Page 35 of The Darkest Warrior

  "Move in me," she pleaded, her voice ragged.

  He did. In and out. Slowly. He filled and consumed her. Sliding in, sliding out. Gaining in speed. Agony and ecstasy.

  "You glove me so perfectly, lass. Yours... I'm yours. Always." He thrust again, and again. Harder. The more he thrust, the more frantic he became, driving her need higher.

  Gillian clawed at his back, bit the cord of his neck and locked her ankles against his lower back. Pressure continued to build inside her. In an attempt to draw him back, she arched her hips every time he withdrew. For too long, she'd been empty and alone. Now she belonged.

  She'd been claimed--possessed.

  Puck took her by the nape, fisting her hair. "Give me your pleasure. Take mine." As he stared into her eyes, satisfaction beckoned...

  Helpless to resist.

  Gillian screamed his name, her inner walls clenching and unclenching on his length.

  "You're making me come, lass. Making me--" Quick as a blink, he shifted to his knees and pulled her up without slipping out of her. The new position sent him surging deeper. To ensure she sat upon him, he wrapped his arms around her, holding her flush against him. Chest to chest. Male to female. Her hair tumbled around them, a curtain of dark silk shielding them from the rest of the world.

  "My Gillian. All mine."

  "My Puck. All mine."

  Ragged noises left them both as he jackhammered inside her. When she ran his lower lip between her teeth, he lost all control, going wild. Slam, slam, slam. One of his hands gripped her hair, tugging. The other gripped her bottom, bruising, and it was beautiful, every second, every motion.

  "Gillian!" He bellowed to the sky and held his hips steady as he jetted inside her, giving her everything...just as he's my everything...


  Exhaustion set in, joining her contentment, leaving Gillian boneless as she cuddled into Puck's side. Her head rested in the hollow of his neck, a sleeping bag draped haphazardly over them both. Lazily he combed his fingers through her hair, a mesmerizing, drugging delight, but she couldn't sleep. Or rather, wouldn't sleep. She remained on alert for any potential attack.

  As the suns rose, light filtered through the treetops, highlighting Puck's gloriously naked chest. Knowing there was no snooze button while out on a mission, she figured she had five or ten more minutes before she had to get up and dress. Besides, the others would return soon. Actually, she figured William had stayed away on purpose, not wanting to deal with what he'd find--again.

  Won't feel guilty.

  As she drew a heart over Puck's pec, he said, "Do you have affection for me, lass?"

  "Have I not proven it?"

  "I need words."

  Her chest clenched. "Yes, Pucky. I have affection for you."

  "Do you have fun with me?"

  "Yes," she replied readily this time, only then realizing where he was headed. "I also feel accepted and supported when I'm with you. More than I ever have with anyone else."

  He nodded as if satisfied. "Your birthday is coming up."

  "Is it?" She'd lost track.

  "Only two hundred and twelve days away."

  "So just around the corner, then," she said with a laugh. "When is your birthday?"

  At the sound of her laughter, he radiated satisfaction. "Don't know," he finally replied. "I stopped celebrating once I was taken from my mother."

  Clench. "Well, then, we'll celebrate your birthday when we celebrate mine."

  He tensed, which caused her to tense. Did he not think they'd be together that long?

  "If we fail to find Sin in the allotted time, I'm going to use the shears and ensure you leave the realm," he admitted, his voice heavy with...dread? "I won't let you die with Amaranthia."

  No! "I won't let you die, either. There's got to be a way to get everything. The crown. Vengeance for the Sent Ones. Our marriage." So why is my stomach twisting with dread, as if I know he's right? "I love you, Puck. I don't want to give you up, but I also don't want you to give up your clan."

  "You love me?" He sat up, staring down at her, and thumped his chest.

  "Yes, silly man. I love you. And you love me."

  The prompt--agree with me--flew right over his head. "You love me. My Gillian loves me." Awe lit his face. Then he narrowed his eyes. "Do you still love him?"

  "Yes," she admitted, and he tensed all over again. "I'll always love him. As a friend. Only ever as a friend. Please believe me."

  Quiet fury--that's what he was just then. It filled his eyes, pulsed from his body and held him rigid as stone.

