Page 21 of Seduce the Darkness

Page 21


  He pulled his fingers out of her.

  She nearly cried. Every nerve ending in her body was sensitized, waiting, ready to experience climax, and he'd pulled away! The thorns sharpened with her outrage, and she suddenly wished she could rip them out and use them on him.

  "Beg," he said.

  "Fuck you," she snarled.

  He breathed in and out, ragged, shallow, his eyes shooting fire at her. "That's what I'm trying to do!”

  “Well, you're not trying hard enough. "

  With a growl, he swooped back in, tongue plunging, teeth scraping hers. The heel of his hand returned between her thighs, offering more of that delicious pressure while his fingers dove back into her. "Do it, then. Take what you need. "

  "I will. " Trembling, writhing, hurting, she bit down on his tongue once more, unable to stop herself, sucking, swallowing every bit of blood she could. The climax hit her, slamming bone deep, soul deep, her muscles twitching, body grinding, hurting, thoughts splitting apart, flying.

  A scream ripped from her. A scream of pleasure and pain. Heaven and hell. Wonder and regret. She clawed at his back, shredding his shirt. She thrashed, she writhed even harder, she cried some more —but she didn't beg.

  "Are you hurt?" he asked when she quieted, his tone broken, the cracks filled with disbelief. "Kind of," she managed, not really wanting to explain. "But it's good, it's good. Don't stop. "

  He jerked his fingers from her—bastard, not done flying!—and tore at the denim covering his cock. Palm wet from her arousal, he gripped himself, hips pistoning back and forth, hand moving up and down. The glitter of his skin brightened, became blinding, a white light that signaled the end of life. Death by pleasure.

  Now just as desperate to watch his pleasure, Bride leaned up and nicked his jugular, drawing only the slightest heavenly bead and rubbing whatever pleasure-chemical her teeth produced into the tiny wound. He stiffened, stilled, a roar splitting his lips and echoing in her ears. On and on he shook, seconds blending into minutes, minutes to a necessary eternity.

  Finally, both of them collapsed. His weight smashed her into the mattress, but she didn't care.

  His skin ceased its glowing, and she gazed up at him, dazed by what had just happened. Lines of tension still branched from his eyes, and his lips were set in a mulish frown. But his eyes, oh, his eyes. They were pure amber fire, glowing like his skin had, lighting up the room. His breath sawed in and out, and sweat still poured from him.

  As she watched, he lifted his hand, bringing his fingers to his mouth. Their combined essence gleamed there. He licked away every drop, completely uninhibited, and it was the most erotic thing she'd ever seen.

  "Delicious," he muttered, briefly closing his eyes and savoring.

  Do not relax your guard. Well, any more than you already have. "Your friend might burst in any second, thinking I killed you. "

  "Nope. He knows I can take care of myself. " Devyn anchored his fists beside her temples, locking her in place. Concern was seeping into his expression. "Are you embarrassed by what happened?"

  She frowned. Again, he was concerned about shaming and embarrassing her. Why? "Should I be?”

  “You came. On my fingers. "

  And that was a bad thing? "What about you? Are you embarrassed about the way you came? I mean, you masturbated on me. "

  Twin circles painted his cheeks, but he shook his head in denial.

  How odd. Something about his reaction was off here, but she just didn't know what it was or what it meant. Still, she couldn't help but be proud of herself. A man of his experience had come without sinking inside her. He must have been intensely aroused.

  "Do you regret what happened?" he asked.

  "Do you question all of your lovers like this?"

  A muscle ticked in his jaw. "Do you. Regret what. Happened?"

  Did she? Now she knew his taste and already hungered for more. She would never again be able to look at him without thinking of the pleasure they had shared. That angered her. But regret it? "No. " She didn't.

  "Good. Because you owe me two more kisses, and I have every intention of collecting. Soon. " He rolled beside her and drew her into his body, holding her close, fingers playing with her hair, then tracing paths of fire down her arms.

