Richard was away from home all next day, and his wife had plenty of timein which to meditate upon her situation. She had quite come to theconclusion that she must elope with Lovelace, and was only waiting forto-night to tell him so. She would never, never ask Richard to let herstay with him now that she knew he loved another. Truly a most tryingpredicament. The Carstares were going to-night to Drury Lane to seeGarrick play one of his most successful comedies: the _Beaux'Stratagem_. The _monde_ that would flock to see the inimitable Archerwas likely to be a very distinguished one, especially as the cast heldthe added attraction of Mrs. Clive, and ordinarily Lady Lavinia wouldhave looked forward with much excitement to seeing the piece. To-day,however, she felt that she would far rather go to bed and cry. ButLovelace had to be answered, and besides that, she had invited twocousins, new come from Scotland, to accompany her, and she could notfail them.

  So that evening saw her seated in her box, wonderfully gowned as usual,scanning the house. Behind her stood her husband--when she thought thatthis was the last time she would ever go with him to the theatre she hadmuch ado to keep from bursting into tears before them all--and in thechair at her side was the cousin, Mrs. Fleming. Mr. Fleming stood withhis hands behind his back, exclaiming every now and then as his kinsman,young Charles Holt, pointed out each newcomer of note. He was a short,tubby little man, dressed in sober brown, very neat as regards hiswrists and neckband, but attired, so thought Lavinia, for the country,and not for town. His dark suit contrasted strangely with Mr. Holt'srather garish mixture of apple-green and pink, with waistcoat of yellow,and Richard's quieter, but far more handsome apricot and silver. Hiswig, too, was not at all modish, being of the scratch type that countrygentlemen affected. His wife was the reverse of smart, but she was loudin her admiration of her more affluent cousin's stiff silks and laces.

  She had married beneath her, had Mrs. Fleming, and the Belmanoirs hadnever quite forgiven the shocking _mesalliance_. William Fleming wasnought but a simple Scotsman, whose father--even now the familyshuddered at the thought--had been a farmer!

  Lavinia was not over-pleased that they should have elected to visitLondon, and still less pleased that they should evince such an affectionfor the Hon. Richard and his wife.

  "Well, to be sure, Lavvy, 'tis pleasant to sit here and admire all thepeople!" exclaimed Mrs. Fleming, for perhaps the twentieth time. "Ideclare I am grown positively old-fashioned from having lived for solong in the country!--yes, my dear, positively old-fashioned! ... Icannot but marvel at the great hoops everyone is wearing! I am sure mineis not half the size of yours, and the lady down there in the stage-boxhas one even larger!"

  Lavinia directed her gaze towards the box in question. At any other timeshe would have been annoyed to see that the occupant was Lady Carlyle,her pet rival in all matters of fashion. Now she felt that nothingsignified, and merely remarked that she considered those absurd garlandsof roses on the dress quite grotesque.

  Behind, Holt was directing Mr. Fleming's attention to a box at the backof the house.

  "'Pon my soul, William! 'Tis the Duchess of Queensberry and herson--March, you know. I assure you there is no one more amiable in town.When I last visited her--"

  "Charles knows well-nigh everyone here," remarked Mrs. Flemingingenuously, and wondered why her cousin laughed.

  When the curtain rose on the first act, Lovelace was nowhere to be seen,and Lavinia tried to interest herself in the play. But it is difficultto be interested in anything when one's whole mind is occupied withsomething else far more overwhelming. She was not the only one of theparty that Garrick failed to amuse. Richard sat wretchedly in the shadowof the box, thinking how, in a short while, he would never again conducthis wife to the theatre and never again sit at her side watching herevery change of expression.

  In the first interval Lovelace had still not arrived, but many otheracquaintances had arrived and called to see the Carstares. Markham,Wilding, Devereux, Sir John Fortescue--all came into the box atdifferent times, paid homage to Lavinia, were introduced to Mrs.Fleming, laughed and cracked jokes with the men, and drifted away again.

