Page 22 of Siren Reborn

“Maybe you’re the one who’s playing me and I’m done with this game. There’s nothing you can do. There’s no way for you to stop me from walking out that door.” He turned and started out again.

  “Master,” Kitten began, a worried look furrowing her brow.

  He held a hand up to let her know all would be right. He’d had hours to figure out what to do. “Mason, if you step one foot out that door, you will be arrested.”

  He stopped and turned. “For what?”

  “I don’t know yet. I’ll come up with something good. Corporate espionage. Maybe real espionage. That could get you in a federal prison. I would feel safer if you were behind bars.”

  “That is very smart thinking, Master. Although you could get him for theft,” Kitten mused.

  “Don’t even say it.” He groaned a little because he was almost certain of what she would say next.

  “He stole my heart.”

  “We have to work on that, pet. Sometimes you can be a bit syrupy.” He’d calmed considerably and he suddenly realized that it was Kitten’s doing. He’d been alone in dealing with Mason, but the minute Kitten came in, he’d had an ally and an amazingly devious one at that. It was nice. He would never in a million years have allowed another of his and Mason’s subs to witness a fight. He would have sent them away, but Kitten belonged with them.

  Even when she was being clichéd.

  “You wouldn’t dare,” Mason said, his jaw tightening up nicely.

  “Try me. I can have Chase Dawson dummy up evidence on you in a heartbeat. He enjoys that sort of work so much he likely won’t even charge me. Once you’re in jail, I will make it plain that you’re in danger from all other inmates and you’ll be placed in solitary confinement.”

  Kitten’s nose wrinkled as she took another whiff of the Scotch. “Master, I don’t think orange would go well with Master Mason’s skin tone. Perhaps he should just stay here.”

  “You better hope that I end up out of this house because I swear that I will punish you. He might top me, but I top you and I will take this out on your ass.” Mason was practically vibrating with rage. “I am a kind Master, but I won’t let you manipulate me like this.”

  Kitten smiled. “I’m not doing anything. Master Cole is handling everything beautifully.” She took a drink of the Scotch. And promptly coughed it back up. “Oh, that is horrible. Why would you drink that?”

  He took the glass out of her hand. It was an eighteen-year-old single malt. It wasn’t for virgins. “I’ll be sure to note your preferences.” He would buy some fruity wine and the makings of piña coladas to introduce her to the pleasures of an after-dinner drink. “Mason, I mean to do everything I said. I will ruthlessly use every asset I have to make sure you don’t walk around with a target on your back. I have to ensure that you’re alive tomorrow and the next day and the next, so don’t doubt my will in this.”

  There was a long moment and Cole was almost sure Mason was going to run, but he finally clenched his fists at his sides. “Damn it, Cole. Can’t you see I’m doing this to save her?”

  “You don’t have to save her.” Cole stepped in. It was time for some physical comfort. He reached out and Mason didn’t swat him away. “You just have to play this safe. Do you think I would risk her? I won’t risk either one of you.”

  His eyes came up. “She’s different. We can’t play this the same way we did before.”

  “I’m not.” His heart clenched a little, a weird feeling that made him the slightest bit anxious, but he was done with being scared. “This is about you and her. You two are my responsibility. I’m not putting you above her. Mason, if it came down to a decision between you and Kitten…”

  “You would choose her,” Mason said firmly.

  “And so would you,” Cole returned with gravity. It was a covenant between them. This was why Kitten was the one. She was the only woman they would put first. Her life, her needs, her pleasure—they came first before anything else. They would work for her happiness and she would bless them with her joy, her unique feminine soul.

  Mason’s voice was tight, every muscle rigid. “I really do want revenge.”

  Of course he did. Cole moved in. They didn’t need space. “I know, baby. I know you do. I’m asking you to be better than me. I’m begging you to forego it.”

  “I don’t know that I can.”

  At least he was being honest now. “Can you let it go tonight?”

  Mason sniffed and then laughed. “Apparently I don’t have a choice unless I want to know what solitary confinement feels like. Damn it. That man almost killed her tonight. I almost got her killed.”

