Diana stood in the old oak porch, riding-whip in hand, and the folds ofher voluminous gown over her arm. Miss Betty stood beside her, surveyingher with secret pride.

  Diana's eyes seemed darker than ever, she thought, and the mouth moretragic. She knew that the girl was, to use her own expression, "mopingquite prodigiously for that Mr. Carr." Not all that she could do toentertain Diana entirely chased away the haunting sadness in her face;for a time she would be gay, but afterwards the laughter died away andshe was silent. Many times had Miss Betty shaken her fist at the absentJohn.

  Presently Diana gave a tiny sigh, and looked down at her aunt, smiling.

  "You would be surprised how excellently well Harper manages the horses,"she said. "He is quite a godsend. So much nicer than that stupidWilliam."

  "Indeed, yes," agreed Miss Betty. "Only think, my dear, he was groom toSir Hugh Grandison--I saw the letter Sir Hugh writ your Papa--aremarkable elegant epistle, I assure you, my love."

  Diana nodded and watched the new groom ride up, leading her mount. Hejumped down, and, touching his hat, stood awaiting his mistress'spleasure.

  Diana went up to the cob, patting his glossy neck.

  "We are going towards Ashley to-day, aunt," she said. "I am so anxiousto find some berries, and Harper tells me they grow in profusion not farfrom here."

  "Now, my dear, pray do not tire yourself by going too far--I doubt itwill rain before long and you will catch your death of cold!"

  Diana laughed at her.

  "Oh, no, aunt! Why, the sky is almost cloudless! But we shall not belong, I promise you. Only as far as Crossdown Woods and back again."

  She gave her foot to the groom just as Mr. Beauleigh came out to watchher start.

  "Really, my dear, I must ride with you to-morrow," he told her. "'Tis anage since we have been out together."

  "Why, Papa, will you not accompany me this afternoon?" cried Dianaeagerly. "I should so like it!"

  It struck her aunt that Harper awaited the answer to this questionrather anxiously. She watched him, puzzled. However, when Mr. Beauleighhad refused she could not see any change in his expression, andconcluded that she must have been mistaken.

  So with a wave of her hand, Diana rode away, the groom following at arespectful distance. Yet somehow Miss Betty was uneasy. A presentimentof evil seemed to touch her, and when the riders had disappeared round abend in the road she felt an insane desire to run after them and callher niece back. She gave herself a little shake, saying that she was afond old woman, over-anxious about Diana. Nevertheless, she laid adetaining hand on her brother's arm as he was about to go indoors.

  "Wait, Horace! You--you _will_ ride with Di more frequently, will younot?"

  He looked surprised.

  "You are uneasy, Betty?"

  "Oh--uneasy--! Well, yes--a little. I do not like her to go alone with agroom, and we do not know this man."

  "My dear! I had the very highest references from Sir Hugh Grandison,who, I am sure, would never recommend anyone untrustworthy. Why, you sawthe letter yourself!"

  "Yes, yes. Doubtless I am very stupid. But you _will_ ride with herafter to-day, will you not?"

  "Certainly I will accompany my daughter when I can spare the time," hereplied with dignity, and with that she had to be content.

  Diana rode leisurely along the lane, beside great trees and hedges thatwere a blaze of riotous colour. Autumn had turned the leaves dull goldand flame, mellow brown and deepest red, with flaming orangeintermingled, and touches of copper here and there where some beech treestood. The lane was like a fairy picture, too gorgeous to be real; thetrees, meeting overhead, but let the sunlight through in patches, sothat the dusty road beneath was mottled with gold.

  The hedges retained their greenness, and where there was a gap a vistaof fields presented itself. And then they came upon a clump of berries,black and red, growing the other side of the little stream thatmeandered along the lane in a ditch. Diana drew up and addressed hercompanion.

  "See, Harper--there are berries! We need go no further." She changed thereins to her right hand and made as if to spring down.

  "The place I spoke of is but a short way on, miss," ventured the man,keeping his seat.

  She paused.

  "But why will these not suffice?"

  "Well, miss, if you like. But those others were a deal finer. It seems apity not to get some."

  Diana looked doubtfully along the road.

  "'Tis not far?"

