Page 1 of Mating Brand

  Mating Brand

  Mating Heat - Book Three

  By Laurann Dohner

  Mating Brand by Laurann Dohner

  Brand meets his dream girl in college—a half-human, half-snow leopard who’s too human to shift. Werewolves and cats are natural enemies, but the power of their sexual chemistry overwhelms them. Charma steals his heart and makes him whole…until she abandons him, fracturing his world. Brand knows no woman can ever take her place. Though many seek his attention, he is cold and unattainable.

  The love they share is soul deep but the fate of Charma’s family lies in her hands. The memory of every heated touch will cut out both their hearts when she leaves, but to save them all, she must return to her pride…and to a man she loathes.

  Now, after nine long years of desolation and heartbreak, Charma is back, risking her very life to warn Brand of an impending attack. He finally has her in his arms once more…and he’ll do whatever it takes to never lose her again.


  To my hero—MrLaurann. Thank you for all your love and support. I couldn’t do what I do without you.

  Please note...

  This book was originally put out a few years ago. It’s a re-release. It’s had some updated editing but I kept the original story intact.

  Mating Heat Series

  Mate Set

  His Purrfect Mate

  Mating Brand

  Mating Brand

  Copyright © April 2016

  Editor: Kelli Collins

  Cover Art: Dar Albert

  E Book ISBN: 978-1-944526-12-2

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal, except for the case of brief quotations in reviews and articles.

  Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is coincidental.


  The past

  Hot, slick skin drew her mouth to his flat belly. The sheets had been kicked off. The window air conditioner droned softly from the other room but it wasn’t a match for the sweltering heat of an early Texas summer.

  Charma licked a bead of sweat just under Brand’s belly button. She loved his taste, his scent—everything about him. He instantly responded. His cock stiffened, lengthened and proudly rose to full mast as a soft moan rumbled from his broad chest. She grinned and kissed the curve of his hip. His large hand brushed over her hair, then gripped her bare shoulder.

  “Good morning,” he rasped.

  “Not quite but it’s getting there.” She lifted a little, gauged how awake he was, and opened her mouth again. Her tongue traced the underside of his shaft, making his cock twitch.

  He raised his head to stare at her with passion-filled eyes. Their soft brown depths appeared more golden than chestnut when he woke. His nose flared and his body tensed. “You’re going into heat.”

  She nodded, purposely breathing warm air on his sex as she spoke. “I know. I realized it when I woke. Should I take the pills? I need to start them right away to mute and control it, otherwise it’s going to hit me full force in a matter of hours.”

  “Don’t take them. We’ll call in sick for the next few days.” His hand caressed her shoulder. “I survived last month.” His full, generous mouth curved into a grin. “I’m up for it.”

  She glanced down at the impressive evidence right in front of her mouth. “You certainly are.”

  He sat up. “Come here.”

  “I’m good where I am.”

  “You’re better than good, but I also remember how aggressive you get.” He chuckled. “And while I’m tough, I don’t want your fangs giving me any accidental piercings.”

  “I won’t bite.”

  “Hon, it’s the only time of the month you grow fangs. I love you but I’m not risking it. I wouldn’t be much good to you packed in ice until I heal tomorrow.”

  Charma pouted. “I want to taste you.”

  “Trust me. I’d love that too but you aren’t in full control right now. Want me to show you the scars on my shoulder from last month?”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay. It’s not a complaint. Stop apologizing. I like wearing your marks.”

  She sat up. “You could put a scar on me and I’d feel better.”

  Brand lunged, took her down flat on her back and pinned her under him. “It was an accident. You didn’t mean to bite into me and I’d never mar your beautiful skin.”

  Her mood darkened. “I know.”

  “Hey.” He adjusted over her until their noses touched and he stared into her eyes. “You’re the one who won’t mate with me. I want you to. That’s the only way I’ll ever sink my teeth into you.”

  She turned her head away to study the wall. Tears threatened to spill but she managed to blink most of them back. “You know I can’t.”

  She could smell their pain as it filled the room, mingled, until she couldn’t detect which one of them scented of it more strongly.

  Brand suddenly rolled away and climbed off their bed. He stormed toward the door. “Take your pills.”

  “You’re going to punish me?”

  He stopped. She could stare at his big, sexy body all day. He didn’t turn to look at her. “It’s getting harder for me not to mate you. I think it’s best if you take them to manage your heat. You’d hate me if I lost control.” He left the room.

  She lay there staring at the empty doorway long after she heard the shower come on. The urge to join him made her ache. It wasn’t just because her body throbbed for sex or hormones now raged inside her. She loved Brand with all her heart and wanted nothing more than to mate with him. She just knew it could never happen.

  Memories of four months ago filled her mind…

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  She was sitting in class listening to the history professor drone on and she barely heard the door open to admit someone who’d arrived late. She’d been tapping her thigh lightly with her thumb, trying to pay attention, but boredom had taken hold.

