She'd agreed? A momentary blast of shock tripped him up, but he said, "Just repeat after me." He raced through the realm, faster and faster, heading for the exit, putting as much distance between Gillian and William as possible. "Yes?"

  A murmur of agreement.

  Good enough. "I give you my heart, soul and body." He waited until she'd echoed his words. Every time she paused to catch her breath, his nerve endings buzzed. "I tie my life to yours, and when you die, I die with you. This I say, this I do."

  The significance of the moment wasn't lost on him. They were tying their souls together. Until he used the shears, they would be two halves of a whole.

  Had his life unfolded according to his original plan, he would never have considered bonding. He would have remained single, never sleeping with the same woman twice, never knowing true satisfaction in bed.

  After Gillian--after Indifference--his life would be his own once again. I'll share with no one, ever.

  He would trust no one, not even the next wife he would take. The loving queen.

  "Repeat the rest," he commanded.

  Tears welled in Gillian's eyes, making all that whiskey-colored gold appear liquid. Did she regret her decision already? Too bad. She'd run out of time, and had no other options. Her life was fading right before Puck's eyes.

  If he had to force her to finish, he would.

  Then, a miracle happened. She echoed his statement, willingly accepting his claim. "This I say, this I do."

  So close to victory!

  Indifference snarled, and Puck ground his teeth.

  "I don't worked." Gillian's brows drew together. "Are you sure...bonding is what...saves me? I feel...same. Weak as ever."

  "Don't worry, lass. We aren't done yet."

  Finally they reached the exit. Puck zoomed through the mystical doorway, entering a new realm. One he'd never before encountered. There was no beach, or people, only an endless expanse of jungle.

  Possible threats: poison foliage, wildlife, man-made traps and the males who'd constructed them.

  In a rare act of protection, he pressed Gillian's face into the hollow of his neck before shouldering through a sea of branches and leaves. He would claim the first shelter he found, by fair means or foul, and finish the ceremony.

  There. A tree house came into view, large and luxurious.

  Puck draped Gillian over his shoulder as gently as possible and climbed up, up. At the top, he found a beautiful bedroom furnished in white. Who lived here?

  Hardly mattered. He placed Gillian in the center of the bed and withdrew a dagger. After slicing his wrist, he placed the wound directly over her lips. Blood dripped into her mouth, and she gagged.

  "Swallow." He barked the command, showing no mercy.

  Feverish and frantic, she shook her head, and precious drops dribbled down her cheek.

  "You will do this." She must. Her life--and their bond--depended on it.

  He fit the heel of his uninjured hand against her forehead to hold her in place and pinched her nose closed. Cruel on his part, but also necessary. She will die otherwise.

  She would forgive him. Or not. He placed his wound over her mouth a second time. Because she had to open up in order to breathe, his blood trickled down her throat.

  She gagged again but ultimately swallowed, and he heaved with relief. There. It was done.

  He lifted her arm and picked up the dagger. He knew what he had to do--slice her beautiful skin--but still he hesitated. Take blood she couldn't afford to give? How could he dare?

  No other way. Her pain would be fleeting. Once it was done, she could siphon his strength and finally, blessedly complete her transition into immortality. All would be well. She might even thank him.

  Puck inhaled sharply--and slashed Gillian's wrist. She cringed as he placed the wound at his mouth and drank.

  "Blood of my blood, breath of my breath," he rasped, his heart thudding against his ribs. "Until the end of time." Or until the shears were used. "Repeat the words, lass."

  Her eyes widened, and straight white teeth chewed on a bottom lip still coated with Puck's blood. "No," she said, and shuddered. "Need to think. No longer sure..."

  Refusal? Now? Running out of time. "If you don't do this, you will die, and I will war with William for nothing." Without a bargaining chip, William would have no reason to become Puck's ally and every reason to become his enemy.

  A thousand different emotions swam in her eyes, despair at the forefront.

  Puck thought he understood. A bond saved her life, but also destroyed any chance of being with William. In her mind, at least. She had no idea Puck planned to use the shears, and he wasn't going to tell her. Yet. For all he knew, William had tagged her with some kind of ward after finding out Puck had come sniffing around, allowing the other man to listen through her ears. The warrior would learn the truth when Puck decided to share, and no sooner.

