Page 29 of Leopard's Fury

  Deep in Bebe's body, Evangeline rejoiced. Seeing the estate through her leopard's eyes, knowing the joy her female was experiencing, she decided she was going to have to revisit the fact that Siena Arnotto Lospostos was willing to give or sell the estate to Alonzo.

  I love this, Bebe told her.

  I love this for you. Your mate is gettin' closer. She couldn't help teasing her female. Her leopard was beautiful. Gorgeous. He's gettin' vocal and amorous.

  I hear him. Bebe gave a little sniff of disdain.

  She was close though. Even inside her, without her own body, Evangeline could feel the ferocious need building stronger and stronger. She retreated more to give her little leopard privacy with her mate.

  Bebe raced through the woods, playfully pawing at rotting vegetation just to see what emerged. All the while she was conscious of the male following her. He was very large and a little intimidating, but she had the upper hand and she knew it. She teased him, showing off, rubbing along tree trunks to spread her alluring scent, making certain he caught it.

  He made little chuffing sounds. In truth, she loved the way he called to her, but she wasn't ready to give up her freedom. She wanted to see everything she could before the night was over. The burning sensation deep inside her wouldn't let her alone. She found herself calling back to the male until he ran beside her. He wasn't playful in the least, but he didn't try to stop her.

  She rubbed along another tree and then dropped down, panting, crouching. At once the heavy male was on her. Before he could bite down on her nape to hold her in place, she sprang away, swiping leaves at him, snarling to tell him to back off. He simply followed her. Now, she could see, he was all business and purpose. That was a little thrilling, and scary.

  She couldn't stop herself from crouching again, and he was on her, his teeth sinking in to hold her. The bite of pain gave way to something altogether different as the male took possession of her.

  From that moment on, all through the night and most of the dawn, the two leopards were side by side when he wasn't claiming her. He showed her the outside world, every water source, every bit of cover. They ran together, lay together, but mostly the male took her, claiming her for his own over and over.

  Light streaked across the sky when he turned her back to the house. They moved together to the side entrance leading to Alonzo's room. Timur was there to open the door for them, letting them into the sleeping chamber. The male leopard leapt onto the bed and she followed suit. He curled protectively around her, and exhausted, she fell asleep.


  POUNDING on the door penetrated Evangeline's sleep. She moved, trying to pry open her eyelids. It was impossible. A stone lay across her. She couldn't move at all and she was way too tired to care. She managed to get her eyes open partially and the light nearly blinded her. She groaned in protest.

  "Go away," Alonzo snarled.

  "Cops are here," Sevastyan informed them. "Timur might shoot them if you don't get out here."

  "Let him," Alonzo muttered and buried his face in the hollow between her neck and shoulder.

  Evangeline had to agree with Alonzo. She wasn't moving. Even the smallest of movements sent an ache spiraling through every muscle and bone in her body. Her leg, where she'd been shot, burned as if she'd run for miles on it--and maybe she had.

  There was more pounding. Alonzo threw a pillow at the door. Evangeline hissed and then tried to pull the covers over her head. "Go away, Sevastyan." The covers were under her. Under both of them. With Alonzo on top of her, she could barely breathe.

  "You're heavy." She wasn't certain it was a complaint. She didn't want to move and breathing hurt anyway. He was warm and all muscle. He felt--nice.

  "Spread your legs." He nuzzled her throat.

  "No. I can't move. Not one single muscle."

  He bit down gently on her chin and then suckled at the side of her neck, right over the spot where her pulse was beginning to accelerate.

  "Yes." His knee slid between her legs and nudged.

  "You have to do all the work. I'm not movin'."

  His teeth scraped over her pulse. "You'll move. You like to move even when I tell you not to." He bit down. "Spread." The order was muffled against her neck.

  At first she felt only the lazy brush of his tongue and then the bite. Her body responded with damp liquid, already hot and welcoming for him. Then he was inside her, filling her. There was always that moment when she thought it was too much, he wouldn't fit, but then her tight muscles gave way for his invasion and she surrounded his thick cock with a fist of hot silk. He felt hot. Hard. He stretched her so that she could feel his blood pulsing to his heartbeat right through his cock.

