Page 33 of Dark Ghost

  She pressed a kiss to his chest and continued to study his body, committing it to her memory. He had a narrow waist, narrow hips, and he was gifted in the male department, which, truthfully, she found a little intimidating. Still, he was beautiful and he was hers.

  She bent over him, licking along his flat belly, following the lines of his muscles there. Wake up, Andre. Come to me. I need you. I want you to wake up and let me taste you. Let me feel you inside of me. I have this burning need and only you can do something about it.

  She hadn't been the one dreaming, that had been Andre and she somehow had shared his terrible nightmare. If she could do that, she might eventually find a way into the dream to at least comfort him.

  She wished she was sexy and knew everything there was to know about sex. She wanted to wake him and push the nightmare far from his consciousness, to replace that memory with something incredible. She made a silent vow to find a way to ease his nightmare, even if she could never fully get rid of it for him.

  She ran her hands over his body, feeling him warm. She pressed her lips to the spot directly over his heart and caught his first breath, his first beat. Strong. So strong. His hands came up, fingers settling in her hair. She watched his lashes lift and she caught the amazing glacier blue before his eyes warmed and set her own heart pounding.

  "I have needs, honey," she murmured, and bent to lap at the spot just over his heart. The blood ebbed and flowed there. The taste of him was already in her mouth. Perfect. Andre. All male and all hers.

  His hands tightened until she felt that familiar, arousing bite on her scalp. "The best way to wake up, my woman's hands and mouth on me."

  "Glad you like it, because you can expect it a lot," she said, her attention on his hard, warm body.

  Teagan lapped at the spot several times and felt his cock stir against her thighs. She nipped him with her teeth and his cock jerked. Hard. She smiled. "You like this."

  One hand smoothed down her back, over her buttocks to the junction between her legs. He found a warm welcome. Hot liquid met his fingers. She squirmed over those clever, pressing fingers, wanting them deeper. He moved his thumb in lazy circles, never really penetrating. Not enough.

  "I like this very much. Apparently so do you."

  "Touch me."

  "I am touching you."

  "Inside me." It was an order.

  "Take my blood." That was a soft command.

  Her heart jumped. She knew she was going to do it, all on her own, just as she'd healed him on her own. She craved the taste of him, but healing him was different than feeding. She had been totally concentrating on curative measures. This was . . .

  "Sensual," he supplied.

  "Erotic," she breathed, and felt her teeth slide into place, sharp incisors, not the canines like the vampire had, but still, sharp. She nipped him again and felt his body shudder. His thumb slipped inside, just the tip.

  Teagan bit down, sinking her teeth deep and the exotic, masculine flavor of him burst through her senses like champagne bubbles. He sank his thumb into her and her body clasped greedily at him. It felt . . . wonderful.

  "Ride my hand, sivamet. I want you to give it to me, your orgasm. Come for me while you feed."

  That was hot, too. His taste. His hand. Those magic fingers. Her body tightening and his hard, hard cock like a steel spike pressed tightly against her inner thigh. She couldn't do anything but ride his hand. She was helpless with need. With urgency. She fed at his chest, drawing that unbelievable taste that was only his into every cell while her body rode his fingers, coiling tighter and tighter.

  "So beautiful," he breathed. "So absolutely exquisite. Harder, csitri. Give it to me. Let me have that beautiful gift right now."

  At his command, she felt her body tense. Tighten. Unleash. A storm of quakes, hard and hot and unexpected. She pulled her mouth away from him, followed the little ruby beads down his muscles with her tongue and then lapped at the twin pinpricks until they closed.

  She waited a moment, breathing deep as her body subsided. His fingers moved, which was delicious, but she was fixated on the pearly drops she felt on her thigh. "I'm not finished," she whispered, and kissed her way down his belly.

  "Are you sure?" he asked softly.

  She hadn't been sure. She'd been intimidated, but then she heard the husky note in his voice. That near groan. That made her more than certain. That made her determined.

