Page 1 of Life and Love

  Pain’s Prisoner

  Alyssa Chambers

  Chapter 1

  “Lisa!!!!” Viola watches as her sister descends to the ground unable to fight off the man gripping her throat. “Let her go you bastard, she’s only a human, she can’t do anything.” He stares down at Lisa feeling sheer pleasure at her suffering. His grip tightens and Lisa coughs. He crushes her body into the ground and grips her neck tighter. Lisa screams Viola’s name. He laughs darkly hearing her scream of pain. Lisa falls unconscious and he only grips her neck tighter. “STOP YOU BASTARD!!!!” His grip only grows tighter as her sister lay helplessly underneath him. Viola tries to run to them but she feels a grip bracing her wrist. She turns to see another man identical to the other. “Let me go!” She hears laughter from both men and she hears one say “Now you can watch your sister die in the hands of the same man that killed your parents.” She screams at him crying harder and harder. “VIOLA!!!!” Viola’s head snaps up and she sees her sister reaching for her. The man plunges a sword into her arm. Lisa screams and Viola screams as well. Viola tries prying him off of her but his grip only tightens around her wrist. Lisa says before she dies, “I love you Viola.” Viola screams, “No!!! LISA, PLEASE DON’T CLOSE YOUR EYES, PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME!!!!” Lisa says “I’m sorry Viola, forgive me.” Lisa’s hand falls to the ground and her eyes close just as a tear runs down her cheek. Viola screams, “LISA!!!!!!” Both men laugh darkly and the one hovering over Lisa turns and stares at her, his blood red eyes piercing right through her. “How does it feel to be all alone? To feel so helpless while your family is killed right before your eyes?” He jumps down and runs towards her balling his fist up and punching her in the stomach; the impact was so great that she buckled to her knees coughing up blood. He kicks her in the stomach throwing her into a boulder. She gags choking on her blood. She clutches her stomach trying to steady herself. She hears him say “Alright, I’ve had my fun, now it’s your turn to die so you can join your pathetic family. But first I gotta tell ya, your mother was so weak and scrawny. I broke her in half like a toothpick. And your father I gotta hand it to him, he was strong but not strong enough. He took a while to deal with, but eventually I got him too. Now your sister was easier to deal with than your mother. I only had to squeeze her throat but I wanted you to watch as she died slowly by my hands. In the end she began to bore me so I killed her easily. It was pretty fun. I enjoyed watching your struggling and your sister’s pain.” Viola grew angrier and angrier by the second. Something in her heart finally cracks and a loud roar starts forming deep down inside her making it to her throat. The man stops laughing and looks at her. Viola feels her strength grow and she stands up looking his way through her hair. Suddenly an explosion of wind, fire, ice, and water form around her growing thicker and stronger. The roar finally explodes from her throat and the men have to cover their ears. She starts rising into the sky and they watch as she is cocooned in a thick shell of elements. She calls in a voice strong with rage, hatred and disgust “Jordan, do you think I would let you go unpunished for what you just did?” He backs away from her suddenly feeling fear as he feels her power pulsing through the air sucking up oxygen. Suddenly the elements start melding together forming one big mist of gold. She starts shining as the mist surrounds her slowly entering in through her mouth. He watches her not believing his eyes. Something starts forming on her shoulder blades as they spread out to the sky growing wider and brighter. Her eyes open and they glow a bright gold. She looks down at him as the figures growing from her back become visible; wings!! Big beautiful wings spread across the sky as golden sparkles fall from them. “Jordan, you will not escape me.” Suddenly she hears a yell and she turns to it. She sees a young man making his way towards them. She looks down at him as he comes to a stop on a hill looking up at her. She says “What is it you need?” He says “I was tracking Jordan when I saw a bright explosion and a loud scream.” She says “Why are you tracking this bastard?” He says “‘because the bastard killed my comrades.” She slowly lowers herself towards him and asks him “What is your name young man?” He says “Why does it matter?” She says “It doesn’t.” He stares at her then says “Jensen” She says “I’ve heard about you.” Jensen asks “Why are you after him?” Her eyes slowly darken as rage pulses through her and gold flames form around her and she clenches her fists as she says “He killed my entire family. Just now he killed my sister right before my eyes.” Thinking about it she feels rage all over her and she forgets her conversation with Jensen and turns back to Jordan as her wings ends grow pointed. Jensen stares in amazement as he sees her brilliant wings. She suddenly grabs Jensen’s hand and he says “What the hell are you doing?” She grips his hand hard as she tells him, “If you want to kill this bastard as much as me, then wouldn’t it be best if we did it together?” He stares at her then smiles and says “Alright, let’s do this.” She lets her tears flow freely as she rises into the sky with Jensen closing her eyes and wrapping her wings around Jensen. He closes his eyes to following her lead. She shines bright and he starts glowing as well as some of her power flows into him; then she unfurled her wings from him and she and he both stare down at Jordan. She raises her hands to the sky and he raises his hand to the sky. They both say the names of the people they lost and a narrow arrow of blinding gold flies across the sky and descend to Jordan. He dodges the first and second one barely missing the third one. Jordan raises his hand to the sky and a red orb starts forming in his hand. He aims it at the three arrows and fires. “Foolish child, do you honestly think those arrows will kill me?” She looks down at him and says “You underestimate us do you? Well see for yourself if you can survive the arrows blows.” Jordan smiles as his orb collide with the arrows; a blast forms and smoke surrounds both of them. Then the arrows fly down to Jordan and he dodges to the right. Surprise colors his face and he stares up at them feeling desperation fill him. He forms two orbs throwing them at them but they are countered by three gold arrows. Then Viola suddenly brightens and Jensen looks over at Viola. Her shine grew and the hand holding his brightened as well and the swell of light suddenly spread over him. He felt her emotions running through her and really looked at her. He saw golden