  "No, miss; but another quarter of a mile, and then down the track by thewood."

  Still she hesitated.

  "I do not want to be late," she demurred.

  "No, miss, of course not. I only thought as how we might come back byway of Chorly Fields."

  "Round by the mill? H'm...."

  "Yes, miss. Then as soon as we get past it there is a clear stretch ofturf almost up to the house."

  Her eye brightened.

  "A gallop? Very well! But let us hurry on."

  She touched the cob with her heel, and they trotted on briskly out ofthe leafy canopy along the road with blue sky above and pasture landaround. After a little while the wood came in sight, and in a minutethey were riding down the track at right angles to the road. Harper wasat Diana's heels, drawing nearer. Half unconsciously she quickened herpace. There was not a soul in sight.

  They were coming to a bend in the road, and now Harper was alongside.

  Choking a ridiculous feeling of frightened apprehension, Diana drewrein.

  "I do not perceive those berries!" she said lightly.

  "No, miss," was the immediate response. "They are just a step into thewood. If you care to dismount here I can show you."

  Nothing could be more respectful than the man's tone. Diana shook offher nervous qualms and slipped down. Harper, already on the ground, tookthe cob's rein and tied both horses to a tree.

  Diana gathered her skirts over her arm and picked her way through thebrambles to where he had pointed.

  The blackberry hedges he held back for her entrance swung back afterthey had passed, completely shutting out all view of the road. Therewere no berries.

  Diana's heart was beating very fast, all her suspicions springing tolife again, but she showed no sign of fear as she desired him to holdthe brambles back again for her to pass out.

  "For there are no berries here, as you can see for yourself."

  She swept round and walked calmly towards the bushes.

  Then, how she could never quite remember, she was seized from behind,and before she had time to move, a long piece of silk was flung over herhead and drawn tight across her mouth, while an arm, as of steel, heldand controlled her.

  Fighting madly, she managed to get one arm free, and struck outfuriously with her slender crop. There was a brief struggle, and it wastwisted from her grasp, and her hands tied behind her, despite all herefforts to be free.

  Then her captor swung her writhing into his arms, and strode awaythrough the wood without a word.

  Diana was passive now, reserving her strength for when it might availher something, but above the gag her eyes blazed with mingled fright andfury. She noticed that she was being carried not into the wood, butalong it, and was not surprised when they emerged on to the road whereit had rounded the bend.

  With a sick feeling of terror, she saw a coach standing in the road, andguessed, even before she knew, what was her fate. Through a haze she sawa man standing at the door, and then she was thrust into the coach andmade to sit down on the softly-cushioned seat. All her energies wereconcentrated in fighting against the faintness that threatened toovercome her. She won gradually, and strained her ears to catch what wasbeing said outside.

  She caught one sentence in a familiar, purring voice:

  "Set them loose and tie this to the pummel." Then there was silence.

  Presently she heard footsteps returning. An indistinguishable murmurfrom Harper
, and the door opened to allow his Grace of Andover to enterthe coach. It gave a lurch and rumbled on.

  Tracy looked down with a slight smile into the gold-flecked eyes thatblazed so indignantly into his.

  "A thousand apologies, Miss Beauleigh! Allow me to remove this scarf."

  As he spoke he untied the knot, and the silk fell away from her face.

  For a moment she was silent, struggling for words wherewith to give ventto her fury; then the red lips parted and the small, white teeth showed,clenched tightly together.

  "You cur!" she flung at him in a panting undertone. "Oh, you cur!--youcoward! Undo my hands!"

  "With pleasure." He bowed and busied himself with this tighter knot.

  "Pray, accept my heartfelt apologies for incommoding you so grievously.I am sure that you will admit the necessity."

  "Oh, that there were a _man_ here to avenge me!" she raged.

  His Grace tugged at the stubborn knot.

  "There are three outside," he answered blandly. "But I do not think theyare like to oblige you."

  He removed her bonds and sat back in the corner, enjoying her. His eyesfell on her bruised wrists, and at once his expression changed, and hefrowned, leaning forward.

  "Believe me, I did not mean that," he said, and touched her hands.

  She flung him off.

  "Do not touch me!"

  "I beg your pardon, my dear." He leaned back again nonchalantly.

