Page 29 of Seduce the Darkness

Page 29


  "See you tonight, Bridey Boo. "

  They hung up, and Bride tossed the phone on the nightstand beside a glass of water. She liked to dip her fingers in it, just to remind herself that she had access to it. She stood just as Devyn strode inside the room. He looked gorgeous in a black shirt and jeans, his hair disheveled by the wind.

  He stopped short when he spotted her, his gaze hot as it raked over her mostly bare body. Then he turned, giving her his back. "Good. You're ready. " As usual lately, his voice was emotionless.

  Who would have thought she'd actually miss his unabashed obsession with sex?

  So badly, she wanted him to walk to her, take her in his arms, and—her eyes widened as he quickly stumbled toward her and threw himself at her. They fell into the mattress, and a gasp of delight escaped her. His muscled weight was divine.

  "Finally," she purred, wrapping her limbs around him. "I don't know what changed your mind, but I'm grateful. "

  Frowning, he straightened, severing all contact. He looked behind himself. "What just happened?" he demanded.

  Frowning herself, she eased up. "What do you mean?"

  "It was like hands were on my back, shoving me forward. I couldn't stop myself. ”

  “Wait. So you didn't want to have a quickie?"

  "Can you be serious for just a minute?" he snapped.

  Now he was accusing her of being lax. Priceless, she thought darkly. Just freaking priceless. "I wasn't behind you, so you can't blame me. I was standing there, all innocent, thinking how nice it'd be to touch you again"—a mistake she wouldn't make again—"and then you were racing toward me. "

  "No one pushed me, but I was shoved at you. " He crossed his arms over his chest, his biceps bulging. "You were wishing me over, and over I came. That's what you want me to believe?"

  "Yes. It's not like I can be two places at once. It's not like I—" Oh, oh, oh, she thought suddenly, excitedly. The thorns and the fire had been insistent lately, just as they'd been insistent each time a new power had revealed itself.

  "What?" Devyn asked. "Now you look like you just won our war. "

  "We're still warring?" Had another power really freed itself? she wondered. Fairly humming at the possibility, she glanced at the nightstand beside the bed. "I wish I was holding that glass of water. "

  Next thing she knew, one of the table legs was splintering, breaking, and then the table itself was plunging toward her, the glass was sliding off it, and she was frantically leaning over and reaching out. Her fingers snaked around the base before the cup hit the floor and shattered—along with the table—water sloshing out the sides.

  "All right. How did you do that?" Another demand from Devyn, but this one was gasped.

  Grinning, she balanced the glass on the wooden remains of the tabletop. "Every few years, I gain a new ability. Like misting and cloaking myself. I didn't think I was due for another for a while yet, but tada! Looks like I can now make my wishes come true. How cool is that?"

  Clearly Devyn did not share her happiness. He ran his tongue over his teeth as he eyed the remains of his table. "Looks like there are also consequences for your wishes. "

  True. Some of her excitement waned.

  "Wish for something impossible," he said. "Wish for a vampire to appear in this room. "

  Testing her, was he? "Fine. " Bride closed her eyes, wished for a tall, strong, gorgeous vampire male to appear. Naked. Expectant, she opened her eyes. No one appeared. A minute passed, then another. She wished again. Still no one appeared. Her grin faded.

  "So there are limits, as well," Devyn said thoughtfully. "Guess so," she grumbled.

  "Well, there's no time to figure them out now. We need to leave. So just keep your thoughts and wishes to a minimum for the time being. That shouldn't be too hard. "

  Her jaw dropped. "You did not just call me ditzy. Because if you did, I'd be wishing all your hair fell out. "

  "Like that would detract from my appeal," he said, marching into the closet. "Maybe you should stay here tonight. "

  They were the same words he'd given her this morning during her feeding, when he mentioned going himself, then again when he'd tossed her the sequined bra and see-through pants all purchased female slaves supposedly wore to these things. "I told you. I want to go. " If she didn't, she feared he would buy the vampires and give them to AIR before she'd had a chance to talk with them.