tears spreading over her cheeks. He felt her sadness, her pain and anger, her rage, and her love. These emotions only strengthened his. He looked down at Jordan and they both formed a golden orb that emanated their emotions. It grew and grew and grew and Viola released Jensen’s hand leaving him floating in the air. He watched her as the orb enveloped around her. Her eyes were closed and her wings were spread wide and glowing. The orb brightened until it looked like the sun. Jensen found it surprising that he was able to look at it without going blind. Then slowly Viola’s eyes opened. “Jordan, do you know what this is?” He was puzzled. “This orb holds the emotions you evoked in me and Jensen. The very thing you have given us we will give back to you” Then she threw it at him. Her eyes closed and the orb soared through the air towards Jordan. She glowed as the wind blew around her. The orb flew down towards Jordan. He tried to move but Viola opened her eyes quickly and stared at him freezing his legs in place. The orb came barrowing down on him until it crashed down on him. Viola stared down at the orb as it took Jordan into it. Then the orb came up and brought it to Viola. She looked into it seeing Jordan’s frightened eyes. “This is the end of you. You can’t destroy anyone else’s lives.” Then Viola spread her arms wide closing her eyes then sucked in a deep breath and then blew out bringing her arms across her chest and slowly shrunk the orb. Jordan’s screams came through but she ignored them shrinking it until it was as small as a pea. Then the orb dropped into her hand. It still glowed brightly; Viola closed her eyes closing her hand then said a few quick words. The glow in her hand disappeared and when she ope
ned her hand the orb disappeared. Jensen stared in astonishment. He looked up at Viola noticing her hair covered her eyes. Just as he was going to say something Viola flew over to him and wrapped her arms around him tilting his head back and brought her lips down to his. His eyes widened in shock at her lips on his. She parted with him and looked him in his eyes and said “Thank you for your help. I am very grateful.” Then slowly she wrapped her wings around him and they flew back down to the earth. When their feet touched the ground she unfurled her wings from around him. They spread high into the sky far and wide. Her arms spread as well and her eyes closed. The glow around her dulled and her wings started to fade. Afterwards she opened her eyes and let her arms fall back to her side. Her head bowed and she felt herself shaking. Jensen stared down at her. Viola turned away from him and she walked over to her sister’s body. She fell to her knees beside her pulling the sword out of her arm then gathered her into her arms and cried hard. She cried into her chest. “Why? Why” He watched his eyes filled with sorrow. She threw her head back and screamed “LISA!!” Her cries filled the valley and the wind blew over her. Her heart was broken in two. She held her sisters cold stiff body. She kissed her forehead then placed her hand to her forehead and said “I’ll miss you Lisa. I love you” Her hand started glowing and Lisa’s body glowed as well. Viola sang Lisa’s favorite song to her; “Lullaby (Goodbye my Angel).” As the song ended her body slowly faded until there was no one in her arms. Her hands dropped and she got up weakly. She turned to Jensen and stared into his eyes. Then her eyes closed and she fell unconscious. She started falling forward but Jensen grabbed her before she fell. He stared down at her. “She’s deeply hurt” He picked her up and ran her back to his home. When he got to his den he walked her to his room and placed her on his bed and placed a blanket over her. He stared down at her sadly and gratefully. He bent down and pressed his lips to hers giving her back what she gave him. He came up staring at her then left the room. In the morning Viola opened her eyes and stared up at the ceiling. She hadn’t yet realized that she was in a room. She sat up and rubbed her eyes yawning. She looked out the window seeing a beautiful cherry tree. Then she saw a bird chirping feeding her young one. Viola lowered her eyes to her hands and let her hair cover her eyes. She gripped the sheets as her tears started welling up. She brought her hands up and placed them on her face. She cried silently wishing she could’ve done something for her sister. She blamed herself for everything. Suddenly she felt something wrap around her. She opened her eyes and saw Jensen, “Jensen?” He tightened his hold around her pulling her against his chest, her head resting on it and her arms around him. He said “It’s okay” She sat there for a minute, then her pain started rising to the surface and she hugged him tight crying into his chest. He sat silently letting her cry. He knew she needed it. He knew what it was like to lose someone close to him. Her sobs grew thick and she cried hard against his chest letting all the pain that had built up over the years out. They stayed that way for a long time. Eventually he laid down pulling her closer into his chest resting a hand on top of her head and the other around her. She cried for a long time torment and anguish spilling out of her. He lay there, never losing patience. He simply closed his eyes and let her release her sadness. An hour later she finally quieted trembling in his arms. “Are you a little bit better now?” She brought her head up to look at him. She stared into his eyes then she nodded. He brushed away the stray tears. “If you have nowhere to go then you can stay here as long as you want to. I never got the opportunity to thank you for your help. I’m very grateful. I’m sorry about your sister.” She stared blankly at her hands. “Thank you” she said in a small voice. He rubbed her back. Then he picked her up and said “You hungry?” She said “A little” “Okay, I’ll take you to the kitchen; I’ll make you something.” She followed silently behind him staring at her surroundings. They stepped into the kitchen and he headed to the fridge. He opened it rummaging through it and came up with a package of turkey, cheese, and some condiments. He sat them on the counter and grabbed a loaf of bread, a plate and a knife. He set to work making a couple sandwiches and grabbed a couple bags of chips and two Sprites. They ate in silence and afterwards he washed out the plates and threw out his empty can. He sat with her and waited for her to finish hers. Afterwards they left the kitchen and headed into the front room. She sat down and tucked her legs under her resting her arms on them. Jensen looked at her trying to decipher her eyes. Her eyes were on the rain outside the window. She ran her fingers through her hair and closed her eyes. What now?

Alyssa Chambers's Novels