  He was right. She had to move. She couldn't help herself. It was a beautiful way to wake up, regardless of whether her leopard had been out all night having wild leopard sex. She was happy. Alonzo made love to her, slowly and leisurely, but it was every bit and more satisfying and sexy than his wild, aggressive sex. She found her body coiling tighter and tighter, the pressure almost unbearable. And then he was taking them both over the edge. He kissed her when they both could breathe again, ignoring the pounding on the door until she found herself hiding her face on his chest and laughing.

  "I might have to kill him," Alonzo said.

  "Well don'. At least not while the cops are here. I don' want to have to visit my man in prison." She pressed kisses over his chest, following the whip marks there.

  "Are you all right? It was brutal last night." He rolled off of her to inspect her body for bruises.

  "It actually was wonderful thanks to you."

  "Alonzo!" Sevastyan's voice was persistent.

  "We'll shower and be right there. Tell them they'll have to wait," Alonzo called back. He kissed several bruises on her body, two low down close to her hip, and then lapped at the marks of possession he'd deliberately put on her.

  "I'm good. Really. Let's shower and see what the cops want."

  "They may ask you if I was here all night."

  "Weren't you?" She raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were. I went to our room to take a bath so you could play cards or whatever you were doin', but you came in later."

  He nodded, a slight smile softening his mouth for just a moment. "That's my girl. Keep it simple."

  She shrugged. "I don' know anythin', so I can't very well do anythin' else."

  The tiled shower was large and spacious with two shower heads. They took advantage of them, although Alonzo clearly wasn't playing fair and kept sliding soapy hands over her body, just to help her out. She was laughing even more when she stepped out to wrap her hair with a towel.

  "I've got to get back to work." She pulled on a long flowing skirt and a matching peasant blouse. Alonzo had bought both for her. She loved feeling girlie after all the years in the swamp. She didn't bother with shoes. He hadn't either.

  "Not until Doc gives you the okay. Don't worry, we're watching over it. Nothing is going to happen. Besides, I have a surprise for you."

  She raised an eyebrow at him. "I've had enough surprises, Fyodor. You're too generous. Half the clothes in my drawers you bought for me."

  "We're going to move everything to the master bedroom. I've decided to negotiate with Siena for the estate. I've got a good amount of money saved and I think I can swing it. I'm not just going to take it from her."

  "Really?" She couldn't help slipping her arm around his waist and hugging him. "I love this place. My leopard does too. It's perfect for her. For the both of them to run free and not get into trouble."

  He nodded. "My male let me know your female was crazy about the grounds. It's defensible and I've lived here for years. I know the place inside and out. With you here, it feels like a home."

  "I'll admit, that's a good surprise."

  "That's not the surprise." He dropped a kiss on the top of her head. "We're getting married. That's not the surprise either."

  "Whoa. Back up, Fyodor. You're movin' too fast for me. I just said I'd move in
with you, and now you want to get married."

  "Immediately. I'm not taking any chances with you running off."

  "I don' run off."

  "You did last night."

  She rolled her eyes at him. "If I ran off, baby, you wouldn't ever be able to catch up with me. You just think you could."

  "I like that you're so confident. Keep believing that, malyutka."

  Alonzo swept his arm around her and they went out of his room together. Evangeline wasn't surprised to see Brice and his friend Reeve in the sitting room along with two uniformed cops. She smiled at them. Alonzo didn't remove his arm. If anything, he pressed her front to his side, keeping her under the protection of his shoulder.

  "How unexpected to see you here, Brice," she greeted. "Alonzo told me you were a cop working undercover. Where's Crispin? I've never seen one without the other."

  Alonzo could have smirked over the complete honesty in her voice. No way could either of the undercover detectives believe she was anything but innocent. "What can we do for you?" he asked.

  His marks were all over Evangeline. She made no attempt to hide them. The neckline of her blouse was low, revealing the creamy swell of her breasts. Right at the top of the curve on her left was another strawberry with his bite in the center. He fucking loved that.

