Page 11 of Seduce the Darkness

Page 11


  In and out Bride breathed, as quietly as possible. There was a window, but it was closed, blocking out the night's symphony of racing cars, pedestrians braving the streets, and criminals hiding in corners. The deeper she maneuvered through the apartment, the weaker Aleaha's scent of sky and pine became and the stronger Devyn's, like sun-dried sheets and rain.

  Damn it! Her grip tightened on her daggers. A halfway strong grip, too, now that she'd eaten. Well, some. As before, she'd kept down the first few sips but had thrown up the rest.

  Mind on the task at hand. You more than anyone know the price of inattention. That's how those policemen had caught her sneaking inside those mansions all those years ago. That's why she'd had to hide Aleaha. Why she'd lost Aleaha.

  Okay. So. Time to regroup. Aleaha had been here, but she hadn't stayed for long. Ten minutes, tops. Was little Devyn not as skilled a lover as he clearly liked to believe? Was he a slam-bam-thank-you type?

  Bet there was a piece of furniture here. A bed. Proof of his priorities.

  There was a fire in Bride's blood, burning her veins, scorching each of her organs. A fury that had nothing to do with the thought of Devyn sleeping with her friend and everything to do with her friend's future happiness. Really. Clearly Devyn was the kind of guy who left only heartbreak in his wake.

  That fury also poked and prodded at that molten, thorny place inside her, the place her powers were buried, the intense heat of its flames making her anger seem comprised of ice. She had to stifle a pained moan. She knew better than to let herself become too worked up. When she did, those flames spread and those thorns grew branches, each destroying her bit by bit. If she wasn't careful, she would soon be praying for death.

  I'm calm. I'm happy. After all, I found Devyn. She would finally get to gloat.

  Remaining smashed against the wall, Bride angled her body and peeked down the hall. Empty. Darkness. Silence. Devyn's scent—stronger than ever. There were two doorways. As she breathed deeply, her heart pounding erratically in her chest, she tiptoed forward. He was here. He had to be.

  She passed the first doorway, giving the bedroom only a cursory glance. Empty, as well. Finally she reached the farthest entrance and paused. The door was closed. Was Devyn inside? Sleeping, holding some little tramp in his arms? Waiting for her?

  She'd warned him, told him she would- be coming for him, and he was obviously a warrior, used to strategy and battle. He was even working for AIR in some capacity. An agent, perhaps? He was daring enough. Nervousness joined the lingering thrums of fury.

  Lord, she'd picked a hell of a target. One that could lock her away or kill her, no questions asked, she thought, a cold sweat beading over her skin. You knew the consequences. You came here anyway. Don't wuss out now. Answers are worth any risk.

  He had to be expecting her, had to know she'd find him again. So how should she do this? Bust inside, knives at the ready? Sneak inside and try to catch him unaware? There was no time to reason it out.

  In the snap of fingers, her mind separated from her body, her limbs no longer hers to command. Of their own accord, her fingers released their grip on the blade hilts and the weapons thumped to the ground. One of her arms reached out and pressed the button that opened the door. Her feet moved one in front of the other, forcing her to enter the darkened space.

  He was awake, and he was controlling her. She'd known this could happen, but had come anyway. Worth the risk, she reminded herself, gritting her teeth and trying with all her might to petrify her muscles and lock herself in place.

  If only she could fight past the thorns and the flames to see what other abilities were buried inside her, rather than waiting every few years for one to spring up on its own. She suspected the others were strong, stronger than Devyn's, desperate to explode, to overtake her. But she just couldn't get to them, even now, when they probably would have saved her.

  "You certainly took your time," a familiar voice said huskily. Without a rustle of clothes or a single movement, the overhead light switched on, golden beams chasing away the shadows. "Black becomes you, pet. It's like you're enveloped by storm clouds. "

  And there he was. Sitting in a plush leather chair in the far corner, Devyn was relaxed, sipping a glass of amber liquid. His dark hair was mussed, as though he'd run his hands through it a few times. His eyes, the exact color of his drink, glittered dangerously. Like her, he wore a black T-shirt and black pants.