  A scent filled her nose, nearly sending her into a panic.

  She jerked her head to stare across the room at the really large, tall, black-haired male who took a seat. He didn’t so much sit as plop down in an indolent sprawl. He had to be six feet four and about two hundred forty pounds. Most would assume, from his beefy, muscular body, that he belonged on the college football team. Charma knew better. The distinctive smell of werewolf assured her of the danger he posed.

  It was clear the second he caught her scent. Instantly alert, he sat up straight. His head snapped in her direction and his dark gaze focused on her. Her fingers dug into her jeans as terror gripped her. The only things that kept her from bolting out of her seat to run for her life were the fifty students and the boring professor who were witnesses. He’d never attack her in front of humans. She was safer to remain still.

  He frowned—then did the unexpected. He lifted a hand and gave her a small wave.

  She gaped at him until a slow grin spread across his handsome face. Those soft brown eyes didn’t flash a warning of impending attack. He winked instead before looking away to ignore her for the rest of the class.

  Charma lingered inside the classroom after it ended, afraid to go outside in case he waited to drag her somewhere remote. There were plenty of places on the large Texas campus where no one would witness her death. Filled with dread, she finally headed for the door, knowing she couldn’t hide there any longer.

  He stood outside, just as she’d feared.

  She stiffened, her heart pounded hard enough to cause pain, and she trembled. She knew she had n
o chance of surviving when he attacked.

  “Calm down. I’m no threat.” He frowned. “Damn, you’re terrified. There’s no reason to be.”

  She didn’t believe him. They were natural enemies.

  “I came to college to learn.” His voice was pleasant, husky. “You know—meet new people, experience new things. You’re the only person I’ve run into who is…” He paused and glanced around before meeting her gaze again. “Special.”

  She couldn’t find her voice. It had to be a trap. He wanted to play with her, maybe lure her into a false sense of security and then strike for the fun of seeing the shock on her features before her death.

  “I think we should leave bullshit family politics at home where they belong, don’t you? We’re just two college students right now. I swear I’m not going to hurt you.” He drew in a deep breath through his nose. “Are you a panther?”

  She still couldn’t form words around the lump balled inside her throat. She shook her head instead. Her books felt extremely heavy, clutched in front of her chest to shield her heart if he decided to suddenly claw it out.

  “I’m not familiar with your scent.”

  She cleared her throat. It took long seconds to work up the nerve to speak as she fought her instincts to flee. “I’m half human, half spotted leopard.”

  He grinned. “Really? I bet you’re pretty when you shift. I mean,” his smile faded, “you’re pretty as a human but…you know what I mean.”

  “I can’t shift.” She wanted to kick herself for admitting that but her brain refused to work right. Terror made her blurt stupid things.

  “Too human?”

  “Please don’t hurt me. I’ll leave. I’ll go to my dorm and can be gone in less than an hour. I don’t own much so it won’t take me long to pack.”

  “Aw, damn.” His voice turned gruff. “Don’t do that. What can I say or do to assure you that I’m no threat? I just waited around to make that clear and, um, I kind of hoped I could buy you coffee.”

  She gawked at him again.

  “I’m used to being with a pack.” A sheepish look crossed his features and he sighed, meeting her gaze again. “I’m lonely. We’re surrounded by humans and I miss talking without always having to watch what I say. I was hoping we could hang out. I found a great spot where humans don’t go. I guess if you can’t shift, you wouldn’t want to go running with me though.”

  He looked sincere and it stunned her. “I love to run anyway.”

  His expression brightened. “That’s great. We could go together. Hell, I’m always worried about someone spotting me and calling animal control. They’d just think you were a woman out jogging with your big dog if you were with me.” He laughed. “A really big dog that resembles a wolf, but most humans mistake me for a German Shepherd from a distance.”

  Charma started to relax. He wasn’t growling at her or making threats. She was still breathing. All those things surprised her. “I haven’t run into any other shifters.”

  “Most of us don’t seem to go to college.”


  “I’m the only one in the history of my family. What about you?”

  “The same.”

  “I really didn’t mean to scare you. May I buy you coffee or dinner to make up for it? We should stick together. I bet you miss your pride.”

  She didn’t dispute his assumption, though she disagreed. “You seriously want to spend time with me?”

  “Yes.” He moved slowly. “Those books look heavy. You’re such a little thing. Allow me.”

  She didn’t want to release them but she didn’t have a choice when he gently pried them from her desperate hold. He watched her from his towering height.

  “See? It’s okay. I’m tame. Think of me as a big puppy.”

  He has to be kidding. The guy was a werewolf, one of the most feared shifter breeds ever born, and the enemy.

  He offered her his arm next. “It’s okay. I’m Brand Harris. What’s your name?”

