Page 6 of Come Away With Me

  “That’s a lot of advice from someone who knows nothing about the situation.” His eyes were lit with a fire she couldn’t decipher.

  She held his eyes and defended herself. “I know that at the end of the day, family is all that matters. You’re right, though. I don’t know your situation and I don’t know you. Maybe you and I don’t share the same definition of family.”

  Without looking away, he took out his cell phone. He punched in a number, then waited, neither of them moving while it rang. “Madison. I’ve changed my mind. I will be attending the wedding. No, I’m sure my brothers will have the information. Yes, put me down for two.” After listening to response on the other end of the line, Gio ended the call and replaced his phone in his breast pocket.

  A sense of triumph filled Julia, followed by a pang of jealousy as she wondered who he’d be taking to the event.

  “The wedding is in two weeks. We’ll fly out the day before it.”

  “Me?” Julia swayed. “Where is the wedding?”

  “It’s on an island off the coast of Italy. And, yes, you. You’re the one who thought it was important that I attend.”

  Oh, no, no, no. “I—we can’t do that.”


  Because Italy means flying somewhere together and I can barely keep my hands off you now. “Because I work for you?” she practically squeaked. “You have a no-dating policy.”

  “An easy enough problem to solve. You’re fired.”

  “You can’t fire me. I need this job.”

  “Then we have a problem, because I’m not going to the wedding without you.” He walked over until he once again stood so close that all she had to do was lean forward ever so slightly to be flush against him. Tip her head up just a fraction to make their lips would touch. “What would it take to get you to come with me?” His words hung between them, their dual meaning raising the heat in the room. He ran a light finger down the curve of her cheek and caressed the outline of her lips.

  Julia shook her head free and backed up. Cornered, she blurted, “I’m not that kind of woman.”

  A corner of his mouth curled in a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “What kind of woman are you?”

  “The kind who is smart enough to know this is a bad idea. I want to say yes.” She took another step back. Being near him had her body humming with a need that scared her. As it often did when she was nervous, her mouth got ahead of her brain. “I mean, look at you. Who wouldn’t want to say yes?” She bumped into the table with the lamp from their first encounter, and those memories only agitated her more. “But if I sleep with you once, I’ll sleep with you twice. And then I’ll get attached to you. You’ll want to move on to the next woman and I’ll be all clingy. Trust me, it’ll get awkward.” She touched her lips and imagined his kiss. “I can’t do this.”

  With that, she bolted out of the room.

  Chapter Seven

  Gio watched Julia spring away from him and surprised himself by smiling. He was done trying to talk himself out of wanting her. He felt more alive around her than he could ever remember feeling.

  Let her run.

  It’ll only make having her that much sweeter.

  And I will have her.

  A bright red object near one of the chairs caught his attention. She’d left her purse. He picked up her bag and headed out of his office, choosing his strategy as he walked. He deposited the bag on his secretary’s desk and said, “Rena, Julia Bennett’s address is in a folder on my desk. I want you to send her this and something nice . . .”

  “No.” Rena sat back in her chair.

  Even though their conversations sometimes crossed into personal territory, Rena never argued with him. She may not have always agreed with how he handled his personal life, or that he involved her in it, but she had never refused him before.

  The world was absolutely off-kilter that day.

  “I wasn’t asking.”

  Rena folded her hands in her lap. “I am not getting involved in this one. You’re making a mistake. She’s not your type. I actually like her.”

  “Weren’t you lecturing me earlier on finding someone nice?”

  Shaking her head, Rena pushed the bag back across his desk at him. “That was before I saw your cousin storm out of your office in tears. You’re not ready for a nice woman. I’ve spoken to Julia. She’s as sweet and trusting as they come, and someone may teach her a harsh lesson because of it—but I won’t help that happen.”

  Picking up her bag, Gio found himself in the rare position of defending his actions. “I was merely asking you to return this.”

  “No,” Rena said with finality.

  With heat rising up his neck, Gio said, “Then I’ll return it myself.” Heading down to the lobby, he passed several of his employees before he realized the second looks they were giving him were due to the purse he clutched in his right hand. The realization didn’t slow his long strides down to the security desk.

  “Where is she?” he demanded of the two men behind the security desk.

  “Who, sir?” the older of the two asked.

  “Julia Bennett. Is she still here?”

  The guard looked uncomfortable as he said, “She just left. I have someone coming in to cover her shift.”

  Left? “Do you know where she went?”

  “I saw her outside talking to a . . .” He checked his log and continued, “Mrs. D’Argenson. They left together in a limo.”

  Madison and Julia?

  How could they know each other?

  In his office, it certainly hadn’t appeared that they were acquainted. He didn’t like surprises. He strode back up to his office, still clutching Julia’s purse in one hand. As he passed Rena’s desk, she asked, “Couldn’t find her?”

  In response, Gio did something he had never done before: Fueled by all the frustration building inside him, he slammed the door of his office shut.

  He cursed and threw Julia’s purse in the corner of his office.

  How many times have I told Nick to stay away from women in this building? This is the reason. It’s a distraction. I have phone calls to make. Leads to follow up on.