  "Please sit down," Evangeline said, indicating the comfortable armchairs and couch. "Can I get you anythin'? Coffee? I haven't done any bakin', I'm still recuperatin', but I make a mean cup of coffee."

  "No, thank you, Evangeline," Brice said. "We're here on business."

  She frowned and looked up at Alonzo. "Okay. Sure." She looked and sounded puzzled.

  Perfect. He loved that too. Alonzo sank into a chair and pulled her down beside him. It was a snug fit, but she didn't seem to mind.

  Evangeline leaned toward Brice, her gaze steady on his face. "What can we help you with?"

  We. He loved that too. She was sitting there in the chair with him, relaxed, looking as if they belonged and talking as natural as could be. Brice winced. He couldn't hide that from Alonzo, but Alonzo didn't gloat. He kept his features expressionless. Pure ice.

  "Evangeline, were Alonzo and his crew home last night?"

  She frowned. Looked up at Alonzo and over into the corner where Timur lounged against the wall. "Yes. I mean, I wasn't with them every single minute, but they were here when I went back to the bedroom to take a bath and they were here when I got out. So unless they raced out during my bath, then yes, they were home." She raised one eyebrow. "Why?"

  "How long was your bath?"

  Her frown deepened. "Is somethin' wrong, Brice?"

  "Just answer the question."

  "When you talk to her, you can be respectful," Alonzo said. "Or you can leave our home. I don't much like your tone."

  "It's all right, honey," she said softly, looking up at him. She brushed her cheek along his shoulder. "He's obviously upset about somethin'. I don' know exactly, but usually about forty-five minutes. Maybe an hour."

  "I can help with that," Sevastyan stirred from where he was in the shadows, directly across from the five policemen.

  Brice scowled at him. So did Alonzo.

  "You know how long she was in the bathtub?" Alonzo's voice said he'd better not know.

  "It was forty-eight minutes," Sevastyan said helpfully, ignoring his boss's warning. "We were waiting for her to come back and make coffee. She makes a hell of a cup of coffee."

  That much was true. No one could possibly dispute that. Alonzo pinned Brice with his ice-cold stare. "What is this about? I'm not into game playing. You made your bid for my woman and you lost. She's mine. She was always mine. Coming to my home on some bullshit pretense is beneath you."

  "Crispin has disappeared." Brice watched him closely and then flicked his gaze to take in Evangeline.

  Alonzo didn't dare look down at her. She didn't have a poker face. That was one of the things he loved most about Evangeline. She was exactly who you saw. No subterfuge. For a man like him, one who spent his entire life one way or another in a crime family, her innocence was like a breath of fresh air.

  "I don' understand, Brice." She spoke very softly, genuinely concerned. "Why would he disappear? How long has he been gone?"

  "He didn't show up for work this morning and we went to check on him. He was gone. He doesn't answer his cell. He's vanished. We can't even raise him by calling or trying to track his cell."

  "Just this mornin'?" There was relief in Evangeline's voice. "He could be anywhere, Brice."

  The cop shook his head. "No. Someone took him. His security camera was offline. His house was armed as if he'd left himself. No signs of a struggle."

  "I'm more confused than ever. It sounds like he just is runnin' a little late," she said. She frowned, looking from Brice to Reeve. "Brice, are you accusin' Alonzo of somethin'? Of kidnappin' Crispin? Because if you are, that's just ludicrous."

  Now there was a little bite to her voice, and Alonzo loved that as well. He didn't have to say a thing. He kept his gaze glued to Brice, who looked more uncomfortable by the moment. The detective didn't want to disclose the fact that Crispin's cell phone had mysteriously shown up on his captain's desk along with a file showing the payoffs the undercover officer had been taking. The phone had countless pictures on it, ones Crispin had taken showing he had participated in shakedowns, sex with unwilling prostitutes and one particularly damning picture showing him doing cocaine with Patrizio Amodeo. How he'd taken that picture without Amodeo knowing, Alonzo would never know.

  "Alonzo and Crispin weren't friends."

  "So?" Now she looked outraged. "I'm not friends with lots of people, but that doesn't mean I'm goin' to harm them in some way. And he'd have to do the kidnappin' while I was takin' my bath because we weren't exactly sleepin' last night."