  How was it she had never before realised how much she enjoyed her life?wondered Lavinia. She settled down to listen to the second act, andGarrick's skill caught her interest and held it. For a moment she forgother woes and clapped as heartily as anyone, laughing as gaily.

  The next instant she remembered again, and sank back into unutterablegloom.

  But Richard had heard her merry laugh, and his heart was even gloomierthan hers. There was no help for it: Lavinia was delighted at thethought of leaving him.

  As the curtain fell, Mrs. Fleming suddenly demanded if it was not Tracyseated in the box over on the other side. Lavinia turned to look. In thebox, alone, sat his Grace, seemingly unaware of her presence.

  "Is it not Tracy?" persisted Mrs. Fleming. "I remember his face sowell."

  "Yes," nodded Lavinia, and waved to him.

  Andover rose, bowed, and left his box. In a few moments he was in theirown, kissing his cousin's hand.

  Lavinia now caught sight of Lovelace standing on the floor of thetheatre looking up at her. He, too, disappeared from view, and sheguessed that he was coming to speak with her. He had evidently failed toperceive the Duke, who was just a little behind her in the shadow.

  Richard and Mr. Fleming had left the box, and only Charles Holtremained, engaging Mrs. Fleming's whole attention. If only Tracy wouldgo! How was she ever to give Lovelace her answer with him sitting thereso provokingly.

  Captain Lovelace knocked at the door. Carelessly she bade him enter, andaffected surprise on seeing him. His Grace looked at her throughnarrowed lids, and shot a swift glance at Lovelace, whose discomfitureat finding him there was palpable. Not a trace of emotion was visible onthat impassive countenance, but Lavinia felt her brother's attitude tobe sinister, as if he divined her wishes and was determined to frustratethem. She watched him smile on Lovelace and beg him to be seated.Whether by accident or design, she was not sure which, he had so placedthe chairs that he himself was between her and the captain. Skilfullyhe drew Mrs. Fleming into the conversation, and rearranged his stage.

  Lavinia found herself listening to the amiable Mr. Holt, and out of thetail of her eye observed that Lovelace had fallen a victim to hercousin. She could find no way of speaking to him, and dared not evensignal, so adroitly was his Grace stage-managing the scene. Lavinia wasnow quite certain that he was managing it. Somehow he had guessed thatshe had arranged to speak to Lovelace to-night, and was determined toprevent her. How he had found out, she could not imagine, but she wastoo well acquainted with him to be surprised. He would never let herdisgrace herself if he could help it--she knew that. In whatever mannerhe himself might behave, his sister's conduct must be above reproach; hewould find some means of separating them until he could cause Lovelaceto be removed. She did not in the least know how he would contrive to dothis, but she never doubted that he could and would. And then she wouldhave to stay with Richard--Richard, who did not want her. If only Tracywould go! Ah! he was rising!

  His Grace of Andover begged Captain Lovelace to bear him company in hisbox. He would brook no refusal. He bore his captive off in triumph.

  A minute later Mr. Fleming re-entered the box. The third act had justbegun when Richard re-appeared, and softly took his seat. On went theplay. Neither Tracy nor Lovelace came to the box during the nextinterval, and from her point of vantage Lavinia could see that Andrewhad been introduced to the latter. She could guess how cleverly hisGrace was keeping the Captain by him....

  Lord Avon, who had only a week ago returned from Bath, came to pay hisrespects. He had much to tell dear Lady Lavinia. How Cholmondely andFalmouth had dared to fight a duel in Crescent Fields, and had beenarrested. How furious the Beau was, but how his age was beginning totell on him, and how it was whispered that his power was waning. All ofwhich at any ordinary time would have interested my lady
quiteprodigiously, but now bored and even annoyed her.