  He sat down at his desk again but, instead of reaching for any of the piles of papers that required his attention, he reopened Julia’s file. He traced the edge of her headshot that was stapled to her application.

  What did she say? If she sleeps with me once, she’d sleep with me twice.

  He groaned.

  I have a feeling twice will be just how we start our first night together.

  He shifted uncomfortably in his seat as his cock sprang to life in agreement.

  Julia Bennett. I know what I want. What is it that you want?

  Real life needs a rewind button.

  If given a redo, I would not go upstairs to close the door for Paul.

  I would not repeatedly make an ass out of myself in front of Gio Andrade.

  I would definitely not tell him that I was tempted to sleep with him.

  As Julia hastily exited Cogent Solutions, she noticed a black stretch limo parked in front of it, with the pregnant woman, Madison, standing beside it. Maybe she won’t see me.

  Madison stepped away from the vehicle and walked quickly toward Julia. “Excuse me. Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  Julia looked around, then answered, “Sure, I guess.”

  “Are you leaving?”

  As fast as I can. Julia nodded.

  “Would you like a ride?”

  Julia hesitated. The desire to get as far away as possible was strong. “I was going to take the bus.”

  Madison stepped forward and took Julia lightly by the arm. “Please. I’ll drop you anywhere, and we can talk on the way.”

  Curiosity warred with common sense. Admit it, you’re hoping she tells you more about your hot boss.

  The driver held the back door of the limo open and Julia slid inside it. So, what if I am? It doesn’t mean I’ll do anything about it. Anyone would be curious af
ter the scene I witnessed upstairs.

  Madison sat down next to her and the driver closed the door. A moment later, they pulled into traffic. Madison turned in her seat and held out her hand to Julia. “I should have introduced myself upstairs. I’m Maddy D’Argenson. Gio’s cousin.”

  Julia took her hand. “I’m Julia Bennett. Night security.”

  Maddy smiled at the title and shook her hand warmly. “I wanted to thank you for whatever you said to Gio about going to the wedding.”

  “His decision had nothing to do with me.”

  “Really? Have you known him long?”

  “I don’t actually know him at all. I work for him.” Julia referenced her outfit. The limo took a left turn and Julia said, “Shouldn’t I tell the driver where I live?”

  “I was hoping you’d come somewhere with me first. There is someone I’d like you to meet.”

  Julia looked out the window to assess where they were. The Lincoln Center? Where are we going? “This was a mistake. Do you mind pulling over?”

  A line of disappointment creased the rich woman’s forehead. “Please. I just want to talk.”

  “About what?” Julia asked slowly.

  “Please?” Maddy leaned forward and asked, her heart in her eyes. “This is more important to me than I could ever attempt to explain. Just give me a few minutes then I’ll drop you off wherever you’d like. I promise.”

  Julia was pretty sure she’d used a similar tone with her own family when she really wanted something. It was impossible to look into Maddy’s sweetly expectant face and disappoint her. Julia looked down at her attire. “I’m not dressed for anywhere nice.”

  With a triumphant smile, Maddy said, “Don’t worry. We’re going to a friend’s place.”

  The limo pulled up to the front of an exclusive high-rise apartment building. A doorman rushed out to greet them. The driver helped Madison out of the car, but Julia hesitated. It felt safe to go with her. After all, how dangerous could a pregnant woman be?

  Maddy smiled at the doorman and greeted him by name, then asked, “Is Miss Corisi home?”

  He returned her smile and said, “Yes. She’ll be happy to see you.”

  Maddy led the way to an elevator and Julia followed her into it. Maddy inserted a key that freed the elevator to go all the way to the top floor.

  Penthouse. Of course. Why would anyone live on any other floor?

  A butler answered the door almost immediately upon their arrival. He led them into a marble foyer that was lined with mountains of gifts on either side. A tall, thin, dark-haired woman in a simple yellow sundress rushed in and hugged Maddy. She ushered them inside and waved an arm toward the gifts. “Excuse the mess. They’re coming in faster than I know what to do with them. I can’t believe it’s two weeks away. Nothing is ready.”

  Maddy hugged her again. “Everything will be perfect. I know it.” Remembering Julia, she reached back and pulled her forward. “I brought someone I want you to meet.”

  Julia awkwardly offered the woman her hand. “Hello.” And then looked back at Maddy for guidance after she shook the woman’s delicate hand.

  Maddy laughed. “I’m sorry. I’m doing this badly. Julia, this is Nicole. Nicole Corisi.” When Julia didn’t react to the name, Maddy added, “Nicole is marrying my cousin, Stephan.”

  Julia smiled weakly. “Congratulations?”

  Why am I here again?

  Maddy was hopping beside her with excitement. “Nicole, Julia convinced Gio to come to your wedding.”

  Nicole cocked her head to the side and looked Julia over from head to toe. “Is she one of yours?”

  Maddy shook her head. “No, but trust me. She’s the one. You should have seen them together.”

  “It won’t count,” Nicole said with a smile.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Maddy countered. “She’s perfect for him.”

  The obscurity of the conversation was beginning to make Julia nervous. “Okay, it was nice meeting the two of you.” She started backing toward the door they had entered through. “Thank you for the ride. I just remembered that I have somewhere I need to be.”