  "Where are you taking me?" she demanded, trying to conceal the fear inher voice.

  "Home," replied his Grace.

  "Home!" Incredulously she turned to look at him, hope in her eyes.

  "Home," he reiterated. "_Our_ home."

  The hope died out.

  "You are ridiculous, sir."

  "'Tis an art, my dear, most difficult to acquire."

  "Sir--Mr. Everard--whoever you are--if you have any spark of manlinessin you, of chivalry, if you care for me at all, you will this instantset me down!"

  Never had she seemed more beautiful, more desirable. Her eyes shone withunshed tears, soft and luminous, and the tragic mouth pleaded, eventrying to smile.

  "It would appear that none of these attributes belongs to me," murmuredhis Grace, and wondered if she would weep. He had never a taste for aweeping woman.

  But Diana was proud. She realised that tears, prayers and all wouldavail her nothing, and she was determined not to break down, at least inhis presence. Tracy was surprised to see her arrange her skirts andsettle back against the cushions in the most unconcerned mannerpossible.

  "Then, since you are so ungallant, sir, pray tell me what you purposedoing with me?" The tone was light, even bantering, but with hismarvellous, almost uncanny perspicacity, he sensed the breathless terrorbehind it.

  "Why, my dear, I had planned to marry you," he answered, bowing.

  The knuckles gleamed white on her clenched hand. "And if I refuse?"

  "I do not _think_ you will refuse, my dear." She could not repress ashiver.

  "I do refuse!" she cried sharply.

  The smile with which he received this statement drove the blood cold inher veins.

  "Wait. I think you will be glad to marry me--in the end," he drawled.

  Her great eyes were hunted, desperate, and her face was very white. Thedry lips parted.

  "I think--you will be--very sorry--when my father--comes."

  The indulgent sneer brought the blood racing back to her cheeks.

  "And he will come!"

  His Grace was politely interested.

  "Really? But I do not doubt it, Diana, an he knows where to come."

  "He will find a way, never fear!"

  She laughed with a confidence she was far from feeling.

  "I do not fear--not in the least--I shall be delighted to welcome him,"promised his Grace. "I do not anticipate a refusal of your hand fromhim."

  "No?" Diana, too, could sneer.

  "No, my dear. Not after a little--persuasion."

  "Who are you?" she shot at him.

  His shoulders shook in the soundless laugh peculiar to him.

  "I am several people, child."

  "So I apprehend," she retorted smoothly. "Sir Hugh Grandison amongstthem?"

  "Ah, you have guessed that?"

  "It rather leaps to the eye, sir." She spoke in what was almost an exactimitation of his sarcastic tone.

  "True. It was neatly done, I flatter myself."

  "Quite marvellous, indeed."

  He was enjoying her as he had rarely enjoyed a woman before. Others hadsobbed and implored, railed and raved; he had never till now met one whoreturned him word for word, using his own weapons against him.

  "Who else have you the honour to be?" she asked, stifling a yawn.

  "I am Mr. Everard, child, and Duke of Andover."

  Then she turned her head and looked at him with glittering eyes.

  "I have heard of you, sir," she said, evenly.

  "You are like to hear more, my dear."

  "That is as may be, your Grace."

  Now she understood the elaborate hilt of the mysterious sword with thecoronet on it, wrought in jewels. She wondered whether Jack had itstill, wherever he was. If only some wonderful providence would bringhim to her now in her dire need! There was no one to strike a blow forher; she was entirely at the mercy of a ruthless libertine, whosereputation she knew well, and whose presence filled her with dread and aspeechless loathing. She felt very doubtful that her father wouldsucceed in finding her. If only Jack were in England! He would come toher, she knew.

  His Grace leaned towards her, laying a thin, white hand on her knee.

  "My dear, be reasonable. I am not such a bad bargain after all."

  The tenderness in his voice filled her with horror. He felt her shrinkaway.

  "Take your hand away!" she commanded throbbingly. "Do not touch me!" Helaughed softly and at the sound of it she controlled her terrors anddropped again to the mocking tone she had adopted. "What? Ungallantstill, your Grace? Pray keep your distance!"

