Page 17 of Siren in Bloom

  What if she could keep them both? Leo hadn’t mentioned anything about this going beyond a single night, but why should she just let him walk out? Wolf seemed perfectly happy with his brother joining them. Why should she lie down? Why the hell shouldn’t she fight for exactly what she wanted?

  “Please, Leo,” she whispered, her hands finding his shoulders. “Please. I need you so badly.”

  A fire seemed to light in those deep blue eyes. Her soft words seemed to get to him in a way yelling would never have worked.

  “Then I’ll give you what you need.” His face hardened as he pushed his hips ups and started to work that huge cock into her pussy.

  Wolf kissed her, little butterflies across her face and hair that reminded her he was still here with her.

  Leo groaned, moving tentatively. “You’re so fucking small.”

  And he was so damn big. He stretched her pussy, but the burn felt good.

  Leo glanced at his brother, a desperate look on his face. “She feels too good. God, Wolf, I haven’t done this in a while. I’m not going to last. Help me. You’re the expert at this.”

  Wolf grinned, his perfect lips lifting in what looked like pure happiness. “Finally something I’m better at. Kiss me, sweetheart, and let us make you come.”

  She didn’t feel even close to coming, but it was all right. Her body still hummed with everything they had already given her. It didn’t matter. She just wanted to feel Leo as he worked over her. She wanted to feel his body stiffen as she brought him to climax. But if Wolf wanted to kiss her while it was happening, she was more than fine with that.

  She had a sudden vision of being between them. One on top and one behind her, both of her men using her body, both of her men giving theirs to her.

  Wolf kissed her, his tongue surging inside as Leo groaned and finally slid in, his heavy balls caressing the cheeks of her ass. Shelley moaned at the exquisite feeling of being utterly filled with Leo’s cock.

  Wolf broke off the kiss and winked down at her before letting his hand slide down her torso.

  “What are you doing?” Leo asked, never letting up on the slow slide of his cock.

  “Helping,” Wolf replied. “You can pick up the pace. She’ll come in less than sixty seconds. Try to find her G-spot. Twenty bucks says we can make her scream.”

  “You don’t have a serious bone in your body. And of course I can find her G-spot.” Leo growled and twisted his hips, proving to Shelley that she did indeed have a spot deep inside her that felt amazing.

  “Oh my god,” Shelley gasped, the sweet pressure beginning to build as Wolf’s hands reached their destination, her clit. Wolf began to rub her clit, matching Leo’s thrusts as though they had played this particular symphony a hundred times together.

  “Come for me, baby. Oh, come all over my cock. I want to feel it,” Leo said.

  “Clench down, sweetheart. Milk his cock. Make him give you every ounce of his cum,” Wolf cajoled as he pinched her clit.

  Leo thrust up, hitting that magical spot as Wolf pressed down, and she screamed for them. She clutched at Leo’s shoulders, feeling her nails digging into his flesh. She pressed her hips up, trying to keep that cock inside. Wild pleasure thrashed through her system as they kept up the unrelenting pace. She couldn’t breathe, but it didn’t matter because she could feel. She gave up thinking about the uncertainty of the future or the sorrow of the past. She simply was. She was a ball of pleasure, giving and taking.

  Leo’s whole body tightened, and he fucked into her harder and faster, not giving her a moment’s rest before the next wave hit her. He stiffened above her, growling and pressing in, grinding out his orgasm.

  A sense of peace drifted over her as Leo collapsed. Wolf’s hand came out from between them, and he leaned back as though giving the moment to them.

  She was covered in a fine sheen of sweat, and she couldn’t tell if it was hers or his. It didn’t matter. His cock was still inside her. He hadn’t pulled away. He wrapped his arms around her and, with a lazy, satiated look in his blue eyes, took the time to kiss her. Their bodies mingled, arms and legs entangled, his chest on her breasts, his belly nestled sweetly against hers. His tongue slid around hers, but it was a long, slow slide.

  Afterglow made her feel languid and happy.

  Leo came up for air. He put his forehead against hers. “Thank you, baby. I waited a long time for that.”

