Page 18 of Sirens in Bliss

  She moved out of his arms. “I should have known I was waking a sleeping bear.”

  Not a bear exactly. A sleeping Dom was more like it. “Come back here, love.”

  She turned slightly as she sat up. “I will, babe, but my bladder is smaller than it used to be. I’m going to get cleaned up and then we’ll see if we can keep this baby asleep for a little while. I think I’ll find another burst of energy somewhere.”

  She hauled herself up and walked toward the bathroom, leaving him with the sight of her fine backside. She shut the door and he laid back.

  His whole body was humming, but his head was right back to worrying.

  Jennifer seemed so sure of herself. She was a natural mother. She didn’t question anything, simply expected that they would be able to handle everything. She didn’t sit up anxious about all the things that could go wrong.

  She didn’t worry that she wouldn’t be able to love her child as much as he needed to be loved.

  Stef loved his father, but years of neglect had played hell on his confidence in this arena. He had no real memories to pull from, no place to start.

  He took a long breath. He still had some time. He could talk things out with Jennifer, maybe sit down with Max and Rye after he’d beaten the holy shit out of them and figure out how they had dealt with it. If Max Harper could be an effective father, there had to be hope for him.

  He had a week or two to figure it out.

  The door to the bathroom slammed open and Jennifer was standing there, a shocked expression on her face. “Stef?”

  His heart nearly stopped. He shot to his feet. “What’s wrong?”

  “My water broke.”

  His time was up.

  Chapter Sixteen:


  Rafe let himself into the small cabin he’d called home for the last year. It was blissfully devoid of the businessmen and women who had been arguing when he’d left.

  He glanced up at the clock. Five. Only a few hours until he was supposed to be at Trio. He’d skipped the men’s party, so he had to make an appearance at Trio. He didn’t know Leo or Shelley and he kind of still wanted to punch Wolf, but Laura had made him promise.

  If she was still talking to him.

  Cam was sitting at the kitchen table. He looked up when Rafe walked through the door. “Hey, man. I kicked everyone out. I told them you would get back to them. It should work for a couple of hours. The good news is Jen Talbot went into labor so they’ll be preoccupied with that for a few minutes.”

  Another friend for Sierra. “How’s the baby?”

  “Stella fed her while we were gone and she’s asleep again. Laura’s in there with her now. You know she just likes to stare.”

  Rafe did, too. He liked to stand over her crib and look down and watch her sleep.


  He turned and his breath caught. God, he loved his wife. He loved this family they had made together. “I’m not going to go anywhere.”

  Laura’s eyes went soft and she rushed to him, her arms winding around her waist. “We need to talk. I need to ask your forgiveness.”

  So Cam had talked to her. “It’s all right, bella.”

  Her head shook. “It’s not. I was mean. Oh, Rafe, I was just scared. I can’t stand the thought of losing you, but I can’t make dictates and draw lines in the sand without talking to you.”

  He let his hands find her hair. “I’m all right.”

  “I’m so sorry I said those things about your mom. You have to be devastated. I know how close you are.”

  “Were, my love. We were close, but she’s chosen to no longer be close to me.”

  Her arms tightened as though she was trying to hold him to her. “Are you mad at us?”

  “Never.” He forced her head up. “Oh, bella, I’m not even mad at her. I’m just sad and I feel a bit lost.”

  “Because of the job stuff? Rafe, I promise we’re going to make this all work. Once Cam’s done with the software, we’ll have a million options. You don’t have to work for a while.”

  Sure they would. “I would prefer to work, but I’ll take care of Sierra.”

  Sometimes a man had to sacrifice his dreams. And sometimes, a little voice inside him said, a man found new dreams, new hopes, new battles to fight.

  Tears were shining in Laura’s eyes as she looked up at him. “Or we can sit down and figure out how we would live in Miami.”

