Page 8 of Breaking Sin

Page 8

  Author: Teresa Mummert

  I should get back to John.

  I said, realizing how lost in the moment I had gotten.

  He s having fun. So are we.

  Collin smirked but I suddenly felt horribly guilty.

  Come on. Let s get a drink.

  I pushed back harder and he finally relaxed his grip, allowing me to step back. I tucked my hair behind my ear and made my way back to the bar. Collin s hand grabbed mine but I pulled away, not wanting to hold it.

  Hey! Where have you been?

  John asked, his words slurring together. I looked at Taylor and the others. She was grinning guiltily and Beef just shrugged, taking a sip from his beer and refusing to look me in the eye.

  I was dancing, remember?

  I explained, grabbing the beer from Beef and Taking a long drink, finishing it off.

  This isn t funny.

  I scolded Taylor.

  Come on. We re just having a little fun.

  A little? You practically gave him alcohol poisoning in a matter of minutes.

  Let s get another round for my friends here!

  John yelled to the bartender who rolled her eyes as she filled the shot glasses.

  I think you had enough.

  I leaned in towards John and put my hand on his so he could not drink. He pulled back from me angrily.

  I have had enough, Sinthia.

  My name coming out long and drawn out.

  I think we should call it a night.

  I put my arm on his, hoping to calm him down. He grabbed his shot, slamming it back. He made a sour face for a moment than stood up from his bar stool. His eyes locked on to Collin s.

  You know, just because my girl is dressed like a slut doesn t mean she is going to sleep with you.

  He growled angrily and I felt my cheeks burn red. Collin put his hand up on John s chest, warning him to stop.

  She doesn t sleep with anyone, do ya Sinthia?

  I m fucking warning you.

  Collin s voice was low and steady. I knew it was only a matter of seconds before he lost control.

  No, I am warning you!

  John poked his finger into Collin s chest.

  I can see what you are trying to do. Sinthia is too good for you. You are nothing but trash.

  He hissed and I felt my blood begin to boil.

  That s enough!

  I yelled at John. He had gone too far. His holier than thou attitude was really beginning to piss me off.

  Shut up, Slut.

  John slurred. As soon as the words left his mouth, Collin cocked back his fist, planting a blow across the side of John s face, sending him crashing against the bar.

  Stop it!

  I screamed, trying desperately to pull Collin back from John. Beef pushed his way between us and Jake pulled me back, trying to calm me down.

  I think our friend here has had a little too much to drink. I m going to make sure he gets home safely.

  Beef said, holding John by the collar of his shirt as blood trickled down his face. My head was spinning. I was angry at John for the things he had said, but mostly at what he had said to Collin. I was very overprotective of my friends. Honestly, I was mostly angry with myself. I should have said no to going out with Collin and I should have never stepped onto the dance floor with him, knowing how I felt.

  Come on. I ll take you home.

  Collin said, still trying to steady his breathing. He was angrier than I had ever seen him before, which was saying a lot. I nodded, hesitantly. I followed Collin out into the night air. The quiet and calm outside of the club was almost overwhelming. I slid into the seat and we rode in silence, not certain if I should thank him for defending my honor, or smack him for hitting my boyfriend. John had every right to be upset. I had made him feel uncomfortable from the beginning by wearing this ridiculous outfit. I tugged at the bottom of my shirt.

  You really do look amazing.

  Collin broke the silence, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye. I noticed we had driven passed my dorm.

  Where are we going? I thought you were taking me home?

  I looked out the window as the building grew smaller.

  I didn t say your home.

  Collin grinned and pressed down on the gas pedal. I glared at him, but could not help but smile. I had missed spending time with him.

  Chapter 11

  When I stepped inside Collin s place, it felt like I had never left. He made his way into the kitchen and poured us a few drinks.

  I m sorry about hitting John.

  He said as he poured another round.

  I can t say he didn t ask for it.

  I drank down the harsh shot. Collin ran his hands through his dark hair.

  He s not right for you. I mean &I know he s the kind of guy you think you need, but he isn t what you want.

  Collin rounded the counter and stood in front of me.

  How do you know what I want?

  I asked, my voice shaking as I looked up into his bright green eyes. He stepped closer, his eyes burning into mine. I held my breath, unable to step away.

  I know I m no good for you, Sin. I know you deserve better.

  He reached up, running his fingers along my jaw.

  Don t talk about yourself that way.

  I grabbed his hand, holding it in mine.

  You re &amazing

  My voice trailed off as the electricity flowed between us. My emotions were all over the place. I had convinced myself that Collin did not look at me as anything but a friend, that all of the flirting and sexual tension was a figment of my imagination. He leaned his face closer to mine, his warm breath blowing against my lips.

  I have wanted you from the moment I met you.

  Without thinking, I pushed my lips against his. He returned my kiss and we stood there with our lips pushed hard against each other s for what felt like a lifetime.

  Are you sure this is what you want?

  His breath was erratic and I could tell he wanted this as badly as I did. I bit my lip and nodded and a small grin spread across his face. He kissed me again, this time parting my lips with his tongue. I pushed back with mine, mirroring his movements. He moaned quietly into my mouth. I had been in love with Collin from the very beginning. I thought I could fight it, that I needed something else, but in this moment, he we were the only people in existence.