  The pistol holster on the wall at her side caught her attention.Instantly she looked away, hoping he had not observed her. Very littleescaped his Grace.

  "I am desolated to have to disappoint you, my dear. It is empty."

  She laid a careless hand on the holster, verifying his statement.

  "This? Oh, I guessed it, your Grace!"

  He admired her spirit more and more. Was there ever such a girl?

  "My name is Tracy," he remarked.

  She considered it with her head tilted to one side.

  "I do not like your name, sir," she answered.

  "'There was no thought of pleasing you when I was christened,'" he quotedlazily.

  "Hardly, sir," she said. "You might be my father."

  It was a master stroke, and for an instant his brows drew together. Thenhe laughed.

  "_Merci du compliment, mademoiselle_! I admire your wit."

  "I protest I am overwhelmed. May I ask when we are like to arrive at ourdestination?"

  "We should reach Andover soon after eight, my dear."

  So it was some distance he was taking her?

  "I suppose you had the wit to provide food for the journey?" she yawned."You will not wish to exhibit me at an inn, I take it?"

  He marvelled at her indomitable courage

  "We shall halt at an inn certainly, and my servant will bring yourefreshment. That will be in about an hour."

  "So long?" she frowned. "Then, pray excuse me an I compose myself tosleep a little. I am like to find the journey somewhat tedious, I fear."

  She shifted farther into the corner, leaned her head back against thecushions and closed her eyes.

  Thus outwitting his Grace. For it is impossible to be passionate with agirl who feigns sleep when she should be struggling to escape from you.So Tracy, who, whatever else he might lack, possessed a keen sense ofhumour, settled himself in his corner and followed her example. So theyjogged on....

at length at the inn, the coach pulled up slowly. Diana openedher eyes with a great assumption of sleepiness.

  "Already?" she marvelled.

  "I trust you have slept well," said his Grace suavely.

  "Excellently well, I thank you, sir," was the unblushing reply.

  "I am relieved to hear you say so, my dear. I had thought you unableto--your mouth kept shut so admirably. Doubtless you have schooled yourjaw not to drop when you sleep sitting up? I wish I might do the same."

  The triumph in his voice was thinly veiled. She found nothing to say.

  He rose.

  "With your leave, I will go to procure you some refreshment, child. Donot think me uncivil if I remind you that a servant stands withouteither door."

  "I thank you for the kind thought," she smiled, but her heart was sickwithin her.

  He disappeared, returning a few moments later with a glass of wine andsome little cakes.

  "I deplore the scanty nature of your repast," he said. "But I do notwish to waste time. You shall be more fittingly entertained when wereach Andover."

  Diana drank the wine gratefully, and it seemed to put new life into her.The food almost choked her, but rather than let him see it, she broke acake in half and started to eat it, playing to gain time: time in whichto allow her father a chance of overtaking them before it was too late.She affected to dislike the cake, and rather petulantly demanded a 'maidof honour.'

  Tracy's eyes gleamed.

  "I fear I cannot oblige you, my dear. When we are married you can go toRichmond, and you shall have maids of honour in plenty."

  He relieved her of her glass, taking it from hands that trembledpitifully.

  The rest of the journey was as some terrible nightmare. She felt thatshe dared no longer feign sleep. She was terrified at what his Gracemight do, and kept him at arm's length by means of her tongue and allher woman's wit. As a matter of fact, Andover had himself well in hand,and had no intention of letting his passion run away with him. But asthe time went on and the light went, some of Diana's control seemed toslip from her, and she became a little less the self-possessed woman,and a little more the trapped and frightened child. When they at lastreached Andover Court, and his Grace assisted her to alight her legswould barely carry her up the steps to the great iron-clamped door. Shetrembled anew as he took her hand.

  On the threshold he paused and bowed very low. "Welcome to your futurehome, my queen," he murmured, and led her in, past wooden-faced footmenwho stared over her head, to his private room, where a table was set fortwo. He would have taken her in his arms then, but she evaded him andslipped wearily into a chair.

  "I protest," she managed to say, "I protest, I am faint through want offood."

  Andover, looking at her white lips, believed her. He took a seatopposite.

  Two footmen came to wait on them, and although her very soul was shamedthat they should see her there, she was thankful for their restrainingpresence.