  On went the play. Scrub and Boniface kept the house in a roar; all butRichard and his wife were enthralled. The incomparable Kitty failed tohold Lavinia's attention. Would Lovelace manage to speak to her in thelast interval? A solicitous enquiry from Mrs. Fleming roused her, andshe had perforce to smile--to own to a slight headache, and to evincesome interest in the play. One more interval: would he come? She becameaware of a hand laid on her shoulder. Richard's voice, gravelycourteous, sounded in her ears.

  "You are heated, my dear. Will you walk outside a little?"

  She felt a mad desire to cling to his hand, and suppressed it forcibly.She rose, hesitating. Mrs. Fleming decided the point.

  "The very thing. How considerate of you, Mr. Carstares! I shall like towalk amongst all the people, to be sure! Here is Charles offering toescort us, too! What say you, Lavvy?"

  "I--oh, I shall be pleased to do what suits you best, cousin," sheanswered.

  "Then let us go, my love. Charles has an arm for each, so we may leaveour husbands to chat."

  They went out into the broad passage and walked towards the foyer. ThereLord March espied Lavinia, who was always a favourite with him, and cameforward, offering his arm. Lavinia took it, thankful to escape from Mr.Holt's vapid conversation. She let March conduct her to where his motherwas sitting, with Mr. Selwyn at her elbow. Someone fetched her a glassof ratafie, and Montagu came to talk to her.

  Stepping out of his box, Richard fell into the arms of his Grace ofAndover.

  "Ah! Dick!"

  Richard eyed him coldly.

  "You wanted me?"

  Tracy saw Mr. Fleming approaching

  "Only to ask if I may return with you to Grosvenor Square. I havesomething important to say."

  "Certainly," bowed Richard, and turned aside.

  Lovelace, who had succeeded in escaping from the Belmanoir claws,hurried in search of Lavinia. Not finding her in her box, he gatheredshe must be in the foyer and made his way towards it. As soon as she sawhim coming she set down her glass and rose to her feet.

  "Oh, Captain Lovelace! Have you come to fetch me back to my seat? I havescarce set eyes on you this evening. No, Markham, you may _not_ come!No, nor you, my lord! Madam--" She curtsied low to the old Duchess andwalked away on Harold's arm.

  When they were once in the deserted passage behind the boxes, he turnedeagerly towards her.

  "Well, my dearest? Well?"

  Lady Lavinia's mouth drooped miserably.

  "Yes," she said, "I shall have to come with you."

  The tone was damping, to say the least of it, but he did not seem tonotice it.

  "Lavinia! You mean it?"

  "Yes," she assented, still more dejectedly.

  "My beautiful love! You will really come? When? At once?"

  "At--Oh, no, no!"

  "Darling, the sooner the better. I understand 'tis a great step toexpect you to take in a hurry, but I assure you 'tis wisest. Can youcome to-morrow?"

  Her big eyes dilated.

  "No! No! I--oh, I cannot leave Dicky so soon!" She ended with a sob.

  "But, Lavinia, my dearest! You surely do not want to _stay_ with him?"he cried.

  "Yes I do!" she answered. "I--I don't want ever to leave him!"

  This blighting speech left him gasping.

  "You--but--heavens! what are you saying? You love _me_!"

  "No, I don't!" she contradicted. "I always s-said I d-didn't. I love myhusband!"

  "You are distraught!" he exclaimed. "If you love him, why do you consentto elope with me?"

  She looked at him reproachfully.

  "There is no one else," she said mournfully.

  "Good Lord! What--"

  "I have to elope with someone--because--Dick--d-doesn't love me anymore--you see. I will come with you, and I will try to be good."

  He kissed her hand quickly

  "Sweetheart! ... I still think you are not yourself. You will thinkdifferently to-morrow--you do not really love Carstares."

  She shut her mouth obstinately, tilting her regal little head.

  He watched her anxiously.

  "If you really do love him, 'tis ridiculous to elope with me," he said.

  Her fingers tightened on his wrist.

