesses,” said Perry with a cough, but Ian caught a small shadow of doubt on his face. Perry added, “And did you see how the table was set for seven? There were only six of us gathered. If she is the gifted woman she claims to be, why the extra place setting?”

  At that exact moment the knocker gave three loud clacks and Ian and the others jumped. Bessie hurried past them on her way to the door, and as she opened it, she said, “Ah, Miss Giles. So good of you to drop by.”

  Ian leaned out to see around Perry as a tall, slender, and impossibly beautiful woman with long chestnut hair and large brown eyes in a heart-shaped face stepped into the foyer. “Hello, Bessie,” she said in a high, lilting voice. “I know I don’t have an appointment, but I have a rather urgent matter and I was wondering if the lady was free.”

  “She’s expecting you,” said Bessie confidently. “Already got the tea laid out. She’ll be with you shortly, as she’s just finishing up with one last guest.”

  Turning to look at the four people huddled in the foyer, Miss Giles said, “Please excuse me if I’m intruding on your time with Lady Arbuthnot. I can come back later if you’d like.”

  Ian smiled shyly as her eyes passed over him, and Bessie, who had just shut the door, gave a wave of her hand and clucked. “Naw, naw. As I said, the lady is expecting one last visitor this morning. We didn’t know it’d be you, but it’s good that you’re here now.”

  Just then Theo appeared in the foyer, a rather dreamy look on her face. “She’s ready for you,” she said without hesitation to Miss Giles. Ian was amazed at the transformation since only a few minutes earlier, when Theo had looked so afraid. He wondered what Lady Arbuthnot could have said that would have made Theo look so genuinely happy.

  “You know the way to the parlor?” Bessie was asking the newest visitor.

  “Yes, yes,” said Miss Giles. Turning to the dumbfounded group in the foyer, she added, “So sorry again to have intruded.”

  “No, no,” said Perry quickly, and Ian noticed a pink hue to his cheeks. “We were just leaving.”

  The woman gave them a nod and an enchanting smile before hurrying off, and Thatcher, Perry, Ian, and a mesmerized Carl watched her walk elegantly down the hallway and round the corner. Ian wished he could have talked with her a bit, because she’d been incredibly lovely to look at.

  “We’re ready to go, then,” announced Theo, causing all four of them to jump again. Ian caught Bessie stifling a giggle.

  “Yes,” Perry said, coughing. “Of course, of course! Come along, everyone. It’s time to be off. Bessie, would you please thank Lady Arbuthnot on our behalf for her generous hospitality?”

  “Of course, sir,” said Bessie with a warm smile as she held open the door for them.

  Ian and Carl hurried out after Thatcher and Perry, and when Theo stepped onto the stairs, Ian heard her say, “Thank you, Bessie. I’ll see you next Saturday.”

  Bessie replied, “Very good, young miss, very good. Next Saturday it is, then.”

  The group gathered at the bottom of the stairs and everyone seemed to be talking at once. Carl and Ian were going on about the sudden appearance of the beautiful woman, and Thatcher was slapping his brother on the arm, saying, “Explain that, Perry! The seventh setting at the table went to that lovely creature!”

  “Coincidence,” scoffed Perry, but he seemed rather shaky in his conviction.

  “And what was all that business about quests and danger and fog?” Carl asked.

  “Yeah, what was that about?” Ian said. “And what did she say to you?” he asked Theo, remembering belatedly her change in demeanor.

  Theo began telling him but was immediately drowned out by the argument their two schoolmasters were having.

  “You’re joking!” Thatcher was saying loudly as he gave his brother a firm poke with his finger. “Perry, the lady’s accuracy was uncanny! She couldn’t have just guessed all of our names and the names of people we’re connected to!”