  Alonzo could have kissed her. He raised his eyes and caught the smirk in Timur's eyes. Yeah, his woman was truly magnificent. He was glad his brother could witness her defense of him.

  "Do you know a man by the name of Patrizio Amodeo?" Brice changed tactics, his gaze pinning Evangeline's.

  She nodded. "He's a horrible man. He came into my bakery a couple of days before I was shot and made a pass at me. Well . . ." she hedged. "Not exactly a pass. He was insultin' and thought he could put his hands on me. I wanted to smash him over the head with a fryin' pan."

  She gave a genuine shudder and slid her hand into Alonzo's larger one. He closed his fingers around hers immediately and brought her knuckles to his mouth. She just was too honest not to be believed. No one could mistake the expressions on her face or fail to hear the truth in her voice. She was better than any lawyer Alonzo had, although he wondered where his lawyer was. Timur had to have called him. He would have to stop her from answering if Brice pulled any bullshit.

  "He's dead," Brice said abruptly. "He died conveniently in a fire last night."

  Evangeline gasped and her fingers curled inside of Alonzo's. "I don' understand, Brice. First it's Crispin disappearin', although there's no sign that he actually was harmed in any way, and now Amodeo's fire. Do you think Alonzo or one of the boys had somethin' to do with either of those two things? Because even if my bath took an hour, that's a little preposterous to believe."

  The way she said it made it sound as if Brice had lost his mind and was on some personal vendetta, because no way could Alonzo and his crew be responsible for Crispin's disappearance and a fire as well. Alonzo just happened to know that the two men lived on opposite ends of San Antonio. San Antonio was the third largest city in Texas and the Arnotto estate was nestled in the hill country outside of San Antonio.

  "Are they tryin' to pin somethin' on you that you didn't do, Alonzo?" She sounded a little afraid.

  "They have cameras all over the city, devochka moya. They can track any vehicle and most of the time tell who is in the car, isn't that right, Brice?" He kept his voice gentle. Soft. Loving, even. She needed that. She'd been delivered a blow whether Brice could see it or
not. She knew he'd been gone. Now Crispin had disappeared and Amodeo was dead. They both deserved death. He should have killed Amodeo long before the man had a chance to put a contract out on her.

  He had wanted to believe he could live by Elijah's rules. They were putting their own men in place of crime lords, taking over territory to control the underworld. There was no stopping corruption. No matter how many cops, how many people doing their best to prevent crime, someone would always break the law. Greed and power were huge motivators. When one head was chopped off, another grew, sometimes someone far worse than whomever had been stopped. They hoped to take the worst out and minimize the crimes in their streets.

  He rubbed her hand along his jaw. He hadn't shaved and he had a shadow. That stubble provided the same kind of radar as his leopard's whiskers did. When she touched him, he felt that touch driving straight to his cock. He wanted to push her hand down to cover the thick erection building in his groin--he would have if the cops hadn't been there. His men were leopard and they could just leave. It was his home, now that she was in it. Home. He savored the word. He'd never had a home. He'd never thought he'd have one. That he could sit in a room and want his woman to wrap her fist around his cock and bring him pleasure beyond belief.

  Her eyes jumped to his face and for one moment there was only the two of them in the room. He saw very, very clearly that she had exactly the same idea, that she wanted to wrap her fist around his cock. Her tongue touched her lips. Moistened top and bottom. He nearly groaned. She wanted more than her fist around his cock. His erection went from semi-hard to just plain aching, throbbing, pulsing hard. Holy hell. He was in trouble with her. He could find control when it was only him, but it would be impossible if she didn't help him.

  He leaned down, one hand going to her hair, bunching there, his thumb sliding along her cheek as he raised her head and lowered his even more so his lips were against her ear. "You're going to pay for that."

  Her eyes darkened. Burned for him. Were lost in him, just the way he wanted when the room was full of tension and suspicion was on him. She'd said she loved him. She'd said it. But they had been in the midst of the Han Vol Dan and who knew what a woman might say when her body was on fire and desperately needed her man? He needed her to love him. He needed it to be true. The way she looked at him, he could almost make himself believe it was the truth.