  A large king-size bed was the only thing between them. A bed with black silk sheets and velvetcovered chains attached to the head and footboards. Her jaw clenched even as her nipples hardened, her mind momentarily lost in the naughty things that had probably happened in that bed.

  Oh, no you don't. She would not allow her body to ready. He'd think her desire was for him. And it wasn't. Really.

  "Where's Aleaha?" Her voice trembled, mortifying her to her soul. "I know you've been with her. "

  He finished off his drink. "Please. Have a seat. " With a tilt of his chin, he motioned to the bed. "We have much to discuss. "

  Rather than force her to obey, he released his hold on her. "You're not going to compel me to do it?”

  “Now that would be rude, wouldn't it?"

  Devyn, her freeze 'em and leave 'em guy, was concerned with being rude. Laughable. But she had something he wanted, so of course he would play the I'm-your-friend card. Her eyes widened. That's right. She had Nolan. She was in control right now. No need for her powers, after all. Smiling smugly, she sauntered to the bed and plopped onto the edge, facing him.

  His gaze fell to her lips, and he inhaled sharply.

  Was he thinking of kissing her?

  "I want them all over me," he said.

  Holy hell. The answer to her question: yes. "The chains are a bit much, don't you think?" she said, ignoring his comment but unable to hide her breathlessness. "It's not like they could keep me down if I decided to leave. " It was a reminder of her victory over him, meant to put him in his place.

  He didn't back down. "True. " Nor did he sound concerned. "I have a feeling you'll willingly lock yourself up, though. "

  She would have snorted, but couldn't quite manage it. If ever there was a man who could convince a woman to play kinky bondage games, it was probably this one. But no matter what, she couldn't give herself to Devyn. The moment she did, he would lose interest in her. His kind always did. And she needed his interest. It would, hopefully, keep him malleable during their negotiations.

  What makes you think he's truly interested in you, anyway?

  I've already had a vampire, he'd once said, as though the thought of bedding another bored him. Maybe his interest in chaining Bride up and ravishing her stupid was feigned. Intended to soften her.

  "Aleaha," she said. Her friend was the main reason she was here; she wouldn't forget. "Where is she?"

  "Does the name Macy Briggs mean anything to you?" he asked, once again ignoring her. Was he serious? "Macy Briggs the model?"

  "She doesn't model anymore, but yes. "

  "No. Should it? Oh, wait. Let me guess. She's one of the women you screwed that day. " The last lashed from her, harsher than she'd intended. "I thought you couldn't recall their names. "

  "Sheathe the claws, darling. I've had a model and wasn't impressed. Macy isn't my type, so no, I haven't had her. "

  "How sad for you. " One day a woman needed to put this man in his place. Grind up his heart and scatter the pieces all over New Chicago. The female population would be the better for it. I would be better for it.

  "So tell me, did you fuck Nolan?" Again, he didn't sound concerned.

  That. . . irritated her. But only because it meant he didn't want her as she'd supposed, so she wouldn't be able to use his desire against him. Really. "No. Near death isn't my type. "

  "That's good. Did he bleed on you? Spit on you?"

  "No. "

  "You're sure?"

  She l
aughed without humor. "I think I'd remember. " Unless she'd been asleep when he'd done it. Her shoulders sagged. "Why?"

  "You'll catch his disease if you come into contact with any of his bodily fluids. "

  A shudder rocked her. Whether Devyn was telling the truth or not didn't matter. Just the thought of possible contamination had her vowing to keep her distance from the imprisoned otherworlder. She'd never been sick a day in her life, true, but that didn't necessarily mean she was immune to everything.

  "Tell me where he is. " Finally, emotion. White-hot anger, barely leashed. Devyn didn't care about her escaping his clutches or who she slept with; he only cared about where she'd placed his enemy. "You never should have taken him. You placed yourself and everyone around you in danger. "

  She had no loved ones, no family or friends. "Don't worry. I'll tell you where he is. After. "

  One of his. brows arched in question, but he didn't look surprised by her announcement. After all, she'd already warned him. "After what? I bed you?"

  "Please," she said dryly.

