Page 9 of Mating Brand

  He groaned and closed his eyes.

  “You are bigger,” she leaned forward to lick the skin beside his nipple. Her teeth nipped him. His cock jerked in response and seemed to harden even more in her hand. “Sexier. So hot, baby.”

  She aligned the crown of his shaft under her and sank down. She purred as his cock filled her, adjusting her legs to wrap around his hips and gripping his shoulders with both hands. She used her hold on him to lift up and drop down on his cock. Brand snarled in response and his hands cupped her ass. He squeezed both cheeks and pulled her against his hips.

  His head lowered, black eyes opened, and he rose to his knees. Brand moved them, Charma wrapped around him, until the padded headboard bumped her back.

  “Ride me. God, I love it when you do.”

  She smiled as he released her ass and clung to the top of the headboard to brace his body. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and she used her thighs, locked around his hips, to slowly slide up his chest, her butt moving up and down, riding his cock. She purred louder while kissing his throat, jaw, and finally his mouth.

  She avoided his fangs as their tongues met. He growled when his knees shifted a little under them and his hips bucked up, driving his cock into her deeper. She tore her mouth from his to avoid biting. She did that to his throat instead, her teeth closing on the spot she remembered he most loved to be nipped.

  Hair broke out over his skin where her hands touched and she knew he was losing control. She didn’t care. He’d never totally shift on her. She never minded when he lost some of his skin, appreciated being able to turn him on that much, and she’d half expected it when he’d slammed her back against the padded headboard. His hands released the top of it to grab her ass instead. He wildly fucked her, rough and deep.

  The headboard slammed against the wall, their breathing turned harsh and she bit him harder, drawing a little blood, even with her flat teeth, further sealing the bond. She wished she were in heat. Some fangs and claws would really send him over the edge. The climax tore through her and Brand growled loudly as he came too. Her muscles twitched strongly around his driving cock.

  They stilled, panting, and Charma licked at the wound she’d inflicted, marking him as her own. This time she wouldn’t feel guilt if she scarred him. He was her mate, and he’d never have to explain to another female about who had put scars on him.

  “Mine,” she whispered against his skin.

  “Fuck yes,” Brand rasped. “I’m all yours.”

  The door to the bedroom exploded open and Brand snarled. His head whipped around to face the intruder. His entire body tensed, preparing to attack to protect his mate.

  He glared at his cousin who stood in the open doorway. Braden wore jeans, nothing else, and was out of breath.

  “What do you want?” Brand made sure Charma’s body was hidden by his own.

  Braden’s eyes widened as he gawked at them. His gaze darted to Charma and he swallowed hard. “I thought you were under attack. I heard furniture breaking and you yelled.”

  Charma cleared her throat. “I take it this is your cousin? Don’t move unless you make him turn around first, and hand me something to wear, please.”

  Brand muttered a curse. “Turn around, damn it. Stop gawking at my mate.”

  The guy actually blushed and spun on his heel. “I’m sorry. I thought someone broke in. I was coming to save you. Shit.”

  Brand resented withdrawing from Charma’s body and having to release her. He grabbed a pillow, held it up, and she clutched it against her body. He got off the bed, shot another glare at his cousin’s back, and picked up the sweats from the floor where he’d dropped them earlier to yank them up his legs.

  He tore open drawers, removed a T-shirt and threw it at the bed. A pair of drawstring shorts followed. Then he walked to his cousin, slapped a hand over the curve of his shoulder and pushed him forward into the hallway. He would have closed the door but it was broken from Braden’s entry. He settled for pulling it near the busted frame to give Charma some privacy.

  “What did I say about not coming up here?”

  Braden sighed, turned his head and met his gaze. “I’m sorry, man. I really thought you were in trouble. It sounded like all hell was breaking loose.”

  Brand released him. “I appreciate the concern but as you could see, the only one in danger is you.”