  “You saved her.”

  “I don’t know that he was after Master Mason,” Kitten said. “I think he was aiming at me.”

  She’d told the police that, but Cole wasn’t sure. Mason certainly had made his position clear. He believed this was all about him and it made sense. Kitten had lived in The Club. She had no friends outside of it. There was no reason to hurt her.

  Unless someone wanted to hurt him and then it would be perfect.

  No. The simplest explanation was the best. Someone had tried to kill Mason. They likely still were. He had unsavory connections that Kitten just didn’t have. The only thing that really connected Kitten and Mason was him.

  He pulled Mason close, ignoring how stiff he remained. “I won’t let you put yourself in danger. I won’t let anything take the two of you from me. Not even my own idiocy.”

  “Nothing you do is going to make me love you again.”

  Mason’s words made him ache, but he was done talking and let his hand draw Mason in. Cole pressed his lips to Mason’s and felt as though he could breathe again. He hadn’t realized it, but he’d been holding everything in for years. He wasn’t whole without this man and they weren’t complete without her. Kitten made everything possible. It was possible to let them both in.

  He kissed Mason, slowly at first, almost afraid that Mason would shove him away and force the issue to a nasty conclusion. Mason stood still, so still. It was almost as if he were made from stone. Cole let his lips play along Mason’s unmoving ones.

  “See, I told you it would be beautiful,” Kitten said quietly.

  Cole turned and she was looking up at them with such longing. “I think we should move this to the dungeon, don’t you?”

  “Master Mason did attempt to sneak out. He should be punished or we’ll all run wild,” Kitten said sagely.

  “Yes, I do believe a bit of discipline is in order. Mason, follow me, but know that this is your choice.”

  “You’re giving me a choice now?”

  “Yes, in everything except what would be a suicidal move, you have a choice. I want the three of us together. I want to start making love again, but you broke trust tonight.”

  “And you broke trust years ago.”

  “This can’t work unless we forgive each other.”

  “I didn’t do anything that needs forgiveness.”

  He’d been thinking about that one question a whole lot lately. Cole’s guilt might eat away at him, but he hadn’t been totally alone in causing the problem. “Didn’t you? Did you tell me everything? Did you sit down and talk to me about your problems with Emily? Did you trust me enough to tell me what you wanted? What you needed from me?”


  “Then follow us to the dungeon and let’s start over.” Cole turned and held a hand out for Kitten. When they walked out the door, he prayed Mason would follow.

  * * * *

  Mason stopped and realized he had no idea what to do. He always had a plan. Always. They might not be good plans, but he always knew what he wanted.

  Now he wasn’t sure.

  What the hell kind of game was Cole playing? Start over? Did Cole really believe they could throw the past aside and…do what? Pretend it didn’t happen? Play like everything was just the same?

  It didn’t feel like the same. It felt wildly different. It felt weirdly right and the reason for that h
ad a name and a date with Mason’s crop. Kitten.

  Yeah. That was why he was going to follow them. He was going to walk into that dungeon because he owed Kitten some serious discipline. Did she honestly believe he would allow her to manipulate him like that? He strode out of the office and down the hallway, leaving his backpack behind since it didn’t look like he would need it. Fucking Cole had everything planned out, of course. It was foolish for Mason to think he had any say in what went on in his own life. He would have to stay until Cole decided to chuck him to the street again.

  And forgiveness? Who was he kidding? There was no reason for Mason to ask for forgiveness. He was the one who had been wronged. Not the other way around.

  He didn’t owe Cole a damn thing.

  So what if he hadn’t really talked to him about Emily? So fucking what? Cole should have been able to see that she was a crazy bitch who constantly put down anyone she thought was beneath her and that included everyone with the exception of Cole and any Master with money.

  If Cole wanted to pretend like they could forgive and forget, more power to him. Mason stalked down the hall, watching them as they turned down the corridor that would take them to Cole’s private dungeon. Maybe it would be even sweeter to ruin Cole’s life knowing he was counting on Mason’s soft heart to not allow him to go through with it.

