Page 1 of Malevolent Shadows

Malevolent Shadows

  By Abdul Sami

  Copyright 2015 Abdul Sami

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  Table of contents

  1: Day

  2: Desperate Cry

  3: Deceit

  4: Fateful thoughts

  5: Cold wind

  6: The Iconoclast

  7: Departure

  8: Decayed

  9: Personal Message

  10: About the author

  11: Connect with me


  A new day is born.

  The Sun lights up the sky,

  With a sentiment, unidentified.

  An artificial light spreads,

  Making everything look brilliant and fine.

  Mankind welcomes it with a dead mind.

  Reality is hidden by this blinding light,

  No ray of hope will ever shine.

  Nothing new can be seen,

  The human design depletes.

  Their faces painted with glee,

  Display nothing but insanity.

  The children playing in the distant playground,

  Display nothing, but their blackened heart.

  The future remains uncertain,

  Enshrouded in misery and pain.

  Life considered aesthetic and green,

  The perspective is just another human dream.

  They know nothing about the coming storm,

  Their minds, paralyzed by ignorance,

  Their hearts, flooded by emotions,

  Can never be saved from the upcoming destruction.

  The Sun, in the firm grip of slumber,

  Has decided to rest in a darkened corner.

  Shades of black descend from the sky,

  A wave of misery sweeps through the human eye,

  Making any possible resistance futile.

  The Augean sight difficult to be perceived,

  Has taken away peace of mind and relief.

  The face of man has now changed.

  The dreadful hours slowly pass by,

  The cry of the wretched can be heard,

  No one bothers to answer their call.

  Alone they die, with no support at all.

  Mankind has failed in this test,

  The brave and wise burn with regret.

  Intensity of darkness starts to reduce,

  Accompanied by the ascension of Dawn’s toxic blue fumes.

  Black seeds of the next generation have been sown,

  Nothing can be done to stop their growth.

  The skyline turns from black to blue,

  The cursed cycle is bound to continue.

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  Desperate Cry

  Desperate cry of a helpless man,

  Can be heard in the streets.

  The buildings bow down in grief,

  The walls, will never forget,

  What they have just witnessed.

  To mention will only cause distress.

  The oppressor walks out,

  With a bloodstained knife.

  No one dares to question his life,

  People are afraid to challenge his might.

  His tongue is considered pure,

  No one doubted it for thirteen pieces of gold.

  Deaf, Dumb, and blind,

  The wounded man stumbles into solitude,

  Failed to get his identity renewed.

  No one bothers to answer his call,

  Mass ignorance displayed by us all.

  The tormented stand in line,

  Waiting for the end of there time.

  Their future is dark and grey,

  Their weaknesses have led them astray.

  All they want is eternal sleep,

  So that they can rest in peace.

  Your descent into this rotten world,

  Has endured upon you endless suffering.

  A tree of hurt and misery has grown,

  Now reap what you have sown.

  Doors of escape have now closed,

  There is nothing left to behold.

  The human code,

  Is now corrupted and cannot be restored.

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  Such a beautiful day,

  You smile and say.

  Stepping away from reality,

  You become another casualty.

  Trapped inside false mutuality,

  Refusing to witness society’s obscenity,

  You have become a prey,

  One which cannot be saved.

  People approach you, asking for help.

  You gladly respond to their lies,

  Without noticing the poison filled in their minds.

  Hypocrisy pouring down from their eyes,

  Alas, you are so blind.

  They feed on you like parasites,

  Scrapping the last remains of your life.

  You have nothing to hide,

  For they know everything and will leave nothing behind.

  Sunlight fades,

  Into the coming darkness.

  Someone knocks at your door.

  The sight makes you feel insecure,

  But now it’s too late,

  You cannot escape your fate.

  Blood has covered the white marble floor.

  Your murderer departs,

  Leaving behind not a trace.

  From this world,

  You have been erased.

  Everything that you loved,

  Has now turned to dust.

  The trees have abandoned you,

  Lifting away their shade.

  The hollow ground has forsaken you,

  No one remembers your name.

  Now you dwell alone in your grave.

  The deceitful nature of humans,

  Is hidden by malignant illusions.

  Only the wise can see,

  The upcoming catastrophe.

  We will never concur with reality,

  The world remains unchanged.

  We all are born the same,

  We all die in vain.

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  Fateful thoughts

  The path to hell,

  Is paved with good intentions,

  For those souls,

  Who wish to seek attention.

  The light that lies inside the mind,

  Hidden beneath the faceless lies,

  Fades with time.

  Purgatory unleashed by our own will.

  Seeing the truth and fear that it instills,

  No hope can be seen,

  The possibility of spiritual deterioration has been deemed.

  Seeking the light in the dark,

  Is a task,

  That cannot be achieved with a weak heart.

  Efforts to quell the chaos

  Are in vain,

  For which neither you nor I have anything to gain.

  The future remains uncertain,

  Lest we are forced to bear our own burden.

  The lack of affinity,

  For the path that lies ahead,

  With the Devil at its right and the angel at its left.

  The trees whisper the song of death,

  The sky weeps at this miserable sight,

  The mortal sphere has decayed from the inside.

  All weaknesses are exposed,

  There is nothing left to hide.

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  Cold wind

  A cold wind blows my way,

  Taking all of my memories away,
  Leaving my mind in disarray,

  Torn and broken I lay,

  With no one to love

  But to burn in hate.