  "Honey, we're home," a voice called, and she jolted upright, her breasts bouncing. "But don't hurry on our account. I'm enjoying the show."

  A short distance away, Galen hovered in the air. He wiggled his sandy brows, unabashed by his voyeurism.

  Moving fast--though not as fast as usual--Puck grabbed one of the rocks circling the fire pit and threw it. "No one looks at her but me."

  The missile pelted Galen's wing, sending him crashing to the ground. As he lumbered to his feet, Peanut galloped over and performed a perfect head-butt.

  Gillian rushed to dress alongside her husband, saying, "Good boy."

  "You're welcome for the warning, by the way," Galen grumbled.

  Footsteps sounded as Puck fastened his pants. She looked up just as William and Pandora stepped from the line of trees.

  Unwilling to meet her gaze, William sidestepped her, grabbed his go-bag and mounted his chimera. Ouch.

  Pandora cast her an apologetic glance. "Let's save any arguments for later and move out."

  Gillian hurried to gather her belongs. By the time she sat atop Peanut, the others were well ahead of her. Everyone but Puck, who waited for her.

  "I'm sorry," she said, "but I have to speak with him."

  A muscle flexed in his jaw, but he nodded. Thunder cracked, jolting her as she trotted forward to sidle up to William. A cold wind blew, causing her hair to slap her cheeks. A storm brewed, the sky now darkening.

  "Talk to me," she beseeched. "Please."

  Annnd still he ignored her, never relaxing his stance.

  "Okay, I'll talk and you'll listen. I never made promises to you, Liam. In fact, I did just the opposite. I told you I wasn't interested in you romantically. I told you I wanted Puck."

  Now he growled, shifting to glare at her, his eyes blue one moment, red the next. "You're not even sorry, are you?"

  Sorry for being with Puck? Never! "I'm only sorry I hurt you. But, if you think about it, you're glad I turned to another man."

  His nostrils flared as he inhaled sharply.

  William wasn't grieving over her loss, wasn't devastated or even jealous. In those extraordinary eyes she saw anger, hurt and injured pride.

  A rumble in his chest, almost a match to the thunder in the heavens. "We'll be back." He dismounted, saying to the others, "Do not come looking for us." He forced Gillian to dismount, not that she put up any kind of fight, then took her hand and dragged her away from the group, toward a thicket of trees.

  "There isn't time for this," Puck called.

  Do not look back. Do not--

  She looked back. Stay. Please, she mouthed. She needed to hash things out with William once and for all.

  Puck stared at her until the last possible second, his expression unreadable, his chest rising and falling with quick, labored breaths. Then tree limbs whisked together, hiding him from view.

  She gulped, torn. Feminine instincts screamed, Return to him. Now.

  No, no. She had to finish this.

  William stopped abruptly and whirled to face her. "You are mine, and yet you turned to that...that...goat man."

  She anchored her hands on her hips. "He might be a goat man, but he's my goat man."

  "I told you the bond would affect you. I told you to wait until you were free."

  "You also told me to sow my wild oats."

  "A moment of insanity."

  "Maybe, maybe not, but here's the truth, plain
and simple. I was intrigued with Puck before we bonded."

  "No." He glared daggers at her. "You're mistaken. Too many years have passed for you. Centuries. Your memories are skewed, which is understandable in more ways than one. You were sick at the time. If he was your fated mate, you wouldn't enjoy spending time with me, wouldn't laugh with me, or miss me when I'm gone."

  Stubborn male! "You might want to rethink your argument, Ever Randy. According to your logic, you would have kept your joystick in your pants if I were your fated mate. You wouldn't have bedded every woman in creation. You would have considered celibacy a privilege as you waited for me."

  A flash of outrage, quickly tamped down. "You were a child."

  "And you are an immortal. Time is nothing to you. Would waiting two years have been such a hardship? Truly?"

  Another clap of thunder. Lightning lit the sky, highlighting the beautiful face she a friend. A brother. The father she wished she'd had.

  "I did wait, just not the way you preferred," he grated. "Or have you forgotten the night I found you in my apartment?"