  He didn’t have a heart anymore.

  Who the fuck are you kidding? Can you hear yourself? Don’t be an idiot. You’re half in love with her already and you never really stopped loving him.

  He shook his head as if he could shake the thoughts off. He didn’t need his inner voice to be reasonable. He needed it to get in line with the current mode of thought and that was all about revenge.

  Or it could be all about getting your damn life back, but better this time because she’s here. Damn. She’s finally here and you and Cole can be complete. This could be it and you’re thinking about throwing it all away because he hurt you?

  Cole hadn’t just hurt him. Cole had destroyed him.

  He also saved you when you needed it. Don’t the two cancel out? Don’t they make it possible to move on?


  Mason ruthlessly shut down the part of him that just kept opening up. He didn’t need that part of himself anymore. Cole hadn’t taken the opportunity to save himself. He’d ruthlessly shoved that opportunity back in Mason’s face so now he had a clear go signal.

  He could take Cole’s protection and care and use it all to gain the revenge he’d come here for.

  Dumbass. No, you won’t.

  He pushed through the door and damn near lost his breath. Kitten had gotten out of her pajamas and every glorious inch of her skin was on display. She gave him the sweetest smile. How could she look so damn innocent naked and surrounded by every sex toy known to man?

  Cole was shrugging off his dress shirt, his big, muscular chest being revealed with every movement.

  Graceful femininity and the powerful alpha male who could top him without breathing hard. They both looked his way and his cock hardened to the point of being painful. Kitten gave him a wink, but the look in Cole’s eyes was almost enough to make him come then and there.

  Yeah, you’re going to give up all that for the momentary pleasure of revenge over something you had a hand in since you wouldn’t even tell him Emily was running wild because you thought he would question your rights to play the Dom. You thought it would mean he would see you as something less.

  Fuck all. He was still doing it.

  “Kitten’s been lying to you. Mrs. Hamilton has been very cruel to her. Kitten’s not eating at all during the day because Mrs. Hamilton only feeds her oatmeal without sugar and salads with no dressing.”

  Kitten’s jaw dropped. “I haven’t lied.”

  “It’s called lying by omission.” If he was staying, he should play his part. This was what he didn’t do with the other subs. He tried to be Cole when Cole wasn’t around, but he was never going to measure up and Cole didn’t expect him to. Cole did expect him to watch out for their woman and himself. Mason had done neither when it came to Emily.

  Maybe he wasn’t completely innocent after all.

  “You told.” Kitten’s eyes were as wide as saucers. “You weren’t supposed to tell. It will make Cole feel bad. Why would you do that?”

  Cole’s eyes narrowed as he turned to their sub. “He’ll do it because it’s his job. What the hell has been going on and why am I just hearing about it now?”

  Kitten’s eyes found the floor. “Master, she was only following your orders. Maybe you didn’t know I don’t like kale.”

  “What the fuck is kale?” Cole asked. “Kitten, I left no instructions except that you were to be given anything you wanted.”

  Ah, the communication breakdown. It caused chaos. “Mrs. Hamilton hates her the same way she hates me. The only difference is she’s scared of me and she kicks Kitten around because she won’t stand up for herself. Kitten thinks she’s not allowed to eat anything Mrs. Hamilton doesn’t put in front of her. She’s gone hungry because that woman convinced her it was your will.”

  “She’ll be gone in the morning,” Cole said, his voice tight.

  “What?” Mason was floored. Cole had kept the woman around because of his promise to his father. He’d put up with her gloom and doom for years. “You can’t do that, Cole. You’ll feel guilty.”

  “I’ll feel worse knowing I did nothing. She’ll be given a pension and plenty of time to find new lodging, but I won’t have my subs abused in their home. You two will always come first,” Cole explained. “You two are my primary responsibility. You can hire a new housekeeper. One who pleases both of you.”

