After Jim's arrival my lord recovered quickly, each day making greatprogress, much to the doctor's satisfaction, who never tired of tellingMr. Beauleigh and Miss Betty that it was entirely owing to his treatmentthat the patient had recovered at all. As his idea of treatment mainlyconsisted of copiously bleeding John, which process Miss Betty very soonput an end to, he and she had many arguments on the subject, in which hewas completely routed. She held that Mr. Carr was well on the strengthof her nursing and his own constitution--and very probably she wasright. In any case, hardly a fortnight after O'Hara's first visit, mylord was standing before his mirror, surveying himself, with his headspeculatively on one side and a worried look in his eyes. Salter watchedhim anxiously, knowing this to be a critical moment. His master wassomewhat of an enigma to him; the important things in life neverappeared to affect him, but over a question of two cravats as opposed toeach other, or some equally trivial matter, he would become quiteharassed.

  After contemplating his appearance for several moments, Carstaresfrowned and looked over his shoulder.

  "I have changed my mind, Jim. I will wear blue after all." Salter sigheddespairingly.

  "Ye look very well in what ye have on, sir," he grunted. Jack sat downobstinately.

  "I have conceived a dislike--nay, a veritable hatred--for puce. I willwear blue."

  "Now, sir, do ha' done changing your clothes! Ye'll be tired out beforeever ye get downstairs, and ye know what the doctor said."

  My lord consigned the doctor and his words of wisdom to a place of greatheat.

  "Ay, sir, but--"

  "The doctor is a worthy individual, Jim, but he knows even less of theart of dressing than you do. He does not understand the soul-agony of aman who makes his first appearance in puce."


  "The blue coat laced with gold."


  "I order it! I insist; the blue coat or nought!"

  "Very well, sir." Resignedly Jim walked to the cupboard.

  When at length his lordship was dressed to his entire satisfaction itwas midway through the hot June afternoon, and Miss Betty was tapping atthe door, wishing to know whether Mr. Carr was coming down, or whetherhe was not.

  Carstares shifted his sling, and taking up his hat, moved just a littleshakily to the door.

  Salter opened it, and cast a triumphant glance at Miss Betty, as thoughhe were showing off all my lord's graces. He proffered an arm.

  "Shall I help ye, sir?"

  Miss Betty curtsied low.

  "La, Mr. Carr!"

  John bowed profoundly.

  "Give ye good den, madam," he said. "I am just about to descend. Thankyou, Jim." He leaned heavily on the man's arm.

  Miss Betty walked round him admiringly.

  "Lud! 'Tis mighty elegant, I vow! But I protest, I am shy!"

  "Egad, Miss Betty! and why?"

  "You are not so young as I imagined," she replied candidly.

  "Bear in mind, madam, that I never sought to deceive you. I am an agedman."

  "Thirty!" she scoffed, and went on ahead. "Come, child, and mind thefirst step!"

  At the bottom of the staircase stood Mr. Beauleigh, a man of mediumheight, thin-lipped and grey-eyed. He came forward with one handoutstretched.

  "I am delighted to see you so much better, sir. I trust your shoulder nolonger pains you?"

  My lord pushed Jim gently to one side and placed his hand in Mr.Beauleigh's.

  "I thank you, sir, it is almost well. But for Miss Betty, who, I fear,has the makings of a true tyrant, I should not wear this obnoxioussling."

  Mr. Beauleigh smiled a little.

  "Ah, yes, she keeps us all in order, does Betty. Pray, will you not walka little in the garden? There are chairs on the lawn--and here is mydaughter."

  He waved to the door, and Carstares, turning, beheld Diana.

  She stood framed by the dark wood, gowned in amber silk, with old lacefalling from her elbows and over the bosom of her dress. Her hair wasdark as night, with little tendrils curling over her broad, white brow.One rolling curl fell over her shoulder, the rest were gathered up undera small lace cap, which was secured by means of a riband passed beneathher chin.

  Jack gazed, and gazed again, and in her turn Diana studied him with widebrown eyes of almost childlike innocence. Then her lids fluttered andcurling lashes veiled the glorious depths, as a slow blush mounted toher cheeks.

  My lord recovered his manners and made his most approved leg as herfather presented him.

  "My love, this is Mr. Carr--"

  Diana sank into a curtsey.

  "--and, Mr. Carr, this is my daughter, Diana."

  "I am delighted to make Miss Beauleigh's acquaintance," said John, andraised her hand to his lips.

  The delicate, tapering fingers trembled a little in his hold, andtremulous lips parted in the shyest and most adorable smile that he hadever seen.

  "Indeed, sir, we are already acquainted. I am not like to forget myrescuer."

  "I am happy to think that I was able to be of some service to you,mademoiselle. Believe me, it was an honour to fight in your cause." Hiseyes were on the fascinating dimple that played about her mouth.

