Page 32 of Siren in Bloom

  “You did, sweetheart,” Leo said, frowning. “You show no signs of having long-term emotional problems with it. Am I wrong?”

  “I didn’t care, Leo. That’s what I never told you. That man held a gun to my head. He killed my husband right in front of me, and all I was worried about was whether Beth and Bo survived because I didn’t care about me. I felt dead inside. I didn’t care if he killed me because I didn’t have anything to live for. I was almost disappointed when Trev saved me. There was a part of me that wanted it to be over. I’d lost my mom and dad. I’d married a monster, and I thought I maybe deserved it all.”

  “Shelley.” Wolf’s heart was breaking. He reached for her hand.

  She shook her head, but her fingers threaded through his, accepting his comfort. Tears rolled down her face. “It wasn’t the same this time. Leo’s going to have to deal with some serious nightmares because I didn’t want to die. I couldn’t die, not when I just figured out what the whole love thing meant. Leo, I’m so sorry. I should have trusted in what I felt. I keep trying to sacrifice myself because I think it’s the only way to fix things, but I know now that I’m not alone in this. We’re all together. We can’t make decisions alone anymore. Holder put that needle in my neck, and I didn’t want to die. I wanted to do anything I could to live.”

  “You told me to let him push the plunger,” Leo said, his voice hard. “Don’t think I haven’t forgotten that.”

  “I know, but he was lying, Leo. It was truth serum. He didn’t want me dead when he measured the dose. He wanted me talking. I was pretty sure it wouldn’t kill me, but a bullet would have killed you.”

  “It doesn’t matter, baby,” Wolf said. “We need to set some serious boundaries. Look, we will follow your instructions when it comes to swatches and paint and furniture.”

  “Unless you try to wallpaper my office, and then we’ll have a problem,” Leo said.

  Shelley laughed a little. “All right. I’m in charge of making things pretty, and you two handle the bad guys. I can agree to that.”

  Wolf hugged her, reveling in the feel of her in his arms. This was his place in the world. He’d searched for it, longed for it, mistakenly believed it was something like a career, but this was his place. Her arms. Her heart. Her soul. This was his home.

  “I love you, Shelley.”

  She smiled brilliantly. “I love you, too.”

  He pulled the blue box out of his pocket. “This is what I wanted to get before I decided to do the self-sacrificial asshole thing.”

  “It seems to be a recurring theme in this family. We’ll be in therapy for years,” Leo said with a sigh.

  Shelley opened the box and touched the interlinking circles. “This is perfect.”

  “It isn’t a ring, but I thought Leo and I should pick that out,” Wolf said.

  “I wouldn’t dream of picking out a ring for her,” Leo said. “I would screw it up. How about we take our woman and let her pick it out? After all, she’s in charge of pretty things.”

  Shelley went still. “Is that supposed to be a proposal?”

  Wolf knew when they had fucked up. “Nope. Not a proposal because when we propose, it’s going to be beautiful and romantic and very memorable.”

  “And you’ll say yes,” Leo announced.

  Shelley grinned. “Yes. I suspect I will. Now someone better kiss me. I didn’t take that stupid butt plug for nothing. I want my men.”

  Wolf felt his cock jump at the thought. He wanted it, too. He wanted to fill her up. Carefully avoiding her neck, he kissed her, his lips finding hers with the unerring instinct of a man coming home. Soft, she was so soft, his woman.

  He let his tongue delve in, sliding against hers, dominating. She softened under him, giving him exactly what he wanted. He pulled her into his arms, pressing her chest to his.

  He came up for air. “Are you sure you’re up for this? I can be pretty rough. I’ll try to be careful.”

  “Don’t you dare,” she said, her nails digging ever so slightly into his shoulders. “I want my Masters. I’m the world’s worst sub, but I want my Masters. I want them rough and masculine and bossy. I want you and Leo exactly the way you are.”

  And he wanted to dominate her. His cock was swollen with need. “Strip.”

  Her mouth came open. “What?”

  “You heard him, pet. My brother told you to strip. Let’s make a quick amendment. We handle the bad guys, you handle the decorating, and we are definitely in charge in the bedroom.” Leo’s eyes had darkened.