  "But I must! You don't understand, Harry! You _must_ take me! Don't youwant me?"

  "Of course I do, but not if you are longing to be somewhere else all thetime. The whole thing seems preposterous!"

  "'Tis all dreadful!--dreadful! I have never been so unhappy in my life!I--oh, I wish I had not been so heedless and selfish!"

  Lovelace pondered for a moment, as they stood outside her box; then,seeing that people were returning to their seats, he opened the door andtook her in.

  "Listen, dear! This is the maddest scheme ever I heard; but if you aredetermined, you shall carry it through. Come to my lodgings to-morrowevening! Bring as little baggage as possible; I will have all ready, andwe will post at once to Dover. Then in time I hope you will forgetRichard and come to care for me a little."

  "You are very, very good, Harry! Yes, I will do just as you say and, oh,I am sorry to put you out like this! I am nought but a plague toeveryone, and I wish I were dead! You don't really love me, and I shallbe a burden!"

  "I do indeed love you!" he assured her, but within himself he could nothelp wishing that he had not fallen quite so passionately in love withher. "I'll leave you now, sweet, for your husband will be returning atany moment." He kissed her hands lightly "_A demain_, fairest!"

  How she sat through the last act Lavinia could never afterwards imagine.She was longing to be at home--so soon to be home no longer--and quiet.Her head ached now as Richard's had ached for weeks. More than anythingdid she want to rest it against her husband's shoulder, so temptinglynear, and to feel his sheltering arms about her. But Dick was in lovewith Isabella Fanshawe, and she must sit straight and stiff in her chairand smile at the proper places.

  At last the play was ended! The curtain descended on the bowing Archer,and the house stamped and clapped its appreciation. The curtain roseagain--what! not finished yet? Ah, no! it was but Garrick leading Mrs.Clive forward. Would they never have done?

  Mrs. Fleming was standing; she supposed they were going, and got up.Someone put her cloak about her shoulders; Richard--for the last time.Mr. Holt escorted her to her coach, and put her and her cousin into it.He and Mr. Fleming had their chairs; so only Richard and Tracy went withthe ladies. The Flemings were staying with friends in Brook Street, justoff Grosvenor Square, so that when they had put Harriet down, only a fewmore yards remained to be covered.

  Lavinia wondered dully why Tracy had elected to come with them. What didhe want? Was he going to warn Dick of her intended flight? He littleknew the true state of affairs!

  At the foot of the staircase at Wyncham House she turned to saygood-night.

  She merely nodded to Tracy, but to Dick she extended her hand. He tookit in his, kissing it, and she noticed how cold were his fingers, howburning hot his lips. Then he released her, and she went slowly up thestairs to her room.

  His Grace watched her through his eyeglass. When she was out of sight heturned and surveyed Richard critically.

  "If that is the way you kiss a woman, Lavinia has my sympathies," heremarked.

  Richard's lips tightened. He picked up a stand of lighted candles andushered his Grace into the drawing-room.

  "I presume you did not come to tell me that?" he asked.

  "Your presumption is correct, Richard. I have come to open your eyes."

  "You are too kind."

  His Grace laid his hat on the table, and sat down on the arm of a chair.

  "I think perhaps I am. It may interest you to hear that Lavinia intendsto elope with our gallant friend the Captain." Richard bowed.

  "You knew it?"


  Andover looked him over.

  "May I ask what steps you are taking to prevent her?"


  His Grace's expression was quite indescribable. For a moment he wasspeechless, and then he reverted to heavy sarcasm.

  "Pray remember to be at hand--to conduct her to her chair!" he drawled."Upon my soul, you sicken me!

  "I am grieved. There is a remedy," replied Carstares significantly.

  Tracy ignored the suggestion.

  "I suppose it is nothing to you that you lose her? No; It is nothing toyou that she disgraces her name? Oh, no!"

  "_My_ name, I think."

  "Our name! Is it possible for her to disgrace yours?"

