Page 15 of Mating Brand

  They both slammed through the living room windows, into the house.

  More werewolves attacked the male as Brand backed away, leaving the poor bastard to his fate. The cat only made it a few feet inside before he was dead. Brand jumped back outside and scanned the yard for other threats to the house.

  He figured they were searching for Alpha Elroy, to kill him. They wouldn’t find his uncle, since he was miles away, hidden, locked inside the pack doctor’s basement. Another leopard caught his attention. That one was using the treetops to launch an attack on the house. He landed on the roof and Brand howled a warning to the ones inside. He turned, barreled back through the broken windows and jumped over the carcass of his enemy.

  His bulkier, hairy body filled the stairwell and his claws tore into the carpet. He didn’t give a damn because that leopard was too close to Charma.

  It was tough to distinguish noises, with all the battles taking place, but he heard glass break and a female scream.

  Charma! No!

  He went insane as he bolted to the second floor and crashed through a window at the end of the hallway. He almost skidded off the narrow roof but his claws tore into the wood shingles, holding his ground as he started to climb toward the third floor. He’d ordered her to barricade the door and knew it would be faster to reach her from the windows. Werewolves weren’t designed to climb but he was motivated. He slid on the steep incline.

  Brand howled in rage and had to take a few calming breathes. He forced his wolf back enough to lose his claws and regain his hands. He tried to climb but slid farther. He turned his head and jumped toward the tree that the leopard had used to reach the third floor. He couldn’t climb as a wolf but he could as a man. It was slow going but he had to reach Charma.

  It was eerily silent above as he finally reached the branch that was close enough for him to peer in through the windows that had been breached. He stared inside—and what he saw made him want to roar in outrage.

  Charma cowered beside a dresser that had been pulled into one corner of the room. A leopard had her trapped there, blocking her escape.

  The pride male stood just feet from where she huddled. That male could be Garrett.

  Rage gripped Brand as he recovered enough to catch his breath and inch along the branch toward the opening. He was going to kill that son of a bitch for getting too close to his mate.

  Chapter Ten

  The big beast crashed through the windows. Charma gasped and rolled out of the way when the leopard paused to shake off the broken glass. Terrified by his violent entry, she managed to stumble to her feet but there was no escape. She wedged into the corner beside the dresser she’d used to block the door. The shotgun was behind the intruder, out of her reach.

  The male shook his furry body again, removing the last of the debris, and straightened. His head swung her way and she identified his features and eyes. She’d spent way too much time with Percy and the enforcers not to know what they looked like shifted as well as in skin. Surprise widened his eyes when his gaze landed on her and his vision adjusted to the dim room.

  Oh shit. He’s going to kill me. She had no doubt about that. The last time she’d seen Randy in Percy’s office, he’d been considering mounting her until the pride leader had forbidden him to take her.

  Time seemed to freeze. She didn’t glance away from him until he moved a step in her direction.

  She grabbed at the only thing within reach. A vase on top of the dresser. She grasped the base and smashed off the top. “Stay back!”

  He began to shift and she saw his nose flare as he sniffed. He’d picked up her change in scent. Brand’s mark would offend him—and he’d also know she’d gone into heat. Her fangs elongated but she kept her lips closed, hoping he didn’t notice her fingernails were clawed as well. She needed any advantage she could get to survive.

  Brand, where are you? She silently screamed for him but knew her mate was probably fighting for his own life.

  Randy’s voice came out a mix of pissed-off man and outraged leopard. “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to warn them.” She braced her back against the wall and inched her other hand behind the edge of the dresser. He’d have to come at her, and she planned to push the dresser in the way when he did.

  “You what?” He took a threatening step forward but stopped, his mouth hanging open.

  “I warned them,” she taunted, praying she’d be able to send him into a rage. He wouldn’t be thinking, would be more focused on just tearing her apart, and that was the only advantage she had. “I told them the pride called a joining.”

  “Why would you betray us that way?”

  “Why do you think?” She finally lifted her chin, allowing him to see her fangs. “I loathe the pride.”

  He didn’t strike out at her the way she figured he would. He took a step back, his face paling. “You stink of wolf!”

  “I mated one.”

  His utter shock was apparent.

  Attack now, her inner voice urged. She just wasn’t brave enough to leave the tight space. Her instincts were playing hell and the shifter side of her wanted to hide from the larger, dangerous male threatening her. He was stronger, faster, and she wasn’t about to fool herself that her odds of winning weren’t slim to none. Her human half wanted to cause him some pain before he killed her.

  “I have your sister,” he finally spat.

  It was her turn to be shocked. “What?”

  “Breeanna followed us here, thinking we were tracking you.” His eyes narrowed. “Put down the vase and follow me out of here, or I’ll kill her.”

  “You’re lying.”

  “I hate Percy too.” He cocked his head, staring at her. “He wouldn’t even send Garrett to fight for this cause. I’m sick of being fodder. With you and your sister, we could breed a new pride. You come with me without putting up a fight, and I won’t kill her. I always wanted you,” he hissed. “But first we’ll have to rid you of that dog stench.”

  “You don’t have Bree.” She refused to believe him.