  Shelley obviously wasn’t about to just give in to that. “I get to pick the wine, too. And three times a week, I get to pick what we watch on TV or see at the movies.”

  His girl was a negotiator. And he foresaw a whole lot of HGTV and reality shows in his future. “Agreed. Now, strip.”

  He got to his feet and stood beside his brother as Shelley tossed the blanket off. She was wearing pajama pants and a T-shirt.

  “No more clothes when we’re alone. If I have to watch TV shows about people making food I can’t eat, then at least you can be naked while I do it,” Leo said.

  Wolf liked the way his brother thought. “And you have to let one of us shower with you every morning. You’ll allow your Masters to clean you.”

  She snorted, an oddly adorable sound. “I bet there will be a whole lot of cleaning going on.”

  She tugged the T-shirt over her head, and Wolf’s mouth watered. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Her breasts were round with large pink-and-brown nipples that he loved to suck on. Her hands shook a little as she pushed the pajama pants down and off her hips. Her pussy was such a perfect little bud, a flower that bloomed just for them.

  “I didn’t want to die this time because I finally knew what it meant to be alive,” Shelley said, standing in front of them. She didn’t try to hide herself. “I knew what it meant to love.”

  Leo stepped forward, his hands finding her curves. Wolf walked to the back, pressing his pelvis to her round ass.

  “I love you, baby. This is forever,” Leo said, his lips kissing her forehead, her nose, her lips.

  “Forever and a day,” Wolf promised, nuzzling her neck. That just might be enough time.

  * * * *

  Forever. The word meant something now. Shelley breathed in, letting the sweetness of the moment assail her every sense. This was the perfect place to be, between her men, her Masters. Oh, that part of their relationship might not be the dominant one, but it was there, and she would honor it. It was something they all needed.

  “Show me what a good girl you are,” Leo whispered, stepping away.

  She knew what he wanted. She got to her knees as gracefully as she could. She vowed to practice until the move was second nature, a gift to honor her Masters. She spread her legs wide without the horrible inhibitions of before. There wasn’t a place for self-doubt here. She placed her hands on her knees palms up and lowered her head.

  “Very nice,” Wolf said. “But I think I’d like to see you present yourself. Bring your head up, arms behind your head. I want to see everything that belongs to us. I want to see breasts and pussy.”

  With a deep breath, she did as he asked, lacing her hands behind the back of her head. It brought her breasts up, thrusting them into a presentation position.

  “These are lovely, brother. I love her tits. But I think I want to decorate them. The little sub is in charge of decorating everything else, but I think we get to decorate her. I’m going to grab a few necessary items. Why don’t you warm up her mouth?” Wolf asked.

  “It would be my pleasure.” Leo looked down at her, his thumb trailing across her lower lip. “How would you like that, my pet? Would you like to suck your Master’s cock?”

  “Yes, Leo. I would like that very much.” She loved to watch him undress, that glorious body revealed to her inch by inch.

  Leo pulled his clothes off with his natural efficiency. He folded each piece and turned back to her, cock in hand. She licked her lips. Leo’s cock was a th
ing of beauty. Big and thick and long. There was already a pearly drop on the tip.

  “Keep your hands behind your head. I like to look at those breasts bounce while I fuck your mouth.” He took that massive cock in hand and stepped in front of her. “Lick me. Run your tongue all over me.”

  She leaned in slightly and did as he asked, licking the salty, savory pre-cum from the slit of his dick. She burrowed the tip of her tongue in, begging for more. She lapped at the V on the underside of his cock.

  “Baby, you give great head,” Leo growled, his hands in her hair. “You have the world’s most fuckable mouth.”

  His words warmed her. For so long, she’d heard about how cold she was from Bryce, but Leo and Wolf made her hot. They made her feel like a sex goddess. They loved her and she loved them, and suddenly everything seemed open. What would have been dirty with Bryce was loving and affectionate with them. Love, it seemed, made all acts soft and emotional. Leo and Wolf could use all the dirty words they wanted to, but this was making love.