  "You might have to give me a little instruction, but I'm very sure. I want to know every single inch of you, Andre." Her tongue lapped at his belly and then she kissed her way through rough hair.

  His gasp was very satisfactory. He didn't say anything. He didn't tell her what to do, so she slipped into his mind and found . . . anticipation. Pleasure. It didn't seem to matter to him how good she was at this, only that she wanted to give him pleasure, and that alone, the want in her, was all he needed to be hard and ready for her.

  "I do wish I knew more," she murmured as she wrapped her hand around the base of his heavy erection. And it was heavy. She lifted the steely spike from his stomach. Velvet soft yet definitely steel.

  "I am grateful that I am the one to be your teacher, Teagan," he admitted. "You belong only to me and that is a gift. A rare and precious gift. As far as I am concerned, you cannot do anything wrong as long as you are enjoying what you do for me. Do what you wish and if you want more guidance, look into my mind. You will feel what I am feeling."

  She liked that. She liked that he gave her the time and opportunity to explore on her own. She bent her head again and lapped at the crown of his cock, swirling her tongue over the sensitive head, licking up those pearly drops. He tasted the same as when she fed at his chest, only more exotic. More erotic. There was no resisting him.

  "I like that you're all for me," she murmured, breathing warm air over him.

  She shaped him with her fist. "You really are gorgeous, Andre. Gorgeous, hot and sweet . . ." Her eyes met his for one moment, filled with amusement. "Most of the time."

  "I am very thankful you feel that way."

  She dipped her head and licked him like an ice-cream cone and then swirled her tongue under the crown. That got another shudder, his hips jerking and a swift indrawn breath. She liked that because he liked it. She did that a few more times and then used her tongue on the thick shaft, curling around and over it, lapping at the thick, long flesh.

  His fingers curled around hers, tightening so that her hand curled into a fist. He used an up and down motion, keeping her fist wrapped around him. The hand in her hair urged her head down over him. She took the hint instantly, opening her mouth and drawing him in even as she touched his mind to feel what he was feeling.

  She shivered and the blood rushed through her, hot and wild. Her sex spasmed. The sensations she was creating in Andre were glorious. Perfect. She loved it. Her confidence grew. As long as she could feel what he was feeling, she knew she was giving him pleasure. So much pleasure, and she was excited that she could. She wanted this for him. Her mouth tightened and she suckled strongly, her tongue dancing while her fist moved under the instruction of his hand. She liked that, too. She liked that he was so willing to teach her, that he had patience and even enjoyed the fact that she'd been with no one else.

  "Not enjoy, sivamet. Love. I didn't have parents, not even when I was born. Neither of them. I had the Borois for a brief time and they were taken. I counted them mine, but really they were not mine, in spite of the fact that I loved them. I had the family that raised me, loosely had them. I ran wild, and the triplets followed me so I was not always welcome. You are mine alone. Really mine. You belong to me."

  She was glad she was busy loving on him, using her energy in a very good way that sent so much pleasure streaking through his body he could barely get the words out, barely think straight.

  I love belonging to you, but, Andre, you had them. The Borois, they were yours.

  She used her tongue again under the crown and he groaned and tugged at her hair. "Y
ou need to come up here now, Teagan. I want you on your hands and knees."

  That sounded intriguing. She gave his cock one last lick and did what he said, going to her hands and knees there on the mattress. Instantly he knelt up behind her, one hand going to the nape of her neck to push her head down. A streak of fire rushed through her body. She didn't know why the position and the way his hand on her nape and the arm sliding around her waist to drag her back to him felt so erotic to her, but it did.

  "Stay like that," he instructed softly, and his hand moved down over her back to her buttocks and then he grasped both hips.

  She closed her eyes as she felt that burning crest lodge at her entrance. Then he slammed inside. Hard. Jolting her body with every stroke. She thought she knew fire until that moment. He began a fierce, brutal rhythm, surging into her over and over. Heaven. She didn't know anyone could feel that good.