  "That little wishing thing could get us into trouble. " He emerged from the closet, and white-hot breath caught in her throat.

  "Wow," she said. He wore a black-and-white pinstriped suit, no wrinkles, a silk tie, and leather shoes.

  "Good?" he asked, spinning. "Not bad. I guess. "

  For the first time all week, his lips did that twitching thing she so adored. Her heart skipped a beat. "You know I'm hot. "

  "Whatever. "

  "Anyway. Like I was saying, you should—"

  "I promise. I won't wish for anything. " Yet. But only because he was right. She didn't know the consequences or the limitations. Next time she was alone, however, she would find out exactly what this new ability could do and exactly what it couldn't. And she planned to have a lot of fun while she did so.

  "Fine. Let's go. " Devyn led her to a bright orange modified Scorpion HX in the garage. It was very old, a classic, and too gorgeous to be driven. He claimed the driver's seat, and she settled into the passenger seat, soaking up the leather smell. Rather than start the engine, he peered at her expectantly.

  "Slaves don't get to sit up front with their masters. " He pointed behind him. "It's back there for you. ”

  “But I'm not really a slave. And what's more, there's no backseat. "

  "You are tonight. And there's an extended trunk. "

  If only she was a slave. A game of master-slave might have been fun. Not that I'm wishing for it. "I'll be more comfortable back there, anyway," she said, shimmying through the space between the driver and passenger side. She had to hunch over to fit.

  He'd had the car updated with self-steering and programmed it to stop at Dallas's apartment. Though he didn't have to concentrate on the road, he faced forward, silent, the entire drive there.

  As the vehicle slowed and idled just in front of the building, she saw that Dallas was already outside. He claimed the front seat.

  "You look nice,"^she told him, and he did. He wore a suit identical to Devyn's, only a lighter color, because Devyn had bought it for him.

  They were the epitome of wealth, while she was the tart du jour. Her hair was loose and curled wildly down her back. She'd stained her lips with the cherries Devyn had given her.

  Dallas turned. His eyes widened as they scanned her. "Is my tongue hanging out? Because damn, you look good enough to eat. Seriously, I would buy you up in a heartbeat if you were for sale. "

  "Attention straight ahead," Devyn growled.

  Dallas grinned, but he didn't obey. He winked at her. "The view's better back here. "

  "Everyone's going to be staring at me and my ridiculous costume when we arrive, anyway," she said. "And no, Devyn, that's not a wish. "

  "No one will be staring at you," he replied.

  "'Cause I'll be dressed just like all the other female slaves," she said, mimicking his earlier lofty tone.

  "No. Because they'll be staring at me. They won't be able to help themselves. Have you not seen the suit?"

  Dallas laughed and finally focused on Devyn. "So what's my motivation for this role?"

  "I told you. " Devyn flicked him a glance. "You're a rich businessman, my friend, and looking for a little pop tart. When I told you about the auction, you simply had to come along. "

  "You plan on buying anyone yourself?" Bride asked him.

  "Can't. Everyone knows my penchant for variety, and it would seem odd if I purchased more of the same. "

  "And how long have I owned Bride?" Dallas asked.

  "Like y
ou can afford me," Bride said with a snort. "Have you not seen the bra?"

  Once again, Devyn programmed the car. Autopilot kicked on, and they eased onto the road. Sensors knew when to stop and turn, so Devyn was able to spin in his seat and peer back at her. "You're a vampire, but that's not obvious, so it won't seem odd that I'm with you. "

  She shrugged. She hadn't been concerned with what anyone else thought about the two of them together.

  He pursed his lips. "So you're good to go?"

  What was wrong with him? "Yeah. For myself. Do you think Macy will be okay?" The other agents were going to be there, as well, simply hidden in the shadows, surrounding the building, watching and protecting.

  "I know she will be," Devyn assured her gently, his irritation melting away. He reached back and clasped her hand, then drew it to his mouth for a kiss. His gaze never left her, was filled with fire and want.