  "Now you're begging. We're on the right track. "

  She gritted her teeth, that burning pain flickering in her chest. Stay calm. "After you've taken me to Aleaha. After you've answered my questions about vampires. After you've apologized for leaving me immobile on that street. Only then will I tell you where Nolan is. "

  Now his brow crinkled adorably. Wasn't fair! Everything he did was a seduction. A temptation. "One, if you want to see your friend, you'll pay my price. Two, why would you want answers about vampires from me? I'm not a vampire. And three, I never apologize. "

  Deceptively casual, Bride leaned back on her elbows, placing her hands near her waist, where she'd stashed several other blades. "One, you'll take me to Aleaha or you'll never see Nolan again. I shouldn't have to repeat that one over and over. Nor should I have to tell you that I will not be paying you anything. Two, because you've clearly met a vampire before, and I haven't. And three, we'll see about that. "

  Not surprisingly, he ignored everything she'd said. "I like this new pose. " His hot gaze perused her, lingering on her breasts, between her legs, perhaps imagining licking her, sucking, biting. Or was that just wishful thinking on her part, idiot that she clearly was? When his eyes locked with hers again, his pupils were dilated, black overshadowing amber. Perhaps not so wishful, after all. "Lovely. Stay just . . . like . . . that. " Then he shrugged. "Or don't. Whatever. "

  Argh! First he'd seemed to want her. Then he hadn't. Then he had. Now he didn't again. Which was it? "Let's start with the easiest. The vampires. Who are they and where do they live?"

  He traced a fingertip over the seam of his lips, and her entranced gaze followed the movement. Her own lips even puckered, suddenly wanting to press into his. "You've truly never met one?"

  "No," she said raspily. How was he affecting her this way? Making her crave things she shouldn't? "I haven't. "

  "That means you were raised here. " Attention never leaving her, he set his now-empty glass at his feet and straightened. "Interesting. "

  By "here," did he mean New Chicago? Had vampires simply settled in another state? "Yes, I was. I've never left New Chicago. "

  "A new twist. " He scrubbed two fingers over his stub-bled jaw, the very picture of intrigued male. "Perhaps we can trade information. "

  "Men must like that game. " Nolan had wanted to play, too. "Good thing for you, I'm all for it, as long as you don't ask me about the otherworlder. "

  "Oh, I won't, pet. There's no need. Not anymore. " Leaning forward, Devyn tossed something at her. "You'll simply bring him to me. "

  Bride caught it by reflex alone and held it up to the light. A necklace. Obviously cheaper than Nolan's with dull, scratched metal links and a scuffed emerald stone hanging from the center. Breath froze in her throat, frosting up her lungs. "This belongs to Aleaha. " She knew because she'd stolen it and given it to her one Christmas. "I know. "

  Her lashes lifted, and she leveled a piercing glare at her tormentor. "You have her. " A statement, not a question, laced with disbelief, fear, and grim expectation.

  "Oh, yes. But the question is, what am I going to do with her? Which in turn raises another, more important question. What am I going to do with you?"


  Devyn had relished his words, every last one of them, eager to watch Brides reaction to them. What was he going to do with her? Anything he wanted.

  First, Brides mouth floundered open and closed, not a sound leaving her. Then she pushed out a heavy breath, as if she were trying to calm herself down. Then she narrowed her eyes at him, murderous intent glowing in their emerald depths.

  "Where is she?" Bride demanded. Gone was any hint of her earlier breathlessness. Breathlessness that could have sprung from desire . . . or anger.

  "We'll get to that," he said smoothly.

  She wound the links around her neck, the motions jerky. "What have you done with her?"

  Devyn kicked his feet out, crossing them at the ankles. Why, I sent her to a motel room fifteen miles from here, where she has been watching another room for any sign of you. "Again, we'll get to that. I believe I once mentioned that I only converse while naked. "

  Those lush red lips parted on a gasp, and he almost laughed. He'd known he would enjoy this, but the depth of his enjoyment surprised him. She was everything he remembered, yet so much more. Beautiful, witty, and oh, so charming. She was also a fighter by nature. Proof: she'd hunted him down. Twice. Proof: she'd captured Nolan when he and Dallas had been unable. Proof: she sat on the edge of his bed, the chains surely taunting her, but she didn't run away.