  At the bite of his fingers on her hips, she moved back into him, just as hard. "More," she breathed. "I love this, Andre. I want more." Her tone was breathy. Pleading even. Eager. She didn't care. She knew he shared her mind, he could feel what he was doing to her, and what he was doing was more than good.

  "My woman," he said softly between his teeth.

  She loved the way he said it. Possessively, just like the hands on her hips. He gripped her harder and lifted her off the mattress so only her head and forearms were down with her legs curled tight under her. His strokes increased in strength. She had no choice but to reach out and hold on to the headboard to keep from being thrown off the bed. Each thrust sent storms of fire bursting through her body to radiate outward to every cell.

  She was coiled tight. Too tight. She didn't want to let go, not without him.

  "Give it to me," he instructed, his voice harsh.

  "With you." Her breath hissed out of her lungs. She was desperate to hang on. She was so close, her body wanting to spin out of control.

  He was relentless, driving her higher. "Give it to me," he bit out between his teeth. "Now."

  There was no stopping her body from obeying. She came apart, a brutal, hard orgasm that tore through her entire body so that she screamed her release. He powered right through it. Never stopping. A machine moving in her, prolonging the orgasm, stretching her out on a rack of pure pleasure, her muscles grasping at that spiked steel invader.

  Abruptly he withdrew and turned her, rolling her under him, yanking her legs apart and pushing them over his shoulders. His tongue took one long swipe that sent hard aftershocks rippling through her. Then he was over top of her, his body blanketing hers, and he thrust into her brutally again, nearly triggering another orgasm.

  Andre slowed the pace, although each thrust was hard and deep, sending waves of pleasure through her. He leaned over her, his dark hair brushing her skin sensuously. It felt so amazing, especially when the strands trailed over her sensitive breasts. His mouth found hers and he kissed her. His mouth on hers added to the fire in her sex and streaking through her body.

  His mouth trailed kisses down her chin, her throat and over the swell of her breast. Her heart nearly stopped. His hips kept moving, jolting her body when he surged deep, but she could barely breathe when she felt his tongue on her breast. For one moment he lapped at her nipple and tugged with his teeth and she nearly lost all control, but his mouth moved back to the swell of her breast, tongue swirling and teeth nipping. This time she felt the sharp edge of his incisors.

  Her feminine sheath clamped down hard around him. His teeth sank deep and she cried out, her head tossing, both hands anchoring in his hair as he drank from her. He was in her mind, filling her with him. Every part of her mind, every lonely place she thought no one would ever see or know. He was deep in her body, stretching, burning, bringing that fire to her and her blood mingled with his. Soaked into his cells. They shared the same skin. It was . . . beautiful. Perfect. Erotic.

  There was no stopping her body from milking his. She didn't try. She lifted her hips to meet his, wanting him deep--so deep anyone would have to pry them apart. She pushed against his mouth, urging him on, while her fingers stroked caresses in his hair. He was hers. All hers. Every inch of him. Every single gorgeous Carpathian inch of him.

  Baby, I can't hold back, she whispered into his mind. It's too lovely. Too perfect.

  Give yourself to me and take me with you. He filled her mind with his consent, with his command, his voice a silken velvet rasp that always undid her.

  Teagan let the fire consume her. Her body clamped down hard around his, grasping, making demands of its own, refusing to burn alone. She felt his cock swell, a seemingly impossible feat, but it did, she knew it did. Then there were the hot splashes that added to the beauty of the moment.

  He swept his tongue over the swell of her breast and threw back his head, groaning her name before dropping his head against her neck. Her body didn't want to stop. She had no idea an orgasm could last as long as this one did. All the while he stayed hard, feeling her body strangling his, feeling the pleasure sweeping through both of them.

  "I love you, Andre," she whispered softly. "I want to give you everything you want, but I don't know how. I don't know how to be anyone but who I am."