  He kissed her again and then rolled off. She looked over at him, a little of her glow fading. Was he going to just leave? He rolled to his side and got off the bed, his hand dealing with the condom, covering it in a tissue and tossing it into the trash can. She swallowed and forced herself not to beg him to stay.

  Instead of walking out, he climbed back on the bed and lay down on his side, propping his head up in one hand.

  “Staying to watch, brother?” Wolf asked.

  She turned to see Wolf slipping a condom over his ridiculously hard cock. Her breath caught. Again? How could she possibly come again?

  “I’ve been a voyeur in my time. Never with a woman I really cared about, but I’d like to see how I handle it. You’ve been pushing my boundaries all night long, Wolf. Let’s see where this one goes. Fuck her hard, brother. She feels so damn good,” Leo said, his words a delicious thrill to her.

  And then Wolf was on top of her. “You’re going to be so sore tomorrow, sweetheart, but don’t worry about it. We’ll take care of you.”

  Wolf worked his cock in and proved he was a man of his word.

  * * * *

  Steve Holder took a long breath and prayed he hadn’t heard what he thought he’d heard.

  “What did you say?” Holder asked, well aware that the question came out of his mouth like a cobra ready to strike. If he’d been in the same room with Mitchell Cross, he would have struck. He would have reached out and broken the imbecile’s neck in a heartbeat.

  “I said we took care of it.”

  Cross’s words were slightly slurred. Drunken cokehead idiot. Holder looked over at Kyle, who was sitting at his computer. Holder was pretty sure the kid slept at the computer. Kyle’s head came up.

  Holder put a hand over the phone. “Check police activity on Shelley McNamara Hughes from tonight.”

  Kyle’s fingers started flying across the keys. He hoped he was wrong, but he doubted it. If that dumbass had tried something, it had more than likely failed.

  “Explain to me exactly what you took care of, Senator.” Holder had a bad feeling that he knew what it was, but he needed to hear it from the man’s own mouth.

  There was a hesitance as though the senator finally understood Holder wasn’t thrilled with his late-night phone call. He cleared his throat, the sound jarring. “I just thought you should know that the blackmail situation has been handled. The woman won’t give us any more trouble.”

  Holder felt his stomach turn. “You’re really going to have to be more specific. Did you kill the target or talk to her and decide to form a partnership?”

  “She’s dead.”

  Holder turned to Kyle, who looked up from his monitor. He nodded, mouthing the words, “Got a hit.”

  “Hang on, Senator. Don’t you dare hang up on me.” He covered the mouthpiece and looked back at Kyle. “Give me some good news. Tell me she’s alive. If she isn’t, then we’re never going to find that fucking file, and we’re always going to be looking over our backs.”

  “I can help you out there, sir. I just pulled up a police report involving your girl,” Kyle said. Holder could hear the printer starting to warm up. “It looks like she was attacked outside that club she’s working in. She’s alive. Two attackers are dead. The police are calling it an attempted mugging. You can read it for yourself.”

  Rage threatened to choke Holder. Stupid man. He gripped the cell, surprised he didn’t break it. “You fucker, she’s alive. Your men, if I can even call them men, are the dead ones.”

  “No. That’s not possible.” There was a shuffling sound as though he was w
alking around, ambling. “She was so sure. She paid the money.”

  “Who the fuck is ‘she’?”

  There was a little whine in his voice. “My wife. I didn’t do this. I trust you, but she doesn’t. She’s a manipulative bitch, and now she’s fucked everything up. I was told she hired two men, killers. How did that little tramp get away? How did she take them out?”

  “She didn’t, you idiot. I’m sure she had an escort. The last time I saw her she was with one of the Meyer brothers. Do you have any idea what kind of a reputation those brothers have? They’re legends in the SEALs. They’re known for being able to kill without really thinking about it.”

  God, this stupid fuck had placed him in an awkward position. If he was Leo Meyer and he gave a damn about Shelley McNamara Hughes, he would wonder why the fuck an old teammate had shown up just as his girl was threatened. He knew exactly what he would think. He would think that the old damn teammate had something to do with it.