  He's touching me again! Joy burst through her, potent and sweet.

  "Should I close my eyes?" Dallas asked with a laugh. All too quickly Devyn released her and turned away.

  Bye-bye joy.

  "We're almost there," he said. "Bride, you are not to leave my side. Understand? And you aren't to speak unless I ask you a question. "

  "I'll be a good girl, Daddy, I promise. " She didn't like being told what to do, but submitting made sense. She'd never been to one of these things before and didn't know what to expect. Well, except for perverts. Better she remain near Devyn than fang someone for getting grabby.

  "This is getting kinky," Dallas said", wiggling his eyebrows.

  "Dallas," Devyn said, ignoring his friend's comment, "you are only to bid on vampires. Male or female. "

  "Great," the agent said dryly. "My luck they'll both be males, and I'll seem gay and lose my street cred with the ladies. "

  Looking tired all of a sudden, Devyn scrubbed a hand down his face. "If that's the worst that happens, I'll consider this a perfect night. "

  Devyn was on edge. He'd gone to a lot of trouble to make Bride look as if she belonged at his side, so as not to disgrace her more than would be necessary, and she didn't seem to care. More than that, he didn't like taking her to a slave auction and giving her a glimpse of his past. A past that had bruised her confidence once already.

  When this was over, would she finally leave him?

  Probably. With her newest ability, she could do anything she wanted. And he knew she still wasn't completely on board with the marriage.

  Was he?

  I don't want to examine myself right now. He wanted to examine her. He gave her money, but she didn't spend it. She hid it throughout the house. He stayed away from her bed, but she didn't seem to realize the great honor he paid her.

  How long before she left him? How long did he want her to stay?

  He'd probably hoped, on some level, that if he reverted to his old ways and cut off all sexual contact, he would grow tired of her faster. That hadn't been the case, however. He wanted her more now than ever. And he'd wanted her too damn much before.

  Part of him now wanted to give her the world and watch her face light up. Like when he'd given her the necklace and then that basket of fruit. For the latter, her eyes had widened, teared, and her lips had curled into a half-smile. She'd even placed her hand over her heart. He'd felt like a conqueror, powerful and capable of anything. Over silly little pieces of fruit.

  He didn't know what to make of himself. He didn't know how to handle these . . . feelings. His mouth curved into a grimace. Yes, feelings. He had them. For her. What exactly he felt, though, he didn't know. Whatever it was, it made him want to kill someone.

  Tonight, he might have his chance.

  If he was lucky, he'd run into the guy who had placed an order for her. Devyn planned to take his

  head. Then he was going to buy the vampires that were on sale and give them to Mia. Of course he would allow Bride to question them first and learn all that she wanted about her people. Then boom, done, his obligations to AIR would be over. Bride would be safe, and Mia would be pacified. Total win/win.

  Only one blade hovered over his head, threatening his plans. Dallas's vision. He had to be careful. On guard. He might be confused by his current situation, but he wasn't yet ready for it to end.

  "Two minutes, and we'll be there," he announced.

  Dallas rubbed his hands together in glee.

  "Someone told you that you don't really get to own the slaves," Bride said to the agent. "Right?”

  “He's a danger junkie," Devyn explained.

  Dallas shrugged sheepishly.

  All too soon, the car slowed, easing to a stop. In front of them loomed a large warehouse, cars parked all around, humans and otherworlders meandering inside. The women who weren't slaves wore formal gowns. The men who weren't slaves wore suits like his. The slaves were as scantily dressed (or undressed) as Bride.

  He pressed a button on the car's console, and all the doors slid open. Outside, a valet stood at the ready, helping him and Dallas out. Bride was ignored. Devyn should have allowed her to emerge on her own, that was the way of things in this sinful world, but he didn't. Couldn't. He'd touched her hand earlier, and it had nearly electrified him. He needed that again, if only for a moment.

  Tentatively she placed her fingers against his. So soft, so smooth, so warm. Again, electrifying. She stood, her gaze scanning left and right.