  She tried to disengage, but he tightened his grip. His chest was firm and slick against hers. "I don't

  owe you a damn thing. This little excursion paid you in full. "

  He stiffened. "This little excursion counts as one kiss. One. I still remember my name, and I believe you promised I wouldn't. "

  "You are so annoying. "

  He sat up and stared down at her. "No. I'm confused. I have no idea what to do with you. You confound me at every turn. " Frowning, he scooted to the edge of the bed and gave her his back. "Get dressed. I'll take you to see Aleaha. "


  Devyn was baffled by himself.

  Bride hadn't begged him to bring her to climax, but he'd done it anyway. He'd been helpless to do otherwise. He hadn't been able to walk away. Yeah, after his father died and he'd conquered his guilt, he'd taken any female who had even opened her legs and touched himself any time the desire struck. He'd been the one begging, but back then, he'd had no control. He'd hated himself for that weakness and had learned restraint. Iron restraint. Restraint that had not broken until today.

  Restraint Bride did possess.

  She had wanted his blood, but she had only grazed his neck. She'd contented herself with little beads from his tongue. She'd wanted sex, but she'd contented herself with his fingers. Such willpower . . .

  He was disgraceful. He'd left his clothes on, hoping to dull his own desires. That plan had failed. As it was, he'd almost died from the pleasure. He suspected actual skin-to-skin contact really would kill him.

  What a way to go, though, right?

  As many women as he'd been with over the years, and as much control as he usually displayed, he shouldn't have reacted to this one so intensely. His body didn't seem to understand that. He'd smelled her sweetness, seen her lean curves, and had craved everything she had to give. He'd had to taste those lush lips, had to hold those soft breasts, caress that smooth stomach, finger that hot, wet sheath.

  What was it about her that so entranced him? He needed to figure it out so that he could combat it. He'd once thought it was the challenge of her, but Eden Black had turned him down time and time again, and he'd let Eden go without a single regret.

  Maybe it was the way she constantly surprised him. He'd expected her to hide her body; she'd flaunted it. He'd expected her to cave under his sensual assault; she'd flourished. The braggart had even made him laugh. What was next? Making him drool for her? Well, he was a king. He drooled for no one!

  "Don't leave this room," he growled, standing and adjusting his clothes. Then, for good measure, he stalked to the door, opened it a crack, and called, "If she leaves this room, shoot her. "

  Behind him, Bride gasped. He didn't turn and face her. He stepped into the shower stall with his clothes on and pressed the code for a thorough cleaning.

  He'd come in his pants. How mortifying. At least she hadn't mocked him about it. Hadn't even seemed to mind. He'd wanted to sink into a black hole when he'd realized what he'd done.

  The enzyme spray settled on his skin and clothes, burrowing deep and scrubbing away the evidence of his too-eager desire. When he reentered the bedroom, Bride was exactly where he'd left her, only she'd pulled on a fresh pink T-shirt and a pair of jeans. They looked good on her. Made her look young and innocent. Macy's necklace still circled her neck.

  There was a rosy blush to her skin, a determined gleam in her emerald eyes. Her cheeks were fuller than he'd ever seen them, and that stopped him short. She'd kept his blood down, he realized. He nearly grinned in satisfaction.

  She opened her mouth to speak, but he cut her off with a raised hand. "Did my b
lood make you sick?" He already knew the answer, but he wanted to hear her admit it.

  "No. "

  There was no stopping his grin this time. He leaned against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. "Guess that means you need me, huh?"

  "Don't go thinking you're special," she said. "I only had a few sips, and I can keep such a small amount down no matter who I drink from. "

  His grin morphed into a frown. "Do you want more? "No," she said, but glanced at his pulse.

  A lie. She wanted more, she just didn't want to want it. As soon as the hottest fires of her hunger returned, she would have to take more. And there'd be only one vein available to her. His.

  "You ready to go?" he asked, unable to mask the return of his satisfaction.