  My heart is broken,

  My soul is fractured,

  My cry for help still remains unanswered.

  Nothing could I gain,

  But a life full of misery and pain.

  The disease cannot be cured,

  The world is corrupt and impure.

  The medicine is gone,

  I can already feel,

  The cold winds of the coming storm.

  The path to escape,

  Has been sealed by my fate.

  Alone I stand in this wretched state.

  Nothing can be done,

  My condition shall remain unchanged

  I sit in the gardens of grief,

  The picture of my demise,

  Has been brought in front of my eyes,

  There is nothing left to behold,

  Everything looks grey and old.

  My mind, overfed with lies,

  Was never able to recover in time.

  Now I cannot bleed

  Perhaps I have tasted eternal defeat.

  I stand desolate,

  Bearing the burden of my pain.

  The sky has blackened.

  Maybe it is about to rain.

  But now there is no need for me to fear,

  As time passes my end draws near.

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  The Iconoclast

  The Iconoclast stands above the crushed pillars,

  People run away with their tattered peace banners,

  Faces painted with fear,

  Eyes full of tears,

  Crying for help,

  Crying for the end of this nightmare.

  Rejecting the truth,

  That the sight is real.

  Only misery and pain they feel.

  They wage war,

  Against reality.

  They are the victims

  Of this calamity.

  In his eyes, they are nothing but bait.

  Trapped in a world which has decayed.

  The Iconoclast carries out his work with determination.

  An old man steps forward and asks for permission,

  To utter his frail words in front of the aggressor.

  Permission granted without any hesitation.

  The old man requested for the seizure of this destruction.

  Request dismissed with utmost conviction.

  Untouched by human emotion,

  The iconoclast carries out his work with devotion

  The religious stand in line and watch,

  Hands stretched forward

  Asking for the help of God.

  They are ready to blame others for this disgrace.

  They fall at his feet,

  Admitting their defeat.

  No mortal possesses the strength to stop this monstrosity,

  They display cowardice and hypocrisy.

  Roofs collapse,

  Walls shatter,

  Once a place of worship,

  Now a burnt remembrance,

  Beholden to none,

  They have let their holy places fall,

  Frailty exhibited by them all

  The sacred have gathered,

  To mourn this disaster.

  The spread of evil cannot be stopped,

  With a will so weak and false.

  The failure of humanity cannot be seen,

  The world has become bleak.

  Future is full of darkness and grief,

  There is no cure for this disease,

  The world cannot be assisted to its end in peace.

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  Pieces of shattered glass lie at my feet,

  Presenting an image full of grief,

  Making this life obsolete.

  The image is too difficult to be perceived,

  I decided to retreat.

  A man approached me,

  Dressed in black,

  Held a mirror in his old hands,

  His deadened eyes peered through me,

  Obscure terror entered my body,

  Welcomed by my mind,

  Rejected by my heart,

  Led to the birth of a feeling inexplicable,

  Which extinguished all of my dreams.

  The mirror held firmly in his hands,

  Contained in itself a disturbing truth.

  Burning my eyes,

  The image got imprinted on my mind.

  A surge of shame,

  Took all of my memories away,

  Leaving me alone in this miserable state.

  Envisioned by a premonition,

  Succumb to the thoughts of destruction,

  Lost in the intensity of thoughts,

  Haunted by my inner fear,

  It has begun, I hear.

  The purpose was made clear,

  The sky blackens,

  Sunlight fades.

  Sorrow invades my vision,

  Darkness covers the horizon.

  Time stops,

  Sirens invoked,

  Stuck in this chaos, I try to escape,

  Failure is what I taste.

  Nothing can stop me from deterioration,

  My reaper is here,

  Chanting the song of my depletion.

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  It has grown darker,

  I can hear Satan’s laughter,

  Who has given me nothing but deceit.

  Fault was mine, who believed.

  But now I have lost,

  Nothing can be done to stop my fall.

  Black clouds cover the sky,

  They are here to watch me die.

  In the end,

  They will feel satisfied,

  For the sight will be pleasure for their eyes.

  I have slipped away,

  My mind has decayed,

  My dreams have been slain,

  My heart has denied me,

  I have grown weak,

  Soon I shall tremble to eternal sleep.

  Is their anything left of me?

  Is there anyone left to trust?

  The human mind has been eaten by rust

  In their heart lies conspiracy,

  They kill others for the sake of their humanity,

  The wounds will soon expose their hypocrisy.

  The righteous have disappeared,

  The signs of the coming flood have appeared,

  Everything will be soon seared.

  Death will approach the green fields,

  It will break through the human shield,

  Everything will once again,

  Turn to sand,

  And will become a part of this barren land.

  I won’t be alive,

  To witness this dreadful sight.

  My time has already come,

  Now I cannot repent,

  To God, my shameful deeds have been sent,

  It’s time for me to burn in hell.

  Death is beating at my door,

  It will show me no remorse,

  I stand desolate, lost in the wilderness of thoughts,

  Recovery is impossible from this perpetual loss.

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  Personal message

  Thank you for reading my eBook and I hope you liked it. One thing I would like to say is that please do not misinterpret any of my poems. If you enjoyed it, won’t you please take a moment to leave me a review at your favorite retailer?


  Abdul Sami

  About the author

  Abdul Sami, born in 1998, lives in Pakistan. Seeing this as an opportunity to spread his personal views, he decided to release his poetic work.

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Abdul Sami's Novels