  “You can’t leave,” Maddy said quickly.

  Nicole placed her hand on Maddy’s arm to caution her. “We’re scaring her. Julia, if this is your first experience with Maddy, let me just assure you that she is as harmless as she is crazy. The first ride I took in her limo ended with me delivering her baby. This can’t be worse than that.”

  “I’m not scared,” Julia lied. “You ladies seem wonderful, but I can’t stay.” She bumped into the butler as she backed up and almost fell, but he caught her and set her back on her feet. “I have to—”

  “Aren’t you curious why I brought you here?” Maddy asked.

  Shaking her head, Julia stepped around the butler. “I’m really not a curious person in general. Really, most of the world is a mystery to me and I’m fine with that.”

  “She’s funny,” Nicole said with a growing smile. “I like her.”

  “I know, right?” Maddy said in agreement. She beat Julia to the door, blocking her exit. “Just hear us out.”

  With her escape effectively blocked by a pregnant woman, Julia braced herself. Money makes people weird. Just smile. Agree. Eventually she’ll step away from the door . . . then bolt. “Okay.”

  “Would you like to come in and sit?”

  Julia shrugged with what she hoped looked like confidence. “I’m fine here in the hall.”

  Her sweet smile returning, Maddy said, “Family is everything to me.”

  Okay, so crazy lady and I can agree on one point. Julia merely nodded.

  “We almost lost Stephan this past summer, and it made us realize how short and fragile life can be. Stephan and I reached out to Gio and his brothers with the idea of mending ties with them. I didn’t know until I met Gio that he was so angry with us. He said he wants nothing to do with us.”

  Nicole added drolly, “Some people would have taken that as a sign to leave him alone, but Maddy can’t stand anyone being upset with her.”

  “It’s not that, Nicole. He doesn’t hate us. He’s hurting.” She looked across at Julia and said, “Sometimes the right woman can crack a man’s heart wide open and bring him back from a dark place.”

  Julia leaned back against the wall in surprise. “You think I’m that woman? I barely know him. You misunderstood what you saw.” The disappointment in Maddy’s eyes was so genuine that Julia felt for her, despite the odd situation. “Instead of trying to set him up with someone, maybe you should kidnap him.”

  “Did I totally misread what I saw?” Tears came to Maddy’s eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m so emotional lately.” She laughed. “No wonder you think I’m crazy. Looking at the last hour through your eyes I can see why you’d be eager to get away from us. I just got so excited by the possibility. I can’t help thinking that if he falls in love with someone nice he’ll find his way back to us. When I saw the way he was looking down at you when I walked in, I thought . . . I don’t know what I was thinking. Are you sure there is nothing between you?”

  Against all common sense, Julia admitted, “He did ask me to go to the wedding.”

  Nicole exclaimed, “He did?”

  Maddy’s whole expression changed instantly and her smile returned. “I knew it. I knew he was into you.”

  “I turned him down.”

  Maddy clapped her hands together. “You are perfect.” She turned to Nicole, beaming. “Come on, admit it. She is.”

  Nicole looked Julia over again and said, “It’s a long shot. Even if they fall in love it doesn’t mean you’ll reach him. Not every story has a happy ending, Maddy. What if this doesn’t work out and you end up making things worse?”

  Maddy threw up her hands in the air and walked over to Nicole. “When are you going to trust me? I never fail.”

  Seizing the opportunity Maddy presented by moving away from the door, Julia threw it open and bolted down the stairs. She didn’t stop until she was out
the front entrance and a block away.

  She hunched over, hands on her thighs, and tried to catch her breath.

  New York, you are one strange city.

  You’re not scaring me off, but let’s be honest: You could use a little therapy.

  She stepped out into the street to hail a cab, then realized she didn’t have her purse with her and swore.


  Just great.

  My money is in my purse. My cell phone. My keys.

  And I left it . . . yep, in Gio Andrade’s office.

  Only . . . she checked the street signs . . . fifteen blocks away.

  Just perfect.

  Chapter Eight

  His breath caught in his throat when he heard someone enter the outer office. He stood, then sat, then stood again and crossed the room decisively. Their eyes met and held with a heat he no longer tried to deny. “You left your purse,” he said in a harsher tone than he’d intended.

  She looked flustered, windblown, and utterly irresistible. “I realized that about fifteen blocks from here.”

  He took a step toward her, then stopped. The desire to continue toward her and pull her into his arms was strong, but he didn’t want her to bolt again. “You could have called me. I would have sent a driver to pick you up.”

  She gave him a small, pained smile. “It’s okay, it gave me time to think. Plus, I don’t know your number. I don’t know you at all.”

  He moved closer but stopped when she stepped back. “I intend to change that.”

  She shook her head. “No.” She looked around the room until she saw her purse, then crossed the room to pick it up. When she met his eyes again, a new emotion darkened her expression.

  He walked over and stood near her, so close their breath mingled and he could feel the heat rising from her skin. “Because if you sleep with me once, you’ll sleep with me twice?”

  Her cheeks turned a delicious shade of pink. “I can’t believe I said that. Sometimes I speak before I think.”