  She sucked the head inside her lips, giving him just the edge of her tongue. She wanted to make her Master as crazy as he made her. She wanted a lifetime with both of them. When she was old and gray, she wanted her men to tie her up and spank her wrinkled ass because she would always be theirs.

  “That’s beautiful, love.” Wolf’s words were like warm chocolate poured over her skin.

  Leo pulled his cock free. “I think you should have a turn, brother. Ma did tell me to share.”

  “Well, we don’t want to go against Ma, do we?” Somewhere along the way, Wolf had lost his clothes. His enormous body was on full display. Every muscle and inch of skin was a testament to his masculine grace. He winked down at her as he took Leo’s place in front of her. “Ma’s going to want to meet her.”

  Leo smiled. “Ma’s going to want to make sure she’s alien free. You should understand that Ma has an obsession with alien probes.”

  Shelley felt her eyes get wide. “Alien probes?”

  “There’s only one probe you need to worry about, baby.” Wolf’s cock thrust against her lips. Shelley licked him, loving the way he groaned. She licked at Wolf’s monster, running her tongue over it. She lapped at the head, sucking it into her mouth.

  “That’s right. Use that tongue on me. Suck me deep. Get me hard.”

  Shelley followed his directions. Wolf loved to talk dirty. Every word that came out of his mouth had a direct line to her pussy, making her wet and ready. She felt a hand on her ass, cupping her. Leo. She was connected to them both.

  She concentrated on the cock in front of her.

  “I love the way that feels. Leo’s going to get your ass ready, baby. He’s going to fuck you with his fingers and then with a plug. He’s going to open that little asshole up for your Master’s cock. Do you want that? Do you want to feel your Master’s cock filling your ass?” Wolf groaned as she took his cock deep into her mouth. “Exactly, baby. That’s what I’m going to do to your ass. I’m going to sink so deep inside. I’m going to fuck your asshole while big brother takes your pussy.”

  She felt Leo’s fingers probing. He rimmed her asshole, spreading lube around, pressing in with an erotic pressure that had her panting.

  He slapped her ass. “Don’t you squeeze me out. This ass belongs to us. You let me in. You let me get you ready for a cock.”

  Wolf smiled down at her. “Relax. It’s going to be okay. We’re going to make you feel so good, baby.”

  Like they could do anything else. She sucked the cock in front of her and felt the head of a plug teasing at the edge of her asshole. It felt bigger than before. The pressure built.

  “Press back,” Wolf said calmly. He pulled his cock free of her mouth and got to his knees in front of her. “Bring your arms down and lean against me. When Leo presses the plug against you, take a deep breath and press your pelvis back.”

  She leaned into Wolf’s strength. This was why she could submit. The minute Wolf had realized she was struggling, he was down here with her, lending his strength. It was the way he would live his life, giving her what she needed.

  “Here we go,” Leo said.

  This time when she felt the press, she didn’t fight it. She pressed out, and the plug slid in, stretching and burning erotically. She shivered as Wolf got her to her feet.

  Leo kissed the back of her neck. “Very good, pet. I’m going to wash up and bring you another present.”

  Wolf put a hand under her chin. “I think it’s your day for presents, baby.” His face went hard all of the sudden, but Shelley knew it wasn’t his mad face. It was his controlling-himself face. “You’re going to marry me. You’re really going to marry me.”

  Happy tears welled. She brought her hands up to cup his handsome face. “Oh, yes. I’ll marry you, Wolf Meyer.”

  “I’ll ask you every day. I’ll wake you up every morning, and I’ll ask you if you’ll marry me.”

  “Oh, Wolf,” she said, her heart swelling with emotion. “I’ll say yes every day.”

  Suddenly Leo was behind her, his hands skimming down her back. “You better say yes to me, too. I’m the one who gets to sign all the legal documents. We’ll have a nice wedding and even better honeymoon where we have to explain why the big guy’s with us.”

  She loved Leo’s smart mouth.

  “The big guy’s around to make sure our little woman’s needs get met.” Wolf winked down at her. “Now, I see those pretty jewels in your hand. Did you pick them out special for our sub?”