  She nodded hesitantly. "I want to see Aleaha, but it's daylight. I can't go outside without blistering. "

  Silent, he eyed her. Then he sighed. He hadn't thought of that. He wasn't used to considering another's wants and needs. "Very well. I'll have her brought here. "

  She crouched forward, her legs tucked under her and her weight on her knees. Her hands twisted the denim of her jeans. "By someone you trust not to hurt her, right?"

  "Believe me, the woman bringing her here would never harm her. " Macy, he knew, wasn't into self inflicted pain.

  Bride frowned in confusion but nodded. In her mind, Aleaha was still a prisoner.

  Devyn made the call. The moment Macy/Aleaha answered, he said, "I've got her. No question this time. We're at the Legacy Apartments, top floor. " He hung up before she could reply. "She'll be here in half an hour, is my guess. Which means we've got thirty minutes to burn. You and I are going to talk. " He had a feeling Bride would mentally shut him out the moment she saw her friend free and happy.

  "Your blood helped Nolan, so AIR is going to want to test it," he told her. "No. " She shook her head violently.

  "They won't lock you up. " Yet. He wouldn't let them. "But helping them is the only way to save your life. You did commit a crime. "


  He splayed his arms in helplessness. "I'm afraid you don't have a choice, sweetheart. You took something that belongs to them, and anyone else would have fried for it by now. But I know them. Because of your healing blood, they'll bargain with you. "

  Another shake of her head, inky hair flying. "I don't need to bargain. You're forgetting my abilities. "

  Before his eyes, her skin changed color, her arms turning bright green to match the comforter around her, her face turning gray to blend with the stone wall framing her. Even her hair lightened to that silver shade. Only her clothing gave her away.

  "Don't mist," he growled.

  Slowly her skin and hair returned to normal. "I'm not going anywhere. At least for now. I want to see Aleaha. "

  He relaxed. "What if I told you Aleaha is an AIR agent? Would you be so quick to deny the agency's desires?"

  She laughed, and it was like bells were tinkling merrily. "Aleaha is not AIR. No way. " That laugh . . . His cock twitched. "Why? Because she's a shape-shifter?" Bride tensed, stilled.

  "That's right. I know what she is. She took the form of an AIR agent, liked the job, and remained on the team. "

  Her nails elongated, becoming little claws that dug into her thighs and drew blood. "If anyone hurt her when they found out what she was, I will hunt them down and drain them. "

  Such loyalty. He'd already admired her for it, but that admiration grew. "They like having her on. "

  That mollified her somewhat. "If you captured a favored AIR agent, they would have come after you. Are you now being chased?"

  "We'll get to that in a minute. First, take your nails out of your legs. " If anyone was going to hurt her, it was going to be him. Only when she obeyed did he continue. "Help AIR, Bride. Willingly give them some of your blood for testing, and I'll find you a vampire to talk to. "

  She opened her mouth. Shut it. Bit her lip and rubbed at her necklace as she considered his offer. "Why should I? If my blood cured Nolan, AIR will take more and more from me until there's nothing left. I'll die and won't be able to question the vampire. And if it doesn't help him, they'll have no use for me. They'll lock me away or stake me, and I still won't get to question the vampire. "

  He rolled his eyes. "You've read too many books. They won't stake you. "

  "You didn't see the human-alien war. I did. I was there. Innocents were slain in the streets simply because they were different. I possess powers that would scare the shit out of every single agent. They will never be comfortable with me. "

  Good point. Not that he'd tell her. "Who knows? They might try and recruit you. They did me. "

  She uttered another of those sweet, sultry laughs. "Me? Working for AIR?" She shook her head again. "Show me where the underground doorway into vamp world is, and I'll think about aiding them. "

  "Nope. Sorry. Your people live by a code of rules, and the most important of those rules is to never leave the underground. It's to keep humans from finding them. To them, you broke that rule, or someone broke it for you. Either way, it's a crime punishable only by death. " More than that, Devyn still had the composites of the McKell warriors in his pocket. Dallas's vision made him think they would come to the surface for her. But they couldn't come for her if they didn't know about her.

  "Clearly you visited and left the underground, yet you weren't killed. "

  "The king had his reasons," was all Devyn said.