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  By: Drac Von Stoller

  Copyright 2013


  Chapter One: The birth

  Chapter Two: Mark of the beast and the first kill

  Chapter Three: The next kill

  Chapter Four: 666 revealed

  Chapter Five: The exorcism

  Chapter Six: The Devil

  About this Author

  Chapter One: The birth

  Evil was about to fall upon the Delany estate that Mike and Samantha could never have imagined. It was Halloween and Samantha`s contractions were unbearable so her husband rushed his pregnant wife to the hospital to deliver their new bundle of joy.

  Mike told the doctor and nurse to take great care of his wife. The doctor and nurse reassured Mike they would take very good care of her and not to worry. Mike waited patiently in the waiting room as the doctor and nurse delivered their beautiful baby. After a few hours the baby finally arrived and the doctor entered the waiting room and told Mike to come in the room and see his new baby.

  Mike entered and his wife was all smiles and said "Honey, it`s a boy!"

  "I think he looks like a Johnny. What do you think?" asked his wife.

  "Johnny sounds fine to me," replied Mike.

  Mike was so excited and held his baby boy in his arms as tears rolled down his cheeks and said "Darling, I think he likes me."

  Mike stayed the night in his wife's room with their new baby, but as they slept an unforeseen force came in their room that was about to change their lives forever, when they both woke in the morning. Morning came, and Samantha was discharged from the hospital, and time for their new baby to be raised in their new home.

  Chapter Two: Mark of the beast and the first kill

  It wasn't until after little Johnny turned 6 years of age that things around the Delany Estate turned deadly. The first sign that Johnny had the mark of the beast was June 6. It was the 6th month, 6th day, and Johnny was 6. All the numbers represented 666.

  Johnny's mother would be his first kill, as a demonic voice told him his mother was cooking in the kitchen and that she must die. Johnny entered the kitchen as she was cooking dinner for the family while the maid was doing their laundry. Johnny stared at a pan of grease on the stove as the demonic voice told him his mind could control any object, and make it do whatever he willed it to do. So the pan of grease fell to the floor causing his mother to scream out as the hot grease splattered all over her body. Then she lost her balance, and accidentally grabbed the butcher’s knife by the blade she was using to chop vegetables. The butcher’s knife put a big gash in her hand, and as she was lying on the floor bleeding, Johnny just stared at her as she pleaded with him to call for help. Instead, Johnny's evil will kicked in once more, and made the butcher’s knife release from her hand, and stab her through her heart killing her instantly. The maid servant dropped the basket of clothes when she heard screaming and rushed in to see what the commotion was all about. When her eyes gazed upon Johnny`s mother lying in a pool of blood with a knife in her chest, she screamed, and put her arms around little Johnny unbeknownst to her that he was his own mother's killer.

  She asked Johnny what happened, and he cried, and said "I don't know?"

  The maid servant phoned the police and Johnny`s father. Johnny's father got in his car all shook up over the death of his beautiful wife and hurried back home to see what the police found out. Johnny's father burst through the front door of his house as a white sheet was being placed over his dead wife's body. Johnny rushed over to his father in tears asking his father what happened to his mommy, even though little Johnny knew all along what really happened. After the police questioned the maid servant and Johnny, they were both cleared of any wrong doing. Samantha's death was ruled as accidental.

  Chapter Three: The next kill

  Shortly after Johnny's mother's death he started having dreams that seemed to be real from an evil force that told him he was the son of the Devil, and not to fear the word of the Devil. The next morning as the maid servant was through cleaning one of the upstairs rooms, she stood at the top of the stairs glancing over the top rail. There stood below, Johnny staring at her with blazing red eyes. The maid was fixated on his red eyes that she could not move. Then a demonic voice whispered in Johnny's ear that said "Johnny, tell her to stand on top of the rail and jump. Then tell her to spread her arms apart so she can fly like a bird." The maid did as Johnny asked, and jumped off the rail with her arms spread like an eagle, and fell to her death.

  Later that evening, Johnny's father arrived home from a business trip, and got the shock of his life when he entered the door of his mansion. There lie on the floor in a pool of blood was his maid dead. He ran upstairs to ask his son what happened.

  Johnny replied "She climbed on top of the rail and said "Look Johnny, I can fly." Then she hit the floor in front of me, and I shook her and told her to get up, but she didn't move."

  That's ok Johnny. I think the passing of your mother did her in and that's why she is no longer with us," explained Johnny's father.

  Chapter Four: 666 revealed

  Johnny's father started having dreams of Johnny coming in his bedroom while he was asleep trying to kill him with a knife, but he would wake up before the blade penetrated his chest.

