you are told that the root chakra is located around the anus and the second in the genitals, you believe what? When you are taught that these two chakras are the starting points of spiritual development, you think what? Perhaps do you think we are teaching about the spirits of the Saints in the Paradise? Do not bother people! You knew what the question was from the beginning! Stop playing the victims!”

  Nobody gave a reply. They all kept silent. One after another, the room went empty. No one said goodbye to anyone. Only Uncle Sammy and I were left to clean the Room. The future of the Association for Peace and its federated clubs from now became uncertain.

  The End

  Thank you for reading my book. If you enjoyed it, if you want to help us with your advice, won’t you please take a moment to leave me a review at your favorite retailer or on our website? God bless you!

  Achille, the author

  Concluding remarks

  Inspired by a true story, the text is a literary creation. The intention of the story is to help the reader criticize his own spiritual choices. Unless someone walks with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit, business with an unknown spirit guide is a suicidal risk.

  With Jesus Christ, the disciple is granted the promise of Eternal Life in the presence of Christ his Master. With the spirit guide, the disciple has the promise that he will finally be merged with god. But victims of Esotericism are numerous and the evidences show that spirit guides are stealers of the mind and of the soul of the naïve devotees!

  While Jesus Christ offers life in abundance, The Eastern Science devours life with full consent of the follower. The Spirit of Jesus gives a glorious life as the disciple obeys the sound doctrine of the Bible. Meanwhile, the spirit guide parasites life through principles cleverly ciphered.

  What can you say of your experience? Who do you choose?

  Why I Left Yoga: Uncle Sammy Testifies of the Truth behind Yoga is a Christian Short Story, edited by Tâ-Shalom Editions, the books to liberty.

  This story is available in English in PDF, MOBI and EPUB formats at least.

  Available in French in PDF, MOBI and EPUB formats at least under the title: Embrouilles des Dieux Amoureux.

  Illustrations: Meli Metino Cedric Gael and Monthe Paul

  Copyrights 2016 Tâ-Shalom Editions

  All Rights Reserved.

  About this Series

  The collection: “Faith and Traditions” is where we invite our reader to close examine their social habits and obligations.

  Every Man or Woman is invited to serve only one Master, Jesus Christ, but there are social practices that silently compete against this principle.

  Here we intend to unveil those hidden parasites so as to help our readers live a successful spiritual life.

  Kalba, the Young Man Who Resists the Gods

  Synopsis: As the gods and their agents are forcing Kalba to be their main priest, Kalba and family plan not to give up; but are too weak against the cultic bloc. Will they triumph?

  Love Delusions

  Synopsis: Abdul sinks into depression after his girlfriend parents reject their will to betroth. One day, he is trapped in a cult ritual and realizes he is the lamb to be slain. Will he escape?

  Phallus Disputes

  Synopsis: Strong at the beginning, Tada is discreetly but heavily hassled morally and spiritually. Before he come back to his senses, pretended gods have almost stolen his manhood.

  Ritual Baths Deceptions

  Synopsis: Tired of being jobless, Koffi tries ritual washing of bad luck supposedly thwarting his bliss. But his baths trap him into unconscious witchcraft and death has sneaked in. Will he escape?

  Pervert Spirits.

  Synopsis: Hassled and tortured by the ancestral spirits to the extent he doubts the pert of his faith in Jesus, Kemegny has almost given in the demands of the spirits when God rescues him.

  About the Author

  Hi, I am Achille Bérenger Doungméné, Christian from Assemblies of God Cameroon. I have been serving God since my eighth year, first in the Roman Catholic Church as choir member and priest servant.

  I receive the conviction to write books for the perfecting of men, women, teens and children at twenty; that is in 1993. Even though I could start in 2000, I felt I needed God to equip me, to mature what I had learned in the faith while at University, while serving the Lord in the Choir, in the Evangelization team, in the Leading of Adoration, in the work place and in the ordinary social life.

  What today? Are my writings rich enough to meet the need of my readers, to lead them to better choices and to help them live better lives? That is the question only you readers can help me assess. All my efforts are to serve you just as Jesus Christ our Lord asks us to fervently serve each other.

  One thing is sure; I need your critics, your corrections and your appreciations to help me serve you better.

  God bless you


  Books by the same author

  Books in bold are available in English and in French:

  Christian Short Stories. Series: Glorious Life in Christ

  Startling Confessions of Georges

  Treason of the Gods

  Gifted Infiltrator

  Sensual Harassments


  Christian Short Stories: Series: Faith and Traditions

  Kalba, the Young Man Who Resists the Gods

  Love Delusions

  Phallus Disputes

  Ritual Baths Deceptions

  Pervert Spirits

  Christian Novels in 2017

  Religious Mafia

  Spiritual Prisons

  Christian Short Stories in 2017

  The Impostors (5 Short stories)

  Trapped (5 Short Stories)

  Non-fiction Books in 2017

  Series Strong in Battle

  Letter to the Prince of God

  Spiritual Harassments

  The Glory behind Hardship

  Our Duties

  We work hard to offer you the best Christian books that worship Sound Doctrine for your spiritual growth and freedom.

  Hence, we intensely work on the style, the typography and mainly on the evangelical foundation of ours contents.

  We pray that the Lord Jesus blesses you and leads you find solutions to your spiritual, emotional, social and economical challenges.

  Your critics and advices are dearly welcomed.

  God bless you.

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  TSE edits and publishes Short Stories; Novels and other Literary Genres in digital formats.

  You can get information about our publications at any time on:

  If you are an Author of Short Story or of books written in accordance with the Sound Doctrine of Jesus Christ, you can prepare your manuscript and send it to us by the 1st of October 2017.

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  From September 2016, to the glory of Jesus Christ.

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