Page 3 of Breaking Sin

Page 3

  Author: Teresa Mummert

  Taylor gushed and I glanced to the other side of the room. Collin was staring passed the server, directly at me. I felt my cheeks begin to burn and I smiled quickly at him. He grinned and nodded once at me. I bit my lip and looked back to Taylor who was glowing.

  He fucking wants you.

  She laughed. I rolled my eyes and looked back his way. Three girls had joined them and Collin had his arm around a girl with short blonde hair.

  I think your radar is a little off.

  I said, dropping a piece of my burger. She leaned in closer to me.

  You really do like him?

  She said.

  Looks like everyone does

  I rolled my eyes and took a long drink from my soda.

  There is no way I could ever take a guy like that home to meet my mother.

  They re leaving.

  She said and I tried my best not to look up at him, but I gave in, glancing out of the corner of my eye.


  Collin nodded and my heart leapt into my throat. The blonde on his arm looked bored.


  I smiled politely, glancing over at Taylor. They continued out of the restaurant and I kicked Taylor under the table.

  What the fuck was that for?

  She reached under the table, rubbing her shin.

  Pick a reason.

  I said, half joking.

  How about &the fact that we are going out tonight?

  She said, pulling back so I would not hit her again.

  I can t

  I shook my head as she began to nod.

  I m sure Collin will be there.

  She said as if that would convince me.

  And all of the girls he is sleeping with

  I joked.

  This is your chance to show him what he is missing.

  Even if he did like me, it wouldn t go anywhere.

  I know, but it s still fun to flirt.

  She narrowed her eyes, waiting for me to give in.

  What time?

  I sighed. I hated when she begged me, I could never say no.


  I m going to regret this.

  Chapter Three

  I never should have let Taylor dress me up. I looked like a two-bit hooker. My shirt was low cut with three buttons down the center that Taylor insisted be undone and she matched it with a short jean skirt.

  You luck fucking amazing.

  Taylor reassured me as we walked into Filly s. Several guys turned to look at us as we made our way to the back.

  Told you

  She whispered and I could not help but smile.


  I muttered.


  He s here.

  I whispered. Collin was at the bar, his back to us as we approached. I stepped behind Taylor as she ordered us a round of drinks.

  I ll get that.

  Collin nodded to us, putting money on the bar. The bartender nodded back at him.


  I yelled over the music. He moved over closer to us. I stepped out from behind Taylor and his eyes looked me up and down.

  Wow, Sin. You clean up nice.

  He smiled and I had to look away. After a moment of awkward silence, I tried to make some casual conversation.

  Where s your girlfriend?


  He signaled that he could not hear me. I leaned in closer.

  Your girlfriend?

  I said louder, enunciating each word.

  You want to be my girlfriend? I m flattered.

  He said, pulling back and placing his hand on his chest.


  I smacked his arm and he rubbed in in mock pain. I was surprised at how hard his muscles were. He laughed and leaned back in closer. I could feel his warn breath on my neck and it sent goose bumps down my back.

  Too bad

  he replied and my breath hitched in my throat. His face lingered next to mine for a moment.

  I hope I m not interrupting.

  The girl he had been with at the Smokey s said as she smiled at us.

  Not at all.

  He smiled and pulled back from me. She wrapped her arms around his waist. I took a long drink from my beer and turned around searching for Taylor. I spotted her a few feet away doing shots with a bunch of frat boys.

  I ll see you later.

  I said, wanting more than anything to get away from the awkward situation.

  I hope so.

  He replied, his green eyes smoldering. The blonde was nuzzling her face into his neck but he seemed oblivious.

  I found my way back over to Taylor.

  Can we go?

  I asked as she slammed back a shot.

  One more drink?

  She stuck out her lower lip. I grabbed the shot glass in front of her and slammed it back.

  Can we go now?

  She rolled her eyes at me.

  What happened with Collin?

  I pointed back behind me and she made a face of disgust.

  What a whore! Let s show him what he is missing!

  She said and she grabbed my arm, pulling me back to the dance floor.

  Oh, no! Remember what happened last night?

  I begged.

  I remember someone coming to defend your honor.

  She smirked and I did not have a response.

  We danced the night away into the early morning hours. When I could barely stand any longer, I begged Taylor to take me home.

  I m not ready to go yet!

  She whined.

  I ll take you.

  Collin s voice said in my ear. I turned around to see him standing, alone. I stuttered trying to come up with a witty response.

  That is a great idea.

  Taylor said with laughter in her voice. I glared at her as my ears burned and I could feel myself beginning to flush. Before I could protest, he laced his fingers in mine and pulled me closer. I put my other hand on his back as he led me through the crowd of people. His muscles flexed under my fingers.

  The cool air of the outside was refreshing. I took a deep breath, happy to be out of the smoke filled building. He nodded to his friend s across the parking lot and we walked quickly to the dark SUV.

  Want to go to my place?

  he asked, his lips curled up in a smile.

  I m not going to fuck you.

  I rolled my eyes and pulled my hand back, but he squeezed it tighter.

  I didn t ask.

  He smirked and I felt humiliated.

  I know you re not like that.