  Richard went white and his hand flew instinctively to his sword hilt.

  Tracy looked at him.

  "Do you think I would soil my blade with you?" he asked, very softly.

  Richard's hand fell from the hilt: his eyes searched the other's face.

  "You know?" he asked at last, quite calmly.

  "You fool," answered his Grace gently. "You fool, do you think I havenot always known?"

  Richard leaned against the mantel-shelf.

  "You never thought I was innocent? You knew that night? You guessed?"

  The Duke sneered.

  "Knowing both, could I suspect other than you?" he asked insultingly.

  "Oh, my God!" cried Carstares suddenly. "Why could you not have said sobefore?"

  The Duke's eyes opened wide.

  "It has chafed you--eh? I knew it would. I've watched you." He chuckledbeneath his breath. "And those fools never looked beneath the surface.One and all, they believed that John would cheat. John! They swallowedit tamely and never even guessed at the truth."

  "You, at least, did not believe?"

  "I? Hardly. Knowing you for a weak fool and him for a quixotic fool, Irather jumped to conclusions."

  "Instead, you tried to throw the blame on him. I would to God you hadexposed me!"

  "So you have remarked. I confess I do not understand this heroicattitude. Why should I interfere in what was none of my business? Whatproof had I?"

  "Why did you raise no demur? What motive had you?"

  "I should have thought it fairly obvious."

  Richard stared at him, puzzled.

  "Gad, Richard! but you are singularly obtuse. Have I not pointed outthat John was a quixotic fool? When did I say he was a weak one?"

  "You mean--you mean you wanted Lavinia to marry me--because you thoughtto squeeze me as you willed?" asked Carstares slowly.

  His Grace's thin nostrils wrinkled up.

  "You are so crude," he complained.

  "It suited you that Jack should be disgraced? You thought I should seizehis money. You--you--"

  "Rogue? But you will admit that I at least am an honest rogue. Youare--er--a dishonest saint. I would sooner be what I am."

  "I know there is nothing on God's earth more vile than I am!" repliedCarstares, violently.

  His Grace sneered openly.

  "Very pretty, Richard, but a little tardy, methinks." He paused, andsomething seemed to occur to him. "'Tis why you purpose to let Laviniago, I suppose? You confess the truth on Friday--eh?"

  Richard bowed his head.

  "I have not the right to stop her. She--chooses her own road."

  "She knows?" sharply.

  "She has always known."

  "The jade! And I never guessed it!" He paused. "Yes, I understand yourheroic attitude. I am sorry I cannot pander to it. In spite of all this,I cannot permit my sister to ruin herself."

  "She were as effectually ruined an she stayed with me."

  "Pshaw! After seven years, who is like to care one way or the otherwhich of you cheated? Play the man for once and stop her!"

  "She _loves_ Lovelace, I tell you!"

  "What of it? She will recover from that."

  "No--I cannot ask her to stay with me--'twould be damnably selfish."

  His Grace appeared exasperated.

  "'Fore Gad, you are a fool! Ask her! _Ask_ her! Force her! Kick Lovelacefrom your house and abandon the heroic pose, I beg of you!"

  "Do you suppose I want to lose her?" cried Carstares. "'Tis because Ilove her so much that I will not stand in the way of her happiness!"

  The Duke flung round and picked up his hat.

  "I am sorry I cannot join with you in your heroics. I must take thematter into my own hands, as usual, it seems. Lord, but you should havelearnt to make her obey you, my good Dick! She has led you by the noseever since she married you, and she was a woman who wanted mastering!"He went over to the door and opened it. "I will call upon you to-morrow,when I shall hope to find you more sane. They do not purpose to leaveuntil late, I know, for Lovelace is promised to Mallaby at threeo'clock. There is time in which to act."

  "I shall not interfere," repeated Richard.

  His Grace sneered.

  "So you have remarked. It remains for me to do. Good-night."