  "'Tis very kind of you to say so, sir. I fear we greatly incommodedyou--and--" She made a gesture towards his sling.

  "That, mademoiselle, is less than nothing. All the obligation is on myside."

  Miss Betty bustled forward.

  "Now that will do! I never heard such a foolish set of compliments! Youare looking tired, Mr. Carr; come into the garden and rest."

  Salter stepped forward, but Diana stayed him with uplifted finger.

  "If Mr. Carr will accept my arm?" she hazarded.

  Jack flushed.

  "Indeed, no, Miss Beauleigh--I can--"

  "Oh, tut-tut!" cried Miss Betty. "Have done dilly-dallying! Take himout, Di!"

  Mr. Beauleigh had already disappeared. His world lay in his library, andhe was never far from it for any length of time. Now he had seized themoment when his sister was not looking to withdraw quietly, and, whenshe turned round, she was only in time to see the library door closesoftly.

  "Your papa has gone again," she remarked to her niece. "What a tryingman he is, to be sure!"

  She followed the pair out on to the lawn, and helped to make Carstaresseat himself in a long chair under a great elm. A cushion was placedunder his wounded shoulder and another at his back.

  "And are you sure that you are quite comfortable?" inquired Miss Betty,anxiously bending over him.

  Jack laughed up at her.

  "Quite sure, thank you, madam. But where will you sit?"

  "I shall sit in this chair, and Di will sit on a cushion"--throwing onedown--"at my feet--so."

  "I see that you are all ruled with a rod of iron, mademoiselle," hesaid, and watched the dimple tremble into being.

  "Indeed, yes, sir. 'Tis very sad."

  Miss Betty chuckled, and unrolled a packet of silks which she threw intoher niece's lap.

  "Will you have the goodness to sort those for me, love?" she asked,taking out her embroidery.

  "Pray allow me to assist!" pleaded John.

  Diana rose and planted her cushion down beside his chair. She then kneltdown upon it and emptied the multi-coloured strands on to his knee.

  "Very well! You must be very careful to separate the different pinks,though. See, we will have the rose here, the salmon here, the deeperrose here, the pale pink over there, and the reds--there is no moreroom--we will put the reds in this paper."

  "Certainly," agreed Carstares. "Are we to leave the other colours untilthe pinks are sorted?"

  She nodded and bent her head over the silks.

  "Is Sir Miles coming this afternoon, Mr. Carr?"

  "Why yes, Miss Betty--now you mention it, I remember that he is. MissBeauleigh, I defy you to put that one on the rose pile; 'tis a shade toodeep."

  "I am sure 'tis not! Where i
s one to compare with it?"

  Carstares produced a long thread and held it next to hers. The two headswere bent close over it. Diana sighed.

  "You are right; I can just see the difference. But 'tis _very_ slight!"

  Miss Betty peeped over their shoulders.

  "Gracious, what an eye you must have! I can detect no difference." Hereye ran along the row of silks laid out on my lord's white satin leg.

  "Mr. Carr," said Diana suddenly, "I want to ask you something--somethingthat has been puzzling me."

  "Faith, what is it, Miss Beauleigh?"

  "Just this: why did you call Mr. Everard M. le Duc?"

  There was a tiny pause. My lord looked down into the gold-flecked eyesand frowned a little.

  "Did I call him that?"

  "Yes, I remember it distinctly. Was it just--a manner of speaking?"

  "Just a manner of speaking.... You may call it that, mademoiselle. Doyou not think that he looks rather ducal?"

  "I tried not to think of him at all. I hate him!"

  "Almost I begin to pity this Mr. Everard," quoth Jack.

  The dimple peeped out.

  "Then 'tis most ungallant of you, sir!" she reproved. "Do you know Mr.Everard?"

  "I have certainly seen him before, madam."

  Diana sat back on her heels and eyed him wonderingly.

  "I believe you do not wish to answer me," she said slowly. "Tell me, is'Everard' that man's real name?"

  My lord twisted the ring on his finger uneasily. He did not feel himselfat liberty to expose Belmanoir, and if he should reveal his trueidentity, it was quite possible that Mr. Beauleigh might seek him out,in which case he himself might be recognised. He looked up.

  "Pardon me, mademoiselle, but whence this cross-examination?"

  Diana nodded placidly.

  "I thought you would refuse, but I have discovered something that willconfound you, sir!" She rose to her feet. "I will go and get it." Shewalked gracefully away towards the house, and my lord watched her go.

  "Now _I_ am going to ask a question," broke in Miss Betty's voice.

  He threw out an imploring hand.

  "Madam, I beg you will consider my feeble condition. Am I fit to bearthe strain, think you?"

  "I do!--Is it usual for gentlemen to ride masked, as you were?"

  At that he laughed.

  "No, madam, but for the gentlemen of the High Toby, it is _de regie_."