  He added. I relaxed when I realized he was not expecting anything from me. As good looking as he was I did not want to be anything more than friends.

  Let s go

  I said, thankful for the alcohol that gave me courage. We slid into the dark car and pulled off into the night. Collin stared out the window as his thumb gently brushed against my knuckles. I was not sure why he was still holding my hand but I did not complain. It was comforting. I tugged at my skirt wishing I had not let Taylor dress me. I glanced over at Collin whose eyes were on my legs. He quickly looked away, grinning.

  So, what happened to the blonde?

  I asked, trying to fill the awkward silence.

  Which one

  His friend laughed from the front seat.

  She became increasingly more annoying the drunker she got.

  He explained.

  How sad

  I muttered under my breath. He laughed quietly. Collin was not as bad a person as I made him out to be. Sure, he was a womanizer, but as a friend, he was very easy to get along with and he looked out for me, which was sweet.

  We pulled up to an apartment building just off campus. Collin slid out of the car and stood by the door waiting for me. I got out of the car as grac
efully as I could in the ridiculous outfit. We walked, hand in hand to the door. As he pushed it open, I sighed at the giant set of stairs ahead of me. I slipped off my heels and followed behind him.

  The apartment was nice. It had minimal furniture but was clean with an open floor plan, which made it feel larger than it actually was.

  You want a drink?

  he asked as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle from above the fridge.


  I said, looking around.

  You play?

  I asked looking down at the video game system hooked up to the large flat screen television.

  Do I play?

  He scoffed and drank back his shot. I walked over to the counter and took my shot, slamming it back. It burned but I had had enough that it did not bother me anymore.

  Want to play with me?

  I asked. He smiled and poured another round for us.

  Of course I d like to play with you.

  He winked and I wanted to reach across the counter and smack him.


  I said and turned towards the door. He hurried around the counter and grabbed my arm.

  I m sorry. I can t help it.

  He laughed. I rolled my eyes and went back to the counter to drink my shot.

  Yea, we can play. Let me change first. You want something to wear?

  he asked and I bit my lip wondering if I should.

  You can t kill zombies in an outfit like that.

  He joked and headed back the hallway. I followed behind him as he dug through his closet for something to wear. He pulled out a white t-shirt and tossed it at me. I looked around for somewhere to change.

  I won t look.

  He said. His back was to me as he pulled off his shirt. It was wide and muscular and covered in tattoos. He slid off his jeans and put on a pair of basketball shorts. I bit my lip as I slinked out of my clothing and pulled the shirt over my head. He grabbed a pair of boxers from his drawer and handed them to me.

  You said you wouldn t look.

  He rolled his eyes and turned back around. I pulled them on quickly and headed back into the living room.

  We played for hours until the sun began to shine through the windows. We polished off his bottle of liquor and both of us could barely keep our eyes open.

  I think I should go.

  I yawned. He rubbed his eyes, blinking to keep them open.

  I m too tired to take you home.

  That s okay. I can walk.

  I got up from the couch and stretched.

  No. Just stay. You can sleep in my bed.

  He stood up in front of me.


  I was too exhausted to protest. We grabbed my hand and I followed him back the hallway to his room. I stared at the bed as he pulled down the blankets and slipped under them. I had assumed he would sleep somewhere else, like the couch. I wanted to say something but it would have been rude to kick him out of his own bed.

  Can you get the light?

  He asked, yawning. I flicked off the switched and cursed at myself under my breath as I slid under the covers next to him. I scooted as close to the edge as possible. His breathing became deeper and I relaxed knowing he had fallen asleep.

  I awoke the next day at around three in the afternoon. The sun was shining brightly through the windows and it took me a moment to place where I was. The bed was empty and I sat up, stretching. I heard some shuffling down the hall so I walked out to find where Collin had gone.

  It s kind of late for a walk of shame.

  The shorter blonde guy said from the fridge.

  It s not like that.

  I said under my breath. He looked back at me smiling.

  Don t be a dick.

  Collin called from behind me. He has just gotten out of the shower and he was only wearing a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. My eyes immediately were drawn to the wonderful v-shaped muscles that let down below the towel s edge.


  Collin asked, and I realized I had been staring at him like an idiot.


  I stuttered.

  Jake this is Sin.

  He motioned back to me as he dug through the fridge. Jake glanced back it me with a half-cocked smile.


  he laughed.

  Ahhh & You re a stripper!

  He yelled.

  You really are a dick.

  I snapped back. Collin stood up straight and was glaring over at his roommate with an angry scowl.

  Just a joke guys

  He stammered and walked out of the kitchen. Collin s gaze turned to me and the corner of his mouth turned up in a proud smile.

  You just officially replaced Jake as my best friend.

  Chapter Four

  Several weeks had passed since I had met Collin. We spent nearly every night together out at the local bars with Taylor, Jake and Beef. Beef was Collin s taller blonde roommate. I had no idea what his real name was but I felt like an absolute fool calling him Beef. I giggled like a twelve year old every time it left my lips, especially if I had been drinking.


  I yelled down the bar, laughing my ass off.

  How are you going to be an effective wingman if you are falling down drunk?

  Beef asked with a grin on his face. He hung his arm over my shoulder.