  “I do.” The smug expression on his face terrified her that he was telling the truth. “She’s with my brother. He can have her, and I’ll get you. I don’t think you’re defective.” His gaze lowered down her body with interest. “I just think Garrett is as spineless as his father and shooting blanks. I know about him screwing anything that says yes, and none of them have ended up pregnant. Your mother was a breeder; she gave your father four kittens before the accident. I wanted you, but Percy said his precious boy could have you instead. Leave with me now or Breeanna will pay, Charma. I’m taking you with me either way, but I’ll hurt her as your punishment if you put up a fight.”

  Her hold on the vase loosened. Randy took advantage of that by moving faster than she could react and grabbing hold of her wrist, violently snagging it with enough force to shake the broken object from her fingers. It crashed to the carpet and he yanked her out of her hiding spot.

  He turned, prepared to drag her out the way he’d come, but the sight of Brand climbing through the window stopped them both.

  Charma was never so happy to see her furious mate than at that moment, since she was too worried about her sister’s fate to know what to do. He snarled and lunged forward.

  Something wet splattered across her face and she turned her head, saw claws rip into Randy’s chest, all the way through to his back.

  He screamed and his hold on her was gone as Brand threw him across the room. Brand’s elbow caught her shoulder, sending her crashing toward the bed. She landed facedown on the mattress, bounced once and realized what had happened. She twisted her head and watched Brand tear Randy apart. The gory sight was horrific. The pride enforcer never even got the chance to scream again before he died.

  Brand turned, half man and half beast, panting. Fresh blood covered his skin and dripped off his claws. His eyes were all wolf as he stared at her.

  Charma blinked a few times, in shock.

  “Are yo
u okay? I thought that might be Garrett but I can tell by his smell that he’s not.”

  She had to adjust to his rough voice to understand what he said. She managed a nod. “He was an enforcer from my pride.”

  He took a step forward, then another, and dropped to his knees next to the bed. He kept his arms outstretched at his sides, his claws extended but far away from her.

  “Charma, did he hurt you?” His voice was less growl now, more human.

  She rolled over and sat up. “I’m okay. He said he has my baby sister.” She turned her head to stare at what was left of Randy. Bile rose in her throat and she swallowed hard, avoiding the sight as she turned back to hold Brand’s gaze.

  “I’m sorry, baby.” He inched closer but didn’t touch her. “I thought you’d be safe up here.”

  “I’m okay. What if he really has my sister? He said Breeanna followed him here, and his brother has her.”

  Brand breathed hard but his claws slid back into his fingertips. He grabbed some of the bedding and wiped his hands on it. “Do you think he was telling the truth?”

  “Yes. Maybe. I don’t know. Bree can be pretty impulsive, so it’s possible.”

  Brand slowed his breathing, reaching for control, and glanced around. He stared at something on the nightstand. “Does she have a phone? Call her.”

  Charma was still stunned but she nodded. Her sister had a habit of making rash decisions. Would she follow the males out of pride lands if she thought they were going after Charma? She crawled across the bed and snagged the phone. Her hands shook as she dialed her sister’s number. It rang six times before going to voice mail.

  “She’s not answering. She always picks up.”

  “Maybe it’s because she doesn’t know the incoming number.”

  “That wouldn’t stop her. She’s close to a lot of humans and they’re always changing their numbers.” She waited for the beep. “Bree, this is Charma. This is urgent. You call me right back. Do you understand? At this number. Call me right now.” She hung up.

  Brand went to the cramped bathroom located in the corner of the room. The sound of running water made it clear he was washing away the blood. She clutched his cell phone, waiting for it to ring. Every second seemed like a minute. A wet hand clamping down on her shoulder made her jump and stare up at Brand fearfully.

  “She isn’t calling back. What if she followed them?” Her gaze drifted to the broken windows facing the woods. “It’s a war zone out there and my baby sister could be in the middle of it.”

  “We’ll find her.”

  “Your pack would kill her, wouldn’t they?” She panicked. “They’ll think she’s attacking them with the pride males.”

  Brand jerked her to her feet. “Let’s take you downstairs to a safer location and I’ll go look for her.”

  “How will you know who she is? You’ve never met her.”

  “She’s a she-cat in pack territory. It won’t be hard.”

  She clutched at him with her free hand, keeping hold of the phone with the other. “I need to go with you. She’ll be terrified.”

  “Charma,” Brand growled, “calm down, baby. Trust me. I need to get you downstairs to Kane and his brother. They can protect you. I’ll go search for your sister. We aren’t even sure if she’s out there.”

  She wanted to go with him but knew she’d only slow him down. She tried to think rationally. “You can’t go out there alone. Randy said his brother has Bree. There could be more than one enforcer with her. You’d be outnumbered.”

  “I can handle a few pussies.”

  It was a hellish situation for Charma. Brand could be in danger if he went to locate Bree. She was torn between the love for her baby sister and for her mate. Brand leaned in and pressed his forehead against hers.

  “Trust me, hon. I’m going to find your sister if she’s here. I know what direction they came from. I’ll backtrack their footprints, okay?”

  “Be careful. I can’t lose you.”