  Cam was suddenly standing beside him. “We can sit down and talk about it over dinner. We have to be at Trio in a couple of hours. Nate’s going to be at the hospital. He’s called in some backups to run the stationhouse. I need to hang out at this weird ceremony of Cassidy’s. Caleb is on doctor duty, so I might have to take care of Mel, if you know what I mean.”

  Another thing he wouldn’t have to worry about if they went to Miami. No one would have to be on standby in case Mel went a little crazy and needed to take a nap via sedative.

  Laura’s hands were on his waist. “We could talk about it now.”

  His body started to heat up at the seduction in her voice. They’d only had Sierra for two months. All of their time had been spent watching their new daughter, sitting up with her, feeding and loving her.

  He missed his wife. “Or we could not talk, bella.”

  He knew of only one way to make his wife be quiet. He dropped his mouth to hers and kissed her with everything he had.

  This was his safe place. This was where he could relax. When she was in his arms, he knew exactly what he’d been born to do. He’d been born to love her.

  His tongue surged inside, and she made no move to stop him. Oh, no, she softened underneath him, her lips parting eagerly and meeting him with the silky glide of her tongue.

  He heard her sigh a little as Cam moved in behind her.

  “Kiss Cam, bella.” He didn’t want to leave his partner out. Cam had his back. Cam had been the one to bridge the gap between them. Without Cam, they would still be fighting. He would have been too stubborn to explain himself. She would have been too angry to ask questions. Cam bridged them.

  And if he were gone, Cam would let Laura walk all over him. They needed each other.

  And they definitely needed her. He’d known it from the moment he’d seen her all those years ago. They had lost five damn years along the way. He wouldn’t allow them to lose another second.

  He watched as she kissed Cam. Cam pulled her body close. He was taller than Laura, bending his body over to get at her mouth. Cam devoured her, and watching them had Rafe’s cock twitching in his pants.

  They were going to have her. They were going to take her pussy and her ass and he would feel like he was a part of something incredible.

  Cam turned her back to Rafe, his hands pulling at her blouse. He brought it over her head and leaned in. “Take off that bra. Show us your breasts.”

  Yes, this was what he needed. He needed her compliant. He needed her soft and sweet. His wife would never be really submissive. Some of the trios in Bliss played that way, but Laura needed her control. Still, his cock did a little dance as she obeyed Cam, her hands undoing the front clasp of her bra and those perfect breasts of hers spilling out.

  Perfect and round and real, with tight brown and pink nipples. His mouth watered as he looked down at her tits. His hands came up and he palmed her, feeling the hard points of her nipples against his skin.

  Her eyes closed and she sighed, her head rolling back to Cam’s chest.

  And then there it was—a soft sound that came through the baby monitor. Sierra cried a little and the whole world stopped.

  They all froze as though they could stop the horror that was occurring. Not a single sound was made, not a breath passed between the three of them.

  Once second and then two. A third passed and then Laura looked up at him. “You need to fuck me now. She is going to wake up and I need an orgasm. Hurry, Rafe. Hurry.”

  A quickie. Yeah, he could do a quickie. Anything to get inside her. It had been so lon
g, so damn long. He was aching for it. He let go of all his worries, all his cares. Only one thing mattered—being with his wife.

  He picked her up, her slight weight nothing against his strength. He swung her up into his arms, like he had on their wedding night, like he would when they were eighty and he could barely handle her. He would find a way to carry her around because she was his. Maybe it would take them both. Perhaps that was how they would manage it. It would be him and Cam, loving Laura forever.

  “Quietly,” Cam said, a grin on his face. “If worse comes to worse, I’ll take the baby, but I expect you to pay me back.”

  Always. A deep well of love for Cam welled up. He didn’t want to kiss Cam or make love to his nasty ass, but he loved him all the same, and despite what his mother believed, it was good and right and perfect. He always had backup. He never had to worry that Laura would be alone, that his daughter would be alone.

  Family. His mother had been alone when his parents split up, and it had turned her into a bitter woman. Cam would kick his ass if he tried to leave. Cam would call him home.