  “Ch-Charma Heller.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Charma. There’s a cafe around the corner. Lots of humans will be there if that makes you feel safer. It’s okay.” He held her gaze. “Really. I’m just lonely and thrilled to find someone else special I can talk to. I’d never hurt you.”

  “But we’re natural enemies,” she blurted, still not taking his arm.

  “Says our parents.” He made a point of peering around them. “I don’t see them. Do you?” He flashed a friendly grin that once again made her notice his good looks. “I won’t tell if you don’t.”

  Indecision nagged at her but she finally reached for his arm. Her fingertips brushed warm, firm, tan skin. He didn’t snarl or jerk away. She curled her fingers around his forearm as they walked together.

  “It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it? I just arrived here after transferring from another school. It didn’t work out there. I’m afraid a wolf running around California didn’t go over well. I knew I had to take off when they started to pass out flyers to warn the students of a wild wolf.”

  A laugh escaped her. “Really?”

  He actually blushed, his cheeks turning a rosy hue. “I messed up. Man, was my uncle pissed. How long have you been here?”

  “This is my second year.”

  “What’s your major?”

  “I want to be a veterinarian.”

  He nodded. “I’m going for a business degree. So you got stuck with history too. Is that guy always so boring?”

  “It was a required class, and yes, I’m afraid so. I play music inside my head just to stay awake.” Charma completely relaxed…

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Brand pulled her back to the present when he stepped into the bedroom with a towel slung low around his hips. He regarded Charma. “Did you take your pills?”

  She crawled off the bed. “I’ll do it now.” She tried to pass him but his hand shot out to curl around her upper arm. She refused to look at him.

  “I love you, and I know you love me too. I don’t care how our families will react. I want to spend my life with you. I thought we started one together when we moved out of the dorms and rented this house. We’re happy when we’re not stressed about our future.”

  Charma turned her head to peer up at him. “I told you. My family made a bargain with the pride leader. I’m promised as mate to someone else and his family paid for college in exchange.”

  “I’ll pay back every dime. My family has money.”

  “It’s not that. It’s about a promise.”

  “Paying for college isn’t worth signing your life over to someone else.” Anger deepened his voice to a snarl. “You don’t want that jerk. You love me.”

  “I do.” She turned into him, pressed her nose against his chest and inhaled his wonderful scent. “I love you so much.” Her hot tears mingled with the chilled water droplets that remained on his skin from his cold shower. “I didn’t have a choice. I would have been ordered to mate whomever the pride leader chose regardless. But this way, I was able to postpone it and get an education first. He allowed it because they need a vet.”

  Brand released her arm to pull her tighter against him. “Hon, we can work this out somehow. I’ll never let you go. We’re mates already, even if we haven’t cemented the bond yet.”

  She wished with her entire soul for that to be true. Fate had been cruel to her family. Brand didn’t understand pride politics or the consequences if she didn’t mate with Garrett Alter. She couldn’t explain either. She was too afraid Brand would do something really insane to keep her. It would get him killed.

  “Don’t take the pills. Not even the ones to prevent pregnancy.”

  Her gaze shot up to lock with his. “You know I have to.”

  “Would it be so bad to have a baby with me?”

  It would destroy her family. “It’s probably not even possible. I’ve never heard of it happening. We’re too different.”

  “Your human half could change that. We won’t know unless we t

  “I just can’t.” Her voice broke and she pressed her face against his chest again, unable to witness the pained expression that twisted his features. “I do love you. Know that. No matter what happens in the future, you’re the only man who will ever truly own me.”

  He snarled and suddenly jerked away. “Don’t tell me that and then say I can’t have you in the next breath. I need to go for a run.” He spun, tore off his towel and stormed out of the room.

  The front door slammed with enough force to shake the old cabin and Charma collapsed to her knees, tears sliding down her cheeks. Her obligation to her family was tearing them apart. She knew Brand would run himself into the ground to work out his frustration before he returned from the woods behind their home. She had at least an hour.

  It took all her strength to rise to her feet. She couldn’t destroy the man she loved, yet that was exactly what would happen if their bond grew stronger. One day she’d have to return home and leave him. If she left now, he’d only have a few months of memories to get past.

  Her sobs carried her into the bathroom to take her pills. She nearly choked on the bitterness that carried them down her throat.

  She gazed at her pale reflection in the mirror. Her blonde-and-brown-striped hair mocked her. Lots of humans had streaked hair, but hers was actually striped. It drew attention, and she’d been asked many times where she’d had it done. To avoid unwanted questions, she’d dyed it. But it was a trait she had stopped hiding at Brand’s insistence, since hair dye made his nose itch. Her long hair flowed to her waist. She pulled her the wavy mass to the side and turned enough to see her back.

  The dark spots along her lower spine were something she always hid beneath clothing or with her long hair. They were markings she’d been born with, ones that reminded her that no matter how much she wished she could change her heritage, it would never happen. They kept her from passing as human…but the shifter world was destroying her one day at a time.