  Senator Mitchell Cross had fucked him.

  “It wasn’t me,” Cross said, his voice low as though he didn’t want someone to hear him. “I didn’t even know about it. I didn’t plan it. My wife is a bitch. She’s a loose fucking cannon. I can’t control her. I can’t make her get into line.”

  Holder didn’t give a shit about Cross’s wife. If Cross didn’t have scene control, then Cross didn’t fucking deserve to live. God, did that fucker have any idea how hard he’d just made Holder’s job? He wasn’t sure which of the Meyer brothers had been with her at the time, but it didn’t matter. Brothers were brothers, and it was worse when they were all former SEALs. That connection bled through anything Holder could throw at them.

  He wouldn’t be able to turn them against each other. So he would have to find another way in. He would have to give one of them something he wanted.

  Luckily, he had something Leo Meyer wanted very badly.

  “If this gets traced back to you, you better keep your fucking mouth shut.” Holder was well aware that his words dripped ice. Cross should be damn happy he wasn’t in the same room with Holder. Money meant something to Holder. The fact that Cross was a senator would make it more fun to murder his ass once he became a liability. And there was no doubt Cross was a damn liability. He was a drug addict, and he couldn’t control his dumb bitch wife.

  Cross huffed. “It won’t get traced back to me. Damn it. I didn’t do this.”

  How quickly he forgot. He’d called all happy and righteous, arguing that he’d managed something Holder couldn’t. “I doubt that. But if you think you can bring me into this, you’re wrong. I’ll get to you long before you can say my name to the cops.”

  He had a lot of people on his payroll. He would make sure Cross never testified against him. He might make sure Cross never fucking breathed again. Just because he was pissed as shit. Politicians were useless.

  “Damn it, don’t try to intimidate me.” Cross’s statement would have been more effective if his voice hadn’t broken in a sad little whine. He lowered his voice suddenly. “It’s my wife. It’s all her. You should take her out. Do me a favor. She’s going to screw us all.”

  “Keep your wife in line, Cross. If we have to have this conversation again, it will be in person, and you won’t like the outcome.” Holder hung up the phone and turned it off. He wouldn’t answer the senator’s calls for a day or two. The politician was scheduled to go to The Club in a couple of days, and then Holder would be forced to deal with him, but until then, he wouldn’t give him the fucking time of day.

  “Lieutenant?” Kyle said, his voice polite.

  Holder took a long breath. At least Kyle had a damn brain in his head. “Yes? Who was with her? Leo or Wolf?”

  “It was Wolf, sir. He apparently took both men out, easy peasy. Two bullets each. Two to the chest. I bet if he’d been alone, he would have put one more to the head, but she was with him. I know if I was on a date, I wouldn’t blow some guy’s head off. Girls don’t really like that. Well, some do, but I find those chicks really disturbing.”

  Holder tossed the cell aside. He didn’t need to hear about Kyle’s dating requirements. “I need you to print out that file I gave you yesterday.”

  Kyle’s eyes went wide. “The super-creepy dead chick file?”

  Holder shrugged. It was a pretty accurate description. It was an old file, but Holder had learned that information was power. He never got rid of files. He couldn’t guess when he would need the information. It was precisely why he didn’t trust Shelley Hughes. If he was in her position, he would have kept that tape. “Yeah. Print it all out, complete with an address that makes it look like it came from someone other than me. And get me the plans for that club. I’m going to have to go in myself.”

  If Leo Meyer wouldn’t come to him, then he could damn sure go to Leo. A little theatrical flair was all he needed to get Meyer’s mind off the fact that Holder was a possible suspect. Leo wouldn’t be able to resist trying to find out just who had killed his Afghan girl.

  And Holder would explain that he was just here to help.

  Meyer never needed to know that he was the one who had killed his lover. Or that he fully intended to kill his new lover.

  Chapter Eleven

  Wolf rolled over, well aware that his brother had left minutes before. Wolf had been awake for over an hour, the early days of ranch life and military life ingrained on his body’s rhythms. He’d lain in bed, listening to the sounds of Shelley’s breathing. He’d felt at peace. He stretched, feeling better than he had in months.