  He hurried through the door to their small room. They needed at least two more, and Laura was right. He had the money to do it, but he’d been hedging his bets. No more. This was their home. This was the best place to raise their baby. He would open up the wallet and get them what they needed, including a wraparound deck where they could sit and watch Sierra run around. And her brothers or sisters.

  More. He wanted more, but it had nothing to do with more money or choices. He wanted more children, more family, more love. More responsibility.

  He tossed her on the bed.

  “Out of the clothes now.” Rafe wanted to see her, every inch of her.

  She hustled, pushing at her slacks and shoving her shoes off her feet. They were cute little wedges, but he just wanted her naked. Her skin was shown off inch by inch, from the slight, feminine curve of her belly, to the swell of her hips, to her perfectly shaven pussy.

  “Fuck. Spread your legs. I want a taste.” He hadn’t licked at her pussy in months. There had been too much to do. Despite the fact that Sierra hadn’t come from her womb, Laura was a mom now, a mother with an infant and she was so tired, but they needed this connection. Sierra needed them to have it. She needed her parents to be passionate about each other.

  He tore his own clothes off. He couldn’t stand the thought of a single centimeter of cloth between them. He shoved his shirt aside, pulled off his pants, and shoved his boxers down, freeing his cock. He was pulsing with need, desperate to get inside.

  “Come on, baby.” Cam had shed his clothes. He strode into the room completely naked and utterly confident. “He needs to get his tongue on you. We both do. It’s been far too long. We don’t know how much time we have so spread those gorgeous legs for your men.”

  She laid back and very slowly brought her ankles apart, every centimeter a flirty seduction. She licked her lips, tempting him to play with her. “My legs are spread. I’m ready for you.”

  Rafe dropped to his knees and shoved his face toward her pussy. He loved her smell and taste and the soft skin of her labia against his tongue. He dove deep, spreading her with his fingers and licking up every ounce of cream she had.

  He parted her labia, sucking one and then the other side between his lips. So fucking sweet. The shells of her sex were petal soft and getting damp with arousal. It coated his mouth, filling him with her essence.

  He let his eyes drift up, and Cam was busy at work. His mouth was at her breast, pulling and tugging on her nipples. His left hand was flicking her other nipple, keeping it on edge. Laura’s head was thrown back, her mouth open on a keening cry.

  He played with her clit, pressing down on that little nubbin and dragging it in slow circles. He speared her with his tongue, fucking up inside her in long strokes. He covered her whole pussy with his mouth, just his thumb on her clit. He pressed down and felt her cunt start to shake, her hips shimming with the dawning orgasm.

  She came all over his tongue, coating his mouth and filling him. Perfection. He spread her wide, getting every little drop he could.

  His cock was pulsing, desperate. He shoved her knees apart. “Cam, get the lube.”

  He wanted inside her, but he didn’t want to go alone. He wanted Cam with him, the three of them together.

  Cam was grinning as he got to his knees. “Already on it.” He had a blue tube in his hands. “What do you say we get creative?”

  Laura was sighing. “I’m just happy to be here. Do you know how good that felt? Months and months and I haven’t felt anything like that.”

  Neither had he. He’d had little kisses, fleeting things as they passed the baby to each other or as she ran out of the house for work. This was what he’d been missing, the deep connection between the three of them.

  This was what he could never explain to his mother, what a person simply had to accept—that they were connected, together, that they would never be whole apart.

  It was odd and weird and it was theirs.

  Rafe opened himself. That was what Hiram had claimed he refused to do. He opened himself and suddenly he was full. Full of love. Full of hope. Full of them.

  “Let’s play.”

  Cam lubed up his cock. He laid back on their bed, his hand running up and down his dick. “Those are the words I want to hear. Come on, baby. Sit on my dick. Work that hot little ass on my cock.”

  Laura’s eyes lit up, and he saw the moment she stopped being a mom and gave herself permission to be a woman. They’d been parents for the last two months and had forgotten to be lovers. Her skin flushed a pretty pink and her nipples stood at attention. Such pretty little nipples.