  We walked down the hallway to his room, our mouths never leaving each other. He closed the door behind us and wrapped his arms around me tightly, pulling me closer against him. I ran my fingers through his hair, not hiding how much I needed him.

  We can stop at any time.

  He reassured me.

  Don t stop,

  I moaned. He grabbed the bottom of my dress and pulled it up over my head, taking a moment to look at me, he pulled his shirt over him. I ran my fingers over his hard chest, as his muscled flexed beneath them. I trailed down his stomach to the waist of his jeans, looking back up at him. I unsnapped his button and slid his pants down to the floor. He pushed me back onto the bed, falling with me. His fingers laced in mine and he pushed them against the mattress as he kissed me harder than he had before. I pushed back against him, unable to get enough.

  What the hell are you doing?

  Our bodies froze.

  I glanced towards the doorway to see Sam blocking the entrance.


  Collin yelled. I was completely mortified. She turned and headed down the hallway. He pushed off the bed quickly and pulled on his jeans, running after her. I lay there by myself for a moment unable to process what had just happened. I was going to leave my boyfriend for him and he was chasing after his girlfriend. I pushed back the lump in my throat and grabbed my clothing. I got dressed quickly and flew down the steps out of the apartment.

  Sin, wait!

  Collin called after me, his
girlfriend standing in front of him with her arms crossed over her chest. I could feel the tears about to fall and I started running down the block. I needed to get as far away from him as possible. I felt sick.

  By the time I made it to my dorm, I looked like something that had crawled out of a gutter. My cheeks where smeared with mascara and my hair was wild and knotted. Luckily, the elevator was empty and I rode up to my room, quietly crying to myself. As I walked down the hall, I could see a figure sitting by my door. John was slumped, sleeping against the wall, his phone in his hand. I unlocked my room and slowly opened the door beside him, sliding inside. I did not want to speak to him after betraying him with Collin. Everything he had said tonight was right. I crawled into my bed and curled up in a ball, wishing I could disappear.

  The next morning I awoke feeling worse than the night before. I sat alone in my room for hours listening to depressing music as my phone rang off the hook. John banged on my door for nearly an hour until he finally took the hint and left. I could not face him. He may have been what I thought I needed but he deserved so much better. After I was sure I was alone, I made my way down the hall to take a nice long hot shower. I could not get my mind off Collin. As hard as I tried to be just friends with him, my heart wanted more. I decided I needed to take some time away from this place and get my head straight. After my shower, I packed a bag of belongings and called my mother. I told I was homesick and needed a break from my work. She ordered me a ticket online for later that night. I only had a few more hours of avoiding everyone before I could finally get away. I made myself something to eat and sat in the dark, replaying last night over and over in my head. A knock came at the door and I sat quiet, afraid to breathe.


  Taylor called.

  I know you re in there. I just want to talk.

  I reluctantly unlocked the door.

  You look like shit.

  She said as she slid passed me. I locked the door behind her.


  I rolled my eyes and plopped back down on my bed.

  Collin &

  Don t!

  I cut her off, glaring at her. She put up her hands.

  Fair enough.

  She sighed and we sat in silence for a few minutes as I ate my soup.

  What s with the bag?

  She nodded to my luggage at the foot of my bed.

  I m going home for a few days.

  I said, not meeting her stare.

  Sin, you can t just leave!

  I can. I am. Plane leaves at six.

  I replied, taking another bite.

  Collin is going insane!

  She explained.

  I guess juggling a bunch of women will do that to you.

  I rolled my eyes and she sighed dramatically.

  He s not juggling anyone. He has not been the same since you stopped coming around. He finally began seeing Sam after we all convinced him it would help him take his mind off of you.

  She said, exasperated. I glanced up with her, not believing what she was saying.

  He avoids her at all cost.

  He certainly didn t avoid her last night.

  Put yourself in his position. He could not just let her leave like that. He went to explain to her that he loved you.

  Her words shot through me like a dagger.

  He what?

  It s obvious, Sin. He never wanted to make a move because he thought you deserved better than him.

  I shook my head. I hated that he thought he was not good enough for me.

  He s dying right now because he thinks he has lost you forever.

  My heart sank. I never thought in a million years that he was hurting as much as I was.

  Can you please just talk to him?

  I can t.

  I wiped a wayward tear from my cheek and she nodded.

  Just &call me if you need anything.

  She said and walked over to my door, sliding out and closing it behind her. I cried for a few more minutes deciding what to do. It was obvious I was making a mess of the lives around me and I needed to set things straight. I scrolled through my phone, taking a deep breath before dialing.


  John asked, relieved I had finally called him back.

  John, we need to talk.

  I said, waiting for his response.

  I ll be right over.

  I glanced down at my luggage.

  No. I ll meet you outside.

  Fair enough

  I sat out front on the curb of the dorm waiting for John to arrive. My heart was racing a mile a minute as I tried to figure out what I was going to say to him. When he arrived, I thought about running back into the building but when I saw his face, I could not move. His eye was an unnatural shade of purple and his cheek was swollen to twice its normal size.

  Oh my God!

  I called out, pushing to my feet. He put up his hands to wave off my worry.