  She paused, with her needle held in mid-air:

  "Now, what mean you by that?"

  "Just that I am a common highwayman, Miss Betty."

  She stared at him for a moment, and then resumed her work.

  "You look it."

  John cast a startled glance down his slim person.

  "Is that so, madam? And I rather flattered myself I did not!"

  "I was only laughing at you. You do not expect me to believe thatfabrication--surely?"

  "I fear I do," he sighed. "'Tis very true, alack!"

  "Oh, indeed? Also a friend of Sir Miles O'Hara, _J.P_.--and of Mr.Everard?"

  "At least the last-named is not an acquaintance to be proud of," heretorted.

  "Perhaps not. My Di says he is some great gentleman."

  "I perceive that your Di is by nature suspicious. Why does she thinkthat?"

  "You will see. Di, love, here is Mr. Carr trying to make me believe thathe is a highwayman!"

  Diana came up to them smiling.

  "I fear he teases you, aunt. Do you remember this, sir?" Into Jack'shands she put his Grace of Andover's sword.

  Carstares took it, surprised, and glanced casually at the hilt. Then hestarted up.

  "Why, 'tis his sword. And I thought 'twas left on the roadside. Can itbe--did _you_ bring it, mademoiselle?"

  She dropped him a curtsey, and laughed.

  "You are surprised, sir? You demanded the sword, so I naturally supposedthat you required it. Therefore I brought it home."

  "'Twas monstrous thoughtful of you then. I dared not hope that it had notbeen forgotten. I am very grateful--"

  "Then pray show your gratitude by sitting down again!" advised the elderMiss Beauleigh. "Remember that this is your first day up, and have acare!"

  John subsided obediently, turning the sword over in his hands.

  Diana pointed to the wrought gold hilt with an accusing finger.

  "An I mistake not, sir, that is a coronet."

  My lord's eyes followed the pink-tipped finger and rested wrathfullyupon the arms of Andover. It was like Tracy to flaunt them on hissword-hilt, he reflected.

  "It certainly has that appearance," he admitted cautiously.

  "Also, those are not paste, but real diamonds, and that is a ruby."

  "I do not dispute it, madam," he answered meekly.

  "And I believe that that big stone is an emerald."

  "I am very much afraid that it is."

  "An expensive toy!" she said, and looked sharply at him.

  "Ornate, I agree, but as true a piece of steel as ever I saw," repliedmy lord blandly, balancing the rapier on one finger.

  "A very expensive toy!" she repeated sternly.

  John sighed.

  "True, madam--true." Then with a brightened air: "Perhaps Mr. Everardhas expensive tastes?"

  "It is very possible. And I think that Mr. Everard must have been morethan a simple country gentleman to indulge those tastes."

  Carstares bit his lip to hide a smile at the thought of Tracy in thelight of a simple country gentleman, and shook his head sadly.

  "Do you infer that he came by this sword dishonestly, madam?"

  The dimple quivered and was gone.

  "Sir, I believe that you are playing with me," she said with greatdignity.

  "Madam, I am abashed."

  "I am very glad to hear it, then. I infer that Mr. Everard was somethingmore than he pretended to be."

  "In truth, a sorry rogue to deceive a lady."

  "And I want to know if I am right. Is he, perhaps, some grandgentleman?"

  "I can assure you, madam, that there is very little of the gentlemanabout Mr. Everard."

  Miss Betty began to laugh.

  "Have done, my dear! 'Tis of no avail, and 'tis impolite to press Mr.Carr too hard."

  Diana pouted.

  "He is monstrous provoking, I think," she said, and eyed himreproachfully.

  "I am desolated," mourned Jack, but his eyes danced.

  "And now you are laughing!"

  "But then, mademoiselle, so are you!"

  She shook her head, resolutely repressing the dimple.

  "Then I am inconsolable."

  The brown eyes sparkled and her lips parted in spite of her efforts tokeep them in a stern line.

  "Oh, but you are ridiculous!" she cried, and sprang to her feet. "Andhere is Sir Miles!"

  O'Hara came across the lawn towards them, bowed to the ladies, andglanced inquiringly from one to the other.

  "Is it a joke ye have?" he asked.

  Diana answered him.

  "Indeed no, sir. 'Tis Mr. Carr who is so provoking."

  "Provoking, is it? And what has he been doing?"

  "I'll tell you the whole truth, Miles," interposed the maligned one."'Tis Mistress Diana who is so inquisitive!"

  "Oh!" Diana blushed furiously "I protest you are unkind, sir!"

  "Sure, 'tis no gentleman he is, at all!"

  "'Twas on the subject of gentlemen that we--"

  "Quarrelled," supplied her aunt.

  "Disagreed," amended his lordship.

  "Disagreed," nodded Diana. "I asked him whether Mr. Everard was not somegrand gentleman, and he evaded the point."