  "You understand William would have let you die?" he said, the words lashing from him. "I'm here. I'm willing to risk everything--for you."

  A whimper opened the floodgates, heralding a sob. Had she even heard him?

  Frustration and rage battered his ice. Snarls echoed inside his head.

  Inhale, exhale. "Gillian." He cupped her jaw, keeping his hold as soft as possible. "Give me a chance. Let me save you."

  Again, he wasn't sure if she'd heard him or not, but she closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. One second passed, two, a seemingly endless agony. When finally her eyelids parted, he met a golden gaze more haunted than ever before--windows to the wounds festering deep inside her.

  Tears streamed down her cheeks and tremors rocked her delicate body, but at long last, she repeated the words. "Blood of my blood, breath of my breath. Until the end of time."


  Between one heartbeat and the next, Gillian's life forever changed.

  As strength and warmth sped through her body, darkness and ice sped through her soul. The dual sensations battled for supremacy, leaving her reeling. So badly she wanted to cry out for William. He would make everything better.

  But he wasn't here, and what could have been would never be.

  A sob lodged against a lump in her throat, and a choking sound escaped. She'd aligned her life with someone else. A stranger.

  And that was a good thing, right? She'd reset. Today marked Day One of her fresh start. She had a new path to walk--without William. What if he decided to cut her from his life altogether, because she was no longer Gillian, but Gillian plus one?

  How could she say goodbye to the greatest man she'd ever met? Tears distorted her vision.

  William would have let you die. I'm here. I'm willing to risk everything.

  Old Gillian would have lamented. New Gillian would rejoice. For the first time, she had a plan for her life. The rescue of abused kids. Every time she succeeded, she would be kicking evil in the nuts.

  Finally the dark fog that had plagued her since she'd fallen ill lifted, the past few days--weeks?--becoming a blur as the present cleared.

  An open, airy bedroom greeted her, pure rustic glamor. Sunlight flowed through cracks in wooden walls. She filled her lungs to capacity, the scent of lavender and peat smoke teasing her, rich and decadent, even soothing--Puck's scent. Delicious.

  Gillian lay on a large bed with a soft mattress. Her husband perched at her side, watching her with a strained expression. Because he'd shared so much of his strength with her?

  When his gaze collided with hers, a sensual haze clouded her thoughts. Puck was...he was...

  More beautiful than I ever realized.

  The ivory horns gave him an otherworldly mystique. Silky black hair beckoned her fingers...kohl-rimmed eyes burned with possessiveness, melting the frost from his coal-colored irises. Today, his irises reminded her of a midnight sky scattered with stars. His lips were a darker shade of rose than before and begged to be kissed--demanded to own the mouth pressed against his.

  No man had ever looked so hard an
d gentle at the same time, as if he could kill you or seduce you just as soon as he made up his mind.

  An odd sensation prickled the crests of Gillian's breasts and between her legs. Unimportant. Ignore. What mattered? She was alive! Thanks to Puck, she had hope, and a future.

  Laughing, she threw her arms around him. She owed him big-time. But all he wanted in return? To feel an emotion, any emotion.

  Sounded easy enough. In theory, at least.

  How was she supposed to make the keeper of Indifference laugh? Tell him jokes? How was she supposed to make him cry? Share stories about her childhood?

  And where were they gonna go, huh? Back to Budapest with the Lords? She doubted Puck would be welcome, and knew he wouldn't blend in with modern society.

  Actually, he didn't have to blend in. People would assume he wore a costume, and probably post reviews online.

  Did you see the "monster" in the castle district? So fake!

  His makeup artist should be fired.

  He wouldn't fool my blind uncle. Grade: D-

  Gillian released him, eager to discuss her thoughts, plans and hopes, but he wrapped his arms around her and held her firmly in place. Her heart kicked into a staccato rhythm, and her blood ran cold.