  “Me?” Confusion clouded Braden’s features before he stumbled back a few steps. “Hey, that’s not funny. I thought I was coming to the rescue.”

  “Tell you what, don’t do it again unless I yell your name.”

  “Your neck is bleeding.”

  Brand grinned. “I know.”

  “Freak.” Braden backed up more. “You let her bite you? Really?” He stared at the marks. “She’s got smooth teeth? I thought she was half shifter.”

  “She’s my mate.” He touched the tender spots. “Wait until she’s in heat.” His grin spread. “It’s the only time she grows fangs.”

  “She doesn’t totally shift?”


  “I guess that’s good. I mean, that would be too weird if you tried to fuck out of skin. I don’t even think that would be possible. It would be—”

  “Shut up. You’re rambling.”

  “Sorry.” Braden sniffed. “Lucky bastard,” he whispered. “I need to go to the running. I need a woman.”

  “No, you’re not going.”

  “My hand is tired and you only gave me three porn videos. I’ve watched them a dozen times.”

  “Switch up. Remember what I told you. It’ll help you keep your muscle tone balanced in both your arms.”

  “That’s not funny, damn it. You’re getting some. Why can’t I? I’m—”

  “Not going out,” Brand ordered him. “Rave specifically told me to keep you in. Charma said the prides have called a joining.”

  “What the hell is that? It sounds kinky.”

  “It’s where the prides get together to pool their resources and they plan to attack us tomorrow night.”

  “No shit? Why would they do that? It’s stupid.”

  “They’re angry that we took Shannon back and killed some of their males in the process.”

  “They shouldn’t have taken her.”

  “I agree.”

  “They were going to do some seriously fucked-up shit to her. That’s not cool. Only a douchebag would force a woman.”

  “The prides are angry that we killed them. They also don’t know it’s mating heat and probably the worst time ever to pull this stunt. Charma came to warn us. She thinks they’ll hit town tomorrow but you’re not going anywhere without me. That’s why you’ve got to stay inside.”

  “Fine, but I can handle some pussies.”

  “They’re sending a few dozen and I’m betting they’ll stick together. They know we’d win in a fair fight.”

  “Great.” Braden grinned. “I can at least fight if I can’t fuck.”

  “I hear you, man. I was really happy to get the call there was trouble in town.”

  “You should have taken me with you.”

  “There wasn’t time and besides, you’re the baby.”

  “Screw you.” He frowned. “I’m twenty-five years old.”

  “I know, Braden. That’s young. You’re still learning how to control your aggression and it’s so much worse now. We sometimes need to knock some heads together but you might end up killing someone by accident. Trust me when I say you have no idea how easy it is to lose control.”

  Braden hesitated. “Your back?”

  “My back,” he confirmed, turning enough to show his cousin the scars. “This was youth and stupidity. I’m lucky to be alive after taking on that group of rogues. I’d have been dog food if Rave hadn’t shown up when he did.”

  “Fine. Can I at least have more porn flicks?”

  “Hang on. I’ll grab my favorite five. I kept those for myself.” He grinned widely. “I don’t need them anymore. I have a mate.”

sp; “Fuck you,” Braden muttered. “No need to rub it in. I can smell how hot she is and it’s torture. I swear I’m going to find a girlfriend before next year so I don’t have to go through this heat alone ever again.”

  “You’re too immature to mate.”

  “I said a girlfriend, not a mate. I don’t want one of those until I at least try to have a long-term relationship first.”

  Brand snorted. “Good luck finding a real girlfriend. The women you spend time with are into screwing almost every guy in our pack and all the surrounding ones. They aren’t settle-down types if you want to try your hand at a monogamous relationship. That stunt you pulled playing stripper wrecked your chances of any serious woman giving you the time of day. You mocked the system by fucking those three women at that party. No one is going to forget that anytime soon.”

  “They were hot and depressed. I just wanted to cheer them up.”

  “They were promised to mate guys from other packs but you still had sex with them. You’re lucky it didn’t get you killed.”