  Somewhere in the back of his head, he’d always expected to lose that fight. Any fight really. He was still the stupid teen who realized his parents love wasn’t unconditional. Deep down he always expected Cole would drop him the minute he complained.

  That fear hadn’t made him a good partner.

  Cole turned to Kitten. “None of this works if the two of you won’t talk to me, damn it. How can I do my job if I don’t know anything is wrong? I’m not particularly good at reading the signs. It’s a flaw, but one I try to make up for by having open lines of communication. As for you, pet, you’re going to get your every wish tonight. Spanking bench. Ass in the air.”

  Kitten gave him wide, innocent eyes. “Please don’t fig me, Master. I would hate it if that happened.”

  “Yeah, I’ll make sure to do that, you little brat.” Cole had gone a nice shade of red. He turned back to Mason. “You’re not off the hook either.”

  Mason’s blood began to thrum through his system. In the days he’d been in this house, he hadn’t been the focal point of Cole’s dominance. He’d watched Kitten take Cole’s discipline, but had received none and now he knew what he wanted—even if only for a night. He wanted to be topped by that magnificent man. He wanted to feel the pain as it sparked pleasure all through his system. He wanted to give up control if only for a little while.

  Kitten walked to one of two spanking benches. They were side by side and Mason had to wonder why Cole had left the extra.

  “I couldn’t move it.” Cole was staring at him as though he could read Mason’s mind. “I couldn’t put it away and I couldn’t get rid of it. I never used it, but I couldn’t bring myself to haul it out.”

  It had sat there, a visible reminder to Cole that Mason was gone. Why would he do that? Unless Cole really had missed him. Unless he’d been telling the truth about the ache in his gut—the same one Mason had felt every day of their separation.

  “This doesn’t mean I’m coming back to you. It just means it’s been a long time and I need to play.” The words were out of his mouth before he could take them back. He was supposed to play it cool, but that was a state he couldn’t attain around Cole. Around Cole, he was always hot as hell.

  Cole stepped in, crowding Mason and sending his eyes right to the floor. Cole’s hand came up, winding into Maso
n’s hair and tugging his head back with a pull that lit up his scalp. “You should understand I’m going to make it impossible for you to leave me, Mason. After this is settled, I won’t hold you, but I intend to love you so long and so well while you’re here that you won’t ever leave me again.”

  “I can’t trust you,” Mason said, but his stupid heart was already pounding at the thought of being with him. It was like the world had been dim and suddenly the sun had come up.

  “I intend to come up with several plots that will make it very difficult for you to leave us, Mason,” Kitten admitted solemnly.

  “You should listen to her. She really will do it, and I’m rapidly coming to believe that under her sweet smile lurks the heart of a super villain.” Cole sobered as he looked down into Mason’s eyes. “We need you. We aren’t whole without you.”

  Cole should have thought about that when he’d tossed Mason out. That’s what he meant to say. His mouth wasn’t listening to his anger anymore. “I’ve been so fucking lost.”

  “Then let’s find each other again.” Cole’s mouth came down on his, but Mason couldn’t hold back this time. His hands found Cole’s waist, the skin warm against Mason’s fingers. He’d touched Cole a thousand times but this felt fresh and new, like they were kids all over again. Like they had another shot to learn the valleys and hills of each other’s bodies.

  Cole’s tongue surged in and Mason nearly drowned in the sensation. He hadn’t kissed in years and now he’d spent all evening sinking into the act. He’d loved kissing Kitten, loved being the forceful one with her, but god, he needed this, too. It had always seemed so wrong to need both. It had been one more way he was a freak, but there was no denying it.

  Cole took his mouth, his tongue dominating Mason’s as his hands dragged their bodies together. He could feel the hard press of Cole’s cock against his belly. It had been so good to have that cock in his mouth, but Mason wanted it in his ass. He wanted to feel Cole there, tearing him up and bringing him the most insane pleasure while Mason did the same to Kitten’s little pussy.

  Fuck, he wanted to be in the middle. He wanted to be surrounded by them, to not be able to move without touching them. His lovers. His man. His woman. Fucking his.