  Panic surged, and she wrenched back, gaining her freedom. Relief bloomed...until she heard a quiet, sinister roar in the back of her mind.


  Puck battled the fiercest erection of his life. Poppiberries--Gillian's scent--filled his nose. Except, her sweet fragrance now had added depth, because it blended with his scent, becoming their scent.

  They were well and truly bonded.

  Her fragile body had demanded its due, taking what it needed from his body. He'd only just recovered from Indifference's punishment; now, a good portion of his newfound strength had already deserted him. But...he was glad. Or almost glad.

  Such a small price to pay for Gillian's stunning transformation.

  Color had returned to her skin, the beautiful golden tones now flushed with rose. The weight she'd lost had reappeared in a blink, her eyes no longer sunken, her cheeks rounded once again. Dull, lifeless hair had new luster and gleamed as if dusted with diamond powder.

  Purely feminine. Lusciously carnal.

  More radiant than ever. Because of him. Because of Pukinn Neale Brion Connacht IV. Because his power flowed through her, ensuring her heart continued to beat.

  Pride puffed his chest. No man had a lovelier wife.

  No man had a more frightened wife, he realized, his chest constricting. Her gaze darted to the left, then to the right. Searching for a way out? Just then, she reminded him of injured prey cornered by a hungry predator.

  "Be at ease, lass," he rasped. He, surely not. But...maybe? Emotion seemed to flow between their bond. Fear, sadness. Hope, happiness. Rage, concern.

  Had to be a mistake. And yet, Indifference remained silent.

  Gillian drew a heavy breath through her mouth and closed her eyes. For several seconds, she sat as still as a statue. When she exhaled, she focused on Puck, the wildness fading from her eyes. Eyes that shifted down to avoid his gaze.

  "I'm sorry," she said, and rubbed at her temples.

  He pressed two fingers beneath her jaw and lifted her chin. Her gaze lifted, as well, and held his own, unwavering.

  "Better," he said. "I like your eyes--want to see them."

  She blinked, as if surprised.

  When he smoothed a lock of hair behind her ear, his fingertips tingled, and white-hot desire speared him. And yet, still Indifference remained silent. Even more shocking, Gillian softened and leaned into his touch.

  "You are exquisite," he said, and no truer words had ever been spoken.

  Darker pink circles spread over her cheeks, lending an air of innocence to her carnal sensuality. "Thank you. And you--"

  "Are not. I know."

  "Hey. Don't put words--"

  "Gillian!" William's hard voice echoed off the walls, shaking the planks.

  Finish your sentence, Puck wanted to roar. What did she think he was?

  "William," she mouthed. Excitement lit her eyes, drawing a ragged growl from Puck.

  Ragged growl? I'm using her. Her feelings for another man do not affect me.

  Dagger in hand, he jumped up. Perfect timing. William burst through a wall, wood shards flying in every direction. Rage crackled in his electric blues--no, his neon reds. Arcs of lightning zipped under the surface of his skin, while smoke and shadows stretched above his shoulders, like wings. Raven locks billowed around his face, lifted by a wind Puck couldn't feel.

  What kind of immortal was this man?

  He was Hades's son through some sort of immortal adoption; the two shared no blood ties.

  Whatever he was, William had lost his chance to make a move against Puck. Now, what happened to husband also happened to wife. Cut Puck, and Gillian would bleed. Break his bones, and hers would shatter.

  Those neon red eyes narrowed on him, crackling with the kind of rage Puck longed to feel. "You're going to die, but not until you've begged for mercy you'll never receive. She's mine, and I protect what's mine."

  And so it begins.

  The first rule of negotiation: establish a solid foundation on which to stand. The second: rip your opponent apart in every way possible. The more off-kilter William felt, the less confidence he would have. The less confidence he had, the easier Puck could work the situation in his favor.

  "No," Gillian croaked, rising from the bed to move beside Puck. "No killing."

  Thinks to protect the man who could have saved her days of agony?

  Forget a solid foundation. Puck went straight to ripping. "She's yours?" He sneered. "I did what you were too afraid to do. I fought for the prize--and I won."