  “Yeah, but it was really fun and I was right. I can totally handle three women at once.” Braden grinned. “And they weren’t mated yet. I thought they might enjoy a last fling. I saved them money by providing my body to them at that send-off party. I can dance and strip at the same time. Did you know some guys actually charge money to do that shit? I totally want that job.”

  “And that’s why you’re single. It was wrong, Braden. Their families made those alliances, yet you put them at risk. Never touch a woman promised to someone else. You screwed three of them in the same night.”

  “I did.” He grinned, holding up three fingers. “You’re just a little jealous that I have that kind of stamina.”

  “Wrong. You’re missing the damn point. You shamed the entire family.”

  Braden’s cheerful expression changed to one of seriousness. “I get it. My bad, but that wasn’t my intent. They weren’t happy when their parents made those agreements. They didn’t love those guys and they wanted to rebel. They needed to have a little fun and I gave them an outlet to do both. Would you have preferred they spent that night crying and being miserable? You’re judging something you don’t understand.”

  A hint of pain glimmering in his cousin’s gaze surprised Brand. “Talk to me without the usual act you put on for everyone, then. What did happen that night besides you fucking them, if it wasn’t you just being irresponsible?”

  “I knew those girls. They were my friends. They got a raw deal so I showed up at Carmen’s house to wish them luck with their new lives. It was just the three of them having a pity party. You can’t imagine how much ice cream depressed chicks can put away.”

  “Ice cream?” Brand hadn’t expected that.

  “They’d been crying, empty ice cream cartons were all over the coffee table and it broke my heart, man. You should be allowed to mate someone you love, not because your parents were lured by money. That’s what it boiled down to. Carmen’s old man sold her to the Carlton Pack for a new truck because they’re short on women there. Tina and Mandy were traded to the Bolt Pack because they promised their parents a vacation home near a lake and access to the territory. Someone thought it would be cool to mate their twin sons to a set of twin girls. How fucked is that? They had no say in the matter.”

  “It isn’t right, but they could have gone to Uncle Elroy and asked him to stop the matings if the girls were dead-set against them.”

  “My mom ruled on the decisions concerning the girls.” Braden looked disgusted. “She made it clear their lives would be hell if they stayed or created waves. She didn’t want them around in case I or my brothers took interest in them. They were from poor families, not good enough for her precious boys. I love my mother but she’s the ultimate bitch. We wanted to get even and have fun at the same time. Mission accomplished. Now tell me that any family considering trading their daughters for profit won’t think about what happened that night and worry about a repeat. We sent a message that no one will forget. It’s not acceptable to force matings, and there should be consequences when it happens. I brought shame to my family and they did the same to theirs, which was deserved. That was the damn point, Brand.”

  Brand understood. He wouldn’t have gone to that length to make a point but he respected his cousin on a new level. Payback was something he could relate to. “Were you the one to think up that plan?”

  “Mandy did.” Braden grinned. “She said their old man would be too afraid to sell off their younger sisters if she and Tina were to set an example of how to throw a proper send-off party. It also gave them some protection, because their new mates would be afraid to hurt them since we’d become intimate friends. Our family is known for kicking some ass to protect the people we care about. Carmen just wanted to piss off her dad, and I could relate. Mom hit the roof. You know how she felt about us doing anything she didn’t approve of.”

  Brand shook his head but was amused. “Your heart and dick were in the right place, huh? I won’t bust your balls anymore about that night.”

  “Speaking of balls, let me go to the runnings. I’ll be careful.”

  “It’s too dangerous. Sorry. Hang on while I grab those movies. That’s the best I can do for you. And don’t enter my room again unless I actually yell for you.”

  “Got it.”

  Chapter Six

  Charma grinned as Brand held out the spoon. “Seriously?”

  He wiggled it in front of her mouth. “Take a bite. You’re too thin. I bought chocolate ice cream and brownies. Eat.”