  Rafe reached out and grasped her hands, giving her the balance she would need. They hadn’t tried this particular configuration before, but Rafe was feeling as adventurous as Cam obviously was.

  Cam was holding his cock in his hand. “Help us, Rafe.”

  That was his job. It was Cam’s job. They were truly partners. Other people could call themselves partners, but Rafe truly understood what it meant. It meant sharing a life. It meant sharing their wife and kids. It meant really having someone’s back.

  He held her hands as he lowered her down. Cam’s fingers circled her hips, gripped her.

  He watched her face as she grimaced. “Do you have to have such good aim?”

  He grinned. It had been a while since her little asshole had been invaded. “Oh, my poor darling. Is he too big?”

  Her eyes rolled back as she sank onto Cam, releasing Rafe’s hands as she found her balance. “He’s too big. You know that’s why it feels so fucking good.”

  He did. At least on an intellectual level. “You take him. You take every inch he has to give you. You let his cock into your ass or you won’t get anything else.”

  Laura might not be a sub, but she responded to a little dominance.

  She whimpered, a sound that went straight to his dick. He was dying, pulsing, blood flowing to his cock and making the world shift to one reality. Her. He needed to be inside his wife. He had to get into that pussy or die.

  “God, you feel so fucking good.” Cam groaned as he worked her down his cock. “Take more.”

  Laura wiggled a little, her eyes flaring as she sank onto Cam’s dick.

  She was trapped, her body naked and soft. Cam held her hips. Her legs spread wide, welcoming Rafe in.

  He stepped back, taking in the sight. Perverted? Perhaps. But there was no doubt in his mind that while what he shared with them would be considered perverted and weird, it was also love.

  “Rafe? Come here. I need you.” Laura’s voice called to him.

  He stepped up because he needed her, too. Cam and Laura. They were his family.

  He moved in and kissed his wife, pressing her back against Cam. His cock was aching, rubbing against the soft flesh of her pussy.

  His body anchored hers and her hands came around his waist, clutching at the cheeks of his ass.

bsp; “You’re teasing me,” she accused.

  “You’re killing me,” Cam shot back with a low moan. “Come on, man. Baby girl could wake up any minute. Get this bus moving.”

  He wanted to play forever, but Cam was right. Their time was no longer their own, and that was how it should be. They were more than just a trio now, and they would always be Sierra’s mom and dads.

  Always. And always partners and spouses.

  Rafe reached down and guided his cock where it always wanted to be—inside her. He worked his way in, thrusting in little forays because she was so damn tight. Cam’s massive dick in her ass just made her all the tighter, all the sweeter.

  Heat suffused him, threatening to make the experience a short one. He forced himself to focus on her, to make it last as long as it could.

  “You feel so right.” She felt right and perfect and good. There was nothing wrong with loving her the way she needed to be loved and she needed them both.

  Hell, he needed Cam.

  “Are you ready?”

  Cam gave him a steady grin. “Brother, I was born ready for this.”

  Rafe surged in as Cam pulled back.

  Laura gasped, her head falling back as she gave over to them.

  Rafe pulled out almost to the tip. He found his rhythm, the partnership with Cam so ingrained that they simply knew what to do, as though their bodies were in synch.

  Over and over he dove in and rode back out. She was tight on the way in, as though fighting him, but the sensation was fluid, changing as he pulled out, fighting just as hard to keep him inside.

  Laura’s arms were around him, holding him close. Though he was on top, she surrounded him, but it wasn’t just her arms that pulled him close. This small cabin that had seemed so tiny just an hour before was big enough to hold them all. It was big enough to hold his whole world.

  Rafe knew he was close. They couldn’t last too long. She felt far too good. Already his spine was tingling, his skin lit with pleasure. Cam’s skin was flushed. He was close, too. They had to make sure their wife went first.

  He shoved his hand between them, finding her clit and pressing that button that always made her scream.