  A bomb detonated in William's eyes, literal sparks crackling at the corners. "You have sealed your fate, demon."

  If Gillian heard the exchange, she gave no notice, her gaze pleading with William. Hoping he would save her from Puck?

  The rage he'd longed to feel only moments ago now filled him, his butterfly tattoo blazing and dancing over his skin. Muscles bulged and bones vibrated. His claws sharpened.

  His mind--remained quiet. Even still, he summoned ice. He'd never needed his strength more, couldn't risk a punishment.

  Cold and calculated, he stepped closer to Gillian, and said to William, "She's mine. I would never harm my female."

  William lifted a dagger, ready to strike.

  "No, William. I mean it." She stepped in front of Puck and stretched out her arms, as if to...shield him? "You can't hurt him."

  Oh, yes. She thought to shield him. Something his brother had not done, there at the end.

  A part of Puck longed to investigate the source of her protectiveness--desire? Something he could do. Just for a day. Maybe two. Perhaps a week. However long it took to reach Amaranthia. According to the Oracles, he had to tuck Gillian away before dealing with the other key.

  Besides, the more time that passed between the bonding ceremony and Puck's negotiations with William, the more the warrior would understand the brevity of his circumstances.

  My logic is sound.

  "Oh, poppet." William directed a smile full of malevolence at the girl. "I assure you I can hurt him."

  "You don't understand. He saved me. He's...he's my husband now. We bonded." She licked her lips as she shifted from one bare foot to the other. "Hurting him hurts me. I think." Looking over her shoulder, she met Puck's gaze. "Am I right?"

  He nodded.

  A mix of shock and fury played over William's features. "The bond. You agreed. Performed the ceremony."

  Tears refilled her eyes. "I didn't want to die."

  "You have no idea what you've done." The other man stumbled back, as if he'd been kicked. "He's using you for something."

  "I know," she replied, and she sounded a little sad, a lot worried.

  No, she knew only the lies Puck had fed her.

  "You know?" Me
nace pulsed from William. "Do you also know you belong to him, spirit, soul and body? That the ties can never be broken?"

  "I belong to myself," she said. Then her bravado evaporated. "I'm sorry. I just...there's so much I want to do. So much I want to accomplish."

  Puck placed a hand on her shoulder, careful not to scratch her with claws ready to rip William to pieces. Just as before, she leaned into his touch; only for a moment, a beautiful stolen moment, before she realized what she'd done and straightened.

  A moment was enough.

  William noticed.

  With a dagger flattened against his heart, he took another step backward. Fury and civility had been stripped from him, revealing hopelessness and blatant desire. Once, Gillian had been a lifeline to him. Did the male now consider her an anchor?

  "I can lock him up. I can keep him safe while keeping him away from you," William said. "It's a win-win."

  A whimper left her.

  "Go ahead. Try," Puck said, before she had a chance to agree. If she turned on him...

  Would she?

  "Gillian." William used the dagger to point at Puck. "Do you want me to lock him up?"

  Her eyes welled with tears once again, the droplets streaming down her cheeks. "No," she said. "I'm sorry. I don't."

  Puck released a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding.

  "Very well. We'll do this your way." Expression stony, William turned and exited the tree house.

  Another whimper left Gillian, her whole body shaking. "What have I done?" With a gut-wrenching sob, she threw herself onto the bed.

  The ice split down the middle, but he clung to both sides. He'd met the first part of his objective, saving and bonding to Gillian; the state of her mind should be the least of his worries.

  So why did he sit at her side and comb his fingers through the softness of her hair?

  When finally she quieted, he found himself asking, "Do you love William?"

  "Yes," she admitted with a sniffle. "He's my best friend. Or was. What if he never forgives me?"

  He will. The way William had looked at her...proof the male would forgive her for anything. He only required time. But a dark side of Puck didn't want Gillian pinning her hopes on a reconciliation.

  Need me. Want me. "I will be your best friend now," he said.

  "If that's an order..."

  Yes! "Merely a suggestion."

  Her body went lax, the tension draining from her at last. Because Puck had calmed her...or because Indifference had access to her through the bond?