  Wolf turned her to face Leo, catching her arms in his hands. He held both her wrists in one big hand, forcing her chest out, putting her breasts back on display. Shelley looked at Leo and saw he had what looked like gorgeous emerald earrings in his hands.

  But her man was a bit of a sadist. She was pretty sure they weren’t what she thought. “Those aren’t for my ears are they?”

  His decadent grin told her everything she needed to know. He fell to his knees in front of her, his mouth right in front of her right nipple. “Not at all, baby. These jewels are for your pretty nipples. They’re clamps to torture a disobedient sub. And don’t you dare tell me you aren’t disobedient. You’re my sweet little brat. I wouldn’t have you any other way.”

  “Because then we wouldn’t get to punish you,” Wolf offered, his lips on her temple.

  It was good to know her rebellious streak came in handy. “Are you going to stare, Leo? Or are you going to use those things on me?”

  His eyes heated up. His mouth flattened into that Dom look he got when he was going to do something wickedly bad. “I think I’ll take my time and play a bit.”

  Torture worse than any spanking. Waiting. It killed her. He slowly leaned forward and licked her nipple, making the thing pout and beg for more attention.

  “I can smell her pussy, brother,” Wolf said.

  Leo traced the circle of her areola with the tip of his tongue. “That pussy is going to have to wait because I’m not giving her anything until she begs.”

  Begs? She could totally do that. He was way underestimating her need to get between them. “Please, Master Leo. Oh, please.”

  He stopped and stared at her. “God, you’re a brat. I’ll rephrase. I’m not stopping until I decide to.”

  “Don’t push him, baby.” Wolf’s teeth nipped at her ear. “I don’t want to prolong this. I want to get inside you. I want to know you’re mine.”

  Leo set the edge of his teeth on her nipple, making her gasp.

  “I’m yours, Wolf,” she said on a breath. “I’m Leo’s, too. I’ll be good. I’ll be good here.”

  She doubted she would be anywhere else. Now that they had built back her self-esteem, her men might find they had made a monster. She felt like she could take on the world. She was theirs. They were hers. It was all she needed.

  Leo bit down, the pain a sharp reminder that her Master was hungry. He bit and played with the nipple before slipping the nipple clamp on. The tight bite skittered across her skin.
  “Very pretty,” Leo said before starting in on her other breast. He gave it the same treatment, lashing it with his tongue and teeth until it was a ripe red berry, and then he slipped the clamp on. “You’re gorgeous like this, pet. One day I’m going to have these nipples pierced, and then I’ll run a chain between them.”

  She wasn’t sure about that, but Leo leaned over and put his nose in her pussy. It wasn’t the time to argue with the man.

  “You smell so good.” His tongue licked upward, making her pant.

  She wanted to scream in frustration when he got to his feet. He leaned over and kissed her, his tongue foraging deep. She could taste her own tangy essence on his tongue. He kissed her for the longest time before pulling away.

  “Come on. Let’s take our sub to the bedroom and show her what it means to serve two Masters.”

  Shelley followed, her fingers tangling with Leo’s. She reached back for Wolf, holding her hand out. He took it, completing the connection. She was the conduit, the reason these brothers would be close for the rest of their lives. The thought warmed her, made her aware of the awesome responsibility of her position. She held their hearts, and she’d given them hers.

  “Come here,” Leo ordered. When he turned, there was a brilliant smile on his face. He picked her up and hauled her close to his chest. “You never have to walk to our bed. One of us will always be here to carry you.”

  He looked younger than he had in months, as though his worries had flown away and he was the man she’d fallen in love with again. He tossed her on the bed and came down on top of her, his hands caressing, his mouth kissing. He turned them over, moving her in a position to straddle him. He looked up into her eyes.

  “You said you wanted kids, right?” Leo asked.

  The jewels on her nipples dangled down, tugging and making her breasts feel heavy and aroused. “Yes.” She wanted their babies. “I do, Leo.”

  “I’m not getting any younger.” The tip of Leo’s unsheathed cock nuzzled against her pussy.

  “Now?” She was shocked. She was sure she’d have to drag Leo kicking and screaming into the baby thing, but here he was, offering her everything she wanted.