  A flush of shame heated her cheeks. "You know what I mean."

  He spread his arms, all look at me now. "I haven't been with anyone since I got here."

  "You've gone an entire week? What strength! What willpower! You must be so proud."

  Silence stretched between them as he stared at her, hard, studying her. Then he scrubbed a hand down his face. "Why are we even arguing about this? Or are you afraid I'll walk away from your precious Puck before he's made king? Well, worry no more. I'll kill his brother and gift Puck with the Connacht crown. In return, he'll sever his bond to you, as agreed, and you'll realize I was right all along. You'll beg for my forgiveness. One day, I might even grant it."

  Was he freaking kidding? "You'll forgive me?" With every word, her volume rose. "I don't want your forgiveness, William. I haven't done anything wrong."

  "You've done everything wrong!"

  She blinked, and William changed. Gone was the gentle teaser she knew and loved. In his place was the vengeful warrior who'd found her seconds after she'd married Puck. Wings of black smoke sprang from his back. The same smoke seemed to branch around his eyes, as if he'd somehow donned a mask. Those branches extended over his cheekbones, the perfect contrast to the lightning strikes that appeared under the surface of his skin.

  She expected him to shout, to rant and rail. Eyes like wounds, he said, "You broke my heart, Gillian."

  "No. No." I can't have hurt him. "I never wanted to cause you pain."

  He was lethally quiet as he flashed to a tree a few feet away and slammed his fist into the trunk. Again and again, until half of the trunk split from the other.

  Tears blurred her line of sight and streaked down her cheeks. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry," she babbled.

  "You never even gave me a chance." Steps eating up the distance at an alarming rate, he approached her. "I told him I wouldn't touch you, and I always sometimes keep my word. But I never said I wouldn't kiss you."

  Finally he was there, standing directly in front of her, swooping down to press his mouth against hers. His tongue thrust past her lips and teeth to stroke inside.

  The kiss devastated her, but not the way he hoped. The kiss broke her heart. All she tasted was salt water from her tears.

  She adored this man, but she could not bring herself to return the kiss. Not to give him closure, not even to say goodbye. Gillian could not, would not betray her husband in such a way.

  With her palms flat against William's chest, she pushed him away. "Stop, Liam. Stop."

  Her mind noted the slow pace of his heart--it wasn't racing with a passion too great to be denied.

  Her tears continued to fall, a sob bubbling from her. His electric blues were not dazed as they studied her a second time--they were confused, and sad. So incredibly sad.

  "Shh, shh," he said. He reached out to collect her tears with his thumbs. "It's going to be all right. Everything will be all right."

  Would it? So much was unknown. So much was unfinished.

  "I love you," he said.

  "I know. I love you, too. That will never change." But what she had never been romantic love. Deep down, a part of her had always known it, but other parts of her had mistaken protectiveness and security with teenage infatuation, and desperation with lust.

  Another sob escaped her. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

  "No, poppet. No. Don't be sorry. I lied before. You did nothing wrong."

  A moment ago he wasn't sure he could forgive her. Now he was comforting her. "What changed?"

  "I cannot do it. I cannot hurt you. You mean too much to me. And I..."

  She waited for him to say more. He didn't. "Tell me," she pleaded.

  He sighed, his warm breath fanning the crown of her head. "You are a terrible kisser. Like, seriously bad."

  She barked out an unexpected laugh. "Right back at you, Ever Randy."

  "I love you so much," he said, squeezing her. "More than I've ever loved another."

  Hello, new tears.

  He gently chucked her under the chin to guide her gaze back to his. What she saw? Tenderness. Understanding. Disappointment. "I've lived a long time. I've heard thousands of people--immortals and mortals alike--talk about the power of a single kiss. How one kiss can change you forever, ruining you for another lover. One kiss can teach you, calm you or incite you. Your kiss... I felt your love for him. I found it strangely...beautiful."

  "William," she whispered, anguished. "I never wanted to hurt you."

  "I know, poppet. I know." Still so gentle with her. "I'll recover. I always do," he said. "And don't go thinking I'm Puckillian's number one fan. I haven't changed my mind. I believe the bond is responsible for this, but I'm not going to--" He stiffened, frowned. "Hades is screaming at me. Danger. Death. Near."