  “So you put them all together and this is lunch? Really?”

  His gaze dropped to her waist. “I miss those curves.”

  “I’m definitely going to get them back if you keep feeding me this way. This morning I thought the pancakes with chocolate chips and chocolate syrup was over the top, but this is junk food on a whole new level. I’m not a full shifter, you know. My human side is going to pack on the weight.”

  “Good. You shouldn’t be this thin. You need to gain at least forty pounds.”

  “I really missed you, Brand. Have I said that enough? Most guys want model types. You sure don’t.”

  “I want you happy, and you’re sexy when you’re all curvy and plush. I’m afraid I’m going to break you. I can feel your bones.”

  The phone rang and he sighed, handing her the utensil. “Hang on. I have to get that.”

  “Will they be angry about me being here?”

  “No. This will concern what to do about the prides.”

  Charma watched him stride quickly to the wall and answer the phone. She couldn’t stare at him enough. Sleeping in his arms had been pure heaven the night before and the amount of sex he needed was over the top. Her muscles ached but she wasn’t going to complain.

  “Okay.” He paused. “Right. I’ll be there.” He hung up and turned. “That was Rave. He and his brothers are holding a meeting at my uncle’s house. A few strangers were spotted on the outer edges of town and from the smell of them, your pride has already reached us. They’re probably waiting until darkness falls to attack but just in case, don’t leave the house.”

  “I would be too afraid to do that,” she admitted. “I’ll never forget last night. I thought those wolves were going to tear me out of the car and rip me to shreds.”

  Rage twisted his features. “Fuck. That’s another thing that’s going to be taken care of today. It won’t ever happen again, once the pack is informed you’re my mate. We have a lot of wolves visiting from nearby areas but they’ll immediately take off to avoid being dragged into a war. Word will spread fast that the runnings have been canceled and why.”

  “What’s that?”

  He hesitated.

  Charma studied him. He obviously didn’t want to answer her. “What is a running? Some werewolf thing? Do you shift and all run together?”


  The door to the basement jerked open and Braden stepped into the kitchen. He glanced at Ch
arma, grinning. “At this time of year, it’s when all the single wolves get naked and fuck like mad in the woods during mating heat.” He glanced at his cousin. “I heard your conversation as I came up the stairs. We’re going to a pack meeting at Dad’s? Is that what you said? I’m dressed and dying to go somewhere. No offense, but your basement is making me claustrophobic.”

  The information of what a running was settled into Charma and her gaze fixed on Brand. He avoided looking at her, instead glaring at his cousin. It suddenly became clear why he hadn’t wanted to answer her question. The image of Brand out there running with a bunch of female wolves to have sex made her lose her appetite. She wondered how many of his pack bitches he knew intimately.

  “Yeah,” Brand growled. “We’re going to your dad’s house. Go wait for me in the truck.”

  Braden frowned. “Why are you angry? You don’t want to leave your mate? I get that.”

  Charma cleared her throat. “I think it’s because you just answered a question he was avoiding.”

  Braden paled. He glanced between her and Brand, inched away from his cousin and winced. “Sorry. You didn’t want her to know? Shit.” He put more distance between them. “Hey, he hasn’t gone in a few years. That’s good news, right? He got sick of women coming after him for all the wrong reasons.”

  “Shut up,” Brand rumbled. “Now.”

  “What?” Braden got closer to Charma, putting her between him and Brand. “I’ve got your back. She won’t be angry if I explain it to her. He’s the nephew of the pack alpha, and a lot of women try to lure him into mating to challenge for the leadership of their packs. He inherited the strength of the bloodline and all the traits of an alpha. He’s too loyal to our family though, choosing to be an enforcer here rather than killing another alpha to take over a territory. He’s a great guy but the women don’t care about that. It’s just his bloodline they want, and his strength.”

  “Shut up,” Brand warned, taking a threatening step forward. “You’re digging a hole and don’t even know it.”