  "I vow 'tis slander!" cried Jack. "I merely said that Everard was nogentleman at all."

  "There! And was not that evading the point, Sir Miles?"

  "Was it? Sure, I'm inclined to agree with him."

  "I declare you are both in league against me!" she cried, with greatertruth than she knew. "I mean, was he perhaps a _titled_ gentlema

  "But how should Jack know that?"

  "Because I am sure he knows him--or, at least, of him."

  "Listen, Mistress Di," broke in my lord, shooting a warning glance atO'Hara. "I will tell you all about Mr. Everard, and I hope you will besatisfied with my tale." He paused and seemed to cudgel his brain."First he is, of course, titled--let me see--yes, he is a Duke. Oh, heis certainly a Duke--and I am not sure but what he is royal--he--"

  "Now you are ridiculous!" cried Miss Betty.

  "You are very teasing," said Diana, and tried to frown. "First youpretend to know nothing about Mr. Everard, and then you tell me foolishstories about him. A Duke, indeed! I believe you _really_ do knownothing about him!"

  As Carstares had hoped, she refused to believe the truth.

  "He is playing with ye, child," said O'Hara, who had listened to Jack'stale with a face of wonder. "I warrant he knows no Everard--eh, Jack?"

  "No, I cannot say that I do," laughed his lordship.

  "But--but--you said--"

  "Never mind what he said, Miss Di. 'Tis a scurvy fellow he is."

  She regarded him gravely.

  "Indeed, I almost think so."

  But the dimple peeped out for all that! The next instant it was gone,and Diana turned a face of gloom to her aunt, pouting her red lipsadorably, so thought my lord.

  "Mr. Bettison," she said in accents of despair.

  At these mystic words, Jack saw Miss Betty frown, and heard herimpatient remark: "Drat the man!"

  He looked towards the house, and perceived a short, rather stout, youngman to be walking with a peculiar strutting gait towards them. The boywas good-looking, Carstares acknowledged to himself, but his eyes wereset too close. And he did not like his style. No, certainly he did notlike his style, nor the proprietary way in which he kissed Diana's hand.

  "How agreeable it is to see you again, Mr. Bettison!" said Miss Bettywith much affability. "I declare 'tis an age since we set eyes on you!"

  "Oh, no, Aunt," contradicted Diana sweetly. "Why, it was only a veryshort while ago that Mr. Bettison was here, _surely_!" She withdrew thehand that the young man seemed inclined to hold fast to, and turned toJohn.

  "I think you do not know Mr. Bettison, Mr. Carr?" she said. "Mr.Bettison, allow me to present you to Mr. Carr. Sir Miles I think youknow?"

  The squire bowed with a great deal of stiff hostility. Carstaresreturned the bow.

  "You will excuse my not rising, I beg," he smiled. "As you perceive--Ihave had an accident."

  Light dawned on Bettison. This was the man who had rescued Diana,confound his impudence!

  "Ah, yes, sir! Your arm, was it not? My faith, I should be proud of sucha wound!"

  It seemed to Carstares that he smiled at Diana in a damned familiarfashion, devil take his impudence!

  "It was indeed a great honour, sir. Mistress Di, I have finished sortingyour green silks."

  Diana sank down on the cushion again, and shook some more strands out onto his knee.

  "How quick you have been! Now we will do the blue ones." Bettisonglared. This fellow seemed prodigious intimate with Diana, devil takehim! He sat down beside Miss Betty, and addressed my lord patronisingly.

  "Let me see--er--Mr. Carr. Have I met you in town, I wonder? At Tom's,perhaps?"

  This country bumpkin _would_ belong to Tom's, reflected John savagely,for no reason at all. Aloud he said:

  "I think it extremely unlikely, sir. I have been abroad some years."

  "Oh, indeed, sir? The 'grand tour,' I suppose?"

  Mr. Bettison's tone was not the tone of one who supposes any such thing.

  John smiled.

  "Not this time," he said, "that was seven years ago."

  Mr. Bettison had heard rumours of this fellow who, it was murmured, wasnought but a common highwayman.

  "Really? After Cambridge, perhaps?"

  "Oxford," corrected Carstares gently.

  Curse his audacity! thought Mr. Bettison.

  "Seven years ago--let me think. George must have been on the tourthen--Selwyn, I mean, Miss Beauleigh."

  Jack, who had made the tour with several other young bucks fresh downfrom college, accompanied as far as Paris by the famous wit himself,held his peace.

  Mr. Bettison then launched forth into anecdotes of his own tour, andseeing that his friend was entirely engrossed with Miss Diana and hersilks, O'Hara felt it incumbent on him to draw the enemy's fire, and,taking his own departure, to bear the squire off with him. For which hereceived a grateful smile from my lord, and a kiss blown from the tipsof her fingers from Mistress Di, with whom he was on the best of terms.