  “Nothing is going to keep me from spending a long life with you,” he swore. “Now come with me downstairs. Kane and Klax can guard you. Maybe I’ll take Braden with me. He’ll want to fight. Will that make you feel better?”


  He released her and glanced once at the dead body of Randy. He cleared the door and turned, holding out a hand to her. “Come on, Charma. Time isn’t on our side. The pride must be on the run by now. They aren’t winning this war.”

  They hurried downstairs. The sounds of fighting inside the house could be heard and Charma saw a body on the floor when they reached ground level. Two tall blonds stood next to the bloodied corpse of a leopard. Both turned, growling at their approach. They saw Brand and lowered their clawed hands.

  “Guard my mate,” Brand ordered harshly. He released Charma. “Stay with them. They’ll keep you safe.”

  “Where is Braden?” She frantically looked around.

  “I’ll find him.” Brand rushed away.

  Charma stared up at the identical twins with a bit of trepidation. They were big werewolves, something she’d always feared, but Brand said she’d be safe with them. She just didn’t feel it as they regarded her with identical intense stares.

  “Hi.” She felt the need to say something, anything, to break the tension.

  One of them turned away, sniffing. “More approach.”

  His brother moved fast, making Charma gasp when he just hooked her around her waist and swung her off her feet. She tried not to cringe, knowing that the wetness seeping through her clothes was blood from his fresh kill. She had other things to worry about. In four long strides, he took her to a door and yanked it open. “Be quiet,” he ordered, dropping her on her feet. “Stay put. We won’t let anyone reach you.”

  She was shoved inside a closet and the door closed, leaving her in darkness.

  The phone in her hand rang and she startled then frantically accepted the call, hoping it was Bree.


  “I’m sorry,” a female crooned. “I must have called the wrong number. I was trying to reach my ex-boyfriend.”

  “It’s a new number I just got. Whoever you’re trying to reach obviously changed theirs. Sorry,” Charma whispered, hanging up. She didn’t have time to deal with another Peggy situation.

  She heard snarls and a battle taking place on the other side of the door. She leaned against the thick wood, hoping the two brothers were as fierce as they appeared. The prides seemed focused on attacking the alpha house. She closed her eyes and prayed Brand would be safe.

  Brand rushed outside and headed in the opposite direction that Braden had gone, feeling a little guilt about lying to his mate. She’d worry less if she thought he had backup. He was torn between staying to protect Charma and going after her sister. The pride male could have lied in an attempt to get her to leave with him but he had to be certain.

  He caught a leopard attempting to sneak up on the house and attacked. He wasn’t in the mood to dally so he shifted fast and just tore into the male. He quickly left him dead on the lawn and sprinted in the direction the group of pride had come from. He had a good idea where they’d entered the woods. A lone stretch of road near the old graveyard would have allowed them the closest access to the alpha house.

  His paws dug into the ground as he rushed forward, on alert for the enemy. He passed a few groups of wolves and four of them followed him, perhaps hoping he was on the scent of a new target. He ignored the males, ones he didn’t know. They were probably visitors for mating heat and had ignored orders to leave. He picked up a scent a few miles away and changed direction. Fresh blood from a kill alarmed him and he hoped it wasn’t a female she-cat he’d find.

  When he located the fallen body, it was a male who was in skin but stank of pride. A wolf had ripped open his chest. He leaned in, pressing his nose close. Another scent came through and he growled. Braden had taken out the male.

  It became clear that Braden might have headed away from the fighting but he’
d doubled back. Another snarl drew his attention and he turned his head, watching one of the strangers sniff the nearby grass.

  He stepped over the body and shoved the male aside, sniffing at the spot. Female she-cat was distinctive.

  The males let out a howl of intent to track her but he barreled into the one who seemed to be in charge, taking him to the ground. His teeth locked around the male’s throat in warning.

  NO! His wolf sent that signal out loud and clear. He released the male and threw his head in the direction of the alpha house. Go! His wolf snarled to emphasize the order.

  The males whined in protest but obeyed. They turned tail and rushed in the opposite direction, leaving him at the scene alone. He waited, lowered his nose and investigated the faint scent of the she-cat. Braden’s scent was there too.

  Part of him was relived. Braden had found her, and Brand didn’t find any traces of her blood. He discovered where her scent ended and studied the tracks. A pair of bare footprints a few feet away told him, from their deep imprint, that his cousin must have carried Charma’s sister. He’d left in skin, as a man.

  Braden had killed the male and taken the she-cat. It had to be Charma’s sister, even though her scent didn’t remind him of his mate’s. His gaze landed on the torn-apart male lying in the woods. Braden could be immature at times but he wasn’t one to lose his temper without cause. His cousin wouldn’t harm a she-cat, especially one he’d killed for. Braden had killed the male while protecting her. The single set of footprints leading away indicated his cousin was taking her to town, away from the fighting.

  Brand made a decision. He turned away from the tracks and plowed through the woods, back toward the alpha house. Charma was his priority. Howls ahead spurred him to run faster, wondering what they meant. He came across the she-cat’s scent on his way to the house and paused; his jaw closed over her discarded jacket and he took it with him.