  Magic? she thought as a breeze blew past. Last time, Sin's magic had hit with wind.

  The ground shook with so much force, Gillian stumbled to the side. She gasped, struggling to remain upright. Dread turned her blood to sludge as cracks formed in the dirt. More pits?

  Puck! Peanut!

  Gillian ran, pumping her arms and legs as quickly as possible. Must reach them! As she cleared the trees, her gaze found Puck. He was doing everything in his power to calm a frightened, bucking Peanut while also watching for Gillian's return. The moment he spotted her, relief brightened his expression...until his gaze dropped to her lips. He scowled.

  Not what you think, hubby. Okay, it was. But she hadn't participated.

  Halfway close, but not close enough.

  When they reached a safe place, she would explain what had happened. Except, between one step and the next, the ground--just--vanished. Unlike before, there were no pieces left to stand upon, and Gillian tumbled through the air.


  "Gillian!" Puck shouted, already using magic to cast a vine from somewhere above in a desperate attempt to catch her. The ground had dematerialized, there one moment, gone the next, taking Gillian with it.

  Indifference howled, incensed by Puck's panic. How could a day that began so beautifully end up like this?

  He also cast vines to the others--Peanut, Pandora and William--using up what remained of his magic. Galen's wings had saved him. The other chimeras had sensed something wrong and scattered just before the land loss.

  Had Puck caught Gillian and William? He couldn't see the pair; thick gray clouds had replaced the forest.

  He must have caught her. He hadn't died, so he knew she hadn't died.

  "'Go on a mission for Daddy,' Hades said." Scowling, Pandora planted her booted feet on thorns, allowing her to stand rather than dangle. "'It'll be fun,' he said."

  "If Gillian and William are down there, I'll find them." Galen angled his body and dipped beneath the clouds.

  Only moments ago, Puck had been furious with Gillian. Her lips had been red and appeared bee-stung, just as they looked after he kissed her. Only, he
hadn't been with her.

  Betrayed by my own wife!

  Indifference had beckoned at him like a siren's song. Want nothing, need nothing. If he summoned ice, the jealousy and rage would dissipate. His feelings of betrayal would vanish. But Puck had resisted. He wasn't a coward, and he wouldn't run from his emotions any longer.

  He would feel, and he would deal. But oh, he'd wanted to shake Gillian, had wanted to kiss her so hotly he would be forever branded on her lips. Him, not some other male. And he would. Soon. Then he'd wanted to remove William's head with a single strike.

  He'd thought, Consider the kiss a goodbye, lass. You'll kiss me, and no other.

  Then he'd realized there was no one more honest than Gillian. She wouldn't cheat on her husband, ever. William might have kissed her, but guaranteed she hadn't kissed him back.

  "I'm here, I'm safe." Her beautiful face appeared above the clouds, the thorns providing the perfect hand and foot rails as she climbed to a position level with Puck's.

  Relief tore through him. But, when he noticed the blood dripping down her arms, he worried all over again. "You're injured?"

  "Got stabbed by a few thorns, but I'm fine. William, too. He has a lot more vine to climb." The color drained from her cheeks when she spotted a flailing Peanut. The vine wrapped around the animal's middle, the thorns buried deep in his belly. "You used magic to save him. Thank you, Puck."

  "For you, I will do anything."

  "It's okay, baby," she called. "You need to calm down."

  Peanut panicked further. The more he thrashed, the more he bled. He had to be in great pain, with no idea why. But, if he didn't stop, he might cause the vine to snap.

  "You're only hurting yourself worse." Desperation threaded Gillian's voice. "Calm down. Please."

  "The vines are anchored to a piece of land above us," Puck said. "I'm not sure how far we'll have to climb, but there is a destination to reach. Once we're at the top, we can hoist Peanut to safety."

  "Why not go down?" Pandora asked.

  "There's no way we can safely lower Peanut to the ground." The strained words came from William as he broke through the clouds.

  Though the chimera had never liked the male, he settled when William traced a fingertip between his eyes. No, Peanut didn't just settle; he slept, his body going lax.