  Everything was falling into place.

  He didn’t think for a minute that Leo wouldn’t pull back and do his dumb-shit, this-is-only-for-sex routine, but Wolf knew better. Leo could fight it all he wanted, but six months from now, Wolf and Shelley would still be right here in this condo and Leo wouldn’t know exactly what had hit him. Sometime after that, he would find his ass standing in front of a group of their friends putting his own collar around Shelley’s neck and a ring on her finger. And sometime after that, he would wonder just where the hell those kids had come from.

  Yeah, his brother would wake up and find himself settled down and happy. Wolf was going to make sure of it.

  Shelley sighed against him. When Leo had left the bed, she’d turned, cuddling up to him.

  His cock got hard in an instant. He felt a grin split his face. He’d fucked her twice the night before, but he was so ready for more. He couldn’t get enough of her. He’d dreamed about her as he slept, as though he hadn’t wanted to leave her side even in his own brain. He reached over and grabbed a condom, rolling it over his dick. He palmed some lube and greased up his cock, anticipation making him focus.

  He loved morning fucking. He loved waking up in a warm, sleepy haze and rolling onto his sub’s soft body. He hadn’t had a steady girl in a long time and never one he cared about the way he did Shelley.

  He had her legs spread and her pussy penetrated before she could open her eyes.

  He stroked into her. Despite last night’s exercise, she was still so tight he had to be careful with her. But he believed in starting as he meant to go. She was his. He would protect her with his life, coddle her, indulge her whenever he could. He would be her champion and her worshipper, but she was his. She would be his to fuck and love any way he wanted. He would wake her up with his cock and put her to sleep the same way, with his dick deep inside her pussy.

  She sighed, and her lips curved as she started to wake up.

  “Good morning,” she said, those gorgeous kick-him-in-the-gut brown eyes fluttering open. God, Julian had been a smart man. He’d insisted on a month of contact between the two of them without any exchange of pictures or in-person meetings. If Wolf had seen her, he would have been all over her curvy ass without ever having said a word. She was even more beautiful because he really knew her. He’d spent a month getting to know her hopes and fears and fantasies.

  He leaned down and kissed her, never letting up on the slow drag of his cock. He lov
ed her lips. They were plump and soft. “Morning, sweetheart. I think Leo’s making coffee.”

  Her eyes darkened, but she let her hands drift up around his shoulders, and her legs gripped his waist. “It’s okay. I know it was just a night.”

  And she had such little faith. Wolf pumped into her, enjoying the penetration. Last night had been a whirlwind of lust, but this morning was a slow, languid dance. She didn’t need the lube now. Her pussy had slicked up nicely. She was so fucking responsive. He cuddled his chest to hers. He loved the feel of her nipples poking up at him.

  “He’ll walk through those doors in a few minutes, and he’ll start bitching at me because we’re all going to be late to this breakfast thing. And then he’ll bitch about me being on top of you. Really, sweetheart, his bitching is the way he shows affection.” Wolf twisted his hips, satisfied with the way Shelley’s mouth came open and she gasped. Yeah. That was her sweet spot. That was the spot that got her motor running and fast. He felt her nails start to bite into his shoulders. He liked the fact that his little cat had some claws on her. He didn’t mind the marks.

  He intended to leave a few marks of his own.

  “Goddamn it, Wolf,” his brother said from the doorway. Sure enough, Wolf could smell coffee. “Do you know how sore she must be? We weren’t easy on her last night. Did you even wake her up before you started fucking her?”

  The light came back in Shelley’s eyes, making them sparkle with mirth. “He didn’t, Leo. I woke up like this. But I can handle it. Oh, oh, oh.”

  Wolf winked down as she started to come. He felt the little muscles of her pussy milking his cock, and he gave over. He would love to fuck her for another couple of hours, but they really would be late for Julian’s little meeting. He picked up the pace, grinding down on her clit as he felt his balls draw up.

  Blessed relief. His cum poured out. One day he wouldn’t wear the condom, but it wasn’t time yet. He pumped his cum out, wishing he was shooting it into her womb.