  One night while Johnny was sleeping, his father came to check on him before he turned in for the night, and noticed something that looked like numbers between his ear lobe, and decided to take a closer look with a flashlight. He couldn't believe what he saw. The numbers 666 were branded on his skin. He decided to call a priest and see if he should be concerned about this.

  Chapter Five: The Exorcism

  Johnny's father went to bed for the night and in the morning he phoned the priest to see what his thoughts were on the numbers branded behind his son’s ear was all about. The priest replied "I do believe you should have a lot to be concerned about. Those three numbers represent the mark of the beast and your son is possessed by the Devil. I will come over, and bless your house, and perform an exorcism on your son if needed."

  "Thank you father, I will wait your arrival," replied Mike.

  Right as the priest set off to bless Mike's house, Johnny appeared in the back seat of his car and said "Hey! Priest going somewhere?"

  The priest swerved off the road and almost hit a tree.

  Then Johnny said "I think it's getting hot in here."

  Johnny started laughing in a demonic voice as car was engulfed in flames. The priest's car was burned beyond recognition along with the priest inside the car. Johnny's father went upstairs to tell Johnny that a priest was coming over to bless their house. When he opened his bedroom door Johnny was playing quietly with his toys. Johnny's father just smiled, and shut his door, and went downstairs to wait on the priest, but hours passed and no sign of the priest. Mike tried phoning the priest at the church to see if he just forgot, but another priest answered and said his car had been found in a ditch burned beyond recognition.

  Mike said "He was on the way to my house to bless it because I found some numbers branded behind my son's ear that he said I should be concerned about."

  The priest replied "What were those numbers?"

  "The numbers were 666, the mark of the beast is what he said they stood for," exclaimed Mike.

  "Now, don't be upset with what I'm going to tell you, but I think your son caused the priest's death. The demon inside of him was the cause not your son. Whatever you do, don't tell your son that I am coming over. I will help you rid your son of this demon inside of him,” explained the priest.

  "Ok priest, I give you my word,” replied Mike.

  They both hanged up their phones, and the priest got in his car, and headed to Mike's estate to confront the demon inside of Mike's son. When the priest entered Mike's home he
knew right off there was something evil lurking inside the home and that he might have a battle on his hands that he couldn't win. He entered with caution opening his bible, and reading scripture, and entering each room blessing the rooms with holy water. Then a burst of wind blew open the door as he was reading scripture. He could barely hear the words he was speaking. Then he noticed Johnny was standing in the entry way of the room with blazing red eyes. Then all of a sudden the priest flew across the room with great force, and hit the wall, and fell dead. Mike ran over to the priest to try and revive him, but he was unresponsive. Mike knew then his son had the mark of the beast and would ultimately lose the battle with the Devil to get back his son. Being a loving father that he was, he would give it his all even if it cost him his life. With two priests, a wife, and a maid dead, he knew in his heart that the Devil wants his son's soul at any cost.

  Chapter Six: The Devil

  Mike did his best to stand up against the Devil by reading scripture from the blood stained pages of the dead priest's bible, but all Mike heard was laughter from the Devil. Johnny approached his father as his father was on his knees pleading with the Devil to let his son go. Johnny touched his father's forehead and said "It's time to die Daddy." Johnny squeezed his father's head with both hands shattering his skull causing sudden death.

  Then the Devil said "Johnny it's time to come home where you belong."

  Then the entrance to the doorway was engulfed in flames and the Devil said "Johnny step into the flames and join me in Hell.” Johnny stepped into the flames never to be heard or seen from again.

  The Delany Estate burnt to the ground along with the Hell it once possessed.

  About This Author

  Drac Von Stoller Author of “31 Horrifying Tales From The Dead Volumes I, II, III, IV and Volume V which will be available in 2014. Drac Von Stoller’s Short Stories have been downloaded over 135,000 times in 88 Countries. Drac Von Stoller has sold 1,306 Audiobooks to date. Drac Von Stoller’s YouTube videos have been viewed in over 64 Countries. Drac Von Stoller’s Story “Bloody Mary,” has been Number “1” in over 18 Countries to date and other stories have made it to Number “1” as well. Other books by Drac Von Stoller are ‘There’s Something Dead In This House,” “The Ghosts of Summerville Plantation,” “The Ghost of Hill Haven Rd,” just to name a few. Drac Von Stoller has 124 Short Stories and more on the way.

  For more information and links to books and audio books about Drac Von Stoller visit