  He knew what she was talking about instantly. She felt him moving through her mind. Felt his soft caresses. That was beautiful, too. She couldn't stand by and watch her man fighting a vampire and not help if he was in trouble. She just couldn't. She wanted to give him what he needed, and she knew that reassurance was a need of his. He wasn't being arrogant or bossy, he needed to know she was safe from vampires.

  He rolled, taking her with him, so that she was sprawled over top of them. They were still locked together. She felt full. Stretched. Part of him. She let him push her head down to his chest, his fingers massaging the nape of her neck.

  "I have given this some thought and I think I have worked out a solution to our problem. One that allows you to be you and still gives me peace of mind."

  "Really?" She loved that he'd thought about their problem. Loved that he wasn't trying to dictate to her, but genuinely wanted to find something that would work for both of them, not just him. Since her head was on his chest, she pressed little kisses over the heavy muscles. "Thank you, Andre."

  His hand slid back into her hair. "Csitri, do not thank me until you've heard what I have to say. You may not agree."

  "I'm thanking you because you cared enough to give the problem some thought instead of dictating to me." She lifted her head to look at him, her gaze drifting over his face. She loved his face. Every expression. Every line. The strong line of his jaw and the darker shadow that she found so attractive.

  "I want a partner, not a slave, Teagan. I was never hoping for a 'yes' woman."

  She laughed softly. "That's a good thing, honey, because there isn't anything remotely 'yes' about me."

  She leaned down and brushed kisses over his lips. Back and forth. Light. Gently. Tasting him. Her stomach fluttered. "Tell me about your solution."

  "I thought a lot about what you said, how you would need to come to my aid if you thought I was in trouble."

  She nodded and nibbled on his chin just because it looked so delicious. "I want to contribute in some meaningful way. What you do is important and you've been doing it for so long, I doubt you'll just stop."

  "I would not know how to stop. I have too much experience, Teagan. I promised you I would move to the States and that we would live near your grandmother and we will. Tomas, Matais and Lojos are already there. I told them I would follow when I could and now I have even more reason to join them in the States."

  "There are many Carpathians like you in the United States?"

  "We have many reasons to change locations, but vampires have spread out and that means hunters have to follow. They try to find places where there are no hunters and they are free to kill. For your grandmother to have joined the human society of vampire hunters there had to be some major event that precipitated her believing in vampires."

>   Teagan froze. Her gaze searched his. "Do you mean she might have come across an actual vampire?"

  "Why else would she suddenly decide vampires are real? Could someone convince her?"

  She shook her head. "My grandmother is very intelligent. She's very grounded in reality, that's why none of this made sense to us. We tried to talk to her about it, but she just wouldn't tell us a thing."

  "She would want to protect you."

  "Even knowing we all thought she was going round the bend? Bonkers? Completely crazy?"

  "You tell me, Teagan. Would she protect you from the knowledge that the world had real monsters living side by side with humans?"

  She took a breath. It would be something Grandma Trixie would do, especially for her because she was afraid of so many things.

  "My grandmother is the best, Andre." Her voice softened. "She's always loved us and taken such care of my sisters and me."

  He rubbed her bottom. It felt good. More than good. She could feel the burn starting all over again. Not as desperate or as hungry, but building slow and easy. Still, she felt something in his mind.

  "Tell me," she whispered. "Even if you think I can't take it."

  "If she tried to harm you, sivamet, I would protect you. I would not hesitate to protect you. My protection is, as a rule, very permanent."

  She knew what he was saying. "I appreciate you might think you would have to protect me from her, after all the things I've said, but she would never, under any circumstances hurt me. She would protect me even if she thought I was the undead. Family is everything to her. Absolutely everything. If she accepts you as family, you'll see what that truly means. She's fierce, outspoken, funny and I love her more than anything . . . except maybe you and I don't know how that's possible."

  He nodded, but she noticed he didn't reply. He wouldn't. He wasn't going to argue with her, or belabor his point. He'd warned her straight up what would happen if her grandmother tried to harm her, but she knew, without a shadow of doubt, that Grandma Trixie would die before she harmed her so she wasn't worried.